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The Survival Game I Didn't Know Existed and it's AMAZING!

May 07, 2024
right, oh Maya Oh? Maya, you


what I'm going to get some iron, you


what we're going to get iron when we're outside, hey progression screen, we need that silicon and cobalt. Where can I put you? Oh, you're big too. Aren't you going to leave it there for now? I'm so sorry, that hurts me a lot too. Baron blue sky, so wait, we'll get closer to a blue sky. I guess when it gets to 100. this is going to change wait wait can we actually see that right now? I don't know if it's the sun or the light, you know, I feel like it's changing, maybe not.
the survival game i didn t know existed and it s amazing
I'm just going to wait for the day to come and then we'll be there. Let's start exploring that area. I think we're pretty good at the uh.building and everything, so yeah, I'm just going to get what I need to start moving that way see you soon, okay, time to go. I have water, I have oxygen. I should have brought some iron, then, shouldn't I? uh uh iron titanium Yeah we need almost everything so yeah we're gonna head towards this Arch right here we're gonna go through and we're gonna fill up real quick so I've got what I need if I were to go through well let's do a little station, you know, a beacon, okay, it helps you find your way, um, yeah, let's check that when we come back, we will if I come back to be honest and then we can go through there too, that feels a lot more threatening than this, to be honest. oh I don't know what that is why it's moving hey I got parts of the ship okay no yeah I was thinking about this why what is it what's going on imagine just b that's it a cave.
the survival game i didn t know existed and it s amazing

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the survival game i didn t know existed and it s amazing...

I was thinking maybe one of those big spider spaceships. Soldiers watching things you know are coming over the hill. Oh yeah, okay, we can make that perfect oxygen tank. Three well, I would have needed it practically now. Hey, we'll be fine, even if we get in here. Can we make a box? No, we don't have the iron, okay, let's go out again, obviously, I need to check that too. Now I'm very curious. Look, that put us in a bit of a cave and we're going to put some more pieces in here. which I don't think we can mine rocks or anything at the moment, but it looks pretty interesting, I'm not going to lie, let's get in here if we can, ooh, this is where you sit and drive the boat, I guess you pilot it.
the survival game i didn t know existed and it s amazing
Flying ship fist, idiot, okay, let's see what we got, calm man. I wonder if you can sleep to power these ships. You know, oh hell yeah, oh, 200 L percent oxygen multiplier, dude, that's crazy. Nice find, get this


fabric, we're going to need those pumpkin seeds, aluminum, leave some oxygen, Dr. Silicon, we're going to drop everything we don't need, really, that's not important, these ones though, honey, oh yes, oh yes, all that is. let's give ourselves oxygen is Well, if we have to, I'm going to have to drop the normal ones, damn, all this debris, the inventory is already full, man, there you go, okay, pumpkin seeds, uh, put this on in a food grower that we don't have. a food producer, I don't think we'll do it, that should be a machine, right, we'll have to look at where we actually do it to grow that, uh, uh, uh, um, okay, we're good at this, I mean these things that We'll be here if we need to come back, uh, I think we checked all this out.
the survival game i didn t know existed and it s amazing
I can't get in here, let's get out of here and go back. I guess we need to make a beacon, right? Oh yes, we need to do it. Look at that shit, right? We have more parts here. Sandstorm coming, oh boy, oh boy, there's a lot going on. The thing is, I can't wait to see what this is all about, man, when you start to understand it. this looks all green and nice maybe get them uh hope this doesn't hurt me make all those animals run around oh okay I think I'm okay this right here I think this is where we get the name aridium had, yeah Yeah , that's what it looks like, right, uh, let's get some oxygen and grab the tubes exactly.
Okay, that's good to know, but know where to get it. The T2 solar panel goes fast. I'm really enjoying this, let me tell you if you. I want to see a series of this if you want to see me continue remember to like and comment below so we can get rid of these turbines right now, we might want to build the solar panels before that. to check this, so if we have this 6.5 per second 19.5 oh my gosh,


dude, let's see here, although we wanted a new one, yeah, this one, titanium, silicon and magnesium, and there we go, 280, that's going to help us a lot.
Wait, is that so? It actually looks pretty clear now dude, I think this is playing with Placebo with me, that's how you say it, I don't know, uh, iron, I need a little more, ah, I don't really need boxes right now, exoskeleton, that It's something I do need. although EAS is like that, I think I had a few more tools, maybe I


't unlock them, uh, you know, let's change this. I think we're going to do this on everyone. I mean, we have the red ones, but this is 200 instead of 100, it's 50% more basically, so basically it's, actually, it's very difficult for me, man, uh, recycling machine, okay, and live, wait, the habitable compartment, did you wait for what habitable compartment?
Corner, okay, so we can do it. Rounder like this I like the rounded corners because when I was a baby I ran into those sharp corners and it hurt a lot, so we need some shavings for this and a super alloy to start the recycling, but I think we'll continue. with the beacon let's see what this is about and after that I promise we will go for the solar panels. I think we're going to put two of those 19, yeah, two of those and we should be able to. to take down these wind turbines, food growers right here, so we need 12 PPT, okay, we're almost talking about it, awesome, so let's put up some solar panels and that should be ready as soon as the double bed and we should be getting better, we should get the blueprint right now, no, there you go, magnesium, slap one more of these, uh, you know, we don't have to remove them yet.
I mean, they're doing their part right. so let's get in here and see what we need for the aluminum food maker please one okay I'm sure I'll need more of those uh uh uh you know what I'm going to put near you It's getting tight, man. I'm telling you and we're going to make some eggplants um there you go oh wait let's see here eggplants space eggplant seeds place no no no maybe I want the N let's make uh eggplant you guys want that aren't you here? go grow food it comes along the blue skies, it comes along the boxes, the grow house, we've been doing some exploring man.
I'm very excited about this again, ladies and gentlemen, if you want to see the full version of this version 1.0. play with friends just terraforming the shit out of this planet, check out the link in the description and if you want to see me continue with this, I'd love to like the video, leave a comment, maybe I'll bring some friends. Me for now, although my name is Fisk, thanks for watching.

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