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Mar 30, 2024
saying before is always trying to keep up with something, but we're just trying to keep up because we see everyone else doing it, if you just focus on yourself, look at what you have here, family, and just focus. think about what you can do better instead of what you can do better for someone else, yeah, you'll find a way to do it at your own pace, kind of like no one's really in your head about whether you're going to be successful. If you're going to be happy, if you're going to be whatever, yeah, you know what I'm saying, at the end of the day it's you who has to do the work, yeah, you know who goes to who goes. to put you to sleep, I mean, who's going to go through the stress you like, no one else is going to pay your bills, no one else is going to do yours for your family, you don't have to worry about whatever you hear, even people who are in a position of power, yes, because damn, in the end, like you, you will have to suffer your suffering, you just want to choose how you do it, but at the end of the day it's like me.
haunted skin walker stories dark toothpaste theory tsuji ura ghost game   ep 163 jumpers jump
I've seen some videos where it's like the Filipino immigrant parent when their kid is just having fun, like they always say, stop that, stop, don't do that and then when they get sick, oh, I told you so and things like that are created. Like uh, that's like an accumulated trauma from before that happens, yes, exactly, and I saw that it made sense because it's like when you grow up you feel like you have to be like that. perfect child you and since you don't want to, since they didn't let us be children, we are going to pass it on, you know what I mean, that's why I know both the Filipinos who are in therapy and because they have to overcome that because they are not allowed to be children, you know what I mean?
haunted skin walker stories dark toothpaste theory tsuji ura ghost game   ep 163 jumpers jump

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haunted skin walker stories dark toothpaste theory tsuji ura ghost game ep 163 jumpers jump...

I've seen someone like, oh, when Filipino parents have a kid, but you don't let them be kids, you know what I mean, yeah, it's like they're all like hey, don't do that, don't do that or something like you know you've heard that phrase before, yeah, maybe not just Filipinos, but yeah, it could apply to all races, ethnic families, yeah, immigrants, just immigrant families, bro. You know what it is, it's because it comes from a scarcity mentality and a them mentality, that's all they know, but every day the world changes as much as your children, our children will have a very different future than ours.
haunted skin walker stories dark toothpaste theory tsuji ura ghost game   ep 163 jumpers jump
We can't really judge the world by our experiences anymore, we have to judge it by how it's going, yeah, kinds of things that are scary and that's why a lot of people are, that's what people fear, it's the future. of the unknown but all you can do is the best you can, yes that's it, yes they are facts and universities are very smart about this because they are starting to implement influencer degrees. Have you heard about this? That's something, yeah, so now look at some so you know now. that everyone wants to get into that career path, so they are offering a 4 year degree course where you can teach yourself marketing or PR training or all those things that you don't really need to be an influencer.
haunted skin walker stories dark toothpaste theory tsuji ura ghost game   ep 163 jumpers jump
Just to convince you, but you know how many kids are signing up for this because it's super easy and since you can do it now, I promise you there will be a million more in 2024, that's for the kids who don't want to go to school. but their parents are forcing them exactly exactly, which is a low key dub because you could tell your parents that yeah, you're getting your degree now, but it's like it's a loophole, it's like the Jesus tattoo, yeah, I got it a tattoo, but you are Jesus. I know what I'm talking about, but yes, I have a title, but it's an influential title.
Please go to church and do this. I still want to see it. I think at this point you know why, although it's almost a how they want to be thing. able to say their kids went to school yeah that's it that's it it's not that they necessarily want to see the title and you use that's more for the conversation when it comes it's like oh so what's you? child doing exactly what it is for that is exactly for those what is your child doing? It's for that exact question family and I'm not going to lie, no I'm not mad about it because if we were parents I would be too like I want to brag about my son, is that him?
Does he have shit? But maybe he should get a degree. No, it could be real, it could be real, if we were, if we were parents, we just have to put each other up, yeah. each other's shoes, that's it once we're in those shoes, we see oh, I wonder, I wonder if parents ever had that like they probably have, like they're sleeping like in their bed and then they wake up like if it were my son. They really make it like there's definitely fear going through their mind, yeah, it could be a fear. I don't blame them because it's a reflection of you too, yes you know that, and so that's why they're scared, that's how I understand it, it's not. necessarily like they're mad at you, they're kind of mad at themselves through you, yeah, and I saw a shout of Wu talking, but he was talking about the hierarchy of bragging and the career choices that your parents go through and There are like five. it was as an engineer and then as a doctor lawyer CEO and then as the main, number one was like you're famous, but if you're famous enough, you know what I mean, like you have to be in S some kind of numbers. to brag about you, you know what I mean, but it's like he's an outlier from everyone else because he's like you, everyone else it's like you need titles and stuff, but as soon as your famous man, I my my son's famous brother because that goes exactly to my point about the conversation, it's literally going to come up like a f jam or something like oh so what is everyone doing?
What are they doing? Do you know when they are related? come and have that conversation it's kind of a test okay, they're going to come out with their cards, you know what it is, this is really what it is, it's every year when a holiday comes around or when that family reunion comes around, it's almost like now I have to play this guy in Yu-Gi-Oh, now I have to get my deck ready. I have to place my cards and it is what it is. I play the grade card exactly. oh uh I got I got a new car a new car I got a new car we went to Mexico this year Lou that's what I'm saying that's exactly what I'm saying bro it's like oh yeah let's play karaoke later let me sing Ty is exactly that why do we do that and then and then when is when it's like oh yeah, but how's your son? oh so he's gone he's gone okay let me let me look at him he doesn't have a title but oh he's famous yeah or he's on something like that but at the end of the day bro like the kid's on that position, none of that matters, yeah.
It may matter to the adult, it may matter to whoever, it matters to you is what affects you first. if you're happy with what you're doing if you're really really passionate about something do that passion anything else all the Rah r r you know what I'm saying that's with tomags bro let's compare let's start comparing happiness like how happy is your child like mine is 80% you know what I mean you know what you know what a flex is you know what a flex is it's okay if I give him a pop Lolli he'll smile you know what I'm saying like I'm giving him socks.
Be happy? Bey? Be happy? Or is it your child or is your child too fried in the brain because of dopamine? Because we're too spoiled or whatever, I was pretty spoiled too. I'm that Lou, let me give him a chocolate bar bro, look how, yeah, he'll play chess with the kids instead of playing the PS5? That's it, oh my god, that's me, you know my cousins ​​were playing chess, yeah, that's crazy, like I'm watching them. They play chess on their phone against each other and they're getting angry excitedly on their phone, yeah I don't even like any


like chess, oh I'm going to lie every time someone brings out a board


, not a phone game, like a board game that Shit, it's like it seems old to me, I don't know why, but I thought, damn, why are we bringing you up?
You gotta put your phone down, bro, no, that bro needs to get off the technology, man, it's not real every time someone brings. it's like i have dust oh let's play monop you're one virtual reality purchase away from not seeing reality if you were in virtual reality damn sure there are certain men like the ones i know in my life like i give it them, a virtual reality set, is ideal for them, as well as for me personally, because I had a virtual reality dog. Me and you know me, I don't like games like that, but by being there, I could literally be there whenever I want, for as long as I want. it could be so addictive it's like a second kind of life it's like a second don't buy virtual reality yeah don't buy virtual reality bro this is the best game feel familiar all the virtual reality videos i just watched are just parents walking in the kids and kids are like with virtual reality on, that's the only reason it gets crazier, although there are things you can do in that, where it's like you can even create your room in it, oh my god, bro , it's crazy, it's great, but as you know. simply leveling up in this game is better soon.
I saw a guy, uh, spend, you know, Ruby Rose, right, yeah, so I think one thing that only fans are doing is implementing things like virtual reality now, so a guy like his family who more spend. the bank account he spent $63,000 on in a month in a month and just for Ruby it rolls like virtual reality videos and then like uh she instead of praising him Ruby Rose says okay if it is if your love for me is real understand me . my face tattooed you what brother got tattooed from time to time she likes to make it even worse Ruby Rose instead of saying oh thank you she posted the tattoo and all the messages she sent to Ruby Rose's family she doesn't even respond .
Just hey love, I'd like to see something, I'd love to see this, oh how are you? You don't answer 60k so she tries to flex, yeah like your family I would at least like to thank you if she made you $63,000. dog, look at that point it's like why would you do something like that where there are people who are giving you love and then you decide to do something else? everything your way and then instead of reflection and retribution, that's like it's dead on the spot, it's like it's the momentum of a train like it's moving and you just have to put a brick wall right there .
Crush that damn yes, as honestly as Make sure you know where your heart is, yeah, and be grateful for this year because this is the year to make changes. This is the year to make changes like this. This will be a great year. I'm already predicting it. I should have a lot of fun with the right mindset, with the right love and intentions, going that way. I'm going to lie as if the end of the year were as stupid and bad a blow as if, even if you didn't want to, you wanted to. it starts to change your life the first time you get something so dopam it's like yeah let's actually do this and most importantly too like you never have to start on New Year's yeah that's not why I start on New Year's like you can literally start whenever you want, but it's just a reminder to like look back and see what you've done so far and then if you're not proud of what you've done this year, okay, okay, but at the same time less since you're not proud you can make an effort to be proud next year did you learn something this year did you have to learn something this year yes, I feel like this year was a little long actually yes, oh my gosh, it was kind, it went by quickly but It's pretty There's still data, bro, but hey man, more blessings next year, fam, thank you all for watching the Jump Jump podcast episode.
Make sure to comment, subscribe too if you made it to the end, if you made it to the end, who are the superheroes that are there? my shirt right now yes sir, I don't know, I don't know if they'll get this one that's the superhero on my shirt, don't even say it, yes, no, I don't even know, you don't even know. Yes, but go down to Spotify. Apple downloads those episodes. Thank you all for your support. We love you. Jumpers



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