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Who Can Make a Better Dinner Challenge!

Jun 05, 2024
- Hello guys, I'm Karina, sister vs brother and we are doing a cooking


. Welcome to the kitchen battle. - Karina you know, I don't know how to cook. - I don't really know how to cook much either, but probably more than you, that means I will. - What, slow down your behavior because I'm going to take out all my bananas. - Ronald (laughs). - I'm going to


a banana meal. - Just in this


, you must prepare a complete meal. It can't just be a small snack, you can't just


some cookies, it has to be a complete meal, something you would eat for


. (crickets scream) And the judge is going to be our dad.
who can make a better dinner challenge
Then he will decide who is the winner and the loser, but the loser will have to dye his hair, but the other person will choose what color. Prepare to lose, to have orange hair Ronald. - No. - I'm super excited. So let's continue with the kitchen. Okay, so to cook you must first know what we are cooking. We have a couple of cookbooks here. We'll go through them and decide what we want to cook. Ronald, come here, you have to look. - I don't want orange hair. - Very good, I'm going to look through this book and see if I like any of the recipes.
who can make a better dinner challenge

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who can make a better dinner challenge...

Is there any winner here that I can do? - Guys, I thought it was going to be a simple challenge. It was going to be (talking nonsense) but now dyeing hair is something that involves it, so I really need to up my game so Karina can have her pink hair. Guys, if you know me, I've basically never touched a frying pan in my life. I never cooked, baked, or did anything interesting in my life. So let's do something interesting. Why is all this green? - Okay guys, I was looking through some cookbooks and found three really great options.
who can make a better dinner challenge
I can make cauliflower pizza, which is super cool, it might be a little difficult, I think I can do it. There's this potato salad that looks really good and this thing that I don't know what it is but it looks so delicious. And I think my dad absolutely... - Okay, give me this cookbook. - Hey, wait, wait, wait. That idea occurs to me. - Well guys, as you can see, I'm very stressed because I don't want to dye my hair and this challenge is not my topic of interest. So I need to make it something good, okay?
who can make a better dinner challenge
Then I found this, I don't know what this is. I can't cook it that much, so let's choose something else. - Okay guys, I've already decided what I'm going to do. I'm going to make the cauliflower pizza. I think it might be a little difficult because I've never cooked anything like this except fried egg. That's the only thing I've ever done in my life but I think I can do it, it doesn't seem too difficult. I think we can get all the ingredients pretty easily. So let's make a cauliflower pizza. - So guys, it took me ages to separate what I wanted to cook because mainly because I can't cook anything, I was looking for something really simple and that actually tasted good, but I managed to settle on this burger here.
It's the cold grilled halloumi burger. tomato sauce, ketchup and tahini mayonnaise. I know it doesn't look very good, but our dad is the judge and he loves disgusting food. He wants all the disgusting food in the world. So I'm going to personally deliver one of the disgusting foods to his doorstep and I hope you've already done that because this really scares me. I don't want to lose, please help me. Dying my hair really scares me and that's why I'm willing to improve my cooking skills four and a half more steps to get to the next level.
Alright guys, the next step is to make a list of everything I need, go to our local supermarket and get everything I need to make Karina's hair pink. - Wait Ronald, I will definitely beat you with my cauliflower pizza than with your burger. - No. - So, guys, the next step is to go to the supermarket, so I'll see you there. (trotting sound) - Okay guys, let's go to the supermarket to do the shopping so we can come home and prepare our amazing meals, especially mine is super amazing. I'm making cauliflower pizza and I need to get a lot of ingredients.
I need chia seeds, Callie flour, apple lemons and tamari salt. - Apples. - Yes, I need apples, I don't know why I need apples, but I need apples. I need dried oregano. I have no idea what that is, dried basil, tomato, mushrooms, fresh basil, arugula, I also don't know what that is and salt and pepper that we already have at home. (speaking interchangeably) No, like arugula as in a fruit. Have you ever heard of an arugula vegetable or fruit or whatever arugula is? I have no idea. Ron, what do you have? - Okay, then I have a piece of paper. - Yes, but what do you need? - I need a zucchini, an eggplant, olive oil. - You sound like Italian. (laughs) - Salt, halloumi cheese, my favorite, hamburger buns, ketchup and arugula. - Okay, Ronald, you have an interesting list.
I have no idea why half of those things are so lucky trying to find them in a basic grocery store. - Excuse me, where is your halloumi cheese? - Ron, I don't need my cauliflower pizza. Wait, I don't have, I don't need any kind of cheese on my cauliflower pizza. - Your pizza is going to be very disgusting. - What, there's no cheese on your pizza. - Wait, I just realized I don't have cheese. - Apples and cauliflower on your pizza without cheese. - There are apples and no cheese? - I don't know where the apples come from, they're just ingredients from the cookbook.
Well, I hope this is okay even without cheese and I'll get a backup piece just in case you know, in case the pizza looks like a good cheese. Probably not, probably not because I have this thing about mixing it with apples and I don't think apple cheese is very good. - I don't put cauliflower on pizza, it will be good. - It's not cauliflower pizza, it's cauliflower pizza as if the bread were made of cauliflower. - Okay, I definitely won't eat that. - No, it's delicious. Alright guys, see you at the supermarket. - Well, now we are inside the store and the first thing on my beautiful shopping list is a zucchini and someone, someone told me that a zucchini is this thing here.
So let's take one of these things that's a zucchini and put it in our shopping bag. And the second thing on our shopping list is an eggplant and an eggplant is very special. So, let me go get a bag. Okay, now we have our bag. - Those are gloves. (slow trumpet sound) (beep) - Okay guys, now I have my beautiful plastic bag and let's put our eggplants in. (crickets scream) I'm the best at putting things in bags. Now we have the second thing on our shopping list. Ok guys, next on our to-do list is a red pepper, but can you find the red peppers?
Ah, they are there. So let's take a red pepper, this is a beautiful red pepper. We have a red pepper. We got our eggplant and our zucchini. Another thing on our shopping list is living oil but we already have olive oil. So Sal we already have salt. Halloumi cheese. Excuse me, where is the halloumi cheese? You don't seem to like halloumi cheese very much, do you? - Okay, I think I have most of the ingredients I need, but I got into a dilemma. There is no bazel here, there is no fresh bazel or dry bazel, I need both.
So that's a problem, but I found a rocket and I think this is a rocket, it's just a different type of green leaf. So we're going to add that to the bag, at least on this one, but I have to find the rest of our stuff. The next thing I need to find is chia seeds and I don't think they are in fruits and vegetables so I have to go looking. - Oh, I need some rockets. Rocula! (Plastic bag falls out) - Guys, the only thing on my list that I thought I would never find is halloumi cheese, but look at this, we have halloumi cheese.
This is a very special moment that we would all like to share. Ok, what's next on our shopping list? Hamburger 'bread. Where are they? - Okay, so I need chia seeds and we have them here. And now the last thing I need is dried oregano. I have no idea what oregano is but I have to find dried oregano so let's go find it. - Well, boys, you discovered the Oregon and now we are ready to leave. - Okay guys, the last thing that makes my meal very complete is (electric piano music) and we need four of them and we have the perfect package right here, so we'll place them and that's all we need. to make Karina's pink hari.
Wait, we need some hair dye. - Okay, we return home with all our ingredients and it's time for the kitchen war. Are you ready to be absolutely destroyed in the competition? - I wish you had dyed your hair right now. - We'll see. So we have our own little stations, my stations here. I have the sink, Ron has the bar because he doesn't have a sink. He's over here. - I don't need my sink. I already washed all the things. -He already washed all of his things, I didn't see it myself, so I


start with that because mine is going to take longer, so I'll start right away, bye. - Okay, bye, then guys.
I have my cookbook ready here and we need to follow what this says here so we can make the perfect burger that makes Karina's hair pink. So start by preparing your vegetables in advance. Cut the zucchini in half. Okay, this is the zucchini, right? Cut the zucchini in half and then into thin strips lengthwise. Okay, so let's cut it in half. Please say this is the zucchini. -Okay guys, while Ron cuts the vegetables, funnily enough, hopefully he won't cut his fingers, but we have to start right now. So the first thing I need to do is let my chia seeds soak in water for a while and then I can start making the pizza dough.
I need my chia seeds first, of course. We need four tablespoons, yes, okay. Alright, one, two, oh no, it's everywhere. Three, four and a little more for good luck. Okay, okay, and now we need water. I need a cup, pour it in there, okay and we need to set this aside for about 10 minutes. The next step is to make the cauliflower crust, of course we need cauliflower. We tear it, we cut it, we wash it and we put it in a food processor, so that it looks like some kind of flower powder so we can make our crust with that.
So let's wash this. - Okay guys, I know how to cut my zucchini thin strips. This will take some time because I have to cut all of this into my template. - Okay, we already have the cauliflower washed and cut. Part of it is here, part is here. Let's just mash this up here, okay. (food processor grinding) There we go, that looks a little like flour. Okay, we have a little spatula. - Guys, now the zucchini is all ready. I put it on its own plate because it's so gross and I need to get away from it.
And the next step was to cut the eggplant in the same way as the zucchini. Here we go again. - What happened? - My hands smell disgusting. (tap water running) - When you were cutting a zucchini? And reading my real Ronald. - Almost dead. (soft piano music) - Okay guys, so we have to make the cauliflower in batches because my food processor isn't big enough to make it all in one round. So we're going to do it three times until all the cauliflower is mixed like this. - These eggplants smell very bad. - Let me smell.
It doesn't smell bad, what do you mean? It just smells a little like eggplant. Ron, this is what happens when you never go into the kitchen except to wrap sandwiches. - Well guys, as you know, this eggplant smells very bad, but I need to gather all my strength and complete the cutting of this eggplant so I never have to do it again. - Well, I finally got all my cauliflower powder here and now I got it through a nut milk bag. We have one of those, it's right here. I have to put the cauliflower here and squeeze out all the water.
Alright, that shouldn't be too difficult. We have to put all this here. - Okay guys, so the mission to cut all my eggplants has now finally completed XP and is already on the plate. I had to wash my hands several times and now it smelled like soap. - Ron, you put soap on my cauliflower. - That? - Ron, you were washing your hands in the sink and my cauliflower was there. - Can you just wash it? - Yes, but then he might be poisoning everyone. (bright and happy music) - So our mission is completed and the new mission has started, which is to cut the pepper, so let's cut the pepper.
Okay, I need to move this plate. (bright, happy music) Get away from me. Oh, it's on the table, okay. Okay, so we need to cut the pepper into four large sections. Well, the next thing is to cut the halloumi into four thin rectangular slices. This is the cheesy one. Alright guys, now that the next mission is completed, our missions are stacking up, we are getting a lot of XP. So the next mission is to put all the cut vegetables, four tablespoons of oil and salt in the large bowl. So let's do it right. So first the zucchini and now we go for the pepper.
The pepper is inside the bowl and now, oh no, we have it. (gagging) (bright, happy music) (Karina speaks indistinctly) (screaming) - Ron, look how delicious this smells. (Gagging) - Now my hands smell really good so now we can continue with the four tablespoons of oil, olive oil and that's one and then we're going to make two and that's four and now we need a teaspoon offor buns twice, I just can't. - Ron, I put a lot more effort into my pizza. I didn't sit down to rest for even a second. I was constantly- - Oh, really, because you were cooking for 40 minutes. - Yes, and while I was cooking I cleaned.
Ron, your side of the kitchen looks like a mess. - Oh Lord. Mine is all clean. - So? - I also washed all the dishes Ronald. - So? - But guys, our dad's decision is not final. We'll put a poll in the corner so you can choose who the winner is, my great pizza or Ronald's burger. (baby crying) - You're very confident, aren't you? Are you going to win twice in a row? You're pretty sure, aren't you? - I mean, Dad said mine is


, so it probably is. And just to remind you guys, the loser of the challenge will have to dye their hair, but the other person will have to choose what color.
So Ronald get ready to eat orange here. - I'm not ready. - We have a good video, if you had it, press the Like button and see you next time, bye. - I will be sad if I don't win. (upbeat music)

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