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Asking Gen Z The Most Basic Questions

Mar 22, 2024
Would you cross yourself for being intelligent, my brother? Yeah, yeah, definitely, sort of, yeah, it's uh, something, yeah, something, I would say, so, yeah, I could tell by the way you talk, you sound smart, you know that, but very, what is it? the word intellectual, intellectual, eloquent, eloquent? Thinking about the future, there are a multitude of ways you could describe it, yeah, I don't care, I felt like you're making me feel angry right now, like the way I'm looking at you is crazy, why all the randomness? outside recently? making me feel short wait get up okay what are you telling me youtube?
asking gen z the most basic questions
We're back with another video, man, today we're going to ask Gen Z



, you know, make sure you like it, subscribe, I wrote to 200k in the tube, put up the links. everything below, check it out, so how tall are you, six feet? I want to get you a lot of answers yes, counterclockwise is from the left or from the right to the left and counterclockwise, yes, yes, left shoulder, what is a quarter of hour? 15 minutes 15 15 minutes 15 minutes 15 minutes 15 minutes 15 minutes the question was too easy brother 15 minutes I didn't know when I was getting a yes, I had no idea about a quarter of an hour for a quarter what is a quarter of an hour so when 20 minutes 20 minutes 25 figure he's doing the sums on his little graph the bus stop method I don't have 20. 10 minutes yeah, you're right, bro, you're right, bro, what's three times three times three? now okay, great, so what is three by three by three? um, he's going to say a number, bro, couldn't you say one, isn't it like 24? 24. wait what did you get mrcc what year did the second world war end ah 19 1945? 1945 was concentrating on this unit I was going to say 44 19 something 1956 I think 1956 I think so, I will agree, I will agree, more, more, more, more, yes, the only one you have in your high council 1918, no no I know 18 I don't know 1945.
asking gen z the most basic questions

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asking gen z the most basic questions...

Yes, yes, okay, great, how many millimeters are there in a centimeter, ten, ten, did you know how many continents there are? There are seven, if I remember correctly, okay, okay, what is it a quarter of an hour? 15 minutes what are the names of the countries that are in the united kingdom england wales scotland northern ireland is good today is good southern ireland because the whole set of problems what is a quarter of an hour 15 minutes are you sure they are all from the left or from the right from the left from the left the same way if you're looking at the clock that way yeah that's clockwise yeah one arm made dust again so it's at 100 Hours, yes, they are clockwise, to the right.
asking gen z the most basic questions
Yeah, counterclockwise, hold on one more for the dance floor, right, yeah, would it cost you a little brain? Yes, brother, yes, you said it with confidence, you know it, yes, brother, don't ask me stupid


, you need it, what is the largest planet in our solar system? system um rattles in your brain right now yes, neptune saturn yes yes all seasons in a year all seasons yes spring winter what are the countries of the united kingdom in the united kingdom name of the countries of the united kingdom england ireland scotland and wales england ireland there you have it easy name what countries are in the united kingdom england wales scotland northern ireland republic of ireland is that country that I don't know so there is england wales and scotland I lied I like my life no scotland no scotland my princess had to tell everything stop please please how many continents there are seven which continent are you on now how many countries can you name in Africa Ghana Nigeria how many were there, I think five how many countries can you name in Africa Nigeria Congo yes, of course, Somalia, Egypt, are you done?
asking gen z the most basic questions
You're done, wait, what's happening? Egypt is not in Africa Is it not in Africa? Okay Egypt, crazy, that was bad, that was better, I didn't do geography, I did history, it skipped, I wasn't supposed to do both at one point, but still like you're not really there how many letters are there in the alphabet 27 27 26 26 yes, how many days a day in the year 365, yes, that gang of women, my life has no retirement plan, she said she loves me I'm the man

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