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Blippi Wonders - Blippi Meets A Dinosaur + More! | Blippi Animated Series | Kids Cartoon

May 22, 2024
activate the


station it's time to get up and scream i wonder what we'll learn about


you're right deebo it would be fun to have a


as a pet hmm i wonder if a


would make a good pet well thinking we'll go back in time to find out what i'm going to need Grab arm and monster truck wheels Grab arm Monster truck wheels Confirmed activate the flippy station going back in time the flippymobile is ready for adventure that's right, we are in the cretaceous period millions of years ago when the earth was filled from dinosaurs hey it's me blippi and this is deebo hi bloopy i'm tina the tyrannosaurus rex hi tina we were wondering if a dinosaur would make a good pet an animal that you love and care for wow that sounds like a pet.
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Amazing, maybe I could be your pet for a day. Can you leave devo? Please, Debose made a medal and we don't want you to break a tooth. Good dinosaur. We sure have sharp teeth. I use mine to eat. You eat a lot? It's an important part of having a pet. I can bite through 500 pounds of food in one jump, that's a lot


than I have here. Let's try a trick. Great idea, deebo, go find tina. be as tall as 12 feet tall and up to 40 feet long wow that's so big hey let's go for a walk tina whoa look at all those teeth something tells me this isn't how a walk is supposed to be we tried but i I'm not sure if dinosaurs are meant to be pets.
blippi wonders   blippi meets a dinosaur more blippi animated series kids cartoon

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I think you are right, we are destined to rule the jungle. Yes, and you helped find the answer to my question. Would a dinosaur make a good pet? Dinosaurs are big and need a lot of teeth. room to roam and eat a lot so they may not make good pets but it's still fun to imagine upload reply devo bye tina bye go back in time edit hello tabs look at this amazing rainforest you're right I bet there are all kinds of there interesting animals there I wonder what kind of animals live in a rainforest I'm going to need spider legs and the grabbing arm spider legs grab your arm confirmed activate flippy stations the blippi mobile is ready for the adventure wow, this place is so green that must It rains a lot here, yes, actually, hey, it's me, blippi, this is Tabs.
blippi wonders   blippi meets a dinosaur more blippi animated series kids cartoon
Hello, I'm next to the giant panda bear. I'm glad to meet you. We want to know what kind of animals live in the rainforest. Can you show us around? Yes that's fine. but I'm meeting my sister for lunch and I'm always late, so I'd like to get there first for once, it won't be long. Super, let's go see what we can find. Yes, thanks. Bye, I'm a little hungry before lunch. So, could you help me collect some bamboo along the way just for a snack? Sure, this bamboo is as tall as a house. The juiciest slides are at the top.
blippi wonders   blippi meets a dinosaur more blippi animated series kids cartoon
Look, there's a monkey, it's a golden monkey. Hi Fred, sorry Fred, oh pandas love bamboo. Everything we eat is actually not even ice cream or even ice cream unless it's bamboo flavor. Could you bring me some


bamboo? All this chewing makes me very hungry. There's sure to be a nice stem right there. Wow little red bugs. Oh, it's recent. Fiona. it's red bamboo evils hello buggies oh no I'm going to be late again sorry we have to go oh no again sorry but I was helping my new friends blippi and tabs hello could you share some of your bamboo please please, thank you? for the tour you did you really helped me answer my question what kind of animals live in the rainforest golden monkeys red beetles and giant pandas who love to eat bamboo upload answer tabs i think it's time to have a snack of your own see you later , bye Wow, look at that, it's amazing how big dinosaurs run.
You're right, tebow, there were dinosaurs bigger than the T-rex. Hmmm, I wonder which dinosaur was the biggest. Good idea. Deebo, we can go back in time and find the biggest dinosaur I'm ever going to find. I need wings and extended legs wings extended legs confirmed activate the flippy station going back in time the blippi mobile is ready for the adventure okay, where is the biggest dinosaur? Wow, the rock is moving, we are not sitting on a rock, we are on a very big dinosaur. back hey it's me blippi and this is tebow hi blippi and evo I'm angie the argentina soros whoa that's a great name for a big dinosaur I have to break it down to say it right our team gen oh it hurts us that's me so I'm on my way to meet me with a friend.
Oh, do you want to come? Thank you for inviting us. Do you want a career? I bet you can run super fast. In fact, I walk slowly. That's part of being so big. Plus, I need a snack to keep up. my energy i eat hundreds of pounds of plants every day you want to take a selfie of you and all angie good luck wow you're really long i'm about 130 feet long and 40 feet tall that's as long as three school buses and a little higher than a telephone pole up the hill come on I'll be your bridge this is where I meet my friend hey good shot diva we're both in this oh and look so is my friend sorry I'm late Hey this is my good friend nina nina this is blippi and I must they are looking for the biggest dinosaur that's easy you are the biggest dinosaur around angie oh I guess I'm cool and I have the answer to my question what was the biggest dinosaur big one of the largest dinosaurs was the argentinosaurus it was 130 feet long and ate plants and leaves all day upload answer deebo bye bye angie and nina bye blippi bye blippi whoo it's very hot today but my popsicle is melting in my hand hmm me I wonder why Popsicles melt in my hand What are those eyelashes?
Hop on that ice cream truck and ask an expert. It's a great idea. I'm going to need wings. The excavator arm and duck feet. Excavator arm wings. Duck feet. Confirmed. Activate the Flippy station. go find out why my popsicle always melts my hand shrinks i'm at the ice cream truck hi welcome to my neighborhood i'm sherry popp i'm glad you showed up hi sherry it's me blippi i was wondering why my popsicle always melts hand, oh, I know, but first let's have some frozen fun, okay, let's tackle ice cream, we're spreading slip, I'm chocolate, lots of snorkeling, sherry, are you melting?
Yes, I'm melting because I'm so hot, but I'll cool down in the freezer and I'll be fine in a second freezer, how's it going in there? Jerez, it's very cold, there's a breeze, now I'm ready. It looks very cold in there. Yes, it's great to be cold when you are. a frozen dessert like me my ideal temperature is 32 degrees fahrenheit zero degrees celsius if I stay cool like this then I won't melt well knowing that I see that you are like my popsicle from before when it was out of the freezer and in the heat of the mobile blippi it melted about me it sounds like your popsicle should have come to visit you are right which means we have the answer to my question why my popsicle melts in my hand is because popsicles will melt if they get too hot thats why we keep them in the freezer upload answer tabs sherry thanks for a totally tasty adventure it was so cool stay cool flippy bye that b sure seems busy and that one too and that one too everyone is very busy except that one those bees are busy making honey hmm I wonder how the bees make honey yes, let's go to the hive I'm going to need wings and the excavator arm wings excavator arm confirmed activate the blippi station the blippi mobile is ready for the adventure now we just need to make like one more byb little cringing you're right eyelashes the bee's tongue is in the flower hey it's me blippi these are eyelashes i was wondering how you make honey hey blippi i'm bijon honey huh this is the place to be like this I'm using my tongue to drink this sweet nectar, like this It's like we bees start making honey, okay, it's time to move to the hive, follow me, spoiler, a lot of bees working, it's like a honey factory there, bijan, are they all chewing nectar? chewing that's what we do chewing makes it thicker it can't have ruddy honey I rhymed again and after chewing then you have honey no there's nothing more to show we chew and then we swallow ah the nectar stays in our bellies it turns into honey and then We put it in the honeycomb, the honeycomb, yeah, we store the honey in the honeycomb, hey, maybe I can try some honey, oh dear, this may seem funny, but flapping the wings is how we make more honey. thick, it's a bee thing, yes, eyelashes, I have the answer to my question.
How do bees make honey? They get nectar from flowers, chew it, store it in their stomachs, then put the honey in a honeycomb and flap their wings over it. Answer tabs uploaded. Goodbye, Bijan, thanks for being you. I love our cool flippymobile. You're right, Deebo. our car has incredible things hmm I wonder what the first cars were good idea we can go back in time to see one of the first cars I'm going to need helicopter blades confirmed helicopter blades activate flippy stations going back in time the flippy the mobile is ready for the adventure we just traveled more than 100 years ago I wonder whose house this is mine my name is blippi yours hey it's me blippi wait you're my great-grandfather I think I'm coming here future great-grandson of blippi grandfather we're here to find out what the first cars, good timing, I'm about to take my first car for a spin with a dog, isn't this a really cool beauty?
So how does it start? This crank will produce sparks that will help start the engine. the engine started, yeah, it looks like your car only fits two people and there are no seat belts, seat belts keep you safe, hot dog seat belts, okay let's go to the top of that hill, we mean I knew we would go down now, come on oh no devo, wait, wait. Whoa, whoa, does the car have brakes? It sure was, it was a really cool hot dog and I have the answer to my question: what were the first cars? You had to turn a crank to start it.
The cars only had two seats and you had one hand. brake lever up answer must goodbye great-grandfather happy and safe driving whoa bouncy sand dunes and even more bouncy wow what an incredible sand castle incoming wave oh no, it seems that castle was no match for that wave eh, I wonder if I can build a sand castle that doesn't erase, yes, you're right, tabs, there's only one way to find out. I need to build my own sand castle. I'm going to need the excavator arm and the spider legs. Confirmed spider legs activate fluffy stations. The blippi mobile. is ready for action let's make a sandcastle that won't be washed away now we gotta make ourselves the size of a sandcastle drinking feel that cool ocean freeze eyelashes whoa hello im grumpy the crab nice to meet you oh frankie no I don't know my own strength Hello moody, it's me blippi and this is my mobile blippi.
I love it, so go for a fun walk. Actually, grumpily, I'm here because I'm curious to know if I can build a sand castle that doesn't wash away. You came to the right crab. I am a planner, excavator and builder. I can help you, blippi. Great, so the first thing we're going to do is build a moat, which is a fancy word for a hole. You see, the water goes into the hole. and it doesn't remove what's behind it, so let's dig, dig, dig, dig, wow, what a hole, now let's build a sandcastle, you're right, we're going to need a shovel, success finished, you already built it grumpy and our moat is perfect. moats the hole we dug around the sandcastle big moat and the best sandcastle ever incoming wave the month ran grumpy this means I think I have the answer to my question can I build a sandcastle that won't be washed away? making a hole around it to catch the water upload reply tabs thank you grumpy see you later blippi keep digging holy smoke a volcano like that is deebo when a volcano erupts smoke and hot lava comes out of the top hmm I wonder what makes a volcano erupt eruption Great idea, we will enter a volcano and discover that I am going to need wings, spider legs and the heat shield.
Wings, spider legs. Heat shield confirmed. Activate flip the mobile station. He is ready for adventure. Let's go through the side vent into the volcano. oh it sure is hot in here hey i'm maggie the magma monster hey it's me blippi and this is deebo we want to learn what makes a volcano erupt a real treat awaits you blippi and i must talking about delights below us deep in the earth the heat of the planet is melting rocks into liquid aka magma like me you are right deebo its like one of our favorite games the floor is lava the magma turns into lava after it comes out of the volcano, so I guess I'm the floor we're getting higher that's because the more rocks melt underneath, the more magma rises here in the chamber hey, I wonder where this is going, that was close maggie, almost You fill the entire cavern, now I'm sure you do and as the pressure increasesinside the the volcano builds until we break through the crust or the top of the earth it holds up much better maggie what explosion and I got the answer to my question what makes a volcano erupt a volcano erupts when hot magma in its interior generates pressure and bursts through the surface of the earth upload answer owe that was fun blippi I hope you liked it we did it bye maggie what a nice day for a quiet trip attack of the bubbles that's right deebo the bubbles explode when you touch them hmm me I wonder how to make bubbles a great idea we will follow the bubbles to discover that I am going to need wings wings confirmed activate the flippy station reduce it the airship mobile is ready for the adventure the bubbles are from the car wash let's wash it hello oh good boy I'm marvin marvin bubbly hey it's me blippi and this is vebo we're here to learn how to wait a second are you a pop star?
Oh sure, my mom loves you, thank you, thank you very much, you're too kind, so what? You're here to learn evo and I'm here to learn how bubbles are made? I'm glad you asked. The surfaces of the bubbles are smooth, making them pop easily, which reminds me that we need more bubbles. And I know the perfect guy to show you how I can do it. I guess it's me, Marvin Bubbley, come on, the first step is to get water, then we need some soap to mix it. You blow bubbles and watch how they float to us.
Bubbles can float. That's because we're just crushed air inside a thin layer of soapy water. Wow, bubbles are made by blowing air into this soap. That's right, which reminds me, let's blow more bubbles and I know the perfect guy to show you what I'm like. just to dip your hands in the water make them absorb the soap make a circle with your hands and blow bigger than you look at this catch me if you can I have new heights to reach keep flying high marvin and thanks for helping I get the answer to my question. How are bubbles made?
They form when air is trapped within a thin layer of soapy water. Upload reply devo, bye, Marvin, bye, blippi, bye, everyone driving at night is so much fun and we have the streets. all to ourselves whoa what was that it's quite late for the animals to come out you're right deebo that's definitely an animal hmm I wonder why some animals come out at night I'm going to need a grab arm grab his arm confirmed activate the station flippy shrinking the mobile blimp is ready for the adventure let's go find that nocturnal animal oh hi my name is rita the raccoon which one is yours hey it's me blippi and that's deebo we were wondering why some animals like you come out at night look I'm nocturnal That means everything you like to do during the day, I like to do at night, cool, hey, do you think this can help me find some food?
Of course, I think the blippi mobile could do almost anything. Oh, look at her, go, devo, follow that. raccoon, come on, keep it up, rita, you're not supposed to use flippy's phone without permission, that's stealing, sorry, raccoons will do almost anything for food, I'm freezing, rita, it's so cold at night Aren't you cold too? Me, no way. I have this big fur coat that helps keep me nice and warm all night. I wish I had a big coat or something to keep me warm. Careful, it's okay. Amazing look. Oh, thanks Rita. That is another great advantage of being nocturnal for many animals. those who want to chase me are asleep I like it better with less hostile predators around something smells good let's go to the mobile blimp this time I'll drive that's all in there that seems complicated rita how are you going to open it no problem the raccoons are Excellent problem solvers, always and when food is involved, there are fewer animals around.
I don't have to share all this great food. What an incredible adventure. I got the answer to my question. Why do some animals come out at night? Some animals like to come. go out at night because there is less competition for food there are fewer predators and fewer people around and because it is cooler at night upload answer I must bye blippi I am ready for greener garbage bins bye rita

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