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NO es difícil conseguir clientes en arquitectura, aqui te doy algunas deas

Mar 30, 2024
Whether you are an architect, an architect or an architecture student, surely among your interests is finding new and better clients. Whether you have clients, even if you have clients, you are surely in search of new clients. Ok, you have to keep in mind that you stop here for this activity. When it comes to searching for a client, the most important phrase you have to have is the one that says that whoever searches finds, don't just sit at your desk waiting for the client to come to you, you have to go for him, it's the basic rule of operation and now If you want, let's go to a series of recommendations that I can give you based on what we have seen that many offices and many architects have done in order to be able to get clients and that these clients can also be repetitive and bring them more work or they can even recommend them. with other people it makes your client portfolio increase.
no es dif cil conseguir clientes en arquitectura aqui te doy algunas deas
Let's go for the first and probably the most important element that you have to have in your favor. The most important asset that you should have besides your name, of course, is a website. You have to have and form a web page where the first and most important thing that can be seen on the web page is your name. Be careful, even if your office has a name that you have designed. Here, the most important thing is that your name or the name it has stands out along with each one of your partners because because people like to do business with people with people with human beings not with brands not with institutions brands come to support a name but the truth of the matter is that the most important thing you have is your name is the one that has to be the element most recognized by him what it is going to do for him who is going to be your future client all that creativity that you have so that apparently they are great better to use them in the design of the spaces what are you going to do for Your clients, in fact, the name of the offices usually recedes into the background or even disappears as time goes by, but it is the name of the architect or the partners that stay in people's minds.
no es dif cil conseguir clientes en arquitectura aqui te doy algunas deas

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no es dif cil conseguir clientes en arquitectura aqui te doy algunas deas...

Of course, it must have data. very important, such as your email, your telephone, the easiest way for them to connect with you, include photos of the best possible quality of both your works and your projects, whether they have been carried out, whether they are being carried out or whether they are going to be carried out, if you are a student, no. Also worry about your website instead of having built works you are going to put your architectural projects the photos have to be of the best possible quality and even try to have several of them in vertical square horizontal formats I invite you to review the video that I have fact regarding how to handle photographs within our profession, whether in the contact section or in the who we are section, it is very important that you describe to yourself who you are, what is your work team, what is your differentiator because I have to hire you, tell me about yourself, your work team, how you do things, what studies you have, what your specialty is, what your strengths are, what your interests are, and don't forget to try to ensure that in the url it is the name that appears in At the top of the website your name appears, don't forget it for a reason, it is said that the website is your window to the world.
no es dif cil conseguir clientes en arquitectura aqui te doy algunas deas
Second recommendation, generate your own content with your own personal i


and make it known to everyone possible through a blog through social networks. Through your website, even if you can write articles for different magazines, make your name known as a person who expresses his i


, as a person who says what he does, who has a certain position towards architectural issues, including what you have done with other architects and Above all, it has to be content that is attractive to the reader, but much more important is that it is useful to them. A person who is looking for an architect to solve one of their problems will most likely select that person. about which you have heard or read or have received texts that have solved things that have resolved issues in your life that have to do with architecture that has appeared in magazines that have appeared or that have had interventions in digital media In radio on television, creating content is always very satisfying for you as a person and for the person reading, but the most important thing is that they are left with your name impregnated here.
no es dif cil conseguir clientes en arquitectura aqui te doy algunas deas
The recommendation is that you review the video where I tell you how to handle yourself on social networks. The third recommendation I can give you is to connect with other areas of construction, look, for example, with people who sell materials, with people who sell furniture, with commercial chains that sell decoration, connect with real estate agencies, you can make a business relationship based on recommendations in which these people recommend to you and in exchange you can transparently give them a commission for that recommendation in such a way that all three parties benefit, the person I recommend to you because they are recommending a good professional and will also earn money What is a commission?
You earn because you have a client and the client earns because he brings a good recommendation and does not have to search in a world of opportunities. Look, for example, at a store that distributes materials or bathroom furniture, there are two types of people. One type of people are professionals, architects, decorators, designers who go to look for materials for their clients, but people also go to look for materials for their works, there are people who want to see a comparison of price models, colors, etc. If you stay in one place and You find which is the best of the sellers or you even talk to the manager or the owner of the premises and tell him that you are an architect and that you put yourself at his service for the people who come, those people can the sellers can approach the people who come and ask me, hey, are you coming to select a piece of furniture or a flat, because you don't come with your architect, because you don't come with your designer, not because I'm looking for it or not, because I have it but you can't come, not because I want to choose, hey, do you want me to recommend it?
To an architect who works with us, look, he is a very good architect. He has worked many times using our materials and he will give you an excellent service at an excellent price. Even if you approach those people, you can make a design for them at no cost. At first, the idea It is introducing yourself to the potential client who finds it difficult to make a design using those materials, telling them how to use the materials or colors or how to combine one type of furniture with another type of furniture. It costs you nothing and you will greatly enrich the person. to the imagination of the person with whom you are talking, what this materials seller or this distributor manages to do is connect you with the possible client from then on and even in you, you can turn that person into a client, one of the formulas is most likely to give you the first design or the first ideas on how to remodel or how to design your space and then little by little you will get more work, believe me, than the person who is going to be remodeling a small bathroom or a kitchen with all security if he has good honest service with quality with warmth from you he will surely extend his work and he will ask you for more work in that same apartment even if you are in a house in an apartment you have the opportunity to connect with the neighbors who They are going to see you work and they surely also have some type of architectural need.
Do not discard this recommendation. It is very important if you visit 40 companies and manage to connect with 40 possible product sellers who can recommend that one of them give you the contact of a person interested in talking to you and even profit. The next idea is to create, form, seek to consolidate groups of investors, groups of professionals or people who can or want to invest in construction, whether you are an architect, a student architect, anyone, any element that already Whether you can be one of the investors, whether you have a lot of money or you don't have it, it doesn't matter, believe me, there are many people who do have a lot of money, a lot of capital and many times they don't know where to invest it or rather they are advised by some people and they have their own money in the stock market in savings accounts in the bank outside your country in various investments well here the idea is that you can locate those normally professionals doctors cardiologists dentists lawyers people who are dedicated to commerce businessmen people who have earned thanks to their profession a very good amount of money and they have saved capital and sometimes I tell you they have the facility of having an investment advisor but many times they do not have time for that because that is not their profession, money management is not their strength. a cardiologist, to say something about his specialty, and he works 18 hours a day in that niche and he has surely made a good amount of capital and does not have time to research how and when to invest.
The good idea here is to bring together that group of investors put together a group that they can put in the capital and then you can develop a work that later you can be a capitalist partner invest or it can be a working partner in which you do the project you execute the work even eventually you take care of the sale of the work, now you don't even have to sell the work because we are going to assume that you develop, you have four investors and you develop a ten-story building, each floor has four apartments of 80 square meters.
Ok, then you can tell the investors that in exchange for Your investment is perfectly the calculation of how much the land costs, the construction, etc., and if you don't know, you have to get advice from people who know how to do it very well and will give you investor leases. Look, in exchange for your money, I'm going to give you two apartments, that is, eight apartments that you can use for your family to negotiate to sell them we can put up half of the sale and half of what you give and then you as a partner of that group simply for having executed all the work and controlling and managing everything because you You are left with two of the floors of the other four investors, you gave them two four six eight floors and another two more for you.
I suggest that they be the highest ones that are planned if possible and then you have to have put together this group. of investment you have under your belt, eight apartments or two apartments that you can negotiate and the idea is that you can manage the costs very well and know how to offer and sell the idea to these investors so that they can have a return on their investment greater than The one that the stock market could give you, the bank, etc., a good investment in real estate has two values. The first one is the real estate that you have, the physical product, not like when you count when you buy this on the stock market, shares that you can upload and real estate goes down normally it stays stable or goes up so investors find it very attractive that their money is seen in square meters specifically in physical spaces that they can use sell them or keep them that is the first value you have a space physical and the second value is that normally over time with ups and downs over time you have it root normally they always give a good financial result equal to or better than what other investments could give you arm these groups of investors control their money deliver a very good work in 8 10 12 months make them earn money this project has a second added value and that is that each of the investors who has purchasing power number one you can invite them again for new projects and number two you have already become In their architect or their main architect when they need any type of architectural work, believe me, they are going to come to you.
I have a very good friend in Mexico City. He is a famous architect who has built many shopping centers. At some point, I asked him, hey. How do you manage to connect people who can invest or people who are interested in building shopping centers? My son looks at the first one, the first element that I make. They detected the place, the area, the floor of the apartment, the right place so that it can be done. make a shopping center and then looked for the investor who normally the owner may be involved later but how does that work if I walk I go in the city and where I see a good point and I see a good lot a good piece of land I stop I investigate a new sky sea and land until I found the owner once I found the owner the owner Lee I offer the idea that we can build a shopping center there and that he or she with his or her land becomes part of society here comes the recommendation is a little bit similar to the Previously, we talked about development groups, here you start the other way around, first you look for the land, you look for the place, look for the land and understand what may be necessary or interesting that can be done and developed in architecture on that land, forget about other things first.
He locates the location of the land and then decides that it can be here, a warehouse, it can be a shopping center, it can be a housing development, it can be a house, then a remodeling, locates the project, develops the project even at the sketch level and then he or she usually looks for investors. owners of the land are likely to be part of the investors, probably the first investors do not have to put in capital, simply compose the land or compose the work that had to be remodeled, simply with that they are already part of the investment and it is a whole calculation of how much it costs that land to know what percentageinvestment you give to that person you want another recommendation to find clients look get into the forums the forums where people are talking and discussing and chatting and asking about topics that have to do with architecture this is on the internet you get involved with any element such as colors in architecture or materials, etc., etc., normally you will find a series of articles and you will find forums in places where people ask and talk, they say questions, experiences and there they begin to respond, make you participate, sign up and let people start to know if your name is luis pérez then you are entering the forums and you see that a person starts who doesn't have the slightest idea and is probably a soccer player and well it's that I don't know how to connect it's how to coordinate the colors of my bedroom so that perhaps it is the one that and you begin to give opinions that solve problems that demonstrate that you are a specialist in that matter and you begin to offer that type of solutions, believe me that when a person like luís pérez who He is a soccer player, an architect, an architect, he will have your name in principle, that is, participate, give your opinion, give advice, give recommendations for installations, materials, lighting colors, elements that you know, and participate and give a response to all those people.
Make yourself known, I made a well-known name so that when people need an architect and have been on those forums, people who are looking for solutions go online to look for those solutions, so the idea is that your name shines and appears every time someone asks a question so that you offer an answer that is useful to that person. That can lead you to bring in very good clients because a client, instead of connecting with an architect with a professional that he does not know, is always better to approach a person. who already has his name coded because he always gives answers and all his answers are logical and useful, surely many of us, many of you are working at this moment from home and you are probably a very small office or you are offering architectural solutions or you are looking for clients from your home you probably have a partner and between the two of them they are working on this or they are probably alone or alone well the next recommendation is that you approach and promote yourself and make yourself known with larger offices and establish partnerships with large offices look at a large office a large architecture office has a lot it feels like a lot of people working but it also has a lot of expenses and it would not be anything extraordinary to be able to get rid of a part of the people who cost it as a payroll workspace computers this etcetera etcetera For part of those jobs, do them outwards, which is commonly known as outsourcing, so what happens?
If you offer yourself to a large office and say, hey, I'll help you with a specific topic. I can develop some kitchen details for you. or I can do some structural calculations for you, today I will make you the renders of your designs or I will make you the detail or installation plans for what you think is your strength, go and offer it to a larger office and show them that you can do the work for the same cost or less than what it costs for that firm to have a series of people, a large firm, which is what a large firm wants, which is to deliver a very good product to large corporations or large clients. and that is why it is often filled with people to cover all those small gears that it requires for the machinery to work well.
Ok, what you are going to offer is to be a gear but not inside but from the outside, now this allows you work with several offices at the same time within your specialty and not just with one and the office wins because instead of having a series of people inside your office paying them a salary, you can hire their services every time you need them, that is, it is an es a win win situation where everyone wins, you have to approach the directors of these offices and have them test you, probably why not give the first jobs at a very low or even free cost so that they can see that you are a person who can solve that problem. part of the problem, then, is that you are good, that you are good, form yourself as a micro micro-enterprise that will provide service to a large company.
Large companies do not work alone, they work with other small companies. Automotive companies, such as General Motors, such as Chrysler, do not have everything inward. They work with small companies that supply them with a series of elements that they transform and offer a good final product. You are going to be one of those small companies. You can be one of those small companies that works for a large company on a specific product. I think that one. It is also a very good option to get clients. Those associations with larger firms do not necessarily have to be in the place of the development institute close to the city.
Today, global communication allows you to offer your services to large firms that are in various parts of the world in dubai in england in the usa those associations allow you to be in contact internationally with many companies but pay close attention to two or three elements look number one it is very important that you can demonstrate to the director office to which you are directed or directed that your services can offer a better profitability, that is, how much it spends at this moment, we are going to assume that you can design something as small as the bathrooms or the carpentry part of a project, you will be designing How much can that cost you with your people and then you have to make a simile in terms of investment because the firm ultimately moves with numbers regardless of the talent you have.
The talent you have is an added value for the firm. The firm cannot cost you more than what you are already investing in. That is your first element and the second element that is very important is that if you work for large firms doing a work, even if it is a very partial topic, that is, you read You simply designed the carpentry or the kitchens of that office, well yes, but then within your resume is the fact that you worked on this project in a more incredibly large project. Let's assume that an office is developing a housing complex of 200 thousand square meters and you Well, you simply developed, for example, landscape architecture, well yes, but then that great work of more than 200 thousand square meters is already part of your resume and you already worked on it, regardless of whether you have worked on a single, very small part or on something. great you are already part of the formation of that great work and that great work shines in your resume because in your resume you are not going to say that you were the architect or the architect that you were was hired to design the stairs or to design the handrails, you are not the architect associated with hk here md in the big project that was done in dubai if you understand it i think that is a very big value that you can exploit an interesting option that i see to be able to get clients is what i call work ladder and it is go step by step, making a small work or a small project become a much bigger project, look, there are no small jobs, there is work or there is no work, the idea is that your job is a job, no matter how small it may be to give you the opportunity to be the key for you to come into contact with people and for people to know you as an architect as an architect and to know what your talent is, your creativity and how you work.
Keep in mind that normally architectural works, no matter how small they They have been developing for a while during that time. Being inside with people gives you the possibility that you can generate other jobs. For example, they ask you to remodel this lobby that I told you at the time that you are doing it for very long. However small it may be, it puts you in contact with other people with that same person who asked you for the project with other people. Remember that architectural works, including furniture designs, take some time and during that time you have the ability and the possibility to extend your network of contacts with other people who are in that same environment number one number two, you can surely generate new possibilities, for example, you are remodeling the lobby for me, it is very likely that you will realize it or that they will come to you. to ask or that you realize that there is a problem of leaks in the parking lot or that you can all the interior spaces of the service stairs and give it new maintenance or generate a new lighting project so that they save money all that type of Projects happen when you are inside and what is better than hiring the architect who is already working for me to solve other problems.
That is an option that you have when they call you because they had a small project. You can make it bigger but there is another second opportunity that is given with the work ladder and that is when you go to different places or different spaces and you detect that something can be improved. Let's assume that you arrive at a restaurant and you realize that The entire entrance space is a little uncomfortable or does not flow well or there is a waste of square meters, which in a restaurant is very important because they can provide more service if you talk to people and tell them, talk to the owners or the manager or with the right people who can make the decision and you tell him that you can help him generate better circulation and have those wasted square meters make them useful, believe me, at least you are going to gain the attention of those people and if you also tell him, look What's more, right now I can do a small project for you and I'll quickly tell you here a sketch of how to solve that problem.
I don't charge you anything. It doesn't cost you anything. It doesn't cost you anything to grab a piece of paper and generate ideas that could be great for someone else. Not even this one, not only don't pay me but if you want I will put you in contact with the carpenters or the blacksmiths or the painter who can help you solve that problem and you connect them, believe me that in the short to medium term it will work for you. to bring very good results because those people are seeing you as part of the solution to a problem even though you do not do the work and you hired a carpenter and you connect them, turn around and ask if they are offered anything else, believe me, There will be many elements in which you will be useful to that client or to other clients who must work at that moment or to other potential clients, clients that this same person is going to connect you with a work ladder.
Do not discard the idea without a doubt. networking is probably the most important tool look no no it is not that important actually to get clients it is not that important your great knowledge your university qualifications how you dress how you speak where you have traveled how much money you have what car you drive in all those elements no They are the most important to get a client. You will get clients if you establish and translate relationships with other people. These relationships are generated based on the management of networking. How to manage networking. Well, there you can easily find a video we made about the rules. and how to handle yourself in networking here, I invite you to review them but basically there are two or three circles of interaction, the first being the closest to you, which is your family, your siblings, your children, your parents, your uncles, the second circle is all these people who surrounds you around your life like the people you have been working with, those you have studied with, your neighbors, the people you have traveled with, the people you interact with every day and the third circle is the one that is formed based on connections that these people are giving you with other people that you want to access, use these relationships to connect with other people and always be with your ears and eyes wide open when some type of architectural element is needed that interests you and Ask these connections to connect you with other people or if they have heard of someone who needs a project that has to do with architecture, make this networking work for you, make it a network that is an active and functional network of contacts and I will give you a golden rule whenever you are with people talk about architecture that they recognize you as an architect as an architect and I say do not abuse it and that it is not the only topic because surely you have a lot of culture and you can talk about many things but you try to make your dialogue in your conversation the topic of architecture appears if you are going to talk about a movie then you analyze it from a spatial point of view if someone is speaking or if it comes up in the conversation with your travel contact networks well you at some point speak of an interesting building that caught your attention or how you would do something different so that they always keep you in mind that you are not in the business of pharmaceutical chemistry or that you are not in the business of medicine or in the business of mechanics that you are an architect or you are an architect and your vision is of architecture, do not abuse that because that is what you become boring but that people detect you as a person you live inside and for architecture use your network of contacts another important factor to get clients well more than a factor a tool are the languages ​​architects architects young students have to speak asecond language they have to speak in particular I recommend English and if you already speak two languages ​​speak try to speak a third a fourth language the more languages ​​you speak the more opportunities to communicate with people you have because today the world is global and the fact that you can connect with people from other countries or that either to do works in other places or people from other countries who want to do works in your place on tours in the place where you normally develop the language the connection point It is the language and that would be the English language.
You don't have to know it one hundred and twenty percent so that you can understand, make yourself understood. That is a factor that will help you a lot to be able to connect with potential clients. You have to speak a second language and In addition, the fact that you drive in a second language will give you access to much more culture, many more texts, many more elements that will enrich your life, last but not least, on the contrary, probably one of the most important points. Your profile is active on social networks and in that sense there are two big worlds, the regular normal social networks and the professional social networks, firstly the normal social networks, here there are two rules, the first, get into it, use the social network that you like the most and in which you feel most comfortable second rule try to be present on social networks where your clients are, let's assume that if your niche of interest is in young newly married couples, well, locate the social networks that these people are normally viewing to That you have your profile on this social network, if it is compatible with the one you like the most, well, how wonderful if not, well, they manage both social networks in that sense.
Well, there are many social networks that are born and die, but basically, well, Facebook and twitter and instagram interest even detected that other networks that are being born and that are coming out twitch etc. well it has a participation in your perfectly well done profile take great care of your image and your professional performance on those social networks because it is what people are going to go to see about you, it will look for you and try to locate which are the social networks where your potential clients could be browsing so that you have a presence there, as always, their participation in these social networks has to be neat and interesting, what I'm going for to repeat what we have been saying, you have to solve problems, you have to show that you are the professional that any people on those social networks can turn to you, that is, don't talk, don't touch on ephemeral topics, if you are going to talk about a movie or a trip or a situation that is occurring in your country do not talk about ephemeral topics and innocuous topics try to speak from the point of view of an architect and the other part is professional social networks the first linkedin yes Or yes, you have to be there if you are already there, check your profile and update it every month in participations, get into forums, see what people are writing, reply and participate on Twitter, that is, replicate what other people are doing and see in your profile on LinkedIn Let it be in a clear and easy way to locate and if you don't have a profile on LinkedIn, today is too late, so get involved right now and try to make yourself known on that network because other professionals are going to look for you and I recommend that you give up. high and that you have participation in another network called habitissimo that has been very successful in Europe and that is being introduced in a very strong way in America along with habitissimo.
There are other networks that are also growing in Europe that are very similar. You can investigate them very easily where Architects can display their works and they not only exhibit their works but also many work opportunities from clients who may require certain elements and they get into this network to look for those options, as I always tell you, participate in everything you do. environment have a lot with a lot of vision be very careful to be very aware of what is happening around you architecture is made between people between human beings you as a professional with other people architecture solves problems it must solve problems that people have so stay and Be careful with the radars fully placed on the entire context and on all the people around you and you will find very good opportunities to get clients.
Remember what we talked about at the beginning, clients are there and they are there, do not wait for them to come for you, you see. for them

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