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May 31, 2024
M I'm in love with mushrooms and this food looks perfect so it's like your typical Korean restaurant so some places have this display so you can order. There are many different dishes you want to try, try something a little spicy maybe. a spicy something typical Korean very typical Korean typical Korean okay but first what expectation do you have of Korean food a lot of flavor that's my expectation a lot of flavor and a lot of meat well you have different dishes here but the most popular is the garbage Chim Chim means it's like a stew but it doesn't have as much water, it's more like steamed, everything is like steamed uh and you have meat here and you can see you have a lot of vegetables and it's usually made like soy sauce.
I'll recommend this one first and it's all like a big portion to share okay so it's not an individual meal like we have or social yeah social meal and then you wanted a spicy one so this one is not that spicy. soy sauce and then you have this one in red sauce okay and then you want something to drink so yeah let's try it okay a strong one do you want strong or do you want a medium or do we have zero too? one take the strong one strong there should be beer somewhere here okay and then you just press order and then what we ordered and then yeah, okay, did you actually try anything like other food before this?

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I had to try some kimchi, what did you do? The first day you came, we had fried chicken for lunch, yes it was in smaller pieces and in a spicy sauce with rice cakes too. Oh, you bought it like street food. You like me? Yes, very good, we had something with him. cheese, yes, yes, we ate it, oh yes, how was it? it was delicious. I love very spicy food and you added some to it too. Yes, some rice with sweet potato, rice and cheese and cheese and rice and rice. I like the mix at the end with everything, yes, don't you think it's really different from Norway?
The way we eat in Norway, sharing, sharing is not that and just having one plate, cooks in the middle of the table, is not normal because, like when I first came here, we were studying. So there were a lot of foreigners, so when we ate and you had this, we knew it was shared, but then people said you put it on your plate, but then some people take it from other people's plates and people said, "It's my plate." , No". Don't touch it because we usually have this is my plate unless I tell you you can touch it don't touch my food yeah it's a different culture we went to a restaurant my friend and I were hungry so we were.
Well, let's order, we ordered a fish soup and then something else, but we ordered two dishes and the lady looked at us and said: are you sure? and we said, yes, yes, because we were hungry, we didn't realize it. It's something to share and then the soup was for four people so we were sitting down and we were like I don't think we can finish it. I feel like sharing is more social, yes, more social and you can try more food, yes, try it. more food we eat a lot of bread, we have bread for breakfast bread for lunch maybe bread as a snack we only eat bread which is like our national food they really like meals and I also heard that Korean traditional meals usually always have soup and rice . some vegetables and you have your protein.
Now I'm really hungry, so yes, I also want to eat well. You know, um, the difference with Korea when it comes to alcohol and you know, maybe you've noticed that you can buy alcohol like in convenience stores, yeah, 24/7. 24/7 and you have access to alcohol everywhere, so in a bar or club you can drink it all night, yeah, yeah, and it doesn't matter, there's no regulation for it, so if you're really drunk, they still serve you or they still serve you, they usually like it unless you throw up or something, they won't really kick you out a little bit different from Norway.
I would say no, he was pretty strict about it, even how has it changed or is it the same? Is not the same. If you look drunk, they will kick you out of the club or tell you to get more water, but there is also a lot of difference between clubs, it depends on the club, but we also can't buy alcohol 247 no, but we just need it. to prepare we have to buy it when we can buy it and then we have a lot at home to drink oh oh oh wow, because it's in the bone, okay, interesting, tell me that, okay, so first I'll prepare you some Su, yeah, I heard it.
You're supposed to mix it or something, yeah, you're supposed to mix it. I'm not very good at it, but I'll try to make it for you. You're going to mix so and ass for the team this strong. one I will take the strongest, okay, also like in Norway we drink more like vodka and tequila, one stronger, okay, so everyone have one, this is beer, thank you, can you try the beer before we put it in, If you want to do it well, but take it. a little bit of chy I liked it, okay, so you take the, okay, and then you're going to pour it in.
You can also drop the glass inside, but we won't do that now. They also like bombs, so you have a lot of glasses, but. we're going to do something like this, first I'm going to serve it, yeah, and then you're going to put the toothpick on the side like this and then you're supposed to heat it up hard. and it's supposed to like Regards Regards welcome to Korea thank you M that's a good mix yes and then this is like side dishes and these are the wraps so you can put the meat inside this is radish and this is kimchi usually if there is a scissors, you always cut your scissors for everything, so I started too, just stop, I stopped using my knife, oh, that looks really good, I'm really hungry right now, oh, this one is spicy, how spicy is it, oh , then this is it. a garbage soup from the broth and then it's like an egg inside, so this is not normal in Norway, no, yes, we don't have eggs in our soup, usually, this way it looks so good who wants to try, I want to try.
I want to try I think everyone wants to try which one do you want to try both How is it? Oh, it sounds crunchy. I can hear it. Oh wow, crunchy. I didn't expect it to actually be surprisingly crispy. The reddish that I raise, is it spicy? or not perfect perfect not very good he on these tables you have like a side here with the spoons and the chopsticks and the paper if you want a spoon thank you and then you also have like here you have some gloves oh because the meat is on the bone so they can Eat it and then put the bone in there the trash can, okay guys if you can fit it like a glove, it looks amazing, yeah, it looks great traditionally before, how they made this food, this was the food for the king, oh , that's how the king used to eat so now we're like kings and queensy we're Roy and then if you can see you have like um here's garlic but it's made with mushrooms and then you have the meat and the meat is cooked steamed for a long time so it should really fall right off the bone when you have the rice cake and some vegetables like paprika here so who wants to try I want to try oh yeah oh wow that's a big one okay ? below, are you going to do first Alexander, oh, that's good, thank you, just eat it without bone, yes, of course, you mix it with anything or just don't, just eat it, let's try it, it's very soft, wow, it was very good M, no It's as spicy as I thought, it's good, it's so tender, tender to burn, it's good, but it's like it's different from normal Norwegian meat, like traditional, fical, but fical is lamb, although yes, lamb, cabbage, fish and meatballs from Sh Co.
The meat is not meatballs anymore. Swedish, a little bit of norian too, yes we use a lot of Min beef, like minced meat for everything, there's actually not much lamb in Korea, more meat, there's a lot of meat and they also have Korean beef, so it's like a Korean cow , that's why. the meat is really available, oh it's so good, I like it when it's a little spicy like this, but it's very good, it has a good level of spiciness, yeah, not too spicy, really, yeah, not too spicy, like My lips were burning, yes. That's how I like it.
Yes, I don't like it. In Norway I normally didn't eat a lot of garlic but in Korea garlic all the time I taste like garlic or garlic powder or something like that, but no, I didn't eat garlic like no, no, no. so we use it for seasoning but I learn that it is really delicious I also feel like a mushroom here also different M yes the garlic was not that strong my garlic makes everything much tastier what are they for this is like a wrap you can so you put meat, you can put meat inside, you can eat it boneless, it's up to you how you want it.
Greetings Greetings Greetings Greetings Greetings Perfect, yes, it's perfect with the meat, it mixes well, very well, we don't use it. gloves on our way this is something I learned here too they also do it with fried chicken but it's a right hand shine right? Or yourself, okay, so we have the meat and then you have your glass of alcohol and then we. I'm going to clap in Korean, so in Korean it's ch, but I really like sumc with meat. M, in fact, they are perfect together, but I'm not really used to holding a bone. Yeah, no, we don't do that. what is this mushroom mushroom is really good oh M this was a good idea that was a good idea yes yes what was the name of the dish you said o garby garage garage Chim Chim this is like P but what is p in English it's ribs but a kind of version of ribs, yes, lamb, lamb ribs, but we only eat pish set.
Christmas Christmas, yes, it's very Christmassy and we don't eat it like that, we eat it like with cutlery, yes, oh, I'm in love with mushrooms, but what is he like? Non-spicy version is really good, still has a lot of flavor here. I was very afraid because this one had a lot of flavor and was very good. I was a little afraid that this one would be like bland, but it was really good, try it. What did you try with the lettuce? You can also eat the lettuce you don't want. Can you eat the chili too? You can try well.
M. Can you do it? Sometimes not, but sometimes it's spicy and sometimes not. Sometimes it's sweet. Do it, do it, just don't put too much into it, how was it? Nothing, nothing, you barely took a bite, yes, I tried it with the lettuce. Usually in Korea they use lettuce as a wrap and you technically always put it as meat. and then you have this sauce, you put it on the meat and then you can put whatever you want inside, you can also use chopsticks, it depends on how you want it, you should eat it like you eat it all, okay, good to know.
Put chili in it, so what did you guys put inside the mushroom, chin and beef wrapper? Oh, how was it? It was very good. Did they get the space in the mouth? I took a small sheet to make it easier, but if they put it on. You know, you can put it in, but then how to chew it in Korea, so you've heard that you've tried this combination of beer and Soo too, so you have different alcohols, so you have beer, you have SOA, they usually go together. very good with different dishes, so you have like if you make Korean barbecue with pork.
Usually people drink solder, if you make fried chicken, you always drink beer, oh, and then you have like M, you do it with John on a rainy day, but I really. I enjoyed this combination with uh this meal was perfect so what did you think of the nice fresh lettuce? Yes, yes, he gave her a fresh one. Which combination did you like the most? Everything was Focus. We can choose what you liked more, spicy or non-spicy. I like spicy, I like both, both very good. I think I prefer the spicy one, but yes, both are very good and I love the mushroom.
What's wrong with the rice cake on your plate? Because we don't do that either, yes. We don't do that, but I like rice, with an interesting and chewy texture, right, we have those mushrooms no way, but it's very expensive because it's imported from Asia, oh really, but it's like in Asian stores, no , you also started getting it in Norwegian stores, but it's very expensive, so did you like the taste of it? How was he really? Does it meet your expectations? here in Korea you really need to try a lot of Korean dishes, try, you have to show us.
Yes, but try to eat a lot of Korean food, like not eating hamburgers and stuff, no, no, Korean food is so diverse that it has a lot of people like different types of meats and a lot of seafood, so you absolutely have to try them, yes, thanks.

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