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Jul 02, 2024
same. I see if I can hear the music thinking of you. Sorry, but we have the music on your slide. Yes, that's it, fix that. If we can. I don't see your questions, yeah, maybe we can slide somewhere, just maybe minimize that flashlight that won't let out, okay, you don't want music, I can stop the music if it interrupts, so no way is it that full page of music. covering the other one the one that's written yeah that's it thank you all okay now um this is okay um so my right you're almost done so yeah so what did you come up with?
living life to the fullest
Would anyone like to share? What are your thoughts? Who would like it? to share um I'm happy to share first hello come in um okay I'm not sure I wrote exactly the right thing. I just typed really fast, think about what I thought you asked everyone. the questions for the first one with myself I think I want to see myself in the future or set my path in a way that is more um I want to be stronger and I want to be more interdependent and I want to be a little a little bit more disciplined to show myself with more self-love because I think I have a hard time doing that with myself, and then the skills that I want to develop are, I think I definitely want to manage my time a little bit better because I do.
living life to the fullest

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living life to the fullest...

I put a lot of hard work into a lot of things, but sometimes I get stuck at the end where I just like because I haven't managed my time quite right, it just hits me right at the end and I have a lot of work left, so I definitely have to manage better. my time and I think I definitely need to get back into physical exercise again because I think that changes your physiology a little bit in terms of having momentum and then in the future I would like to learn a little bit more about trading and negotiation skills as well and then , in terms of feelings, I want to cultivate them in my


, I think I definitely want to be a more positive and optimistic person and I think I definitely need to be happier because I think I get sad a lot because I probably like really small things that I don't really like. they matter, so I definitely have to focus on that and then I probably have to be a little bit more. concentrated and not everywhere and then I think in terms of social consciousness.
living life to the fullest
For me, what I learned from interacting with others and this is my housemate who changed my opinion on it because I used to be very similar before, I think. He never used to take other people like he used to be kind, but not as kind as he would have been honestly, but then my housemate changed that completely for me and told me that if you always do it with love and kindness. It always comes back to you and other people notice it, even if you don't realize that moment, they always notice the end, so either that or they laugh with humor, so make it as a joke and make it funny and then in terms of service um I definitely think I have rather good people skills and good people energy.
living life to the fullest
I have been quite happy to understand others and I like to see where their points of view come from and I think some other services that I am What I am most happy about so far is that I think I am a high achiever and I am quite motivated for the most part. of time and I have the ability to motivate others to do more and they also like to increase their energy and then do it. In terms of meaning, I think one thing I have to do to give more meaning to my


is enjoy the process, so sometimes I forget to enjoy the journey and then I see the end point, so that gets a little difficult and then enjoying all the little things and the little victories that I have on a daily basis instead of putting myself down at the end and saying, "Oh, I don't have that yet, so I haven't really won anything yet, so I guess." I have to do that right, great achievement.
I love the way you went through each step and how important it is and it's pretty deep into what you want to achieve, so this is the kind of clarity we need. I need to review weekly. Am I clear about those things and what has changed? Because otherwise we get very overwhelmed if we don't and we get distracted. Would anyone else like to share it? everyone goes um I said successful generous with time and gifts and strongly determined skills I keep working on training and speaking and uh feelings um happy and grateful social awareness friendly talkative a great communicator service creating a domino effect um you help one person they help another one um meaning and getting the job the imbalance of life balance great yeah another uh you know you're pretty defined now that you've defined your journey you know what you need to clarify and which is wonderful I really enjoy those actions that someone else would Me I would like to share the story of what happened to them.
I will share it for myself. Who do I want to be today? I only want to be. Probably a calmer person and learning to relax better. With my skills. I would like Look, because the market is going down, I would like to pivot and see how I can find ways to grow the business and just, you know, go sideways sometimes and figure out what we can bring to the table in terms of sentiment, I want to be more understanding. and just understand that people are obviously not the same as you, but it's easy to forget that and that we all have different personalities.
You know we're different people, so when you accept that, I think things become easier for the social conscience to handle. I want to interact with positivity and also be more present with my children, my husband, because it is going to be very stressful and this with a service that was important to me because when moving from an urban planning city where elent and I work, I worked providing housing for the poor and in the community, you know, the age of people who are on the verge of homelessness and then I moved into interior design, which is a very superficial industry.
I actually struggled with that and I was wondering if I was even making a difference and then I actually later found out that yes, I am, but it took me a while to accept that, um and also with meaning, just celebrating what she just I mean, just celebrate the small victories and just pat yourself on the back like always. As women, we are hard on ourselves and we are always looking ahead or things are focused on things that went wrong, but we have a kind of reverse outlook, a kind of backwards to-do list and we focus on the things that went wrong. things we have achieved.
Beautiful beautiful consciousness um i i i i I would love to hear all your stories but I am conscious of time but I just wanted to share this with you, once we regularly analyze those aspects of our life, life becomes easier. and we know what to focus on, did you have that feeling too? Yeah, okay, let's move on to the next habit and the next habit is generating energy, so there are three elements of how we generate energy and high-performing people. who created sex, live with intention, so their strong message is to be intentional now and that is something that I chose and it was very relevant to me as well, have you noticed that when you have a busy life and you might be doing the transition from one activity to the next and there is a time in between and sometimes you know we do it somehow it is difficult to make the transition and sometimes we get distracted and waste a lot of time so successful people who are high performers really master that transition moment and one of the strategies that was shared is that you know how to do this exercise to know when you really want to transition and go faster because it's our body instead of the message that it needs to go to. every part of our body, so if we close our eyes and keep repeating, let go, let go, let go, it helps us relax and then we can set our new intention and it's easier to move forward, so it's like taking some time and really helping our body to move, so be intentional and pay attention to those transitions, the next element is to bring joy into our lives and many women probably suffer from that, in reality, many people are that when we want to achieve certain tasks we concentrate a lot and It's like I know it's not.
I'll go all the way until I'm done and soon I mentioned that it's about self care or Gail also mentioned this and it's also about other elements to bring joy into our life because sometimes we often forget that. Those moments about joy and these days, you know, so the suggestion is to bring free things, that in our life bring joy, it could be like sending a message to the loved one or maybe, go for a walk around the block or maybe I just look at the flower, whatever it is, it brings that joy and sentimental triggers, so these days a lot of people there are apps with which you can send the message to yourself and so you could be you are busy working on something and suddenly you get the message, you know, send a message to your loved one or you think about the flower or whatever, then, you know, maybe you know if you could take care of that and start introducing it into your life that will definitely change everything. um you know the way you behave and reduce stress because that's what it's all about and the third element is optimizing your health, so most of us become the new year we say, okay, we want. to wear 20 kilos and we go like a truck during the first week we go to the gym and do everything, we change, we change the diet, but in reality that doesn't last, you know, after a couple of weeks we go back to what we were, the suggestion is that when you really want to change something, just choose one small step, for example, if you want to become vegetarian and therefore want to transform your diet completely, so maybe start with one meal first. or maybe you want to cut back on that food, so look at maybe breakfast, how am I going to change my breakfast and continue that for another 30 days?
Once it's within you and it becomes a habit, then you can move on to the Next thing maybe start doing exercises and that doesn't mean you're going to do heavy exercises every day, maybe start with one exercise, You know, something small once a week and do it that way. I'd like us to stop for five minutes and maybe if you could go over your list, what can you do? What can you bring those habits? How can you introduce them into your life to generate more energy? I think for me personally, like when I used to go to the gym, it gave me a lot of energy in the morning just because I feel like I won the day by going, but every time I don't go I feel a little bad, so I feel like it's got an A. they both like the positive and negative effects because sometimes you just like not having time to go, but I think other days when I go, I feel like I'm actually more productive because I get more done, yeah, like that, like that.
So as you know, they advise you that maybe you don't need to go every day, maybe you need to go every three days and don't beat yourself up every day for not going, recognize yourself and celebrate that that was my plan. I'm going to go to the gym every three days and that's okay, no, definitely, yeah, I feel like I should establish it more that I don't expect a lot because it's only when you expect a lot of yourself that you feel like, oh, I do. I get depressed because I didn't do all these other things that I set out to do but then didn't have time to do them and sometimes I feel like I have too much of that, oh no, go ahead, you know I wanted to share. with you, so I think sometimes it's just about listening within yourself, if on the day you don't go, your body can tell you that you know, if you're feeling tired, then it's totally okay not to go, so it's just about to have conscience. what's good for you in that moment and having self-compassion because I think the moment you put pressure on yourself to do something it's no longer working in your favor, yeah, no, you're definitely right because it really does work, you know?
We're talking about the habit and it becomes a habit that works against you because in your subconscious it's you, there's a pattern to say, "Okay, she wants to do that, but I don't like it, so she's actually working on you." against". It's very strategic about how to introduce those small changes so that they really become your habits and the habits that you want, yes, no, definitely, I think you once said that I didn't realize that I had actually gotten used to stress without I know exactly, yeah, so, you know, be very careful and that's why the suggestion is to do baby changes, take one thing at a time and play with this for 30 days until it's recorded and there's a correct pattern in your subconscious and a correct habit.
Actually, because I studied academic recreation or physical education and I know well that they teach us how to make a human being happy. Really one of the points was that you have to think about how to release stress. Release stress mainly through physical exercise. Activities also improve memory, so you feel united when you join internally when you start moving and oxygen reaches your brain, your muscles and you feel healthy and if you have that habit, you work, jog or exercise and then By meditating on that, you will really fit or feel your feet and well internally and generally your whole body.
This is how people achieve the greatest achievements in sports by doing it every day. It's no big deal. I won't go today. I think you should. think about itpower, exactly I'm going to go further, we'll look up, yes, thank you ladies, what would I do without you? They know I love it and looking at their faces, smiling faces, makes me very happy. Thank you tonight

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