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Are AI-powered homes the future of living? | Philippe Ziade | TEDxReno

May 11, 2024
Alright, before we dive into the fascinating world of the next generation of AI-



and how AI can revolutionize and improve our daily lives, I would like to share with you a glimpse of my early life and the valuable lessons that I have learned throughout the So I grew up in Lebanon during the Civil War and spent most of my time in the shelter. It was quite an adventure, but at that moment being in the shelter was the best news we could receive because that meant one thing: not going to school for that day and Believe me, for a child there is nothing worse than school, not even a shelter with the sound of bombs, and here's the fun and crazy part, deciding whether we go to school or not was my dad's job, he literally stuck his head out the window to evaluate.
are ai powered homes the future of living philippe ziade tedxreno
The intensity and proximity of the bombing is like having your own personal weather report, but instead of rain or shine, sunshine, it was the dropping of bombs and, based on your expert analysis, you would decide whether we would brave the bombs and go to school or stay Safe at home Yes, you heard right, we would face the bombs and guess who chose to be the fearless driver at the tender age of 13. Optimism can work wonders in every situation. I had two options, staring me in the face, fall into danger or take a chance and you can bet I chose to take a chance every time that mentality hit me and stayed with me early in life, pushing me to face challenges throughout my life like a professional.
are ai powered homes the future of living philippe ziade tedxreno

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are ai powered homes the future of living philippe ziade tedxreno...

I now imagine this in my lifetime in the same way that computers have gone from child's play to what is recognized as the epitome of strategic thinking. I have gone from


in the shelter and in Lebanon to building the next generation. of AI



and this is the current situation: the world is talking about a new player in town, artificial intelligence or AI, everywhere there are rumors that AI is the ultimate threat to humanity and that we live in a world where AI lurks in every place. corner waiting to take our jobs and turn our lives into a sci-fi disaster movie;
are ai powered homes the future of living philippe ziade tedxreno
However, given my early life experience and being in the house building business, I see it differently instead of being scared once again, I chose to take a cave in danger, so I turned on the charm, I saw an opportunity. and I wondered what would happen if AI took our homes to the next level. What would happen if we built the next generation of


beings on this AI revolution? Now let's be realistic. The world's smartest AIS are nothing without some good. data so guess what if that data is collected in a compromised or biased manner then the result is biased and therefore inaccurate so here is the question where are you most honest?
are ai powered homes the future of living philippe ziade tedxreno
Where do you act without thinking? Where do most of your ideas go? routines, where do you let go and stay true to yourself? Well, where do you stick to your habits? Of course, at home. Now imagine how much better our lives would be if our homes learned and evolved based on that kind of unbiased, unaltered data. practically your trusted companion, your good-hearted house sitter who knows exactly what you like and discovers what you need even before you do and adapts to your every need, intuitively learns your preferred preferences, anticipates your wishes and adapts to all your needs.
What if your home is perfect? adapting to your routines adjusting and evolving always one step ahead as you grow and change now imagine your home with a digital brain and nervous system a brain that has the same evolution as the human brain only much smarter and with much more power computing guys, it's like having a friend who understands you and supports you in a way you never thought possible. AI at home is the real solution. You know that sometimes you are too lazy to turn off the light, but you always have that person in charge. person at home which is usually the wife who always turns off that light after you, so now your house can intuitively do it when you're not in the room and guess what you might not need the spouse anymore.
The shadows break the lights, your know-it-all calls it. At home, learn that your mood knows when you sleep and transform into a genius energy efficiency guru and get this. You don't need to teach your home these tricks, it is always in the shadows working silently to keep your castle cozy while maximizing efficiency by managing energy waste through AI. It is truly wonderful to always have constant support in all circumstances. Always on hand. your side you are literally in the heart of your home this trusted companion your home actively cares for your health your financial well-being your emotional state and His general Comfort studies like the one conducted by Wangw and his team show that our voices can reveal a lot about our health and our home can detect at a very early stage through the changes and vibration of the voice the beginning of Alzheimer's disease, diabetes, heart. and even Parkinson's disease and then we'll tell you to go check it out for yourself, you'll also be able to tune into these emotional signals so that if you're feeling low or depressed, the house will detect it and not just notice it. will go a step further and identify the triggers, the external triggers that are causing that depression, then intervene to help, prevent and minimize these triggers and therefore reduce the effect of that depression.
It's like having a compassionate friend. There is someone in your living space who understands your feelings and is actively working to support and encourage you. It's pretty surprising, right, but there's more, let's talk about allergies, sore throat, watery eyes, even asthma. Some of you sufferers know how annoying they can be, but then again, what? If your household can help, let's say you tell your household about your allergies, then it will check here and find the exact type of pollen that is causing it and we will activate a special type of filtration system with UV lighting and we will remove it immediately.
The air, voila, just keeps getting better, how cool would it be if your house knew who was in each room and what they liked. Imagine you walk into your living room and just because it recognizes your voice, the lights dim to how you like the temperature. adjusts and suddenly your favorite music starts playing, how cool is it that here is another exciting part: the house understands the direction of the voice, so when receiving the command you don't have to specify which room, window or light you are from speaking, just say "open them." Hang the curtains or turn off the light and the house will get it right every time.
It's like having a natural and effortless conversation with your home and this is very useful, especially for older people who may find it difficult to remember the names of different rooms or windows. It's about making your home not only smart, but also thoughtful and easy to use for everyone. Now I know what you're thinking, you're probably worrying about a house that hears well, let's think about this if you have a smartphone, raise your hand on exactly the second. You started using that phone, your privacy was already compromised, they know everything from your location to your conversation and everything in between, an AI-powered smart home is simply an extension of that same technology you already use and apparently trust.
So guys, embark on a journey with AI-powered homes. It's like unlocking a secret level in The Game of Life. It's much more than a complete makeover with smart devices. It's a recognition of the change in mindset. It's that. soft tab on the shoulder that reminds us that this is how we step forward to change, this is how we detect the gains that are camouflaged with headaches and challenges and that is what marks our path forward and the entire T Revolution. It is not just the answer to easy living, convenience, sustainability and health, it is a reminder, it is our reminder to embrace change like an old friend, so as we delve into the possibilities of AI, let us move forward with confidence knowing that every drawback is really hidden.
High five from the universe, just like my first life lessons in Lebanon, let's change every script of our lives from a threat. to the Trophy this is how we have fun, thank you and may the AI ​​be with you at home.

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