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Zentral stehen - Farmen gehen! [WoT - Gameplay - Deutsch - Guide]

Apr 03, 2024
Hey guys, welcome to my channel, I'm from Kubat and over the next two days I'll have two


s for you where we'll talk a little bit about tactics for both beginners and advanced users. Think, for those who are significantly more advanced, World of Tanks wants to entertain you and, above all, it wants to talk a little about the fact that certain rounds do not happen by chance, but that there are parameters that you can pay attention to. . Today everything is a matter of positioning, what does it mean to position yourself centrally to be able to enter everything?
zentral stehen   farmen gehen wot   gameplay   deutsch   guide
I just brought you three examples. Tomorrow we want to talk a little about it. It doesn't necessarily make sense to focus only on one tank and then always ask how can I play the tank. Tomorrow I'll give you a hand using the example of eight tanks from the research tree, which is what's important to think about, so to speak, what can my tank do? Where does my tank make the most sense on the map, so we'll look at that tomorrow? Today is mainly about general things, the topic of central positioning and we start with a round at CS 63 in Himmelsdorf and, if necessary, If you take the word central position literally, then of course you would have to stand at the fountain in the middle of the square because that's the center of the map, but that's it.
zentral stehen   farmen gehen wot   gameplay   deutsch   guide

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Of course, that doesn't mean anything, but you should think about it. where you can do the most damage possible, where you have the most influence possible and many, many people are somehow attracted to the hill here, the problem is that with a medium as fast as the CS 63, you even get there pretty quickly in the top, but first you have to fight the people who could also go up the hill here and you only have a very limited chance to get down the hill, there are many options to go safely, so of course it depends what kind of value What camouflage do the enemies at the bottom have?
zentral stehen   farmen gehen wot   gameplay   deutsch   guide
What kind of visibility do you have when you are standing at the top of the hill? Do you potentially have points and have you personally already noticed the approach a little bit? I don't really like driving uphill and I think I wrote why, in my opinion, it makes even less sense with heavy vehicles or with slow TDS because you have the big problem that you need too much time to get there and then like I said, once you're up there it's too limited. You have an influence on the turn, which is why I really like driving here on the rails.
zentral stehen   farmen gehen wot   gameplay   deutsch   guide
We'll see in a moment why the leopard, of course, has already done it. He made a lot of progress. Now we are back at ebrr and you can see that many things have not come along with a WT, their 100 Leopard 410-4s, these are the ones that are still in the early stages of work for us. EEE, I don't know if they're AFK or just don't feel like making fun, so we have a bunch of people that have now crashed over the stern line on top of them. The so-called Schlachtergasse yes, you can do it too, So, especially as a heavy one, it makes sense.
Folds. Of course you can fight in the shadows where the super congress is, but as a mobile person you honestly want to have a little more influence, so now we know where they both are. The fists are the ones that stopped me a little, they are both stopped so they can't celebrate us, it's good and now we can move forward here on the slopes, on the one hand we have the opportunity if something crashes in the middle. here immediately to celebrate somewhere here through these alleys, but on the other side we now have the opportunity to shoot the hill from here, so we can react quickly both to the hill and to what could happen in the rails, as well as what could happen here.
Maybe you could take a quick look at the minimap and drive through the middle to be in a more than good position. Of course it's disappointing me again, although that shouldn't be a problem at all. ceiling of the WT, so it is better to use the AP or APC. Especially since the distance is of course more official, even better, so on the Leopard we were able to eliminate here, at least we took two normal hits and then twice a little more. splashing, so now we still have the ebrr here in the front. I can't reach them.
Of course, both RVs are also an issue, but like I said, what should be on your agenda here is the ability to influence it. It is not central if we approach it geometrically, but in terms of the possibility of firing channels, it is a very, very central position, as I said, we can monitor all the tracks, we can monitor the center if there is any push happening. and, as I said, we have the opportunity to lean on the hill, so we are offered all kinds of options here. Our ebrr just left, now we have the RV here.
I just have one problem. here, the two FVs are in the platoon and one is now standing so that he can basically monitor the tracks and the other is now standing so that he can monitor the path here, the main path. That tends to be a problem for me because I basically have to see how I can get out of the number here. Of course I don't want to bid on the corner again because the RV office is now starting my position on the other side, it is quite possible that the other RV my positions, now we should make sure we get the EEE out of here and now it's the Time to take off from here.
I probably won't be able to somehow avoid getting shot by one of the fists, so we better make sure we get there. The buddy didn't penetrate, he shot us in the chain, he splashed us for 800, so it was unpleasant, but since we still had all the HP, that's the biggest problem here, and now I can get out of here, we already did it. 2,700 Damage done, our team is behind, but if I were standing on the hill now like I said, it would be difficult to restart somehow because then you have to think if you are going to crash on one side or if something is going to crash over the north on the other side.
It is quite dangerous in the current situation of the game to crash on the south, you have not won anything and you remain on top. You can see that the crane truck can't do anything there now because no opponent is standing there in such a way that he can shoot in any way, which means he is trying to do it here now. Of course, the north is extremely isolated, yes, that's another thing you shouldn't do. You don't really want to have it. You don't want to isolate yourself with your tank, but actually you always want to work together with your fellow players and then try not to be pressured and you will also be the boss because we were just making fun of the fairerschutz of the ride, yes the crane truck, here it is exactly what I was talking about.
DVP could shoot him, go wrong, he could shoot him and the two artists were already ready, so it may take a while. Crane, when did you become isolated and separated from the pack? "Um, I mean, you don't even have to be a great teacher. Every one of you has ever seen a documentary about predators and what kind of prey is tearing apart that I isolated from the pack or that is sick and weak, so don't You don't want to look sick and weak again, nor do you want to isolate yourself, I mean now I have moved to the middle here, I can do it very well because of my position, now we are in the center we have both fists on the right we have the super conquest both RVS just shot if you count if you heard we heard like three thick paddles once E4 twice RV the RV is now still reloading I have no idea why it's pushing me all the better unfortunately now it's shot in the accounts of the motorhome, we still caused 543 metal damage.
He comes here now and said I can also reload a third clamp before it reloads, so now it's out, the 183 is also a straight blast and now we can deal with the superstar conqueror and that's the good thing too: not only can you help when needed with shooting etc. if you position yourself in the center of the map, but also when it enters the so-called blackout phase. Are you positioned so that you don't have to travel long distances, but can have an impact in all directions? Now one or the other can rightly say yes, oh my gosh, okay, here you're showing us this with a big Moving Medium, what does it look like if I'm now sitting on the boar or something like that, how do I do that?
Of course I have an example for you. Let's take out the chief here for a moment and then We'll have another group here to our left, maybe we'll have that too. He doesn't even look our way and the other guy straightens up against the wall. You will see it now. I don't I don't want to give any spoilers, but he's standing up here on the right in a rather unsportsmanlike manner, especially since we also have our warrior here who can do it relaxed but he preferred to stand against the wall and blow himself, yeah, the next round. that I brought you we are in liveuchs on object 704 we are basically in a two-stage matchup we still have many tens 60 TP is 7 tank destroyers RV and WT in their 100 on the opposing team with us practically identical tie yes and here now of course, most CDs somehow always go here to the house on the left to the house in the bush to the right of the house the bush the problem with the integer is that you have a relatively limited ability to retreat and you depend a lot of the explorer.
Better here is this hill at C6 from the other side or this hill at E2 from our side because here you have the opportunity to retreat naturally against the hill, you have the opportunity to shoot again here and of course you also have the opportunity to shoot at the city, wait here a moment to see if 13.90 opens anything, but not at the moment. You can see it there. 13 90 does not make any move to Advance, the enemy's suffering has not yet opened, the G saw, there it is and now you can see that our 13 90 is celebrating from the mount, which means that now it will also.
We won't be getting out of there anytime soon, we'll just have to wait until it closes again to recharge and then maybe continue detecting at some point, which means we don't need to focus on whether there will be more points here, which means we'd rather ride on the hills from the left and maybe have a chance to celebrate here in town. The important thing is that you always position yourself that way, that is something special for wild boars, yes, if you try to position yourself in the center. so that when you go up you are not somewhere, yes.
It explodes immediately, so you can often see it. Here you drive with the TD, throw yourself into a tree and stay dead on the bob, so you should "Always test your position first to see if it is suitable and if it opens somehow. The 13.90 is simply pushing the g song. I don't know if he saw me now, I have definitely opened up again in front of us. There was also a touring motorhome in front of us, which means we have to be very careful here from time to time, one or the other asks again and says Yes, that's fine.
But that's not a central position and that's mainly because our team has almost nothing in the south. You can see here that you seven are already advancing towards the south. You always have to do everything in the south. context of the minimap and the game situation. See how far you can dare? I'm going to Advance further now because, as I said, I have opponents on my back and that means that for me now I can only advance a good spontaneous 100 m forward. Now I have the opportunity here Opponents shoot crosses and what is doing the hunt again.
They seem to be in a hurry. Now a VK has opened on my right, so now I have the opportunity to work first in the city, but also, as I said, we must be attentive to the situation because you seven and one in front of one are already behind us after two and a half minutes, which means that this position where the WT is is actually already burned because if you open up here, you can shoot 60 TP from there Seven other things that were Over here, I mean another rough run is missing, definitely You have to be careful there too.
Now we've been able to make two shots here. Our team has won the city. Now it's about catching this push behind us, driving more towards the city, don't get left behind anymore, but don't make the same mistake as the WT either. Yes, the RV was now able to get the BT out here. WT, of course, but also a camouflage value significantly worse than my humble self. with the WT. That's a short question. To answer that, I definitely would have driven into town with the 704. Now I can position myself here so I can see a team back there and dive back in.
There's a CC1 driving around the back, so I would have stopped here at the house. To address this again very briefly, what I had originally addressed would have been immediately mocked here and would probably be dead by now, that means you have to look for positions that both meet the centrality requirement, that's what they say, I don't know, huh , which also meet the requirement that they are very central and that you do not have to travel long distances to reach specific addresses. To shoot you have to be supportive of your allies, but you also have to adapt your positioning to the current situation, to the combat situation, that is, if you have lost the "South, this is now basically the front line.
I know that we still have a 13th ahead of us, 90 and aConway, but ultimately it's always about where the opposing team attacks, where you're going and where it can be decided. The enthusiasm was I'm trying to push the sink right now, which means I'm in a great position again to do this. To avoid being pushed to give him one here, Conway should be able to take care of the rest here, that's what Johnny Depp looks like. Slaps it, nice name by the way, um CC, I don't think I have to worry about that at first. Others are still driving a Full HP7 around the area and we can celebrate again here.
There is also a steep climb upwards. from the front so they can see that my position is optimal again. I didn't stop at the house and I didn't look at it either. I mocked the house so I couldn't get away from it. He always moved forward. with the desk so slightly displaced. Then I walked away from the hill again. I tried to help in the city but I didn't get to the city in time either. I turned around again, it wasn't a long distance to go. defend back, of course with something like a TD with a boar like that, so that you don't have to make fun of yourself like we just played with CS 63, but you are in principle, always a little in the one and a half or second row and then we can govern and regulate from there and now we are back in the slapping phase and the good thing about this is that if you have looked for a position like that, of course, you are back in front. from one of the last vehicles that is basically still full of P and was last seen in the back of our base, which means that while our heavyweights continue to attack, we can drive backwards and get hurt a little if we receive some more damage So I hope the beginning has become a little clearer.
It's not possible if you say central positioning and always assume it's really the middle of the map. That is, of course, nonsense, but always so that you have the opportunity to support him in as many directions as possible. Of course, you also have to know the shooting channels, the possible pushing routes of the opponents, the annoying shots, yes , they played a trick on us all and then, of course, you also have to be able to always pay attention to the minimap as it developed. The battle, especially because of this central position, of course also carries the risk that you will suddenly be the focus of the fire and then you have to be aware of when your position is burned and when you have to dodge a little.
I know it requires a lot of overview and a lot of experience, but I wanted to at least show you what I mean by that and how to do it in the best case scenario and of course these are now. It's also the best case scenario here, it's very clear that it doesn't always work and I don't need it either. I hope to mention that you've seen a small example of what I mean by that and that these rounds with 6.7000 or even 8000+ 9000 damage don't grow on trees and you don't get them for free, but it's about positioning yourself accordingly to read the battle and always have the opportunity to shoot in all directions, then of course there are the cards Tundra is a good example that I have brought you now or Mines is also a good example Clipper is a good example where it is really about dominating positions key on the map and then continue retreating from these.
Key positions. This key position is not called a key position for nothing. Most of the time they are located very centrally on the map or at least offer the possibility of having an effect from respective positions throughout the map here in Tundra. the hill from which you have several options to the north, so to speak, to shoot south and of course here because the hill is located here in the east to shoot west, so there are tons of ways in which that you can can use the hill. It's just that you have to win the hill for your team first.
There are usually a lot of opponents that come from both sides and retreat around the hill and whoever wins the hill at least has a good chance and a good chance of winning the round simply because you As I just demonstrated, from up here I have the best chance. possible with my kbz, of course I'm ideal for it, I have no pressure, I have a good weapon, I have a good amount of armor, the sharp traverse is trying to get on my nerves here. Follow me to the WZ again, ignore me, we've already done 2000 damage because the E4 was also given to us, our Badger is gone a bit. -Here, but we have brought out the CS 63.
The E4 has now officially bounced with ABC, so the MBT's armor is not that bad, especially when you are standing at an unfavorable angle, the E4 has big problems, even the E4 has big problems, but like I said, it's not about that, ultimately it's about your willingness to fight for a central position, like I said, just like Himmelsdorf or also pokerovka live growth cards, also, there is no nowhere in pokerovka cards. I can really tell that the center position is also really a center position in the middle, it teases and wrinkles, um here on this card or on the cliff of mines, it's about that, first of all, folding the center and then occupy the center from the center and then continue fighting, You also have the opportunity, as I said, to shoot at opponents who may be retreating from the central position.
You get to shoot all kinds of people that are moving to other parts of the map, so that's something that's just ignored too often and you can also see it here, here's an E3, here's now here, there's 60 TP, so you can play it with all tanks, with all tank classes. Of course, the harder it is here, the less armor you will have. or the more mobile you are. If you are stationary, you will have a hard time keeping up and you will be relatively late. If you are poorly armored, you must have clear vision and be able to stay there.
Don't let them take it from you too quickly and if we are here now we can have an effect on the opponents there almost all over the map. It's annoying now that the kill shot is based on board 55, but still I think this repetition is quite The beginning serves to make it clear that yes, center positions occupy center positions, sometimes they work with center positions in all possible variations and like I said, when you look at multiple streamers, I say this often, but also with Skill for LTU or Milan you can simply estimate based on your position, you don't need an xvm to determine if you are a good player or if you are honestly just a fixture in the group, whether you should be taken seriously or not.
There are so-called metapositions that mean nothing more than what I just mentioned. I have central positions from which you can have a really good effect with your tank and then of course there is this completely out of position game when people are standing somewhere completely. they are useless and they just don't use their tank to bring their structure points so you actually always know who they are with you have to deal with that and then you can exclude people a little bit, I don't want to say it but I don't have to focus on them first because they often don't contribute much to the outcome of the match, to put it quite rationally, I hope it's somewhat clear what I wanted to show you here with these replays and as said, here again we are 8000 HP ahead, which means that the farewell phase has been in full swing for a long time and when you have occupied one of these central positions Then, of course, it is much easier to clear the last HP, especially if you are also concerned about your personal success, that is, the greatest average possible damage per battle on your tank or with the weapon brand, then you should also do something like that.
Make sure you're always there, so you can deal early damage. that you spread your slash throughout the round and that you are not too far from the remaining HP that are still in the round at the end of the game, so Sharwald is closed. The last one that stopped me from pushing down here, there is a T10. in the corner we can just go through the tower with heat, now it's also coming out, the splashes hit me again and now we have an E4 in the back, the splash wall and the leopard, let's approach everything a little crosswise now , I don't want to get hit by E4, which means I'm trying to get in here.
Evi also just shot, which means we now have a small window of time in which we can cross. facing E4 so to speak and using the next hill there as a bit of cover. I would have liked to have gotten the shot right, but the most important thing was that now I could get through here without getting shot. Now I'm standing here again in front of the E4 safe, but of course that's what they say in the military. Of course, you should also know the map of the next jump destination and you should not be surprised by the terrain, so this topic of terrain knowledge is also very important when making decisions like this and also plays an important role in your maneuvers while driving. so you won't be surprised by the terrain, but also so you can formulate jump goals for yourself. head because again there are many contributions, but I hope that the principle has been clear and that now you have at least a small idea, as I said.
It will not always be possible to implement it at once. at one each round, but at least, like I said, you have an idea of ​​what it should look like and what you can work on in a round like this, in the sense that if I liked it, I'd be very happy with a Thumbs up, I'm still very happy with every new subscriber the channel can get, thanks for watching and until next time, check it out.

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