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Healing The Inner Child: Here’s What You MUST DO! [5 Tips]

Mar 14, 2024
Healing the



is one of the most important things you can do to completely transform your life and relationships. What we don't realize is that a wounded



can completely destroy our lives and make us feel unsafe in the world. Many of us have inner child issues, but we don't even know it because they are buried in us. In this video, I'm going to help you understand


the inner child really is and then I'm going to help you spot if your inner child is hurting and then I'm going to share five key but practical


to help you heal your inner child once and for all. all.
healing the inner child here s what you must do 5 tips
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and advice in a different format than Here on YouTube, okay, in this video we're going to talk about the inner child.
healing the inner child here s what you must do 5 tips

More Interesting Facts About,

healing the inner child here s what you must do 5 tips...

I have divided it into three parts to make it easier for you, in the first part we are going to talk about


the inner child is. I'm going to answer that question, then in part two we'll go over some key characteristics to help you spot whether or not your inner child is hurt, and then in part three of the video, I'll help you with Five Powerful Yet Practical Tips to Help You Heal to your inner child once and for all. Once you finish watching this video, let me know in the comments below if you feel like your inner child is hurt or if you are having trouble with it.
healing the inner child here s what you must do 5 tips
Let me know in the comments below, okay let's start with this video, part number one is what is the inner child. Now, the term inner child was first coined in psychology by the psychiatrist, the late psychiatrist Carl Jung, and if you believe it, where is the term inner? The child came as soon as Carl Jung separated from his teacher Freud, he started developing different theories and the inner child was one of the terms he coined at that time, so this is decades old, the actual concept of the inner child is seen. It's used very prominently in psychotherapy, so it's actually used therapeutically in psychotherapy to be able to help people understand what their inner child is and how to heal it.
healing the inner child here s what you must do 5 tips
From a psychotherapy from a psychological perspective, there is a definition of the inner child and self. I'm going to share that with you here, but then I want to go deeper. I want to go deeper because if you don't understand the spiritual component of the inner child you won't be able to fully heal it, no matter how many years of experience you have. Psychotherapy that you use well because the inner child that not only has a psychological component, the inner child has a very strong energetic and spiritual component, so you will have to understand that too, but first I want to remove the definition, the psychological definition, so that let's be on the same page from psychology, the inner child is simply a subpersonality of yours that lives in your unconscious mind, okay, so it is considered a subpersonality, a part of you that is in the unconscious mind that you are not really aware of , okay, so there is the psychological view of what the inner child is and now I want to go a little deeper into spirituality, okay, so yes, it is true from a broader perspective that the inner child resides. in your mind and its components reside in your unconscious mind, but the key for me that has helped me heal my inner child and then in working with hundreds of clients, the key for me was discovering that the inner child also has a power house, okay? so he is not only in the mind, but also lives in the lower three chakras, especially the first chakra.
Well, your inner child lives energetically in your first chakra. This is one that I'm going to talk a lot about in this video because If you don't understand how the inner child lives in your first chakra, what the first chakra is about, and why she and her child live there, you won't be able to fully heal it because you can't. simply heal it from a mind. perspective, okay, so if you haven't seen a picture of the chakras here, it's coming up, these are, it's said, these are the seven main chakras of your body, the main seven, there are many more, but these are the seven The main ones and the one that is of particular interest to us when we talk about the inner child is this red here at the bottom this is the base chakra the first chakra is located at the tip of the spine down in the pubic area this chakra is very important with the inner child because this chakra is literally the foundation of your entire system.
This is the first chakra that develops in the womb. This is your first primordial relative, the creator, God and the universe. This chakra is also your base chakra for everything. in your life, okay, so this chakra is literally the foundation of everything, the foundation of the entire system and it's also where your inner child lives from an energetic perspective. Now I'm going to share some key characteristics of the first chakra to get you started. understanding how the first chakra and the inner child go hand in hand they live together so let me quickly share some key characteristics of this first chakra so you can understand it better because guess what ding ding when it comes.
For the steps to help you understand and heal the inner child, there will be first chakra work involved, so it is good that you know what this first chakra is about, what it is really about and there may be some characteristics here that you don't even you knew If you know about chakras, this first chakra is mainly about safety and security, okay this is your security chakra, so this first chakra is responsible for helping you feel safe in the world, helping you feel that you belong to this world. The chakra is very, very closely related to feelings of physical survival, and you can understand why, because as mammals, this first chakra is very important because we literally depend on our tribe to survive.
Mammals would die if a mammal had a baby and just left it, it would die without any support from the tribe, this is very different from other species on planets like snakes or crocodiles or something like that, where when a crocodile is born, when they hatch from the egg , they are literally alone and can take care of themselves, not true with mammals, it's okay, we need our support system, we need our tribe and that's what this first chakra is about, it's not just about feelings of security in your body and in the world, but is also considered tribal. chakra, this is the chakra that initially programs you with all the key beliefs and programming that have something to do with groups or tribes, for example, it is in this chakra where you first learned what love is, so if your partner is very loving. towards you or your caregivers are very affectionate with you, you receive that first imprint of what love really is in the first chakra, not in the heart chakra, contrary to popular belief, your first reflection, your first example of what which is love, it is programmed in the first chakra and then moves up from there, so this is the tribal chakra.
You have some very deep programming here. You have to remember that a child initially in the early phases of their lives, I would say the first five years of a child's life, they are actually in a hypnotic state, which means they take on whatever is happening in the world. They assume it and learn by example, they learn by observing that your brain is in a hypnotic state, which means they can absorb a lot of information even if you don't. Think that the child is absorbing it, so this first chakra has so much programming, that is another characteristic, it has programming that is not just from this life, it has programming from your ancestry, from your family, it has beliefs and it just believes. entire belief systems, so an example I sometimes give people is that if they grew up in a dysfunctional family, all of those beliefs that the family holds will be imprinted in that first chakra and beyond, even if your conscious mind tells you so. .
If you want to live a wonderful and happy life, you can consciously say it all you want, but if you are programmed with a dysfunction in the first chakra, you will find it very difficult to do so because that programming needs to be reviewed, seen and healed. Another characteristic of the first chakra is that it governs not only your legs, so it governs your legs and feet in the lower part of your body, but it also governs your bones, all your bones, so you will see how important this first chakra is. . your bones would just fall into a puddle so the first chakra literally gives you structure okay its also the chakra responsible for order and structure so this first chakra likes to have order and structure in the world no only within the bone structure.
Another characteristic of this first shark was that it is responsible for their immune system, so it is very interesting because many times when clients contact me, they have a lot of problems with their bodies, some people have autoimmune diseases, others have bone problems. and right away just from their physical symptoms I can see that they have a problem with the first chakra. Well, there is another characteristic of this first chakra. Now you can see that with all these characteristics that I've given you, you can see how intimately involved he is. This first chakra is and why it is the House of the inner child from an energetic perspective because literally everything that the child learned and the way that the child experienced the world when he was born until you know it quite late, I would say seven eight nine.
They still live a lot in this first chakra, especially if this first chakra has been hurt, if it has been blocked, if it has any dysfunction coming from a dysfunction in the outside world, so if there is a dysfunction in this first chakra, the child will tend . stay in the consciousness of the first chakra longer than is supposed because as we age our consciousness begins to increase in the chakra system when we begin to live one chakra after another, but if we do, if we have a delay in development of our chakra, then our consciousness remains lower and that is why we see the world and live the world through the first chakra, this first chakra is, therefore, the basis of the child's worldview.
Okay, now all the beliefs, so she will start to take on the beliefs of her family. if she has any trauma in her family if she has any dysfunction in her family, she will literally take on her family's beliefs because they will be embedded in this first chakra, but also the first chakra has a very primordial, primitive way of seeing the world. The first chakra has to do with the body. So when a child lives in the consciousness of this first chakra, that is natural. When we first come into the world, we live in our five senses, so we touch things, we put things in our mouths that we eat constantly. dirt without looking at everything we are looking at the wonders of the world so children from a very early age live in this first chakra by being very connected with their five senses and the five senses are connected to the body and the body has to do with that first shock or the physical aspect has to do with the first chakra so as you can see the first chakra and the inner child go hand in hand in my opinion you know other teachers may have different opinions but in my opinion this first chakra . it's the home it's the structure it's the house where the inner child lives and this is where your primary beliefs and the way you see the world this is where they are rooted so a lot of times when we talk about inner child trauma we can not just say inner child trauma, we also have to say first chakra trauma, so now you will know that from now on you cannot divorce the inner child from the first chakra.
If there are problems with the inner child, there is surely a first chakra. and if there are problems with the first chakra, there are certainly problems with the inner child, they go hand in hand and the way this first chakra is programmed will either be programmed in a healthy way or become dysfunctional. blocked or simply out of control depending on what is happening in the outside world, this first chakra is very, very outward. Well, there are some chakras in our system that are inward, but this chakra is outward because this chakra is the first to develop is the one that is primordial and important when you come into the world.
Hello, I'm here, as soon as you come out of the birth canal, you are in first chakra consciousness and you stay there for quite a while because you are taking in the world you are using your five senses you are being programmed you are observing your family your caregivers and how you are being raised you are observing if there is dysfunction or harmony in the family and that is literally being programmed like a computer in your first chakra if there is any type of dysfunctionin the family and I'm not just talking about severe dysfunction, you know that it is clear that if there is sexual abuse emotional abuse physical abuse it is clear that this first chakra is going to be completely wrong because it is quite severe abuse, but what many times people don't What you realize is that sometimes that dysfunction doesn't have to be as serious as sexual abuse to be considered and very traumatizing to the lower chakra at this early stage.
Chakra, okay, the first chakra can easily become destabilized early in your life. , especially if this person, if the child is an empath or a highly sensitive person, which you probably are if you watch my videos, so the more sensitive you are, the higher the chance. that this chakra is going to be destroyed by any dysfunction, so it could be things like your parents don't get along, they fight all the time, they don't even seem to love each other, there's just chaos, there's arguments, there's just fights in the At home there are cries of all this type of dysfunction, even if it's not completely on top of you, even if you're not personally being sexually, emotionally or physically abused, you're still receiving trauma because of all the chaos that's going on at home. your family environment but it doesn't have to be just something strong like shouting and fighting and all that could also be more subtle so for example if you come into the world and your parents ignore you no one pays attention to you.
You are simply playing alone, you are constantly alone because no one pays attention to you. Pay attention, no one notices you are there, no one is giving you love, so you see, ignoring a child is also immensely traumatizing to this first chakra, so there are several things. that could happen when you come into the world, that can destabilize this first chakra and if that happens immediately, you have the creation of the wounded child, the wounded child becomes completely destabilized, the energy in this first chakra can become blocked or destabilized and then from there. From now on we have stunted growth, which means that the growth of the other chakras, the growth of the child, both intellectually and spiritually, will be stunted because precisely because there are many destabilizing things in this first chakra and also apart from the trauma, let's say the example that I give a lot that people sometimes don't know: you are inheriting programming and sestra things that you are inheriting from your family, even if it's subtle and you don't notice it, so, for example, let's say you were born into a family that was racist or you were born into a family that is homophobic, okay, there is homophobia in their genes, they have a slight dislike for homosexuality or there are racists, this may not be completely programmed externally in you, but it is certainly programmed in your first chakra, so A lot of times when we grow up in these environments and then we grow up and our conscious mind comes online and we start making decisions and we become adult individuals, we say no way, I'm not like my parents, I'm not racist.
I'm not homophobic, that's true to some extent because you can consciously say I'm not homophobic or I'm not racist and I'm just using these two as an example, it could be anything else but you can consciously say I'm not that, but guess what? ding ding, that programming, that ancestral programming has been implanted in your first chakra and you are not going to get rid of it just by saying I am not racist, I am not homophobic, you have to enter the The first chakra recognizes beliefs, heal them and let them go and then the programming disappears.
So these are some particularities of the inner child and the play of the inner child with the first chakra. Now that we have gone through the psychological. definition of what the inner child is and I have reviewed a little the game of the inner child with the first chakra. Now I just want to give you a more spiritual definition of what the inner child is before moving on to the second part of the video and the spiritual, the more spiritual definition I want to give you of what the inner child is, the inner child is just that part of you. , that energetic component of yours, that part of you that is childish, that is innocent, that is happy. who likes to play like a child, okay, that's literally what it is, but this definition that you see is broader, it is the part of you that is playful, is childish, the one that sees the world in wonder, the one that She's excited, she likes to play, you see that part of you.
So this definition is a little bit better because it's not limited to just the mind, it's the part of you, which means it can reside in multiple areas and it's that part of you that is just this beautiful, this beautiful child that has this energy. of innocence of love of just emotion of joy so that loves to play well, that's the general definition and now I want to get to part number two of the video, which is how I know if my inner child is hurt or not. Three easy questions you can ask yourself to detect whether your inner child is hurt or not.
Well, we start with one of them, which we already talked about in the first part of the video, but I want to go deeper into this and the first question. You should always ask yourself if you have had childhood trauma and I have had childhood trauma too. Well, I discussed this a little before, where I said that trauma is not just something overt like sexual, emotional, or physical abuse. It doesn't have to be so dramatic or so intense. It could be any type of dysfunction in your family. If your parents are fighting. If your president gets along. he abandoned you or he just let you do your thing, all these kinds of things, this kind of dysfunction can create trauma in your life and if you have this kind of trauma, you can be sure that that inner child is hurt if you have . you have not done the


work that I am talking about, I am talking about if you have not done the


work if you have done the healing work then no, this is not automatic your inner child is hurt because if you have already done this work of healing healing, then your inner child may be in an imprinted state of healing and perfectly balanced, but if you have childhood trauma and have not yet done the healing work, then this is a good indication that your inner child is wounded.
Some other questions you can add to this: Did I have childhood trauma? There are a few other questions you can add to dig a little deeper and find out whether or not your childhood traumatized you enough. Other key questions are: did I feel safe as a child? so it is important that you answer if I felt safe because remember the first chakra of safety and survival, the moment you do not feel safe, your inner child is also atrophied. Okay, did I feel safe? Did I feel loved? Well, remember when I am. As a child, especially from an early age, I feel loved through my first chakra, not my heart chakra, so the first experience I have of love in this world is through my first chakra.
So I felt loved, cared for and cared for like I felt when I was a child. like he belonged well, he was also in a family that he felt like he belonged or die. Did I feel like a complete stranger in my family? Did I feel like a complete alien who had just entered my family? and in fact, I've had people say that they had multiple siblings and literally their siblings got along very well with the parents and the parents seemed to have a great family unit with the parents and the other siblings and then my client was like I had been completely excluded it was almost like he didn't belong in the family, okay?
It is pertinent that you explore to discover if you have a childhood trauma that is programmed and in this first chakra and that has therefore atrophied your inner child and wounded it. The second question is how are my relationships now? This is very easy to detect. a hurt child a hurt inner child when you're in relationships, especially romantic relationships because nothing triggers your hurt inner child more than a romantic relationship and the reason is because romantic relationships force us to be intimate and if we have problems with intimacy if we have a wound and her child, she won't allow you to be intimate because intimacy will mean that she will feel insecure, she will start to feel insecure being around another person because you know that other fears will arise, like she will be afraid. the person leaves, abandons her, betrays her, so all these fears arise in the inner child, if she has a first chakra that is dysfunctional, that's okay, so do an evaluation of how your relationships have been so far, If you have had wonderful partnerships and romantic relationships, or if you have had difficult romantic relationships and if they have been difficult or dysfunctional, you know immediately that you have programming in the first chakra that is causing the dysfunction and that your inner child who is hurt is also causing dysfunction in relationships because you don't remember anything, nothing will trigger an internal relationship. child more than a romantic relationship, especially if that romantic relationship is very close, like a soulmate or a twin flame or a sacred partnership, the closer the part of the romantic connection type, the more it will trigger a hurt inner child, so If you find yourself having problems and relationships, then you know that this inner child is hurt, but I also want to add some other questions here that are important to identify the problems.
A lot of times what happens is the inner child will do it. She comes out in relationships and she will be very immature, very immature, so you may start to notice this in yourself. Let's say you're having an argument with your partner and then you say they say something and it really hurts you and then you. become a child again, you can actually pick this up in yourself. I have done it several times. you can catch this in yourself when you start. It's almost like you've gone off track to become a child again. That inner child will come up a lot. that, for example, you'll have a tantrum and start yelling at them or you'll shut up, that was my thing, that was my thing, my inner child would show up in romantic relationships, I would shut down and just stop doing it.
He talked and pouted, that was how he presented me in romantic relationships. He would pout and not speak and sometimes he would not speak to them for days. It was ridiculous and that was my inner child coming out right, so how do you behave? relationships when things start to get bad do you get into emotional insecurity do you get into emotional immaturity do you have you know are you jealous are you jealous do you have all these things? All of these are signs that you are emotionally immature in a relationship and if you are emotionally immature in a relationship it is because your inner child is hurt and you have dysfunction in the first chakra the third question to know if your inner child is hurt I am sure it is.
You knew one was coming because I've been talking a lot about the first chakra, so the third question you need to ask to know if your inner child is hurt is is my first chakra balanced, so we've been talking a lot about the first chakra and the child. The inner child goes hand in hand, one does not go without the other, so if your first chakra is out of balance, you will know that your inner child is probably doing well. If your first chakra is not in balance, then you will know that your inner child is hurt.
Well, how do you know if your first chakra is imbalanced or not? I have a few different characteristics that will help you immediately detect if your first chakra is not out of balance and one of the first is me. I'm controlling, okay, am I controlling? There is another question, it is one of the first to ask, because why do I say control? because ding ding the key aspect of the shadow, what is called the shadow aspect of something, the shadow aspect just means the wound in something, okay, so the biggest wound of the 1st chakra is control, right? why is it control?
Well remember that the 1st chakra is the chakra of survival and security, that is its main function, so the moment I do not feel safe in the world, I develop a personality that is extremely controlling and I am using control to try to keep myself safe, okay, and this control can go to the extreme of a person becoming OCD, but it doesn't have to be so extreme that you can still control your life in several other areas. Do you like controlling people? ? Do you like to control your environment? Your house and your things have to be a certain way for you to be well.
Does your outside environment have to be a certain way for you to be well? this is a key question to determine if you are controlling or not if you are controlling if you have a controlling personality then you can know right away that it is because you have a dysfunction in this first chakra that needs and healed another question to see if your The first balance of the first balanced chakra is: Do I fear abandonment? Well, here's another key question: if you are afraid of people leaving you, if you are afraid of abandonment, and this could be abandonment, it could be I'm afraid of people leaving me or it could be the extreme of I'm afraid of that people will die I am afraid that my loved ones will die.
I've had people tell me this many times, that sometimes they get scared, they have this deep-seated fear that the people they love are I'm going to die, okay, this is really fear of abandonment and fear of abandonment is a fundamental problem. of the first chakra. The third question is: am I afraid of getting sick? So this may present itself in an extreme where you are a hypochondriac, but They could just be peoplelighter ones who are afraid of their physical bodies getting sick. This is a first chakra problem. Because? Because your first chakra is responsible not only for safety but also for your physique.
It is also responsible for your immune system, so when you start to fear for the safety of your body in terms that it may be getting sick, this is a problem of the first chakra, so there is another question, another question is: do I belong? I feel like? You belong, so if you find yourself being a stranger, consider yourself a stranger or being a stranger as a child if you feel like you don't really belong in your family or the environment you grew up in, that's another key sign that your first chakra is not there. In balance another question is: do you trust life?
This is also key because if your first chakra is balanced, you trust the world a lot, you believe that you live in a benevolent universe, you believe that you are constantly being loved. and guided and supported if your first chakra is off, that is, if you have ever felt unsafe in your world, if you felt unsafe as a child, created a dysfunction in that first chakra and as soon as you have a dysfunction in the first chakra, will not trust In life, you begin to believe that the world is not benevolent, that the world is out to get you, that the world is dangerous, that you have to fight to survive, so these beliefs begin to take root the moment you that your first chakras become unbalanced and you start to feel insecure in the world, so ask yourself if you trust life, if it is easy for you to follow the flow of life or if you have to control things and fight for them.
If the answer to this question will show you if you have a first bet, first chakra imbalance and then the last question is I usually see the imbalance in the first chakra: do I have any physical problems or am I comfortable and comfortable with my body? So these are really two questions, so let's get into the questions, the first one is: Do I have any physical problems? Well, then there is another question: Do I have any physical problems in my body, especially problems related to bones or the immune system? Do I have an autoimmune disorder? Autoimmune problem Do I get sick very often?
Is my immune system just not strong? I keep getting sick and have multiple colds or viruses or whatever a year and that happens to me or, more seriously, do I have autoimmune disorders? Do I have bones? bone structure problems joint problems okay so do I have physical problems associated with these parts? If that's true, it may or may not, it doesn't always mean that if you have it just because you have an immune problem it doesn't mean that your first chakra is completely unbalanced but it could show a lack of balance in the first chakra and then the last question is If I feel comfortable with my body.
Remember that the first chakra has to do with the body, the more comfortable you feel. your skin the more comfortable you feel in your body that means the more balanced the first chakra will be if you don't feel comfortable in your body if you are very focused on your body in the sense that you are very critical of your body or you are very insecure about of your body, then you know that this may be a first chakra problem. Well, let's go to part number three of the video and this is how to heal your inner child now that we know so much about your inner body. child and the association of it with the first chakra, now let's go to heal this baby, heal your inner child so that you can move forward with much more power and emotional and spiritual maturity.
Well then I have some tips for you, my top five tips. I am going to go very deep to help you create a sense of maturity within your system and heal this inner child once and for all. The first tip is to become aware of your inner child, which you are already doing by watching this video. You are almost there, become aware of your inner child and start a dialogue with your inner child. This is super important because a hurt inner child is the most important thing your inner child needs from you, whether he is hurt or not. here's a ding ding and a side note: the most important thing your inner child needs from you is to see it, hear it and love it, okay, see it, hear it and love it, that's what your inner child It needs you the moment you become aware of the inner child and begin to see them, hear them and love them and this is what in psychology is called re-parenting.
Well, the moment you begin to recognize even the existence of an inner child, then it is no longer an unconscious phenomenon, because the moment I become aware of something it enters my conscious mind, so the moment I I realize my inner child and I start to love it, see it and listen to it, then you know, that was already going to say like 90, maybe not 90 percent of the healing. work maybe 70 or 80 percent of the healing work that you are doing by just recognizing and doing this first step the second tip that you knew was coming the second tip is to do the first chakra hook work, the first chakra healing work what you have to do are you Kenna, this is where I deviate significantly from psychology and why I said at the beginning of the video that there is no way you can completely heal your inner child by doing psychotherapy alone because the inner child is intimately connected to the first . chakra if this first chakra is off, your inner child will not be healed, so there is a multidimensional perspective here, so you can do psychotherapy.
If you combine psychotherapy with this spiritual work on the first chakra, then your inner child will be healed. heal well, so how do we make the first chakra work well? I've talked in several videos before about the idea of ​​grounding. Grounding is essential for the first chakra and could be something as simple as taking off your shoes, taking off your socks, and just getting on. With your bare feet on the ground you can start tapping, marching in place, tapping especially with your heels, the more you tap your feet the more you will connect your first chakra, so it could be something like that, it could be any type of body work .
As deep tissue massage is very fundamental, also anything that has to do with the physical part of who you are is very fundamental to the first chakra, so connection work is very important, but it doesn't have to be just a real physical work you can do. grounding work on the first chakra by doing grounding meditations - for the first chakra it's fine, so a grounding meditation is literally when you're sitting, you start visualizing that first chakra and then you visualize any of the roots coming out of the first chakra and They go deep into the earth and take root or take root in the real planet.
This type of visualization meditation where you are literally visualizing roots coming out of your first chakra, going through the ground that you are sitting on and going right in. Mother Earth, this is a grounding meditation and this type of visualization meditation helps a lot in grounding work. The next key to first chakra healing for chakra work is the evaluation of beliefs and programming. Well, we talked about that earlier in the video, the first chakra. is where all of your early childhood programming and not just early childhood but the past life programming of multiple generations before you, all of that is here, not just your family, you have to remember that the first chakra houses all the programming for any group, for example, this. this is where you have the codes for your race this is where you have the codes for your gender this is where you have the codes for your culture your country your religion you see any type of belief system around a group is encoded in this first chakra Yes it is encoded At a time in your life when you're very young and you're in a hypnotic state and you don't have the intellect to be able to choose what you think is right and what you think is wrong, then guess what?
You could be programmed with a lot of junk that you don't believe in and don't want in your life, but it has been programmed into your first chakra and still resides there, so you need to do an ancestral energy belief re-evaluation. You have to do this to clear this first chakra completely, so find out and write down what your family believed, what your family's beliefs were, so the example I gave before was that if you were born into a family that was a homophobe or racist, okay, write that down, I have these codes in me, okay, and be very objective about it, this is not a judgment towards you, so if your parents, your grandparents or your family were racist, it doesn't mean that you be racist You are consciously racist, but that means you have racist codes in your first chakra and those need to be healed and released to help heal not only yourself, but your family across the planet, these codes have to go, so you have to be very objective about the codes and the beliefs that you receive from your parents and from your tribe, whatever tribe it is, you have to be very objective and you have to ask yourself what beliefs do I want to maintain because not all of them are bad, right? tribal beliefs that are very good, you know, the belief in society that killing someone else is bad, okay, this is not a bad belief, it is a good belief, that is good, you have it programmed in your first chakra , TRUE?
I will not harm others. There is another belief that generally exists in many groups, so these are good beliefs. Not only do you have bad beliefs, but it is the negative beliefs that are very harmful to your life and those are the ones we need to get rid of. so you have to be very objective in asking yourself what beliefs I have about my family, about my ancestors, about my culture, my race, my gender, whatever beliefs were imparted to me, that I no longer resonate with and that I want to heal and leave. see because they are not mine and I don't want them in my energy system, so you will evaluate these beliefs and then you will simply do a healing meditation.
It's very easy, just do a healing meditation. ask your guides to please help you and tell them very objectively what you want to heal so for example going back to your racist thing that I used a while ago if you write down I have racist codes in my first chakra because I was racist parents, they will sit down, they will call to your angels, you will call your team and say please to my angels, source of energy, my intention today is to heal these racist codes of my first chakra, so that I could free myself from these prejudices and move forward with more lightness and joy, It could be something like this, like this, like this, a statement like that is enough to heal and cut these programmings that you really need to let go of, especially if you have a lot of harmful beliefs coming from your family and your ancestry, the third tip is to do the work with mantras, so this is a great way to heal that inner child.
Mantra work is amazing, our affirmations, what you are going to do is remember when I said the child really needs to be heard, seen and loved, so the moment you start talking to your inner child in a very loving way , she calms down, comes into peace, and starts being happy again like she's supposed to. and an inner child is supposed to be the happy, innocent part of you, not the hurt part of you, it's not supposed to be hurt, so mantra work was really powerful in healing my own inner child and it's powerful. in the lives of many. clients that I work with and these can be very simple mantras or affirmations that you develop to talk to your inner child when you feel that the inner child is getting anxious or trying to take control because the inner child, when hurt, can really hold on . control of your life and can completely destroy your life.
Okay, you don't want the inner child to take control of your life because he is a childish part of you, the childish part of you is meant to have fun, play, be joyful. Your inner child part is not the one that should be in charge, that's your adult part that is supposed to be in charge, okay, so you really want to calm her down when you feel that she is getting angry, so mantra work is really important it could be something as simple as everything is okay we are not in danger you are safe oh this is so powerful you are safe you are loved I love you everything is okay you will be okay what do you need from me?
All these things, you see, these mantras, these affirmations, are imbued with a lot of love, a lot of care and a lot of tenderness, and that will calm the energy of the inner child a lot. Affirmations that are very powerful in my own life. and tip number four for healing the inner child is guided meditations and you'll find a ton of these if you know, go to YouTube, the YouTube search bar and just search for guided meditations for the inner child. I'll find a ton of them, a ton of them, so I'm not going to give you specific recommendations because just go out there, try different ones and see which one is right for you.
The important thing is the guided meditations for the work of the inner child. They are very valuable because sometimes we can feel a little lost as to how to access our inner child because sometimes the inner child can be so hurt that it is a very difficult job for us to do on our own. told meyou know I don't know how to talk to my inner child I can't even reach her she doesn't want to talk to me I don't have access to her so sometimes the inner child is so hurt that she actually retreats into the depths of your psyche, she retreats, she dissociates so much that doesn't even want to talk to you and many times with guided meditations they really helped me to, at least initially, start my work with my inner child and then I felt good afterwards and was able to do the healing work on my own, but initially the guided meditations were really powerful, so find some guided meditations for your inner child.
Put on your headphones, listen to the meditation and simply listen to the person guiding you to connect and heal within you. Heal your inner child. This is really powerful stuff. Also, the fifth tip is to do integration exercises. Integration exercises are really important because I have talked in previous videos about how really the inner child and all the other traumatized components of us many times, when we go through traumas or difficulties in childhood, We start to dissociate, so we fragment and when we fragment, whether it's in the inner child, it gets hurt or in any other aspect, the crucial part of healing, all of that is the work of integration.
I have to bring back all the fragmented and dissociated part of myself, embrace them and love them. return to unity consciousness, so integration exercises are really important and it is very easy to do an integration exercise. You can simply play meditation music and write a prayer or intention. Intentions are very decree, they are very, very powerful because you have to remember. You are a really powerful spiritual being, anything you say with your mouth is really powerful in the manifestation of your physical reality, so when you try to heal something, it heals, it heals. That's how powerful you are and therefore a powerful intention that I love working with.
It is a powerful intention that I use with integration exercises. You can simply sit down to meditate, play meditation music, and write down a mantra that might look like this. Here you have a good intention. Maybe you want to write it down. or create your own, but here is an example of a good intention mantra, so it could be something like I intend to unite my inner child and all the painful wounds and experiences of her. I intend to integrate all these parts now that I am so loved, I feel very honored that it is already done.
There are several sentences here, but you see, this is an example of an intention mantra. I intend to bring back my inner child. I intend to integrate my inner child and all her painful experiences. I have the intention to Integrate everything, bring it to a state of unity consciousness and that's how I'm healed, okay, something like that, so there's a good example of a market of intentions. The work of mantra integration is really powerful with the intention of integrating all the parts that have been fragmented. It's really powerful. to heal the inner child okay now I want to hear from you let me know in the comments below if you feel like you have a wound and your child or if you are having issues with your inner child let me know in the comments below click . here to subscribe to my youtube channel or visit my website and take my heart quiz to find out if your hearts are blocked and here is a youtube live that I did recently where I did a live grounding meditation, like this that you may want to use that to ground your first chakra.
It's okay, beautiful soul. That's all for me. I'm out.

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