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Big Fat Quiz Of The Year Marathon | 2014 & 2015 Full Episode [4K] | Absolute Jokes

May 27, 2024
will the book call? Actually, I don't have a name yet, put the ingredients together, cook, that's what we're going to eat, okay, you have a question for us, what's the question, so my favorite hobby is of course baking this


, as revealed by the new union leader Jeremy. Corbin has a pretty unusual hobby, but can you tell me what's cool? He writes your answers. What is Jeremy Corbin's unusual hobby? It's quite extravagant. I'm going to have another one of these for the sugar that we love, okay, do we all have it? something for this, yes, yes, well, what does everyone put? um, he, his interest is manhole covers and he specifically likes to photograph them if he sees them, okay, uh, Richard Greg, did you understand this, yeah, yeah, yeah, same thing, sorry, really chopped PES ?
big fat quiz of the year marathon 2014 2015 full episode 4k absolute jokes
Looks like I distracted you. I put


s of work into ruining this body. Do you want cake? Someone? Claudia David, did you get anything? What did you get? Yes, yes, photographs of manhole covers, it is, it is, the correct answer, it is Jeremy Corbin's hobby. taking pictures of manhole covers is very close to my hobby, which is taking pictures of sewers, um, men's anuses, it's a very strange permission, okay, let's take a quick look and see what has happened to the sheet music, like this which, Richard and Greg are 27, Claudia and David are. 29 Rob and in the lead with 31 as we move towards the final part of the big Factory of the year once again please leave it for Nadia the B winner welcome back to the final part of the big F test this round is all. on the talking points and most refreshing moments that define


, the Sun finally dropped page three.
big fat quiz of the year marathon 2014 2015 full episode 4k absolute jokes

More Interesting Facts About,

big fat quiz of the year marathon 2014 2015 full episode 4k absolute jokes...

The women on page three are now covered up and are photographed in bras and pants. It seems like every day they are reporting a story about someone who forgot their October PE kit it was reported that eating processed meats was as bad as smoking, which is hard for me as I had to switch to Slamy Patches and vape an electronic sausage. Let's have some questions. Take a look at these photos from the heart of Hollywood. Leonardo DiCaprio throbs Vin Diesel and Chris Pratt all of them show off an essential male physique of


as it was called oh oh yes it should be easy just look down Greg by chance Richard and Greg, did you spell dong wrong?
big fat quiz of the year marathon 2014 2015 full episode 4k absolute jokes
I just told Richard in the last in the last break I just said that actually I think I've already gone through that and I don't find badong fun anymore, but I still do it. Now take a look at these images of Australian politician Barnaby Joyce. My question is simple: what? On Earth, are you talking about starting to allow movie stars, even though they've been the sexiest man alive twice, into our nation? So why don't we just break the laws for everyone, so it's time for the gun and boo to get rid of it? to the United States, okay, that was Barnab Joyce, still clear, very upset about missing out on the title of sexiest man alive twice, what the hell was he talking about? wow, yeah, for our next question, it's over to the culinary wizard, Hon Blumenthal, hi Jimmy, now like you know, I'm not the best shopper in the world, so when I go shopping I'm always looking for unusual ingredients, but what new law described by the media as particular and potentially chaotic could be avoided by buying a live fish, an ax or a handful of taxes on loose seeds could be avoided by buying what there was a tax and you could avoid it if you bought a live fish, an ax or a handful of loose seeds, oh you're right, yes, yes you are, keep going. fine and finally a law passed in 1835 prohibiting driving or intentionally driving any horse, ass, sheep, mule, hog or transport of any description or any truck or sleigh on a trail led to Banning what is a popular fashion this year balance Ban fads Ban F there's a grown man with a mortgage, the bad dog could be a grown man Lally, a grown man, yeah, it's over, I haven't said it, I haven't said a word, I haven't said B, no, but this joke has legs like you wouldn't believe. like a millipede, this joke always really feel like I'm going to go crazy, okay, okay.
big fat quiz of the year marathon 2014 2015 full episode 4k absolute jokes
I showed you these photos of Hollywood hunks Leonardo Decaprio Vindy on Chris Barett esporing the physique of the year, what's his name? I'm going to go with you Greg Davis, what did you write Greg? We thought well, it's dad's body, but first we made an anagram. Bad, it's a bad dong, look as you can see, they're all bad dogs, daddy B, they got everything they got. everyone has bad dong they have dad BS but they probably have bad dong well what did you put Joe Rob uh yeah Dad B dad B okay and Claudia David dad B I can tell you the answer was bad dong bad badong was of course points all round , dad, body, okay, below I showed you some pictures of an Australian MP, what the hell was I talking about?
Johnny Depp's Puppies Johnny Depp's Dogs, let's go to Greg Davis, who will tell us what he wrote. Well, I wrote the second half of this. I wrote Johnny Depp's Dogs, that's not your lyrics, what was he talking about? So Jeremy Caron's bad dog, Johnny Depp's dogs is our answer, okay, let's find out the next number, which is a gentleman named John Christopher Depp, uh, 51 years old, otherwise, also known as Jack Sparrow and He decided to bring two dogs to our nation without obtaining the proper certification and proper permits required, so the answer was yes. Johnny Depp's dogs, gun and boo, who have been illegally introduced into Australia for our next question, honey, I wanted to know what tax could be avoided by buying a live fish and ax or a handful of loose seeds and let's go straight to Richard iard and Greg Greg, it was the 5p B load, also known as the bad dong tags, bad dong t five, it's the bad Jimmy 5 P load, but if you buy seeds, ax or fresh fish, you get a bag, you get a free bag um Rob Joe Carri bag car bag tax you are


ly right, it was the 5p charge for carry bags um well, next I asked you what popular fad was banned this year after a law from 1835 was invoked, was it invoked? what did you think it was?
Was it the swag swagway Segway or swagway, you can't ride them in public places, swagway is


ly right, your Segway SL hoverboard, we're fine, and Richard and Greg, did you get it? No, we have Netflix and Chill Bad Dong, sorry to everyone involved in the last part of this show. I don't regret anything, it's fine, so points to Rob and Joe. Points for Cloria and David, and no points for Netflix and Chill Bad Dong. Taking a look at the scores, I can tell you that Richard iy and Greg Davis have 30 points. Claudia Winkl and David Mitchell are 33.
Rob and Joe are 35. The last thing we have is the big question. I'm looking for three things, there's a point for each. and if you get all three I'll give you five extra points no oh so we're still in the game despite being so deep in every aspect so what I want to know is the highest grossing movie in the UK this year and because Star Wars has just come out and it's clearly going to be huge, we're not counting Star Wars, okay, so it's not the biggest Star Wars movie in the UK this year, okay, write it down, next question, is it? the best-selling album of the year?
It won't get any easier, it's the best-selling album of the year, even David Mitchell will already get it. I don't know now, I don't know and finally the most watched TV show this year. The most watched television program. Oh, I'm going with Richard's suggestion. bang, I'm so nervous I might get sick first in the biggest movie of the year Rob Joe, what did you put in? Spectre, what did you choose?, Richard gect. Spectre, what did you choose?, Davis Spector. I can tell you that you are very good, that is the highest grossing movie of the year.
Great, biggest album of the year by some margin. I would add, uh, Rob and Joe, Adele's 25, what did you put in? Richard Greg. I wanted to say Adele's 25, but unfortunately we had a little. a little bit of bad dong and um, we chose double X by Ed Shiran because I think Adele's album came out recently. What did you choose for Taylor Swift 1989? We actually crossed out Adele 25. Adele 25 was the best-selling album. The most watched television program. of the year, what did you choose for Richard and Greg, uh, dant, Abby, Rob Joe, what did you choose, um, the great British?
Ok, Claudia David, what did you choose? I can tell you that The Great Brit was the most watched TV show this year 14 million viewers so you get two points Gloria David Richard Greg you get one point and Rob and Joe get three points plus five because you got them right oh that's it It's time to add up your scores, this is how teams did it Richard and Greg are in third place with 31 Claudia and David have 35 Rob and Joe are the winners with 43 points Rob and Joe BR you are the winners of the big test F of the year 2015.
Many thanks to our incredible panel, all our specials. guests and thanks for watching at home, don't forget to tune in to the new bigback


of everything on January 5th, where Richard and I will be joined by null Fielding Jack, Mel gidro Chelsea Bry and Jonathan Roth, this has been the big fiz of the year good night

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