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Rod & JC's Rarest Opals, Massive Payouts & More On Outback Opal Hunters Red Dirt Road!

Jun 30, 2024
tomorrow, so we're going to keep mine until the last few hours, we don't have time to run the color that I have, oh, you take Jimmy, man, he's big, look at Jimmy's size, look at that one, oh, how cute color, hello. Looks funny, Bud, doesn't it? Yeah, hey, this could get us over the line, mate,


green money, Max, right there, that's money, wait a bit, mate, we might have something here, mate, we definitely got some, no, no, we got. Be something special friend What are you doing? You are scaring me. This is not just


rod jc s rarest opals massive payouts more on outback opal hunters red dirt road
I think we have a fossil. Are you serious? Yes I say it seriously. Yes, well, yes, look friend, look how it fits. together perfectly, do you know how rare it is to find it? You know if it's a dinosaur bone, fossilized dinosaur bones are worth a fortune, it looks like bone, it's the right shape, it's unusual. I think the young people probably found the best fossil. Have I ever seen what we do with this? What we do with this now is we go in and we see Jenny in the Oval Center that she is in. There are paleontologists there, she is an expert in this kind of thing.
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rod jc s rarest opals massive payouts more on outback opal hunters red dirt road...

I want to know exactly what she is. They still earned five thousand five hundred dollars each to make this whole trip. This might be the biggest find Rod and I have ever made. Hello Jenny. How are you friend? Hey Rod, well, good to see you too, man, how are you? JC JC JC. Pleased to meet you. How busy are you if you have something interesting? I think so. I'm not sure. I think I have something interesting. A couple of clearer fragments, that's very good, well, just give me a second, yeah, so tell me what you think it is.
rod jc s rarest opals massive payouts more on outback opal hunters red dirt road
I hope it's a dinosaur fossil. You are right, yes, yes, these are all herbivorous dinosaurs. I think it's a rib of one. Of these, finding their bones is actually very, very rare, so just to give you an idea, you know how difficult it is to find


. I do it, I make one of the


gemstones in the world, then you have fossil formation only about one in a billion plants or animals will leave a trace of itself as a fossil how many of those one in a billion will open up? normal opal shapes in cracks in the ground fossilized apple shapes in the voids left by a decomposing plant or animal any ideas on what you're going to do with it, we're going to sell it, yes, I know you don't give values, but My opinion now I think it will be worth between $20-25,000, not an unreasonable amount for us.
rod jc s rarest opals massive payouts more on outback opal hunters red dirt road
It is very rare and if it were possible for you to consider us, if this could become part of our collection, then we could make it available for scientific research. Yeah, your friends and family might come see it and it's telling us something about. the deep history of our continent, I haven't even thought about that side with this sort of thing, they are uniquely Australian items, there is nowhere else in the world, finding a dinosaur bone preserved in opal, we are just in a bit of a unique situation, I mean, Jimmy's about to have a baby and you know we're open minds, we're always broke.
I understand. Thank you so much. I really appreciate your time.

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