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Ranking EVERY CHAMPION From EASIEST To HARDEST in Season 12 - League of Legends

Mar 17, 2024


s do you think are the most difficult to play? What about the easier ones? In today's video, we'll rank each






for each role. The champions will be placed in four different difficulty levels ranging from easy to medium hard and will challenge the The main question we asked ourselves when


each champion is how many games it takes to be effective in choosing. This could also be expressed as what is the skill level of a selected champion. Keep in mind that


one will have slightly different opinions on champion difficulty, so don't call us too hard if your champion isn't where you think he should be, but before we get into it, be sure to check the skill cap if you really want to. improve in League of Legends, we are the only service that offers. a money back guarantee if you don't climb at least five divisions while actively using our service.
ranking every champion from easiest to hardest in season 12   league of legends
We do this because our service really works and if it doesn't work for you you shouldn't pay. Find out more at the end of this article. video or click the link in the description below to start the easy level for top lane. You'll notice that most champions have very linear and easy-to-pilot kits. It takes very little time to pick these champions and start seeing success. How many games? Do you really need to play these champions at a good level? We'd say it should only take 10-20 games to be competitive in solo queue in these picks if we had to pick a champion to recommend you play as a beginner in the top lane it would be garen zero tanky skillshots and he does great damage on those three aspects are what make garen so amazing and a solid option for newer players the mid tier for the top lane consists of champions that have slightly more complex kits most of these champions require more mechanical skill to pilot or possess unique items that take time to learn, like rumble for example, when you take into account his unique passive and ult, it will take longer to get the ball rolling than someone like garen illaoi is another perfect medium. top tier laner as he relies heavily on landing his e which is a skillshot but once you can be consistent with that the rest of his kit is pretty straight forward, the hard tier is made up of top laners of carry that require mechanical skill more consistent with many of On easy and mid-tier champions you can still be effective without putting in a lot of games, but the same can't be said for hard tier.
ranking every champion from easiest to hardest in season 12   league of legends

More Interesting Facts About,

ranking every champion from easiest to hardest in season 12 league of legends...

Who would you prefer to autofill as your top lane? A Gnar for the first time or a Malphite for the first time. Nar has two different forms, he needs to keep track of his rage bar and time it correctly for team fights and it's completely useless when behind all Malphite has to do is press a good r and he can single-handedly win the game. It's much more important to learn on these hard-tier champions, as you offer much less to your team if you end up getting trampled in lane. At the challenger tier for top lane, we have Fiora Irelia Jace and Kled, extremely volatile champions who, if piloted correctly, can be difficult. takes games like no other, but at the same time they are the most useless champions when first picked up, all four picks require mechanical skill to pull off and are only useful based on the amount of damage they can deal, a little less because it has Its utility.
ranking every champion from easiest to hardest in season 12   league of legends
Ultimate learning matchups are key for these champions because they lack strong teamfighting to be useful from behind. Simply needing to learn each and


matchup in the top lane means that you will need to spend upwards of hundreds of games on these picks to start seeing consistent results. Let's go to the jungle starting with the easy level. You'll notice a trend with these picks in that they have easy-to-use, high-impact tools. Diana Ultimate, for example, is a point-and-click skill, but it's very reliable and comboable. with flash offers consistent power in teamfights, the reliance on skillshots is also generally quite low with many of these picks, while champions who possess skillshots like amumu can be effective even if they don't land yi trundle and udyr lack skill shots at all and only.
ranking every champion from easiest to hardest in season 12   league of legends
Rely on right-clicking to deal most of the damage. The average player can pick up any of these champions and make them work mechanically in just a few games. The mid tier for jungle has a lot of champions that require a bit more mechanical skill to pull off. or are more feast or famine, kha'zix isn't necessarily very mechanically intensive, but the decision making required to play him is greater than most easy tier champions, for example these teamfighting junglers More tanks like rammus and amumu can get away with failed matchups due to their durability, on the other hand ka has to pick his moments more carefully and keep track of cc spells as he dives like a squishy assassin into the wrong timing can cause you to explode immediately, so while a decent amount of these picks aren't too difficult to pilot.
A key difference between the easy level is the general knowledge of the game required to play them. As we move towards the hard tier for jungle, you'll notice a lot of hard picks that generally require more mechanical skills to play. For them, a big difference between the difficult and medium level is that these selections rely heavily on being ahead early. Ali Sin, who is behind in levels on a fiddle, will be 10 times less useful in team fights, so have a game plan early and execute it. It's very key with these champions, those two factors are more difficult to play and rely on snowballing, which means that the probability of winning in your first games in picks is quite low at the jungle challenger level, They are Elise Nidalee and Talia Elise in Italy who own them. two different forms and also rely heavily on skill shots, which leads them to be on the most difficult level.
Talia also relies heavily on getting her w on a consistent basis, which requires a lot of trial and error to get used to as none of these junglers have done that. any crazy area damage or reliable engaged tools, so you're much more reliant on winning the early game to be more useful than the enemy jungler, if games go longer than 25 minutes and the enemy jungler is playing shyvana or diana, It takes a lot more skill to be able to match her impact, of course these three junglers are super rewarding when played at a high level, but it will take a lot of games to get there, moving up to the easy mid lane level has picks like Annie and malzahar who are extremely forgiving and can be useful no matter the outcome of the laning phase, neither of these champions require any crazy mechanical skill, which is a major factor.
You could be the first to time the evil die several times down the line, but still be more useful than the enemy yasuo simply. Pressing r on him in teamfights if you are new to mid lane, picking someone like Annie will do wonders for you and you will be able to learn the fundamentals of the game much faster. Mid-tier champions are either more mechanically intensive or less forgiving. that the easy fizz level is a good example of the latter, as you don't need crazy mechanics to play the champion, but it's also much less impactful than an annie if you don't know your matchups and also fall behind early in your general knowledge of the game. needs to be higher for many of these picks to work.
Someone like Twisted Destiny isn't too difficult to pilot, but knowing when to switch and track side lanes requires more brainpower than most easy tier champions who rely heavily on skillshots or are very festive or Famine is a common theme in many of the hard tier mid laners. Let's face it, your yasuo is coming out of lane with five kills or five kills, there is no middle ground unless he is a jazz master, a lot of these picks are super volatile and extremely snowball. This really rewards players for putting in a lot of time and learning each and every matchup hoping to win right away, although someone like Leblanc or Zed will leave you pretty disappointed if you can't build up an early game lead like Leblanc and you're playing against an annie, it's almost impossible to become more useful as the game continues completing it with the challenger level for the mid, we have azir irelia, jace lucian and xerath As high as he is the skill level required to play, these champions are much higher than most mids, four or five are canon minions.
Useful level when they are behind as they offer nothing to your team besides damage, there is really nothing in between with these picks as you are either going to be the most useful or least useful character in each game. The easy level for adc was very easy to put together since we only have three champions, Miss Fortune Vegar and Sivir. All three picks can be effective regardless of the outcome of the game. lines phase, as their kits are always useful, the medium level for adc provides a higher level of mechanical intensity and more dependence on the kite with lethality.
Sivir, you can simply pop or use spell shield to dodge a skill shot and run away while casting signs. That can't be said for someone like Twitch as it lacks utility, so you need to choose your openings wisely. The hard tier for adc consists of picks that have more unique kits and also the jin are much less forgiving, for example dodge falling behind early leaves. to provide much less than an ash, so it is much more important for Lucian to know his matchups and execute them accordingly. You'll also notice a big difference between hard and medium in the attack range of each champion, lower attack range adcs like kaiser vein lucian and draven are much more vulnerable, giving you less room for error, for other side.
Twitch Kog'maw and Tristana have range boosts built into their kits. The challenger level for adc has a Felios Ezreal, Kalista and Yasuo. If there were four shooters, I would do it. I don't want to see them being the first time on my team, these would be them. Aphelio's skill level is quite high, as you need to get used to all the different weapons. Ezreal is the most skilled marksman, he relies on adc, so if you can't get signs, you may Also, being Kalista's passive and her reliance so early in the game makes it very difficult for the average player to see consistent results. , yasuo is much harder to run in a duo lane unless you're on the mic with your support as a coordinator.
Committed plays are so vital to support. The easy tier consists of only five champions, Karma Maokai Pantheon, Soraka, and Sona. It takes very little time to learn these supports and get them to a level where you can be a constant force, Soraka, having your point and -click heal and ultimate are useful no matter how bad the player is playing their maokai with their root point and click from w has one of the best and


committed tools for any support. 5-10 games is really all it takes for you to be useful with these champions, the mid tier is a little more mechanical, but they are still relatively easy champions to run.
The mark, for example, is a support with two skill shots, but you don't even really need to land them in team fights. Pressing r on a clustered enemy team is often more than enough to be useful, it's more choosing how to prioritize your abilities that separates medium from easy. An enchanter like Soraka presses r and heals her entire team in the same way with karma using the e mantra. and protects her entire team, Lulu on the other hand has to choose which teammate she wants to use E and W on her teammates or the enemy, so more decisions requiring more experience are required to get the full value of the difficult level of support.
There are many champions who are extremely reliant on skillshots or work better in a coordinated environment. Tarik and Rakan are good examples of the latter, as they have super strong ultimates, but using them correctly can be very difficult solo because it is much easier. Be consistent in pushing Soraka on every team. fight than time tarik ultimate and negate damage from enemies velkas and xerath are super lethal, especially when combined with an adc poke, but they can also be the most useless supports at the same time vel and xerath don't have a single buffing spell. his carries, so if you're not doing skill rolls, you're practically a bardnon-existent and thresh blocks the only challenger in your spaces to support the coordination necessary to play these champions along with their mechanical intensity and countless ways to use their basic abilities make them very difficult to learn if your support decides to block for the first time, wait That its ultimate use will save the enemy team more than knowing how and when to use the forbidden alt will help yours is something that even a bard's tricks will ruin. occasionally the hook and flashlight is what takes a long time to master with Thresh.
How you stance depending on the situation is also something that really sets Thresh apart from the average support with Soraka. It's pretty simple, you want to sit back, stay safe and maintain yourself. If you take Thresh alive he has the ability to look for aggressive hook plays but he can also save his teammates with flashlight, so knowing which one to prioritize is not an easy task in general, we think Bard and Thresh take the most games of all supports to play them. at a competitive level that makes you challengers of your difficulty, very good guys, before we finish this, we will tell you a little more about the skill limits, which is why we offer a five division rank promotion guarantee and we believe that It's a pretty crazy thing to offer, it's like a gym. membership that guarantees that you will be hurt your local gym would go bankrupt if they offered that right, not us, we have offered this for years because our service really works, it works so well, in fact we can produce by far the largest catalog of master guides Premium on the Internet we add more than 20 videos a week with more than 1600 selected guides in more than 100 courses that no one can compare.
We've also sent challenger players to elo hell 714 times and counting where they comment on how to perform live. also answers all the questions, sign up today for just 6.99 a month if you really want to improve, there you have it, each and every champion. ranked by their difficulty for


12. Different opinions are welcome, so Let us know who you'd trade with in the comments below. Thank you very much for watching, see you soon.

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