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31 Amazing Ideas We Need In Minecraft

May 15, 2024
Minecraft is already a great game, but why not make it even better? Here are 31 surprising suggestions Mojang should do starting with a new achievement called Seven Wonders. It would require you to visit seven iconic Minecraft structures. A temple in the desert. An inferior fortress. A city of ants. a jungle temple, an ocean monument, a bastion remnant, and a forest mansion, this achievement would give players an extra reason to explore Minecraft and visit all of these locations. Number two, abandoned mine shafts should have at least one entrance to the surface, think about it, every real mine shaft


s to be connected to the world above currently mine shafts are just tunnels completely closed to the outside world the entrance could be a ladder that starts on the surface a ladder with some rails indicating that something horrible had happened if you name an underlined sheep jab it will Become a rainbow sheep that constantly changes color when you share the sheep it drops wool of the original color , but there is another mob that could use this feature.
31 amazing ideas we need in minecraft
Sharks, you can color a shark box the same way you can color a sheep, so it only makes sense. to give us most of the disco chalkers, the range of the beacon is too small in the last 4th level, it reaches 50 blocks in each direction, this may seem like a lot, but in reality it is not, why not add a layer of additional beacon that would double the range? It costs a lot of resources, but that's not a problem because beacons are a late game element and having the ability to increase range by simply adding an extra layer seems like a great solution.
31 amazing ideas we need in minecraft

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31 amazing ideas we need in minecraft...

Peaceful mode number 5 allows us to experience Minecraft without hostile mobs, but what? If those mobs really couldn't hurt you, that's exactly the case with the smallest form of slimes, they have zero attack strength which means they don't deal any damage, so even if the difficulty is peaceful you should to be able to find these little friends. but darusak, no one plays peaceful, that's true, but anyway, this is a really cool idea, when you find a super high mountain, you naturally want to climb it, but what if there was a small chance that an eagle's nest would appear on top?
31 amazing ideas we need in minecraft
The eagle would attack you if you get close because it is trying to protect its home like the Juarez calling eagle, but if you can reach the nest, you will be rewarded with eagle eggs and feathers that could maybe become some sacred arrows from the wandering merchants. . They come and go, visit you, try to sell you some bad traits and then leave forever, but what if this were not the case? What if you could name a wandering merchant and have the chance to see him again once the wanderer leaves and explores the world? he could return perhaps by exchanging some new items he found on his journey if you attack a wandering merchant or one of his llamas his name would be removed and he will never return number nine exchanging armor pieces quickly is quite difficult the result could be tragic if you are not fast enough imagine that you are at the end you jump into the void and when you press the space bar nothing happens you realize what is happening so you try to open your inventory but it is too late, instead you have lost your entire world hard yes We could do Right click on the elytra and quickly change our chess sheet.
31 amazing ideas we need in minecraft
Life would be much easier. Minecraft


s rare mobs. Sure we have the pink sheep, but let's be honest. Zebras would be so much cooler. You are in a savannah biome. There is a zebra. in front of you would be super rare and raising two zebras together would be one of the hardest achievements in the game. I think mojang should add more rare things like rare items, rare blocks and of course rare mobs, but first give me a zebra. the way these suggestions are still nothing compared to the stuff later in the video, the next few paintings, we all love them, but let's be honest, they're getting a little old.
The same designs have been in the game for 11 years. Paintings like the burning skull. or the vine has been used and viewed millions of times, so why not add some new ones? Every major update. Mojang should add a new paint. There is simply no reason for the paintings' popularity to have waned and adding new designs could easily change that. One of the most annoying things in Minecraft is accidentally trampling crops, especially when you're planting 100,000 potatoes, so if you use boots with the feather fall enchantment you should be able to jump over the crops without ruining them, it's literally called feather fall and If I drop a feather on farmland, nothing happens, vines are afraid of cats, that's a commonly known fact, if there's an ocelot or a cat within six blocks, the creeper will come out of there, so that creepers should also run away if they hear a jukebox. the music disc called cat sounds like this and you can get this disc in the dungeons or mansions of the forest number 14 there should be a mob exclusive to the cave, let's get the guardian, but he is like a mini boss and it will be difficult to find what happens? a different type of villager, a driller, this guy would appear naturally in dripstone caves and when he sees you he will summon a dripstone that falls 10 blocks above you, if you don't move quickly he will impale you, the achievement is uncomfortable. the alliance says the following rescue a guest from the abyss, bring him safely home to the overworld and then kill him the critical words here are rescue and home, this implies that a guest is trapped in the abyss, therefore when he you bring to the overworld, it should become neutral and happy also change the sound it makes to an affectionate cry this sound is actually hidden in the game files better banner patterns are used to customize banners inside the looms you can put it on a shield and have a personalized shield why not do the same? with a slight confidence when you play


you almost never look at your shield but that's not the case with the elytra, the design of the gray elytra is really boring to look at but if we had more custom designs it would honestly be a game changer, imagine using something like This wouldn't be that: young trees planted in the sand should turn into dead bushes after a while.
If Mojang allowed us to plant saplings in the sand, we'd finally have a way to grow dead bushes, not like we really need them, but maybe you never know. Someone on the sidecraft server will build a crazy farm that produces 2 million dead bushes per hour, however it would be cool to have this in Minecraft number 18. Enchanted golden apples are one of the most prized possessions in the game for this fact alone. It would be really fun if you could disenchant and notch an apple with a whetstone and get the achievement. Why did you do that? You would get some experience and of course you would get the normal unenchanted golden apple.
As a result, you are playing with a friend. and you find a horse, you have a saddle, but there are two and only one horse. Imagine if two people could ride a unique horse, how epic it would be. This change would make the initial game on a server very fun. One player is in charge. of the horse and the other one can maybe take down mobs with a bow just like we can do on the boats, if the boats can fit two players then I think the horses can do it too. Chain armor is pretty useless, sure it's weird and looks cool, but what if?
It had some utility, what if you could wear chain armor when you're invisible, making the armor invisible? Also, it's the only transparent armor in the game, so it makes a lot of sense currently, if you want to be truly invisible you have to take all No Armor and that's a big risk with this change, you'll still be able to wear chain armor, which It's much weaker than Netherride, but still better than having no armor at all. I've left the best suggestions for the end of the video to reward. People like you who watch everything Dead Mouse is a famous DJ, but most importantly he is the owner of the coolest Minecraft skin in the game.
Yes, his mask has custom ears and as far as I know, no other mask has anything remotely similar. I think mojang should add a way to customize your skins more but making it a trophy for something like beating the ender dragon in hardcore mode or to unlock all the achievements either way this would be a cool addition to the game let's talk about the mafia . vote event where mojang lets players decide which mob will be added to


next. Much of the player base is disappointed with both the glow squid and the fandom, but mojang has completely refused to add the rest of the mobs.
A great alternative is to add them as archaeological. finds as if they existed in the Minecraft universe but became extinct, it would also be a fun way to immortalize these poor souls number 23. Pigs love gold, they will do anything to protect it and if you are not wearing golden armor then you will. have a hard time in the abyss, but what if the pickles are temporarily fooled by the yellow leather? If the player wears yellow-dyed leather armor, the pigs will not attack him; however, trading with a piglet or getting too close within a few blocks will cause it. to realize that you're not actually using gold and immediately start attacking you.
Endermen hate water. If you try to place it under one, it will take half a heart of damage and will simply teleport away when the endermen take damage from any of the natural sources such as rain. They will continue teleporting until they find a dry place. They are also known for stealing blocks and placing them randomly. That's why endermen have to hold a block over their head in the rain instead of losing control and teleporting like crazy. You already have the block in your hands, just pick it up brother, finally I have been trying to find this fortress for hours, but don't celebrate too soon because sometimes it can take longer to find the portal room than to locate the fortress itself.
There is an easy way to solve this, just do it. The fortresses become more mossy the closer you get to the portal room. Occasionally, fortresses will appear with hidden rooms and passages and most players don't know how to properly navigate a fortress, so this could be a great way to make it easier for them. just wandering around when you see something in the distance, when you get closer you realize it's a giant airship, this would be a super weird structure and I know what you're thinking, dad, aren't you a little obsessed with weird things? And yes, I am. that's because I think Minecraft needs them.
A new player gets excited when they find a village or ocean monument for the first time, but I've already found them a million times, so having a structure that's incredibly rare would bring things to life number 27 when you enter. At the bottom, the loading terrain screen made of dirt should gradually turn into nedirak mojang. Listen, there's no reason not to add this to the game. Why is the loading screen dirty for each dimension? It could also change to ending stone when you reach the end. a change so simple that it would literally take 15 minutes at most if a Minecraft developer is watching this.
Try to introduce it in the next update for the kids. You can compose many great songs just using Minecraft note blocks, but there is no way for us. to slow down or speed up the notes, so placing a spider web on top of the note block should slow down the note and placing an ice block should speed it up. That way we can change the duration of the note and make much more diverse music. Legend has it that Mozart. He taught himself to compose music by playing with blocks of notes, believe me, I read a study about this.
One of the worst feelings in Minecraft is when you're mining and you stop paying attention for a few seconds and boom, you've accidentally exceeded your maximum. net right pickaxe and I think it would be fun if Mojang added an achievement called something like Oops that you would get if you break a net right pickaxe with a demanding enchantment, obviously this wouldn't change the game in any major way but adding a little humor wouldn't can hurt anyone. Imagine venturing into the deep, dark caves and finding an unlit campfire in the middle of the cave and then hearing the guardian's footsteps in the distance as you approach, indicating that a previous adventure tried to go down the same path only to suffer. a terrible destination, this would emphasize it as a scary and dangerous place that you probably don't want to be.
That's why unlit campfires should have little chance of spawning in the new deep dark caves, iron golems spawned in the Nether should be covered in warped or crimson mushrooms instead of vines and flowers and maybe even have molten cracks in them. her body. There's a lotways Mojang could do this. You may occasionally find a piece of exposed ancient rubble when it is dug out, this will shock you. and the block will turn into a golem. Finding one of these would be extremely difficult, almost as difficult as planting a hundred thousand potatoes. Wait, actually I did. You have to see that video.

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