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The Advice Stephen Colbert Gave Taylor Tomlinson | Conan O'Brien Needs A Friend

Jun 11, 2024
Honestly, the best thing Coar said to me was before, I think, the week before us, Steven Coar, this is Steven Coar, it's okay because I know that I can never, I can't call him disrespectful Steven, I'm just saying, I'm just saying that because it's me. I don't feel like people know him, uh, and the word hasn't gotten out, but Stephen Coar and he has the show that comes on before Taylor and that's okay, anyway, go ahead and shout out Stephen, I know it's a huge one, he likes to just sit. I think about a parking lot in his hometown and I just listen to this podcast over and over again.
the advice stephen colbert gave taylor tomlinson conan o brien needs a friend
I heard he was a hot tub, he's a hot tub, yeah, he has a hot tub in his car, uh, in a parking lot anyway, um, that's it. very sad, huh, but anyway, what did steven colar tell you? Steven coar um. I remember we were having dinner the week before the show started and he


me a lot of good


and he had all the time, um, but one thing he said was very helpful. He says you don't have to be as good as you think you have to be right away. He's like a late-night show host.
the advice stephen colbert gave taylor tomlinson conan o brien needs a friend

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the advice stephen colbert gave taylor tomlinson conan o brien needs a friend...

People are just happy to see you. People just want to hang out. with you at night like you don't have to be hilarious every second and I was like oh he's cool, cool, awesome, so I won't even try, like he's awesome. I think philosophy has really hurt Steven. I just want to say because every Every time I watch a show I think he's not even trying and this has to be better and I told him we're


s. I tell him this all the time, but you know he always says no, I don't have to try. okay, people are just happy to see me, I don't go up to the bartender, well that's the other thing too is that he, for example, said, so you should go out before the show and talk to the audience and build. some report and as you know ask if anyone has any questions and I did for the first two weeks and I haven't told him this but I probably should have told other people I was like I don't know if Stephen realizes it's much more famous than me, so people have questions for Stephen before his show and they say, oh, thank God, he's going to talk to us and when I ask, does anyone have any questions?, they say we know where he is.
the advice stephen colbert gave taylor tomlinson conan o brien needs a friend
The bathroom is, we're fine, can you keep going? Do you know what now made me really want to go and sit in the audience of Steven's show and raise my hand and ask where the bathroom is? I really want to do that. um because people in his audience come in with questions for him specifically and I go up and I think anyone has something they like, not really and it was great to make it clear that it was a note from CBS that they wanted me to say that. "Um, but we have a great Percy, our warm-up guy is so amazing and he just did a whole dance and you're like, "I'm not going to bring down the room, am I?" You know, I don't think so." I'd be tearing down their room.
the advice stephen colbert gave taylor tomlinson conan o brien needs a friend
I say hi to them but no, you know, okay, I'll tell you that I used to uh, I used to work too hard before the show started on The Late Night show only weekdays. Monday to Friday Friday Monday to Friday I would go out and entertain them like it was the last show they were going to see and then they would take them all away on the mothership and destroy it and I was like I have to do it, I would go out, I was making songs , he was doing things and they were loving it and he was sweating and then he would go backstage and then he would go here, he's Conan or Brian and he would come out and it was like I looked like a person watching people at home, like he looked uncomfortable and tired, like I just and I


them everything up front and then it took me about a year to realize that I stopped doing it, it was a very necessary thing to do well.
It's probably hard to follow yourself, right, that's right. well, well, I also just did a show for them, yes, personally, then they saw me come out and the cameras were there and then that's for the TV viewer and it turns out that they were there too, yes, and so on, of course . They felt like we just got dessert from the beginning, so we had him talk to us, so yeah, it's like trying to follow the audience's work for an hour, it's like something just destroys you, you say this is great , but now I have to go.
Back to my stuff and it's hard to follow yourself. I'm still on it, that's so deeply philosophical, especially for you, how do you keep going? You know it well, I'm a big fan of mine, I know what I mean, it intimidates you. that's really him, I can't keep up with that guy, he's a lot taller than I thought he would be, no, that's very useful to hear, actually I was also going to ask why you didn't go backstage before the show, right? you did well, the show never occurred to me twice I never said hello, but it's okay, it was a stand-up no, I'll tell you why when they were women they told me when they were women Sometimes they told me that my appearances were abrupt and it almost seemed I was trying to catch them, uh, so I started talking too.
Remember, Sona, you talked to me. see, what's going on uh no, I wouldn't, I wouldn't do it all the time, but uh, I would, uh, sometimes I thought if there was a guest, especially if there was a guess, I wasn't sure what the chemistry was. . I wanted to go in first and get a read on what's ours and you can say you can go in and if I had a hard time I remembered going in and well I can say that Lance Armstrong years before him uh you. I know Scandal, he was on the show and he was the biggest thing you know in cycling and one of the biggest figures in sports and I was excited to have him.
I didn't know anything about him personally and I went. I went to talk to him and he felt like he had a chip on his shoulder and I couldn't connect and I can, I can connect with a burned out light bulb, if I have to like it, I can, I really can. connect if me and I couldn't understand it Lance I have chemistry with everyone yeah I know this isn't up to me but I just said yeah your chemistry seems off um oh boy but no I left the room and you know that my producer was. eating a bowl of soup and asking what's going on and I said, uh, I said Jeff, I don't know, I don't know, with Lance Armstr Strong and he said, oh, I'm sure it'll be a good sip, sip, and uh.
So I, you know, we had the interview and I felt the same way, yeah, you know, no one would look at it now and say, "Oh, okay, but I couldn't, I couldn't understand it and I like going in." sometimes sometimes there were people who were very nervous MH um really nervous and sometimes surprising because extremely famous actors that um I'm a huge I mean, I love Walken Phoenix. I love him. I think he's a fantastic actor and I think he was great. A lot of people forget that these EPs, these people have a different skill, that he's an incredible actor, but I think at that stage he would come on the show anyway and he didn't do many talk shows and I remember that. he was really nervous oh wow so I went in and talked to him and he said this is crazy I can't do this and I was like what are you talking about? you're, you're this, you're an iconic young actor, they'll be very happy to see you, but it wasn't their process to go out and just film with someone, so sometimes I go in and let them know, first of all, the stakes are very low, it's just you and I like to take care of people, and we're going to have a good time, yeah, and that would help if we were in a relationship before they dated well and our show is different too because I mean, this is something where I've been trying to find time for CU, like I just didn't realize how quickly the day was going to go by so you're like there's not much time.
I usually meet the panelists when we're out rehearsing, which is when everyone else knows them, so I've been looking at my schedule and saying, "Okay, where can we find time?" because they get there too and start working with the writers on jokes they don't like. Destroy everyone's illusion. I was going to say a real game when I saw it when I saw it the first time I thought about it. I saw it and as tired as I am, you'd think I'd know. but I was watching it and I was like wow, these people are killing it with their answers and then I literally snapped out of myself and was like "come on man, they're smarter than that" oh okay, the writers are cool, cool, but it works, it's funny, yeah, it's cool. and I mean, they're working with the writers in their rooms, doing their hair and makeup, like I don't want to take time away from that, so figuring out how to do it and I'm also supposed to be nervous, like you know.
Maria Banford came on the show and I was really nervous around her because I think she's a genius and like Janie, my social media manager was like you wouldn't even look her in the eye and I was like, yeah, because I was scared. but there's also a lot of people that I'm


s with or that I know and it's an easy day and I feel very comfortable with them, but there's also a lot of people that I haven't met and you know how to figure out how to do it. Do that and I'm horrified to find out you walked into everyone's dressing room except mine, not yours again, it was an HR issue, it was an HR issue, yeah I only did it twice, it's okay, but the third time is when I come in.
Tom Hanks appeared many times the first two times. He wouldn't come in. You always had to be. It has to be the third time. Oh, but like, but like Kelly Clarkson doesn't fit or doesn't fit into mine. You know, I can't right now, I'm just saying don't discourage you, but Kelly Clarkson comes in here all the time she just comes in to check on us, she stops by my house sometimes, I know, I know she's amazing, she pumped up the tires. on my uh on my mountain bike, but both times I did it I did her show twice and both times she makes you feel very comfortable immediately on stage so you're like oh yeah, okay and the same way that you did it, um um, but like Yeah, I think everyone has their own process, you know, and it's been interesting, like in the first month that we did it, trying to figure out how it works best for me, everyone gets their own way. his, some people I know, Letterman never.
I went in and talked to anyone and I think I just wanted to keep it all fresh, but that's all it helps you. I said you have to get to the point where there has to be this ruthless quality as you go. Through this you will realize that I like this, this makes me comfortable, this I feel less comfortable with and you can't judge it, you just have to make sure that's what happens, yeah, so if anything It works for you and serves you, do it. that

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