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I WALKED 30 minutes a DAY for 30 DAYS || I CANNOT BELIEVE what HAPPENED!

Jun 21, 2024
Ok guys, it's July 1st and I'm starting a new type of challenge for July. I'm going to try to make some healthy changes and this is where we'll start. We are doing a 30 day walking challenge ready to run some errands. um, like I said, it's July 1st and I wanted to do something. I want to make some changes basically for a healthier life since my dad had his heart surgery. I feel like it's time to start taking better care of myself and so on. that's


we're doing so I don't want to get overwhelmed because I tend to do that, I go in full force and then I burn out very easily so let's start with this, we're going to walk 30


a day for 30


and we will see


changes we feel and see after 30


i walked 30 minutes a day for 30 days i cannot believe what happened
I'm not going to change anything I'm eating, I'm just going to keep eating the way I do because I want to see what results I can get just by walking. I'm cutting out sugary drinks, no more Dr Pepper and I'm increasing my water intake so we'll see what happens guys I don't know if this. The video is going to do anything that can fail, but I'm doing this to keep myself accountable and to document how I do on this challenge. Well, let's see if we can find a calendar that I can use to mark the days like I walk a lot, these are not current, so here we are in the park to walk.
i walked 30 minutes a day for 30 days i cannot believe what happened

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i walked 30 minutes a day for 30 days i cannot believe what happened...

They tied my hair up. Let's do the same. I stopped because I wanted to get a calendar dedicated to just these 30 days of hiking. because in my other calendars I have personal things, appointments, family things, so I'm going to buy one just to walk around. I wanted a nice wall calendar, you know, people don't use them anymore, there wasn't one, there wasn't anything and then a lot of the calendars were like 22 23 calendars that weren't going to work, so I got the one anyway calendar that would work, it's not pretty, but hey, it will get the job done, so I'm going to set each day I have.
i walked 30 minutes a day for 30 days i cannot believe what happened
Walk for at least 30


. I'm excited. Can I share this with you and see what changes I noticed? So I'm here at my favorite walking spot and we're going to start walking. I have noticed that I feel my hands. my fingers are swelling my fingers are swelling 1.34 miles 102,122 calories burned okay guys, the first day of the hike wasn't that bad. I was worried I would be out of breath. It was not. um, you guys haven't even been active. I like to take a walk like this and probably six years. I'm embarrassed to even say that, but I'm proud of myself.
i walked 30 minutes a day for 30 days i cannot believe what happened
The first day we did well. Guys, I still have a fifth in my walk. Yesterday was the 4th of July, obviously not. walk, but this is a 30 day challenge and there are 31 days in July, so I'm not going to beat myself up about it so far it hasn't been that bad. I feel it in my legs, my joints like my hips and My knees, my ankles and my shins are sore, but I haven't been going too fast or too hard, so I walk 30 minutes on day four anyway. Hey, it's Dayton. I'm halfway through my walk, I just wanted to pop in here. and let you know how I've felt.
I've been very tired, but in a good way. Honestly, there have been some days where I didn't want to do it. Today was one of those days, but I just put on my shoes, started walking, what you have to do right, everything right. Day 10. I'm a lot more breathless today and I thought, why am I a lot more breathless? And then I realized it wasn't. I didn't go to the trail to walk today because I was really putting this off and I just needed to go ahead and do it, so I'm walking around the neighborhood and there are a lot more hills, it's not flat so maybe that's a good thing.
It's July 15th, we're officially halfway through July, how did that happen? and we are halfway through this challenge. I've been trying to change my ways a little. change it. keep it fresh. I like walking here. It's a nice change. What I've noticed through this walking challenge is that I'm not listening to music or podcasts or anything. I just turned everything off and listened to the sounds of the birds and when I try to collect my thoughts, I reflect, that's a good thing. so I'm going to take a break on this beautiful bench for just a minute, it's a beautiful day and I wanted to share for a second something that I didn't do in this challenge.
I weighed myself at first, so I didn't know my weight, but I didn't measure myself, so on the 15th I decided, oh, maybe I'd like to measure myself, so I took measurements on the 15th. I know it won't be a full update on that in 30 days, but it is something correct. I'm very excited to see what kind of changes I have in my measurements. One thing walking and reflecting has made me do is realize some things that need a change in life beyond my health. I think sometimes we get so caught up in the busyness. of life and noise, all the noise, we don't think about things, we really think about them, so I think this walking challenge is transformative in more ways than one.
I see big changes in life to come, stay tuned. Hi guys, it's the 20th. this. The challenge is happening so fast and I can't, there aren't enough words to tell you, it's cloudy today, it looks like it's going to rain. I hope to be able to do this walk. I've surprised myself with this challenge, yeah, I mean. I already said at the beginning I'm very out of shape but it's been going pretty well and I haven't taken measurements I haven't weighed anything I haven't measured since I measured like five days ago um but I feel Well, I feel better, I feel stronger.
Little did I know that when I started this challenge during this challenge, I would face a very big life change. I told you that this walking challenge was a challenge for me in more than a transformative sense for me. in more ways than one and I think I mentioned that I felt big changes were coming and I was right - I had to deal with the loss of a marriage in the midst of this challenge and if there was ever a time to give up. just say, let's put it on the shelf. I'll do it another time, this was it, but I haven't put on my shoes and I'm still walking, and that showed me a lot about myself, it made me feel like a stranger and a


r. myself in a way that I probably haven't in a long, long time, so it's me being real guys, it's me being really real, so day 20. let's start walking well, it's the last 10 days of this challenge or a little. except yesterday I had a family reunion so I couldn't walk so today I'll walk twice as much today I'll walk an hour to make up for yesterday so it's hot and my daughter got me a day pass here in In this case I'm going to the gym and I'm actually going to walk on the treadmill because it's really hot and I have to do an hour, so let's go to the gym.
I just


, oh my God, it's so hot, so hot, it's July 27th. Well, it's the 30th. Let's finish this. Hello guys, that's all. This is me coming back after walking 30 minutes a day for 30 days and I'm going to recap and tell you what I thought, what


where I was. I'm now, um, so I have the same shirt on and I started this video just because I'm going to do it before. I have a before and after, I choose that, um, I'll show it, but first let me say, um, when I started this. Walking Challenge I knew one would be a challenge for me and it was, but I didn't fail and two I knew I was going to have to make some big changes.
I knew this was just the first step. There are many Ruby. "Everyone asks about her, she's in the background a lot, she's laying there Ruby, so the reason I started this challenge was because life is short and when my dad started going through all his heart problems and underwent to open heart surgery, it was just eye opening and how you never know and we only have one life to live well and then I knew I wasn't taking care of myself. I wasn't making health a priority. I didn't love myself. and then I knew. I needed to start making some changes, so this was my first step.
I'm going to make some changes, I'm going to start loving myself so I can love life more and that's where this challenge came from. halfway through this challenge there was going to be a big change in my life that I didn't expect to happen, at least not, so I decided to go ahead with the divorce in my marriage and that's hard and without going into details about that, if there ever is there was a reason to say just forget it. I'm too excited. I have too many things to do. Let's forget this challenge and move on.
That would have been the moment, but I didn't do it and I think about it seriously. That walking thing gave me strength and gave me a lot of time to think, so that's how I feel about the Walking challenge. I feel much stronger now. I feel like getting up and going for a 30 minute walk. It's not that big of a sacrifice, it's something I look forward to every day. It's helped me stay more hydrated because I drink more water because I've actually had some physical movement. I can definitely tell the difference. in my sleeping patterns I can sleep all night, sounds like a baby, but I have always had some problems like insomnia, so I am sleeping better, it is easier for me to fall asleep now that this didn't happen.
Overnight this is over the course of 30 days, but I have also noticed that it has given me confidence and inspiration to keep going and I feel better overall. I feel better. I feel better in my own skin. I weighed myself at first. and I weighed myself today and lost three pounds, which doesn't seem like much in a month, but like I said, I didn't change much of anything else. I feel different, my clothes feel different and I took measurements and Like I said earlier in the video, I didn't even think about taking measurements until the 15th, so this is the halfway point and I'll share those measurements with you.
Take a look, so here's my target from day one to day 30. You can Look, I lost about 2.6 pounds as far as measurements go, I lost three inches total, but I think that's pretty good considering I didn't measure until day 15. Even looking at these before and after photos I can see that slight difference and I know I definitely feel more confident, there you go, you can't get more vulnerable than that, but it's the facts, it is what it is. I lost three inches and I can say I can feel it and that's just from 30 days in and I feel great.
I'm glad I did this challenge and I will continue to work on that physical activity um um inspired and I also feel empowered and I hope that this welcome challenge can inspire you to do the same because you will feel great if you don't You will regret it and you will feel much stronger not only physically but also mentally and emotionally so I think it was a win guys thanks for joining me during this 30 day walking challenge. I have another idea for another 30 day challenge for next month I can't wait to share that if you are not subscribed here, subscribe here.
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I hope you enjoyed this challenge. I know I have and until next time guys, bye.

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