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Help with Salvation OCD

Apr 03, 2024
welcome everyone to this broadcast mark dejasus here I am your brother from another mother and I bring you ideas for your journey of healing and freedom in the areas of mental health emotional health spiritual health in general roll up my sleeves enter into the battles we face in our lives in our journey with years of pastoral and ministerial experience, but also the experience of my own life and the experience of the journey to learn the importance of mental health. I come to you today perhaps in a new position that I invented as a mental health pastor and although I don't see mental health as a separate topic.
help with salvation ocd
I see following God as part of improving our mental health, but it takes some healing, some learning, some relearning, some maturation process, discipleship, all of that. I think the Bible has a lot to say about mental health. and guiding us through the journeys that we face, but many people fight on battlefields that they feel is so strange that they feel in a place of shame and deep struggle and deep battle, they feel that what they are going through is very strange, strange and It's strange to the point that it disconnects you from the body of Christ in many ways and I want to


provide insight into a battlefield I see a lot.
help with salvation ocd

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help with salvation ocd...

I talk a lot about obsessive-compulsive disorder, which is basically a battleground of thoughts. which are disturbing and there is an obsessive focus on these disturbing thoughts which then lead us to do a lot of things to try to solve them and those things become compulsions and then we follow this loop that we get into and this is a very common problem and struggle which people can fall into. I think it's more common than we think, although there are certain statistics on how many people struggle with obsessive-compulsive disorder. I think it is much more common than the statistics say. on a regular basis and of all the battles that the obsessive compulsive brings, there is a whole category called religious obsessive compulsive OCD or religious scrupulosity.
help with salvation ocd
I have a whole broadcast that I did about the healing journey and the religious scrupulosity of OCD and you can check it out and I would say This is not a new phenomenon, we are just getting a little more sophisticated in how we can put a label on something, label on the meaning of this is what this person struggles with if they have this type of problem and as you have heard of my broadcast or maybe not but check them out. I have a whole


page, actually a help page for OCD that will take you to many different battlefields and this is important, and if you struggle with OCD in any way, I invite you to go over all of this, not just some of it. of the.
help with salvation ocd
I know we tend to address issues that we believe are specifically battlegrounds we face. Give me this topic. Give me that topic that is understandable today. What I want to get into is. You want to get into the religious OCD battle over your


, which is actually one of those at the top of the list of battles when it comes to religious OCD, which may seem to start out as an admirable question or a spiritual inquiry. that would invite dialogue. that would invite some learning actually becomes a torment becomes something that makes someone mentally and emotionally spiral in an endless search for reassurance and endless immersion in trying to fix this issue, okay, so that there are some problems with


. and it happens in many different ways.
What is my valid salvation? There can be a constant verification of salvation. There is a well. My salvation is not valid. What I'm facing is telling myself that I'm not really sure. To begin with, this creates a real disturbance and then we do a lot of things to fix it and resolve it and there are a lot of problems that come with this number one is that this topic deals with, you know, important issues, this is heaven, this is eternity are These great themes of our eternal salvation, important themes, true, but for those who suffer from OCD they are distorted and there is guilt and anxiety that do not end, are not resolved.
Now there is an aspect of guilt that as a non-believer we become aware of. need for salvation leads us to christ but i find that i have to educate, teach and walk believers through the understanding that god's language with his sons and daughters is not blame and shame, he is not using that, of course, It's the enemy's tactic, it's the enemy's ways to keep us in toxic guilt over OCD. They are back at it and fighting now. Pastors and church leaders, I want to urge you, you need to be on the lookout for people who have this and keep hanging around because someone will come to you and say, how do I know I'm really saved?
The natural response is, let's go out for a bit. Scriptures, let's navigate through this together, that's your pastor's heart coming out and it's great, but we need to improve our discernment because when you see this repeated, you need to start pointing out that there's a distortion at play here if you're doing altar calls and the same. the person is coming to salvation this is a sign there is a distortion there if they keep appearing and rising and rising don't add them to your stats and see this is wonderful this is great no no no we couldn't be cheering without knowing it I'm not saying you are doing this knowingly, but we could not be fostering a pattern that is not healthy pastors and church leaders I want us to realize this counselors realize this people of god friends family realize when you I see someone circling over his salvation and keeps trying to jump through hula hoops.
I discovered this early in my ministry, even when I was very young, before I had my own battles to be saved, re-saved, and saved once again. saved and now I mean it no, I didn't mean it before now I mean it, you know, but I saw from the beginning of my ministry that I was in church and I looked around me and they called for salvation in me particular culture was everyone standing with their heads bowed and eyes closed, no one looking around, uh, if you don't know where, if you died today and didn't know where you would go, um, or maybe it's today, if you never you received christ and today is the day to do it, they would give you a quick summary and do a couple of things, some would raise their hand and come, you know, and they would bring you a bible, they would bring a card for you to fill out in many cases let's say , go down to the altar and someone is going to pray for you the altar, that is, the front of the stage, the front place, I have seen this, I have seen this type of response in both Pentecostal charismatic inclinations.
I've seen it also in cultures that are more maybe Baptist plus other types of avenues where they call you, okay, and I notice, as a staff pastor, looking around, that that guy has been coming up a lot of times and it keeps going up, there is a problem here and I think it is being aware, sometimes we have obsessive-compulsive disorder, that is mental health, go see your counselor, it's like I want to create more awareness because if you find yourself continually trying to be saved, try to pray the prayer again, try to do something to fix the fact. that you are not saved, you are under the influence of obsessive compulsive disorder, am I diagnosing you?
No, this does not replace any professional help you are receiving or any advice you are receiving without the written consent of Major League Baseball. baseball disclaimer disclaimer uh this is uh anyway, so if you've come to this video saying dial quick, quick, quick, I don't know what to do with my salvation, tell me, tell me, tell me, first thing you should to do is relax. I need to listen because I'm the kind of brother from another mother who says sit down, I need to talk to your heart because this is not a head problem, it's a heart problem and it's not really a salvation problem, I know, I know, I know. but notice but notice but notice but these themes are inflated and distorted yes, eternity is important yes, heaven and hell are important yes, salvation is important, of course, but for the obsessive mind it has been distorted to the point of It doesn't resolve your feelings and emotions, it keeps you in spirals and spirals and spirals, most of your battles are interpreted as if you are not saved and it puts all the weight and pressure back on you.
I've never met a person with religious OCD who doesn't do it. carrying a huge yoke on yourselves if you realize if you struggle with this what is all the weight and burden on you is up to you does not reflect on jesus what he did for you is what you must do to fix what you must do to do all these things well and good is the language of perfectionism now the gospel is good news so it is helpful for us to understand what kind of gospel we have been sitting on because what has been influencing more work? do more do more do that's a classic example of a lot of modern salvation teaching it's like Jesus loves you just the way you are come in now do all these things and do all these things we bait and switch right now no deny your salvation because Many of us say yes to Christ in many foolish circumstances, but that perfectionism Now, when I talk about OCD, I talk about distortions and first you will have to understand that all of these seven distortions are at play with your fight for salvation from OCD.
There's a perfectionism where everything has to be perfect so your salvation has to be perfect I have to say it right I have to feel it right I have to have this feeling and the way other people tell stories about their journey you go I have to have it like this , it has to be the way other people present it, it's like, oh, this is what happened on a cloud that shone on me and it's not to deny that, but then it influences this great expectation and number two wants to erase it . you're out and that's this inflated struggle with uncertainty what if I'm not saved what if this isn't even true what if I am and then what he does is he holds on to that thing and he wants to examine it he wants to fix it he wants to do all kinds of interrogations and then from that anxiety and guilt they escalate, so you have an overestimation of the threat, check, this is my salvation, we're dealing with, check, this is eternity, so you can sit down with a counselor who understands OCD and maybe you sit with a counselor who understands OCD but is not a Christian, now they know and this is important to help you if you are getting counseling, regardless if they are Christian or not, they know if it is OCD, it has to be So. being treated that way the root system of how you manage your thoughts has to be treated as many times you go like some as counseled you say oh this person is not a Christian they are making fun of my faith because they are minimizing what I am highlighting, I get it, I get it , I get it, I get it, but you also need to understand if it's about your salvation or your cleansing, or crazy thoughts, sexual thoughts, thoughts that you're going to hurt someone, or thoughts that you committed an unforgivable sin.
They're going to follow the same thing, they're going to follow the seven distortions and so what they're going to do is lead you to reduce this intensity that you have about the threats of these thoughts and you could take it as, oh, them. They are degrading my faith and I am not saying that is not happening? I can understand that, but you also have to be careful how you interpret what appears because what they are trying to do is tear down what is distorted. anxiety and guilt that you live under and as a brother in Christ as a pastor as a minister I am here to tell you that god has not made you afraid god is not speaking to you through fear he is not speaking to you through this toxic guilt and shame is that that's not their voice and it's going to take you some time to relax because it's not really about your salvation, it's that you listen to the guilt and the fear all day, they, they, when that microphone turns on, you listen, you obey, you serve him.
So therefore, it guides you and distorts your image of how you see thoughts and how you see certain themes in your life and in your journey and you come back to this. So the distortions, so the threats are overestimated, then there is an inflation. responsibility so you have to do something about it I have to go tell my pastor I have to go tell someone I have to confess over and over again I get saved again I have to check this make sure it's okay make sure we understand it all together because number six there is an intense need that you feel on your shoulders I have to control all the thoughts that come and that is a useless perspective because you cannot control all the thoughts that come to you that is a recipe for insanity it is a recipe for eroding your mental health thinking that you can control the thoughts that come in what you can do is cultivate your response and I'm going to make a strong statement 100 from OCD suffer 100 no 99 I'm not giving you space to get out of this, I'm not giving you space to get out of this 100 from OCD sufferers are incredibly hard on themselves yes, yes, no, that other person, you 100, I'm not giving you any leeway, you're hard on yourself, Jesus did it. not die on the cross so you live a life beating yourself up and being hard on yourself, so I'm here to tell you that salvation has been around sincesalvation was offered, the work of the law has ruined so many people, myself included.
It is a toxic Levin that wants to infiltrate your thinking and wants to distort the way you approach the topic of salvation and not allow you to walk forward in the freedom that Christ paid for. Because you are too hard on yourself, grace and love. Unconditional are like foreign topics, they are foreign to you and that is actually the journey of what you need to learn, you are turning to salvation, but OCD is the great distractor that it seeks to be. a master at distracting your attention you are staring here at the issue of salvation when in reality it is your broken heart that needs healing perfectionism needs to attend to unconditional love it is necessary in your life to nurture grace those things are missing in practice and have No you've been discipled in it but you're hanging around here so you can't see it, so when someone tells you that what you need is unconditional love, you say, no, no, you don't understand why I need my salvation. fixed and until that refocusing happens, you are going to continually spin in this addictive spiral, yes, addictive, you become addicted to checking your salvation, spin on it, try to fix it, check, spin, fix, check, spin, fix becomes in a drug you turn to and when you try it.
Letting go is like coming off a drug that draws you in, draws you in, distorts things because it wants to remain as a thought pattern in your life, so take this heavy subject well for eternity, but it has to be rooted in love. It has to be rooted in grace, everything that is not rooted in love will be distorted, everything that is not rude in God's grace will be returned to you, do you have to like it? Putting in all these jobs, you have to, you have to, all the pressure is on you, you have to do it well and we all have to come to the conclusion that we can't do everything well even close and if we do, what is the result, self-righteousness and even that is worthless, so really what we have to do is let it all go and move on to a completely new path of life.
This is not like covering a hole in the wall. This is a completely new way of thinking and living. The common compulsion we indulge in is that we investigate. This is the most common. go seek your health, seek help from someone, you seek, am I really saved?, I am not sure, can you help me? check, check and what you want to start with first is go, this is what mine is like, does anyone else have this? That's what you should do first, you should check to make sure someone else has this because you should verify that you are not crazy, it's a shame to talk to you, you're listening to the shame and you're following the shame by trying to find other people to tell me. let me tell you that yes, people all over the planet are fighting with us, but what then? what you're doing is you then want to check out the salvation issue, give me the scriptures, give me stuff and then, and then the ocd travels to other areas, you listen and say, hey, this guy knows what he's talking about, but I can trust him?
I don't know what he is, what he thinks, what he is and then there's just an endless path that this will lead you to because once you feel like you've figured out this path, this thing is like hitting another. appears and you're sitting there, of course, another compulsion might be that you go read the scriptures about it. Mark how this is a compulsion. I am a Christian or I want to be sure that I am a Christian. Shouldn't I read the Bible? the problem is not the bible the promise that when you read it you have a distortion when you are disconnected from love grace fosters the understanding of what it means to live in the father's love for you then reading the bible is going to be very difficult and What it was used as a sword to cut and cut the works of the enemy it is actually something you hit yourself with all day and my friends it is what many believers struggle with so I could see suffering from obsessive religious disorder from a mile away . because of the long emails but also because of the way they approach the things of God he is neurotic he is tense he is apprehensive he is hyper vigilant he is distorted so they read things they take them it is very easy to take things out of context because there are many strong messages in the bible there are many strong statements there are many strong statements in life we ​​have things in which you know that Jesus would say truly I tell you right we would write it truly truly they repeated the words he was not he was not going very very he was going really and was trying to bring up he is saying this is important true there are certain statements in the bible about all things this is this is important this is the greatest peter says above all things have fervent love for one another he wasn't joking above Of all things, Paul the apostle said the greatest thing is to make sure you fix your belief, make sure it's perfect.
Above all, the greatest thing he said is love, but we, yes, yes, yes, but what about my salvation? We're missing the point, so it's how to read the scriptures, I don't even have series I've done on reading the Bible for mental health. There are a few things you need to understand and start with because the premise I'm talking about with OCD is the problem. is not the problem, this actually translates to everything in life, the problem you are seeing is not the problem you think it is, there are deeper things that you need to be aware of at the time I understood that these patterns of OCD have nothing to do with the topic, for example.
I had a very debilitating obsessive-compulsive relationship disorder, you can see that in other videos and I thought that's the problem I have with making sure I feel good and they told me that actually it's about love, vulnerability, intimacy with what that you feel uncomfortable and at first. I was like no, no, I have to find the right person until I got to the point where I realized, okay, that's what I need to learn. I just turned, turned, turned, now doesn't mean the turning stopped, but now it put me in a new direction because I realize and I would be humbled and taught that this is what I need.
My heart needs to learn what love is. Learning what it means to be loved unconditionally because for many of us it is such a foreign topic. Now I will say many things. You, your upbringing in the faith magnifies this problem. Still to this day I have not met someone with salvation OCD. When I look at your faith history, I find no forms of legalism, performance, religious perfectionism. I'm going to make a strong statement. that many people have actually been abused for their religious upbringing because religiosity and religious legalism self-righteousness is abusive to people's hearts and minds because it manipulates them but forces them to follow rules so you can keep them under control.
This is what you need. Doing it is a weight and a burden and I talk about this a lot because it really improves, it leads people into OCD patterns. There are many schools of faith that say look at the problem you're struggling with and say, "Well, it's because you." you're not born again you're not really saved they point everything towards that really the interpretation is I don't know how to help you that's what we really need to be honest about how I know people say this I've seen it it was told to me so let me go to pray and through the prayer of salvation again under salvation and prayer there is no fruit more torment until one day I said all this is nonsense than what you are telling me I am not saying it is nonsense and there is a deeper weight this is not so Jesus died that I would think about this the problem is not God the problem is in how I am interpreting the things that need healing and renewal so this uncertainty is magnified and the churches are guilty of this are if you died today if you died today if you were to die right now first of all it's like why are we obsessed if you were to die right now you would die right now you would die right now so the whole room is checking if you were going to die right now would you know?
I mean, do you really know? Really now? This is manipulation because I can do this to anyone. How your finances are doing good for my finances. Do you really know? Do you really know? Better go check my bank account. Are you human? Yes, I am a human. Do you really know what? Maybe I should get tested. Am I really human? I got a that way we have to realize how we manipulate people because look if I do that to you I get a reaction and many times in our preaching and teaching we need a reaction to legitimize our ministry I have lived in it I have done it I've done I'll start preaching a little bit louder a little bit more it gets a little more intense I'm not saying that's wrong, but I'm saying that we look at our patterns in how we hit people to get a response, are you really? and then everyone in the room is checking like they're looking for their lost keys do that where I put my keys I have my keys my salvation and then we treat salvation like that it's like a hot potato you know where salvation is oh whoa and then that fits with many other topics people write to me i i think I accidentally committed the unforgivable sin.
It shows how distorted we have been taught. That we accidentally exploited you in the holy spirit. Which we accidentally like. We treat these things as if we simply fell for them. distortions do you feel like you can lose your salvation? how can you lose your keys now I was taught that I was taught that it was like this thing that would just slip through your hands I remember when I was I think I said this before, I remember when I was fishing with my dad when I was a kid and we were on the dock and we just I took my fishing rod and I threw it in the water that my dad had prepared for me and I just put it in the water, he was sitting there and he was a boring boy and suddenly he pulled out well, then we pulled him out and it's this eel, a eel, a long eel, so my dad takes over and he says, I say, this is crazy, this is crazy, right, and that's what happens with a lot of us in our salvations, that's not the God's intention for you, but how you have been loved, not loved, how you have been nurtured, not nurtured. how you have been taught about emotions because that is one of the distortions that I didn't even mention this is a major problem it is not your salvation you don't know how to process your emotions and I encourage you as an OCD fighter You need help learning to navigate your emotions .
You need to learn to identify them, to share them, to interpret them so that you can then process them because you are obsessed with salvation and you are missing the depression you are going through. through the heartbreak, the struggles, the traumas, the dramas you faced, the need, the need for a love that is so big you can't even see it, but one of the pains that many religious OCD fighters have is the negligence, you have been neglected in areas of your life. life they brought you to church they took you to events they tell you to work hard do these things but did they feed you your emotions?
Hey, I'm having a rough day, yeah, what's going on? Talk about it, let me hear. I'm not going to fix you do you have memories when you were a kid growing up where you were like I was having a hard day oh yeah let's sit down and talk about it let me let me hear what you're going through let me hear? what are you fighting against so the problem is not the problem so researching how do I fix my salvation will get you nowhere and it's like a lot of those who suffer and struggle in this area like how can I lose my salvation?
What could I do? they like to deny salvation so they search that's like searching online what could I do to lose my marriage what's the problem the problem is that you never really enjoy your marriage because you're focused on how you could lose it if you're focused on how you can lose something so beautiful that you will never enjoy it, you will be possessed by fear and you will carry a weight and a pressure and that is why the performance-based, punishment-based relationship with God is never the way he designed it now. I will say this, I know I have given strong words to the church, but historically when pastors said, I want you to give me an idea because I understand this when pastors say you know there are a lot of people, I question their salvation, there is an aspect.
From that I understand that I've sat down with a lot of people and you say, Hey, so tell me how you came to Christ and they say, Well, oh, I always knew there was a God and I've always believed. or they walk away and you say okay, but at some point you know if you made a decision and you look at their faith journey and it's like and I know this could be interpreted incorrectly and people and oh look these go this is me , this is me, no, I've sat with where the people are, like I remember when I'll say this when I remember when I was a pastor, the church I worked at they have attendance sheets, it was just a weight of them to keep track of attendance , you know, the sheet would turn and they felt like they were just keeping track of people and they wanted to keep track of their tenants and any rights, everyone has their ways, yeah and me.
It would be like um hey uh after church hey um the sheet didn't happen to me I want to make sure mine counts, I thought reallybrother tell what it counted for it's like this is really what you think there is really religiosity that if I do good things be a good person you know at least I didn't murder anyone you know that kind of thoughts so I understand it because the pastors take care of it a lot of this where it's like there's this assumption that because you attend church weekly you pay your taxes and do good things, that's salvation, it's another form of works thinking that goes nowhere, but we also have to understand that when present salvation is good news, it's good news, so as people fighting this battle, what happens is you struggle to take the deeper things or the next steps because you feel like your first step is disqualified, it's like If you needed to know the love of God.
I need to know the grace of God and you say no because I can't receive that because I'm not saved and that shows how much this thing has tried to lock you in. God showed his love towards us and while we were sinners, not when we made a decision for Christ while We were sinners, that unconditional love changes when you become a Christian for many in practice, yes it does, but it doesn't, it's still there so there will have to be a movement. where you are going to have to step forward as if you were based on a decision not based on all aligned feelings not based and if you have been in the salvation ocd for a long time you are going to understand that your feelings are I'm going to lie to you for a time and it will take a while for your feelings to catch up with your new path because as humans we are highly conditioned which means that certain thoughts, patterns, associations, meanings, interpretations all accumulate and how we act. and as we respond that the good news is that all of that can be renewed that is why the Bible talks about being transformed by the renewal of your mind it is a renewal of a thought to see things as God sees them allow my heart to be renewed but again not it's in this area it's not necessarily renewing the mind about salvation it's the deeper issues of the heart regarding love regarding the work of God his grace upon your life learning to be a recipient of that for many of you I want to give you an exhortation you are waiting in your salvation ocd fight so that god somehow leaves you something to fix this we have a victim mentality when we how do we approach god god rescue me god save me and god is going to return I did it and you received it but that one did not is the battle, your battle is actually learning to receive love and if you say as an OCD fighter I struggle to receive love, welcome to the family because the whole body of Christ is struggling with this, the whole body of Christ is fighting to be loved.
Right where they can receive his grace and power, we are exhausted and exhausted from trying to please God, from trying to do things, we live busy, we are mentally exhausted and exhausted by him, but you have to be conscious of God, just do something. and instead, take a step of faith and for those of you with OCD, step away from your compulsion and move in a new direction, which in this case is what you know. I simply make a decision from now on. I will live forward. As if I were a child of God, I will no longer dwell on this decision, I will no longer dwell on it even though my entire body and mind will challenge it and when I take a step of faith forward, I will I'll feel like I'm going in the wrong direction, that's a very common expression in the healing journey, but for someone who suffers from OCD, you have great faith, it takes great faith to do that, oh, but I have terrible faith. , that's the problem.
I'm here if you walk away. of this and take a new direction, God, I am going to trust that I am saved, not because my feelings are good, but I am going to move forward as if I were a child of God, that requires great faith and I admire it. to you for taking that step of faith and you go, you know what I'm not going to keep going to my pastor for reassurance I'm not going to keep going to my wife and asking her and checking and I'm going to starve the compulsion of being a drug addict. to this I keep doing to keep checking keep checking keep checking keep checking I see that the root of the problem is these distortions that I speak of sorry press the wrong button there these distortions that I speak of this is this is where your battlefield is and under these, under those seven distortions and I talk about them on my site and in my materials in this on my ocd help page, it's all there, go over them over and over again, make notes on them, take it easy, allow yourself Learning because it is is not salvation, what is distorted is your relationship with your thoughts and feelings, but it takes great faith to step forward and step away and begin to learn now your real problems, which are unconditional love, performance, Christianity based on performance, perfectionist pressure and the struggle with uncertainty, which for you listen to me for you is an absolute intolerance to any presence of disbelief because you go I believe but I and you seek disbelief you seek it the problem is search and you will find it if you look for disbelief you You will find it if you look for disbelief in me, you will find it if you look for a belief around you, you will find it.
Oh no, then there is absolute intolerance towards any presence of unbelief. The problem is that everyone has unbelief. in their lives and the people who say it's not our lies say well I don't know I listen to a pastor who is 100 convinced in every area blah blah blah blah that's so impressive it's just not true y'all We have doubts, right? everyone has unbelief, the posture for OCD suffers as well as the rest of us I think, but help me with my unbelief and God is here in it and works with it, so it's not about how much unbelief you have, but about taking that little mustard seed of belief and just nurturing it, encouraging it, oh no, don't do that, you beat hell over your head in every room of unbelief and analyze it, it's a flaw-centered, sin-centered stance instead of recognizing all God. is working in your life in colossians talks about recognizing what is good what is working who god is working in you not goods that we are trying to gather and things like that no one has a perfect belief no one perfectly believes that what you will have to give up aside is the perfectionist pressure to land in that perfect place of security, whatever that may be now, the work you will have to do is the work of the heart.
We have to look at your upbringing, how were you raised in your home? What was the unconditional love present there? Did they teach you and equip you in your emotions? We have to look at your web of faith. What is your faith network? Because all of these things are now influencing where you are. Now we will see the transitions in your life. Look, I'm giving you a training session. I'm giving you help that you can do on your own and start navigating to journaling about these things. What are the transitions in your life? When? you look at where magnified OCD you're most likely going to encounter a transitional season, a lot of it shows up during college, it's going to show up, you get married, you start having kids and those are stressful times and you're here mulling over your salvation when you're really in a transitional season of becoming a mother, becoming a father, becoming a husband, whatever season you're in, we haven't been prepared for that, we're struggling, that's stressful and it brings out perfectionism to make sure. that in stressful moments you do things well and it fits perfectly with religiosity because the heart of a religious spirit is that I have to make sure I do it well, the problem is that when you dance tango with a religious spirit it is 11 and a little eleven yeasts in the whole lot and like Paul said, you can't just take a little bit of the law, he'll say you have to do it all, you can't go, I'm going to abide by a couple of these rules here. and follow this and review these things and that will make me better and Paul says, "Oh, all this will come after you, so you will have to realize that in this area of ​​your life the subject is distorted, just distorted, you have to do it".
Realize when you realize your interpretation is wrong, how do you learn interpretation again? I'm talking about firing your interpreter. I have a couple of videos on that interpretation through love through compassionate grace becoming more compassionate as a witness. In fact, many of you really need training. about how to overcome your feelings because that is the deepest problem that needs love and care. Life is not about having 100% certainty in everything, it is about embracing with love, embracing that you have belief but you also have disbelief through love. Belief grows. The Bible says that love. believe all things so if I want to improve my belief system I have to learn what love is like and learn to live in the power of love I don't have to believe I have to believe okay now I might actually believe that's not something they are driven to exposure therapy patterns exposure therapy is considered the gold standard of help for ocd it has a high success rate exposure therapy is nothing new god has taught us from the beginning that he has not made us afraid, we will guide in power, love and healthy mind to face and overcome our fears exposure therapy is basically the principle that the disturbance arises you feel the anxiety you feel the torment you feel the conflict and the guilt you feel the what is the what is the what is the check the check the checking you feel it but you are letting it pass through your body through your being without acting on it you see it and you notice it but you are learning to have a gentler loving response you see well it is psychology why we give credit to the psychology something that god established in christ jesus he is kind and compassionate to us and his mercy is new every morning his grace is here today psychology is just documenting patterns and trying to figure out what works these people of god god has given us the power to His love and grace to work in and through our lives is because it is really about how we have treated each other because the body of Christ has often been the meanest and most accusatory among us it is as if we no longer even need the devil because I have listened to his lies so much that we hit ourselves over the head with them, so you will have to leave room for disbelief, so you will have to give your own belief a big hug because it recognizes your fragility, your defects.
You are not perfect and it brings you back to Christ, who has made us stand right before our father in heaven until you use the power of choice. I decide I'm moving forward now. Some of you may find it useful. given these comments to some, maybe you, you, set a date, okay, today, whatever date you're hearing, look today is the day I made this decision. I am a believer in Christ, no matter what my feelings say or anything I do. decision because that is how you overcome OCD it is by decision you break the relationship OCD deciding to break salvation and deception deciding and then moving forward with that and you have to learn to starve yourself control and control and control maybe you say this is well this day maybe I will pray with someone say "okay", this is an agreement that I am making today just sealing this and there is no turning back for me, maybe I will continue with the baptism, but with the expectation that it will not be something that will float above you. either it happens or this kind of miraculous thing is like no, I'm understanding this decision that I'm making, it's a decision and it's going to take a long time for my emotions to catch up and that's okay and now you're on a journey to find out what it means. being loved and that beautiful love that first John 4 18 tells us that perfect love no you don't make things perfect it is his love that is perfect it is not even love that you could try to provoke we are always trying to love God with this as a performance love I have to love God and John says that we love him because he loved us first, learn to receive his love and learning to receive his love makes you look at all your weaknesses, all your nonsense with compassion and compassion says that I receive you in a relationship and that agape love that involves welcoming you, as I talk in my series about what love is that you can see and then I also have another one about what love looks like, there is a total breakdown, I talk. about what love is and at first you will feel like you are going in the wrong direction, you will feel like a drug addict coming off a drug and you will need work and how to overcome your emotions these feelings of guilt and realize wow I hear guilt a lot wow I am struggling with depression I would even realize that wow I have a lot of anxiety in my life and I take that anxiety and say it's because I'm not saved and I follow that path and the anxiety is never solved.
You have to learn to stop fixing what you feel because you've never really learned to really see what you feel in the first place and Christianity has been known to despise feelings, to start with no feelings, and there is an aspect of freedom in This, so you can't go by what you feel in the process of freedom, but you also have to learn how to do it in the big picture in the long term. to really navigate what you arefeeling because it's been distorted in your life Christianity we've taught people just a blanket always just ignore your feelings it's like it's so dumb because everything you do has a feeling attached to it this morning you woke up today and I said I don't take a cup of coffee, because you have a feeling association that if you drink that cup of coffee it will make you feel more awake and more alert and you went and called a friend because you had the feeling of calling a friend like come on, we are fooling ourselves and we are not robots, we are human beings who feel and have each thought has an associated emotion for those who suffer from OCD they have a thought, the attached emotion has an association that is distorted but only you can welcome that new vision.
I can teach this until I'm blue in the face. It's your decision. It's your skill today. I encourage you to go further. Bookmark the OCD Jesus help page. Dot com. Slash. OCD help if this video has. It has been a blessing for your life and your journey visit my website where there are many videos I present to you a series of videos that my wife and I make together my wife Melissa and I are dedicated to teaching and encouraging the hearts of People live healthy and free in many areas of their life and that includes OCD and many are struggling with religious OCD.
I pray that the eyes of your understanding are open to what you truly need. What you really need is the love and grace of God. So marinate this, listen to it a few times, let it become something you practice and you will have days where you move forward, you will have days where you step back and feel like you are going backwards, you are not. To move forward sometimes you need to go around the mountain a few times until it takes effect, you have to give yourself grace, you have to give yourself grace and it will teach you to have a new relationship with god, your father and have a new relationship with yourself to see yourself differently to truly experience what Jesus paid for.
I pray that this sets you free into new patterns and new paths. Be loved, so God willing, and the stream does not rise, I will see you next time. meanwhile you

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