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IKIGAI | A Japanese Philosophy for Finding Your Purpose

Apr 12, 2024
The Japanese island of Okinawa is said to have the world's largest number of centenarians, or people over the age of one hundred, with the majority of the population retiring extremely late and continuing to live deeply


ful lives. In 2010, author Dan Buettner published a book titled the Blue Zones in which he studied areas of the world that are home to the longest-lived residents, including Okinawa, he mentioned that the Okinawan population has no desire to retire and continues to do their jobs as long as they stay healthy due to a concept called iki boy which loosely translates as raison d'etre the word iki guy generally refers to the mental and spiritual circumstances under which people feel their lives are valuable, it is not linked to financial status, so even if a person feels that their present is dark but has a goal in mind, they can sense that iki is dying.
ikigai a japanese philosophy for finding your purpose
This is where this becomes so powerful. That's why today I'm going to introduce you to an ancient formula and illustrate how four different components of


life can overlap and lead you to the goal. sweet spot in the center, which is


iki guy before you start. I've been thinking a lot and I've realized that my key guy feed comes if you hit the like button and if you subscribe to the channel for more videos like this every week okay let's get started the first component is what you love this is that feeling in your gut about the things that you really enjoy doing and with which you can enter a state of flow for many people this tends to be artistic or creative endeavors such as reading, writing, filmmaking, etc., but it is certainly not limited because the second component is what you are good at now.
ikigai a japanese philosophy for finding your purpose

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ikigai a japanese philosophy for finding your purpose...

You may think that these are things where you need to have a natural talent or gift, but I choose to do it. Think of it as things you can work on and develop your skills so that you can eventually become great with men. The third component is what the world needs. Something the world needs. It means you can provide value through whatever you are doing. There is a demand for your talent or service. Leaning into this will allow you to make a difference in some way and have an impact and the fourth component is why you can get paid.
ikigai a japanese philosophy for finding your purpose
Let's be real if there is something you are looking for and want. To continue doing that exclusively, you have to find a way to make it financially sustainable. By doing so, you mark an important component of your happiness, which is the freedom to do what you want without worrying about how you are going to make ends meet. How does all this lead you to a key person? Well, each individual's key persona is very specific to that person and their own values ​​and desires. To discover that you are a key person, you need to identify what the map of your happiness is and obtain it.
ikigai a japanese philosophy for finding your purpose
Awareness of the current state of your life. I decided to put this to the test by listing the items that were classified into four groups. You can do this too by first asking yourself these four precise questions. What do you love and what are you good at? That's your passion. If you find yourself stuck here, you need to learn how to market yourself better and find a way to market yourself and monetize your passion. What do you love and is it something the world needs? That's your mission for someone in this area. Your goal should be.
Develop your craft and improve so you can make it financially viable Third, what is something you are good at that you can get paid for? this is your profession, most of us tend to live here, this is our job, it pays the bills, but you may not necessarily like it if you are here, you should try to try new things that interest you so that later you can find out what is that you are passionate about. Fourth, what is something that pays you and is something that the world needs. This is your calling. In this zone, your goal should be to challenge yourself to learn about areas of focus that pique your interest more than others and then lean into them.
The fundamental truth of a key guy is that various aspects of your life don't necessarily operate in a silo. Everything is much more connected than we think. Too often we tend to think that our work relationships and passions exist completely separate from each other and that our happiness only depends on improving that single aspect of our lives that does not meet our expectations. The magic happens when there is an overlay of ammonia at the heart of the individual parts of your life. What are the activities you do that can exist in multiple components of your life?
Those are the things you may need to spend more time on so you can eventually move toward the center of your ikki boy in the book geek boy, the


secret to a long and happy life. Writers Héctor García and Franceska Matías have said that our intuition and curiosity are very powerful internal compasses that help us connect with our ikki boy. The problem for millions of people is that they stop being curious about new experiences as they take on responsibilities and build their routines, their sense of wonder begins to escape them, but you can change that, especially if you are still searching for meaning and satisfaction in what you do.
Finding your egi daily can take some time because this is all a process of discovery, but living a life of


requires commitment and deliberate action and once you set out to find that purpose, you may find yourself in a truly happy place. in the life. My friends, I really appreciate you being here. I hope this video helps point you in the right direction to find your purpose and reason for being every day. Thanks so much for looking. My name is Dion Shailaja.

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