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Kandi tiktoks because yippeeee

May 18, 2024
a club is not the best place to find the L of the bar is where me and my friends go to the table having drinks, drinking fast and then we talk slow, I mean she even cooks me pancakes and I can sell some with my belly. eggs if that's not love then I don't know what love is, we even have a secret h and she loves the music my P makes. I know I'm young, but if I had to choose her or the sun, it would be me. I know you love me


you think I'm famous when I get close to CL's enemy.
kandi tiktoks because yippeeee
I feel amazing, my sat and that baby sh baby shake baby shake shake baby shake baby sh baby sh baby baby sh Q is for silence I love silence I wish it were quiet all the time. You know you'd wear earplugs at a show. I know that this curious girl always thinks of her when she says "I like it" and when I see her dance I want to take a risk by getting a little closer to get to know her. I always know this about her when she tells me but me and when I see Heros, let me tell you about her sweets while she was packing this order.
kandi tiktoks because yippeeee

More Interesting Facts About,

kandi tiktoks because yippeeee...

If you don't know, Candy is a type of bracelet made of plastic beads and you can exchange. them with other people mainly at Raves, but really anywhere people don't just make bracelets, they make all kinds of accessories and like purses, masks, complete outfits, also a big part of candy culture is plur, which means peace, love, unity and respect, lately sweets have become. a pretty common fashion statement outside of raves too, it's obviously a staple of scen subculture, but I've seen it spread to other communities too, like Taylor Swift fans, but hey, more the merrier, if you're interested, you can consult.
kandi tiktoks because yippeeee
My Candy Bana tutorial from the candy store you will need strength and facts. Put the colors you want B. Put at the end. Thread the thread through previous beads like this and then tie it off if you want to put it on a bit. This is me. It'll be me doing a Candy tour, uh, yeah, so I'll start with the ones I have right now. Trans Pride Flag. My boyfriend made this for me. Pansexual Pride Flag. This one isn't really sweet, but it's Onyx Sun Drop oh Sun Drop. which is at Freddy's security checkpoint and then there's a matching moon drop that I made with the colors of candy corn that someone made for me and then there are these two that are stars that actually glow in the dark that the same person made it for me. person also made me this also made me this and this and this a shout out to my friend Basil, who made me the why I said it as well as that non-binary pride flag again.
kandi tiktoks because yippeeee
I don't think these really count as candy but my mom gave me these I think they're cool this is a larger piece I made it's supposed to be a necklace uh another friend made me this bracelet they also made this one for me there are these ones that are just plain which I thought were colors that look cool together this is a deu or midora whatever um inspired one inspired by bakugo ired one inspired by Deni and then this one was supposed to be inspired by Jiro but it didn't really work out very well more colors than I thought which would look great together Nerf or nothing is what it says and it has the colors Todoroki was mutually inspired by the trans pride flag except it didn't have white beads so I used clear beads.
This is supposed to be the one you are for your pride, but I was wrong


it starts with a w and not an H is oil a friend gave me colors and a word for this one my sister made me this one it's eight uh I don't know if you need to know that I'm combining this one with someone um them I have the other side, which is the one where we can pretend that airplanes and the night sky are like shooting stars. This is the one I could really use a wish for right now.
I wish right now. I wish right now. Candy Star, um, I've made several stars, but I've also given them to people, yeah, just a rain oh rainbow necklace, this one's not a candy either, but it's Monster Tabs and a bracelet, so it's cool. I don't think I know most of the wives I've given him. Although I'm going to be doing more scenes, I'm going to be doing a lot more candy soon because I have a ton of beads for Christmas, which is really nice, and there's probably more that I've lost or can't find it right now, um, but yeah, that's it for Now, I got you Candy tour, come on, this is everything my partner has done to me, um, as you can see, they made me catering, handcuffs, a lot of them. based on characters, um, they can be a spinning choker and a lizard, so these are all the bracelets that my other friends have made me, so yeah, I have one from Trixie, then there's the Big and Powerful and this one is just a purple black one , OK then?
These are candies that I actually made, so these are two flower chains for masks and just one chain that I added to my tesi glasses. These are all the rings I made. I based them mostly on colors but this one is based on Saigi and this one is based on tesi these are all my candy necklaces many of them are just based on um colors but this one is based on silux these are my singles they are all based ​in characters or ships that I like, this one is based on pink and this one is based on gamtav.
The mugs I have made are colored, the ones with the pride flag and the ones based on characters. Like, we got here, now, so leave it here, let's think every day. I go to a school that likes to help us learn 1 2 3 there the key to basic mathematics very easy to B these worlds of fun where no one has that much education all the doors are locked stay inside until Reg

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