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Does The New SRIRACHA Taste Different?

May 15, 2024
Greetings my beautiful loves, I'm Emmy, how are you? It's a pleasure to see you and welcome back today. I'm going to do an informal


test comparing the new Sriracha to the old Sriracha. Now, if you're not familiar with this sauce, this sauce is a Hot sauce is pretty ubiquitous at this point and in my life it's pretty commonplace as well. I've been eating this since I was a teenager at home we had it in the pantry, it was no big deal, you could put it on anything. I usually like it with fried rice with stir-fried noodles and it wasn't a big deal, but I feel like in the last 10 years it just blew up and now everyone's like, do you know about Sriracha?
does the new sriracha taste different
Sriracha, put Sriracha on everything it just became this kind of trendy, but this packaging along with the sauce has become, in my opinion, iconic, you can see it everywhere, there are many imitators and copycats, but in my opinion there is a


and this is it. I think Sriracha is just a general name. for a hot sauce it's not a trademark, but in my mind when I say Sriracha or hear it, I think of this, the Hong Foods brand of


here is a close up of the bottle and it comes from Iran and California. I come from California myself, so we saw this everywhere.
does the new sriracha taste different

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does the new sriracha taste different...

I remember as a kid I had a bottle of this on our table and I was just reading the bottle while I was eating and I found some of the suggestions for combinations of this interesting, let's see if we change it, it says it's made from Sun Wrap and Chili Peppers, it's ready to use in soup, sauce, pasta pizzas. I always found pizzas and burgers interesting. This also reminds me of my childhood where the paint would eventually peel off the squeeze bottle and the twisted nozzle is iconic to me for this. sauce One thing that still bothers me is that when you open this sometimes, because it's still fermenting, there is some gas pressure and it causes some of the sauce to overflow on top and I found it annoying as I would just do that. on its own and then you'd have to wipe it off and then it would get in the grooves of this, you know what I'm talking about, any idiot and you'll take a paper towel and wipe it off or at least I would want to and sometimes I wouldn't and it would be a bit unpleasant anyway, many memories with this sauce there has been a shortage of Sriracha.
does the new sriracha taste different
I think there was one during the pandemic, but recently, in the last 18 months, there have definitely been shortages. He said there has been litigation between the farmer who grows the peppers specifically for the sauce. There are other rumors that there was a shortage of peppers due to the prolonged drought in California, there simply weren't enough peppers to make the sauce. I say there is infighting and some kind of management aspect that is causing problems with Sriracha or Huong Foods. I'm not sure what it was but the shortage was real, we would go to our local F store and they had substitute Sriracha which was just Something not so good in this sauce is just fantastic, unique and iconic but recently at my local supermarket I was able to find a bottle of sriracha that was on the shelf, it was 5.99 and from the internet I heard this




like the original now this is a bottle of original sauce it's a very big bottle of sauce because my friends like it in our house Kids love it and we have been very stingy about the amount of Sriracha or at least I did because we are trying to hold onto this until Sriracha comes back so I have some old stuff and we are going to compare it to the new stuff and see if it has changed at all something for people to say that not only


it look


. color but it has a


taste and if the taste has changed then I have problems with that because this is it.
does the new sriracha taste different
I mean, there are a lot of hot sauces out there and I like a lot of different ones, but I like this hot sauce in particular. about particular things and I would be very sad if this formulation has changed, let's find out, so there are some specific dishes that I really like this particular sauce with. I like it with fried rice. I like it with stir-fried chamain noodles and I like it. with my mom's sticky rice my mom makes a fantastic sticky rice dish that has five flavors of spices a little pork and dried mushrooms our favorite my kids love it too we always go see Emma and she makes it for us love this need this sauce with other Savory sticky rices I love this with scrambled eggs I also like this combined with ketchup 50/50 to accompany potatoes for breakfast and I also like this with dumplings, let's compare the two and see if We notice any differences and then we're also going to try it with some food, so here are the two bottles.
This is the same sauce. Turns out it's a bigger bottle. We went through this pretty quickly, which is why I usually buy this bottle, but. This is what I found in the supermarket and from the beginning I don't notice any difference with the packaging, the impression is more or less as I remember when I was a child, my mom saved these bottles, rinsed them and filled them with vegetables. oil and use it as a splash of vegetable oil when you cook great again that handy squeeze bottle and it's free once you buy the sauce anyway uh as I remember that's how it opens open this and yeah it's sealed for your protection and I I remember opening a new bottle of sriracha and it always farted, let's see if it still does no, but it was vacuum sealed it didn't fart at all, it smells good and garlicky, that's a key component for Sriracha in my opinion.
Good garlic N Let's compare it by smell with the old one, quite similar, this one smells less like garlic, but this is an older bottle, so it was very spicy and garlicky, okay, let's put the lids back on and when I read the ingredients, The ingredients were exactly the same. It has chili, sugar, salt, garlic, acetic acid, potassium sorbate and sodium disulfide as preservatives, also xanthan gum, which is a thickener. I think they are exactly the same ingredients, which is why some people say the color is different. I think this one may be a little darker.
I really am not. too worried about the color, I imagine that between batches of pepper there will be some variation depending on the age of the sauce, it will fade. I've seen some old hot sauce bottles and the sauce looks almost brown, you know what I mean? those are definitely okay, we're not even okay, let's try the sauce, okay, so now let's squirt them, here's the old sauce, the old sauce, the new sauce looks almost lighter, actually, well, I do not know i do not know. I really see a lot of difference, okay, let's try them just with a spoon, here we go first with the old sauce.
Spicy spicy, a little bit spicier than, say, a chalula chutney, it definitely has some heat, garlic, a little bit of sweetness, just a little bit and spicy. but mostly garlicky and delicious, okay, let's try the new one to see if there's any difference, maybe it could have a little more garlic, but overall it tastes pretty much the same. I've never tried Sriracha on its own and it's very strange that I don't. It tastes like Sriracha, I think it's because I have Sriracha in my food and then it tastes like Sriracha sauce, you know, just tasting it like that seems very strange, but it tastes pretty much the same.
I don't know, we have to do this contextually, so our first taste. The test is only with dumplings. I always have them on hand in my freezer. I buy them at the store, these come from New York, they are made with pork and mushrooms. My children's favorite very humble dumpling, so we first took a dumpling and tried it with the old one. simple dumpling, here we go, that's right, I give Moss m. I love dumplings, they are so delicious. The dumplings have a little ginger. Inflatable pig. Some shitake mushrooms to give it a little more chew and flavor.
Delicious. The dough is bouncy. springy also a little chewy delicious okay, let's try it with the new sriracha and see if I notice a difference nothing distinctive it's not like they changed the formulation it tastes very similar mhm I think if anything it could be a little more garlic, but maybe it's because it's fresher, but I think it's just because I have it next to each other in terms of spiciness level. I think my old one is a little spicier that's true yeah maybe I wouldn't say anything significant or alarming between the The flavor of both I would say is sriracha and there may be a slight variation due to batches but nothing alarming like if they had changed the Sriracha completely, at least not with the dumplings, let's try it with something else next, let's eat it with a dish that at home we call sticky rice every time we see my mom, my mom makes a lot of this and she He takes everything out and freezes it so we can take it home.
I have been able to find some. at the Chinese supermarket it's just not as good as my mom's, but it stings and stings when I crave it. It comes frozen and it's wrapped in a lotus leaf and I just microwaved it for about 2 minutes and this is wrapped in parchment to keep everything from drying out and then when you open the parchment you'll find the lotus leaf inside. My mom doesn't pack it in lotus leaf, she just cooks the rice in a pot and we just eat it. Like this, but I think this is a little more traditional, similar to what I grew up calling dong or D, but with a lotus leaf instead of bamboo leaves, those are my favorites and in my opinion this is also crucial for they. so opening this up and here's the rice, look, this isn't that pretty, so there's the sticky rice and we'll have it.
I just sprayed it pretty generously because yeah, the old ones with the squiggle and St is the new one inside so often. It has shitake mushrooms and a little bit of pork and it is absolutely delicious, the rice is shiny and sticky, so good that it is seasoned with soy sauce and five spice, my favorite, so I like to mix it up a little, so let's try the old one first , it's aaki Moss, it's not as good as my mom's, but it still has a point, it's sticky, it's chewy, it has a nice anxious flavor with some soy sauce mushrooms that are chewy, delicious, that's the old one, now let's try a bite with my sauce mhm delicious mhm M, so good, so if you're out of srra and you're out of it and you go to the store and you see a bottle on the shelf.
I would buy it, try it and I hope yours is like mine and tastes the same as the previous one. friend and you will be reunited with a staple, a pantry staple, in my opinion, very good my loves, thank you so much for watching. I hope you enjoyed it, I hope you learned something, and I hope it was useful. Share this video with your friends. Follow Like this video on social media, subscribe and I'll see you in the next one to take care of you bye it's time for lunch before it gets cold oh my gosh I'm so happy oh and I recommend buying these Frozen Sticky Rises too .
They are very useful dumplings too.

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