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Jun 09, 2021
Carla protester too busy cash please Wake up kids Good morning it hurts wake up Ooh but that selfie light even though you guys have that selfie light next to your bed *duck lips* it turned into a war zone good morning Tessa, hey, oh. your boy has an electric skateboard, oh, cute, but well, obviously the Martinez twins can ride it, but you know, I have an electric skateboard that I'm going to try, you know, this means that yeah, it's like you press it and it goes, it just press and say, they are almost not. As always, the blowjob is great too, but the shot is new.
ordering giant pizzas to my brothers house prank wars
I finished, maybe you really know if I'm going to take an l, that means you're going to remove the wall, no, I've never taken.


, look at the skateboards, bubbling, their breathing, oh well, there's a phone on a skateboard there now, are you mad at me? Okay, well, this is an interesting way to start the morning, guys, and if you're watching this, Jake's calling, I mean. Good morning I hope you are having a great day because I am not and as some of you know, we are commenting on my upload, my last two videos have been fucked up because premiere pro, which is the editing software, sucks and is slow. broken, we tried everything on several different systems and the footage we had was corrupt so I couldn't upload it, edit it, export it or anything, so I apologize guys, I'm really sorry, but you know we're making up for it.
ordering giant pizzas to my brothers house prank wars

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ordering giant pizzas to my brothers house prank wars...

You still have those videos, they came a little late and if you're watching this it means it's Valentine's Day, so happy Valentine's Day, I'm single on Valentine's Day, if you're single we're waiting, no, no, all. bring a valentine, bring a valentine, that's it, she'll be here in a bit, stay tuned in the morning, Nick, the commonest snipe, ER, oh, I like your merch. I don't want to, I don't want to, yes, actually. in the description enough look look look look, oh, so it's silly, do we have the photos of you? I want to see that photo when it comes out.
ordering giant pizzas to my brothers house prank wars
Go to my Instagram right now, take a break and follow me. Children's functions. You come back. Hi guys. The



are back and today I'm going to


my brother Logan Paul. Some of you may know him musically, mostly musically, so I got his roommate's mark on this joke. I'm going to order a lot of parts from him.


and make Logan pay for it and Mark is going to film everything behind the scenes for me, so I'm going to call Mark right now to coordinate the plan. Is it the gym? Logan is there with you, you're watching, okay? when you arrive. back just text me because I want to order the pieces ok ok I don't know I think 25 to 30 maybe yes and then you just have to record it when the pizza arrives and like his reaction and stuff , hey, Bob gets delivery, okay, and you guys like to have


pieces, yeah, a really big tablet is your big cheese pizza, could I order 15 of those?
ordering giant pizzas to my brothers house prank wars
Yes, for delivery, hello, hello, your store is being robbed, why would you hang up? With the shiz, this is available for delivery. I tried to call them so someone would discover me, so I tried to call them and someone hung up on me. Yes, I would just like to order 15 of their large cheese


on my phone. The number is Logan and my last name is Paul 15 of your large cheese


in cash please, like now, okay, amazing, thank you almost two hundred dollars for the whole place. Sorry, you have to pay for that. I don't know how this is.
I'm going downstairs, so I'm in my room right now. Logan is at the gym and is almost back when he gets back. Hopefully the pizza guy will come and ring the bell and we'll know his reaction, so stay tuned, so Mark told me that. in the gym right now he'll be home in about 45 minutes, which is right when the pieces will get there and he'll probably do freak shows what are you going to do, yeah, I'm a wild, wild college oak that spring. It's happening to other people, things that you know, it's very easy, oh, that area, so it was this tactic.
They know they are ready for their appointment, but what to expect, so we can't make the double appointment. They have to review the essays there. the comments are going to pick a date, but apparently America has a boyfriend and what, so the pizza arrived faster than I expected. Logan is still in the gym. I don't know how the markets handle the situation, oh my goodness. Frank's not working, hopefully. load up and go back to the gym like now and enter this scenario scenario oh my god Logan just came back from the gym bring some waters they were just waiting for the pizza boy to come right now but I'll contact mci was to figure out what and then we'll just be a waiting game I was the gym brother all I have those alternatives the guys with the most launch seen Olympic Games 2020 ah tokyo what you have today doing the final consonant 00 take that bottle of water bottle oh yes You are wow, yes, but I also have two in the international gym chest.
You have that protein, someone is at the door. You get it, it's always the door and it always knows it's always just packages for Logan, so I don't even know why. There is, I don't know because we didn't know the pieces without me, I think I ran out. That's Logan. He didn't have 100, that's good, yeah, that's not the only number. Don't know. Don't know. I don't know how those people's celebrities per hour have many pieces, how many pizzas are in 5050 format or 15 more and you are the pieces that are playing a joke on the blog because it's not funny, Lady G forgot how.
How much is it per dollar? I want you to look so good, Mark, you want it. I don't have a chance. Can? I told them I'm going to sell. Oh, okay, I took off my suit. Suit for them. You are a good man. I'm going to need 60 hours of my wallet. These people have the money they have you when in reality they are so Jake ordered all these pieces. Brother Jake ordered all of this. Did you go to do this? Well, haha, haha, good night, where are you? Guys, sit in your car, won't it work for me?
Come into our building. What we are going to do is 15 and distribute them to the people. What a good idea. They want pizza. Ted says: come to the rescue with the money. Logan company man test. his stuff, I'll make you happy and secondly you were taking all these pieces, they're not, so I want to go there, you go back to your boy, I hope this is a good job, hard test, take it all and that's what he said. that then you didn't bring enough money your store for dollars no way guys here's something I'm going to take these pizzas and my channel involves little laws I'm going to make a cute Valentine's Day blogger I find Valentine's Day using only pizza so make sure you come to my channel like and subscribe on / logan paul blogger make you cum god he'll tip you big ball that's your django giving the real tip you know this is a madness from a credible brand. you don't, we can't do it thanks for the pieces Jake, Jake get a man, I think it was more of a prank on the other guys, but that's not why I put the kids in, I got you, take a good look at everyone, I you smell.
It smells really good all of them there are 15 of them I can only relieve you know how tempting it is very sensitive that was funny brother keep your eyes wide open I'll see how we load I love the work of dribbling in the face what you think you're funny Yes , yeah, that's not how your parts are, bro, message 656, he only left four dollars for 200, period out of order, what do you have for me next? Logan, joke, war, son, what's up? You have no idea, Jake, by the way, Secret Service security. Frank likes it. Come on, stop that brother, no, you're right, you've brought a store that's been harassed so far.
I have never heard of that storm because you don't know what you don't talk about as I blog every day thank you. You, I'm ready for you to prank me, I hope you enjoy your pieces, see you later, your little girl, that's how Jake's parents do it, baby, I think we're winning the playing field, I think we're winning the prank war. I haven't been coached in a while and when I get ranked it's like you know whatever I played, you know you're my valentine, it's about to be here, we do it and I know someone who's cool for my valentines. not be here When right now, yeah, girl, yeah, it's a girl, ok, no, it's fun, yeah, yeah, better than pizza, actually, they're our flowers, right?
What do you like globally? It's Rick, all those roses look like young dead roses, this is perfect, okay, my Valentine's Day is about to arrive. Gotta act cool, play cool, just think about your brother, you're confident kid, you're going to the Disney channel, you've got subscribers, you got this now, it wasn't done enough, I'm not nervous at all, yeah, that time . Oh, Amanda, for valid time, I'm probably 50. You are a gift, yes, yes, happy Valentine's Day, that day you said yes, all for you. I think we use and maintain. No, no, no, crack. New background. I just got them where I picked them myself.
You take it myself. Do you think in Rose Place? where is the north of? We're here, we're starting here, you know what night, this is a pretty protein shakes, it's a special kind of pink, nothing, I like your shoes, by the way, topic aside, topic, no, no, no, I didn't tell myself that bought. That and I don't take it, and I bought those about buckets and I'm glad for those flowers, like picking those flowers for you. Wow, that has what a girl asked for, guys. I just found them on our counter right there, like they had those 45 seconds before you walked over. in I mean, tag you on my blog, what do you mean by the title?
We titled it just title it Amanda Cerny me, this headband in charge of her deaths, my valentine, here she is pretty, we're still working on it, okay, I need to figure it out. better again, I'll get you something, these are the Martinez twins, yes, although well, you don't even give me a proper guess, so no, no, I already said that you are my Valentine on the blog and I'm posting that this was official , I mean, You're leaving, but she's good, right, she's a very nice girl, we get along very well, she's cute, right, yeah, she has a lot of followers on Instagram, that's a plus, right, I miss you, so we can post a couple of photos, you know, and yeah, explode, all about resolving. puzzle right next to him and us, cool, cool, and she left her bag spending so much money, well guys, looks like we're signing you up to be single again too.
I'm not Valentine's Day here with you and you know, maybe you can sign my DMs. and we can, no date has been horrible, why not move on? I bought you a gift, oh, she's a sweatshirt, yes, oh, oh, God, I'm afraid of her, the payment will be afraid, brother, you know, I bought you the penis polish, I got you. I'm going to get you a visa, don't cry, don't cry, brother, crash between us, you want to drink that, especially, get them a little more, yeah, maybe a little more, maybe a little, oh yeah, but he's headed is hydrated now you get, oh, okay, it seems. to be a repressed aggression here like a simple I have you and no one gets involved with the intention not on my watch it leaves why I'm going to leave here okay, okay, what's going on?, but it's not going to come out, no is coming out, someone called I know it's good like notifications going to I love pugs 125.
Thank you so much for having my notifications. I'm guys, if you want a notification, shout, all you have to do is turn on notifications and comment when you're done and also teach. Me, how to focus my camera, thank you. I uploaded Drake's video and there is a ghost flipping around in the video. No, there is a ghost. Come look, guys, look, look, look. Everyone comments on it. There is a ghost in the video. Look, okay, it worked, no It doesn't look like four seconds, okay, so I'm climbing their fence, you start to see it here, but no, there's no way, dude, again, they literally look like a human being who looks regularly, talks for you, who have had a weekend without order.
I could explain this is like walking, look, it's like a girl like that, but look at him, he's walking, who would take their arm out? I'm saying with that Phantom, never that friend, I don't like that Martínez, you guys are ready to hit. the gym, yes, but Al Ghul goes with the gym. I don't know, but I want to go to offer, I just made it up. You have to want to see it. We have some surprises for tomorrow's registration. And yes, you know, I'll see you tomorrow. because it can be shit make sure to subscribe to keep up with my life daily and if you want to see more content check out yesterday's vlog it says it's super lit plus I have a second channel that Jake calls on and you guys can subscribe . right now and if you want to see more content from everyone in the house our group channel is called team 10 churches see you tomorrow test

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