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“Are They Stupid Or CRUEL?” Prince Harry 'Turned Down' Meeting King Charles Over ‘Security Concerns’

May 29, 2024
a warm welcome to my very good friend Kinsey Scoffield hi Kinsey hi I mean, yeah, obviously, we're very involved in this. We would love to hold a random pick. Our president told the NAACP today that well, no, he called erections that. I feel like it's a typical greeting: we wish we could suddenly hold a new election and maybe have new leadership. Yeah, people always say that to me when I walk into the room and


're like, Do you have an erection? Do you know what an erection is? I thought Joe Biden coined the term, so maybe it's okay, there you have it, seriously, Kinsey in America.
are they stupid or cruel prince harry turned down meeting king charles over security concerns
I mean, the interesting thing is that he called it for Independence Day, so I don't suppose many Americans will pay much attention that day. I'm rightly partying too, but it must have made everyone laugh that our Prime Minister is calling a poor summer election in the rain. Did you see how wet he was? I did it and I understand it. I understand the criticism that it was not like that. You know, I feel like maybe he was going for I'm resilient but it didn't rain enough, it just looked wet and messy, but I think the image


were trying to achieve was resilient, like I'll fight this and I can.
are they stupid or cruel prince harry turned down meeting king charles over security concerns

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are they stupid or cruel prince harry turned down meeting king charles over security concerns...

I know a little rain doesn't scare me, but that's not how it seems to me. You know, hey um, but you know you guys have been through several prime ministers, um usually about one a week sometimes, but. uh, we overtook them at a rate of knots very quickly uh, but this one has lasted I think about 18 months uh, but uh, the rain on his suit what caught my attention was that they had probably gone down the drain $5,000 in tailoring because he wears very expensive clothes listen let's talk uh I may have to interrupt you but if I do we'll get back to you later let's talk about the real story that I wanted to tell you about because I think it's an important one because it goes back to when Harry He came to London a couple of weeks ago and we were saying oh it's this snub of the century, the


is too busy to see him, it turns out the


announced that he was too busy to see him. him, but only after Harry, apparently, the king had said that he would come, you know, for the Invictus game service at St.
are they stupid or cruel prince harry turned down meeting king charles over security concerns
Balls Cathedral. Why not stay at St. James's Palace, a very pretty palace just down the road. Buckingham Palace street uh Harry turn around you know he has this obsession with Roy uh armed police


uh and he's suing head office here to try to get that because he can't justify it anymore because he's not a Royal Frontline and he's furious about that, so apparently Charles is sorry, why don't you stay at St James's Palace while you're inside? Maybe we could get together or something and Harry said no, no, no, I can't stay there because it's not like that.
are they stupid or cruel prince harry turned down meeting king charles over security concerns
Safe enough, it's too accessible to the public and without police protection I can't put myself at risk there, so quickly, Pro, checks into a much less safe public hotel and didn't see his father, now how hurtful. it must have been for the king you know I don't want your palace I'm going to a hotel the king then says well frankly I have two engagements that day it seems I can't fit in with you but what a thing Do that to your dad, what a thing to do to your dad, but In addition, you know he just turns the knife around and issues a statement that his father is too busy to see him when we know it's supposedly St James's Palace, if that's the case.
If it's that palace that's directly adjacent to Clarence's house where the king is staying, he went to London, um, and it's a relatively private space, um, that would be guarded 24 hours a day while the king was in the vicinity, for him to complain about a visible. A place with public entry and exit points and you know Harry complains about that stuff. They are so foolish that if the King was there, he would have been fiercely protected. Then, Harry even goes so far as to complain internationally that his father is too busy. Seeing him as a man, I mean, you know, affected by cancer, it's just like, where am I?
Lately I have a hard time determining whether these people are




because when you make a statement like that you are villainizing your father, you are putting your father down. In a very difficult position we now have everyone in the world saying how disgusting King Charles is for refusing to see his son and so are you not thinking about the consequences of that statement or are you just so


that you are trying from Put your father in an absolutely difficult position and that plays into this obsession he has with getting armed police protection when he comes to Britain, uh, uh, I think that's because he's obsessed with his own status and the rest of the Frontline Royals They automatically have armed police. protection uh wherever they go he wants the same uh service but he's not allowed to have it because he's not a Frontline Royal so when you said about that statement uh oh uh you know the king is too busy to see me uh which hid a multitude of sins , in fact, ended that statement by saying, "Oh, you know, it's too much." The


of public access is not good enough and I have no police protection, so that is why his obsession with this long running case in which he has wasted a million pounds has been rejected twice by the courts of this land ridiculously, he's suing again after the judge said let him, this is a lost case, he can't have security, he can't have Arm Security, he's appealing again, but that was more important to him than seeing his father and accepting his father's kind offer of lodging is outrageous, it is outrageous, but what you said is technically not true if Harry played the game right and requested the kind of security that wants armed security on 28 days notice, there is a chance of 5050 and with Invictus in the mix. leaning towards the positive, you know, a positive, uh, potentially positive response, that he would get that security, he's allowed that security on a case by case basis, so if he comes to do something completely selfless like the Invictus games, I think gonna. to be approved for that security, but if he comes, if Megan wants to go to the Christmas store, no, they should, the government should not provide armed security so that Megan Marle can walk through Herod.
No, I mean, I don't think anyone would disagree. that, but Harry is trying to paint the picture that he isn't allowed safety and that simply isn't true. They want to determine whether or not you get that security on a case by case basis if you are there representative if you are there saying I'm going to see my father, if you are there to celebrate the Invictus games, the probability is very high that you have the type of security that you want, but he is so arrogant and ruthless in the way he pursues this that he has disabled a lot of people who have the power to determine whether or not he gets what he wants in this ongoing online court saga, as I say, he sued the central office , uh, you know, saying oh, you have to give me full police protection.
If he ruled against you, no, you can't have it. He sued again, appealed again and at that point the judge said: "You're going to give the government £500,000 to pay his costs and, by the way, his costs too." He has his own legal coster 500,000, so he spent a million pounds and now he is going to sue again. Now this buzz devours him. I don't know why he puts himself through this because he is going to lose again and embarrass the royal family at a time when two of them, Kate and Charles are fighting cancer. Did he think about them when he pursued this ridiculous case that he can't win?
Did you think about them when he


around? I'm not saying it's James Palace because it's not. Sure, you know, he just seems to think about himself, isn't it okay? I mean, again, we came up with the word consequences again, what did he think the consequences of that statement on the king would be? villainize his father, either he did it, or he was completely oblivious to that fact or that was his intention, which again is ruthless, so I think they don't consider the consequences very often and, you're right, this is not the time to do it , believe. that Harry and Megan are safe in the UK.
I will firmly tell you that Kinsey, there is much safer in the new England in Britain than in Nigeria, a very, very dangerous country, true, yes, and I believe that they are safe there and this is real, this is really an obsession that I think he also inherited it from his mother, Princess Diana. I think at the end of the day he has to realize that you know guns didn't kill his mother, you know she was a seatbelt, but she wasn't. he had his seat belt on and there was someone who was drunk behind the wheel of a car no one chased his mother his death was horrible but his death was an accident and we see him obsessed with this narrative and obsessed with this narrative about his safety I I think These are two individuals that no one wants to hurt.
Nobody wants these people to get hurt. I think it partly has to do with his mother, but I also think it has to do with his status. This puts it greatly. underneath, he has a diminishing status in this country, he's not a Frontline Royal and this decision that he can't have armed police protection puts him below the rest of the family, uh, and I think he hates not having anything else in his life except worry. about his status and that's what this is all about, he's pathetic and he's pompous if you ask me, he's still the spare and it's killing him, it's crushing him, you know he's still considerate, you know that word spare stamped on his forehead when he shows the tent the red carpet hasn't been rolled out for him the way I expected it to be uh they're still trying to play half to half the Royals that's what you saw with the Nigerian tour um a title that or an arrangement that Queen Elizabeth said it was an absolute noo from the beginning, she's gone now so they're basically running over the royal family and trying to force those Opticians anyway so status is probably a big concern for him and it's because that crushes them that they have converted.
What a joke in Hollywood where Megan is trying to pursue her future, you know, and they don't want to be a joke, they want to be respected, okay, now it's gotten to that point where I always ask you this, when can I buy? something from the American Riviera Orchard website uh Megan uh lifestyle site where she sells beige kitchen linens and cutlery and cushions and sheets and blankets and things uh so far 50 jars of supposedly homemade jam if you think you think something has been sent to several VIPs and yet, two, what are they?, two, three months after the announcement of this great new company, you still can't buy anything.
I'm desperate for a beige tattoo for my house, when will it open? Kenzie, well, they've been trying. trying to get us to buy their bull for at least four years, so if you're in the market for that, there's plenty of that out there, but the countdown is on, they're calling it Megan Markle's Summer of Love PR Blitz. We're waiting to see Megan appear on all the talk shows and do all that soft-gum type media stuff. I think late night shows maybe today. Good Morning America. I 100% believe she will sit on Kelly Clarkson's couch, her friend Abigail's.
Spencer talked to him about it recently and mentioned Megan on the couch. Drew Barrymore, who will probably try to kiss her with her tongue. His interviews are way too exaggerated, so, you know, I think we'll be seeing a lot of Megan Markle. lately, but it doesn't make sense for them to launch the ones we're listening to right now without that ROI on the horizon, so they have to get some things on the website for retail, it doesn't make sense to ask them to do everything this press if you don't have anything to sell right away, absolutely fine, listen, let me ask you because we are still waiting for our prime minister to take the stand here in London, he is going to hand Del his second speech to the nation while I say this a little bit less soggy than the previous one, let me ask you a political question, do you think John Trump will win the presidential election in November?
I would be surprised if it didn't because the more that comes out of these trials it seems that this man is being persecuted to keep him away from his political activities, so I would be surprised if that is not recognized by more and more Americans. Well, Kinsey, on that note, brilliant stuff. We will soon go and thank Kinsey Scofield in Los Angeles and for

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