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Making EVERYONE Ignore My Little Brother For 24 HOURS! *prank*

Jun 06, 2021
Well he paid here just so I can pay with a song, something was like biting my neck, this video is going to get really funny mom, dad, mom, dad, where's mom, where's that and where are you? , you are cleaning the dishes, as I can see, mom is finally here. Outside the bathroom, did you enjoy your poop? Calum is upstairs, do you know if they remember? I


d Kellen for a whole day last year and he doesn't really enjoy it and I figured why not do it again, but this time I have mom and dad. implies so we're all going to




roller for 24


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making everyone ignore my little brother for 24 hours prank
Why should the press subscribe? Because Adam was found to be the best family that made the 99b rookie army. Oh, stop it, probably. I think he will react. I think he'll be pretty upset because he hates whatever it is. People don't take them all because last time I went to McDonald's and bought a burger for myself and I couldn't find it in the drive-thru today. Today there is no McDonald's. Oh, I would do this and kill, no, no, but it sure is all fun, right? Yeah, it's all funny guys, we have to make it believable. Ooh, look, besides, I'd go up to his room first, that's good, that's funny, you haven't even done that. my mom started I already wanted to call Cal Holland I didn't ask


they want to be ignored no we all shook this room because I lost a T box so it seems too suspicious I don't know where they expect since beginner can we get Bailey? dignity Bailey Bailey no account, that would be something incredible, where is she baby?
making everyone ignore my little brother for 24 hours prank

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making everyone ignore my little brother for 24 hours prank...

Hi Bailey, so we need you to ignore Calum, okay promise the people at home that you will ignore Calum, so let's wait for Count to calm down and start ignoring the jokes guys. It's been like 30 minutes, Calum still hasn't had time to leave his room, yeah, maybe, so, maybe this video is literally just a walk around the house waiting for him to calm down, but luckily I don't think he'll be down anytime soon, he is in his room. playing your xbox or on your phone you guys have some hair I'm going to get space what turn off the Wi-Fi oh yeah, let's do it right I'll turn it off next I'm going to turn off the Wi-Fi turn off the Wi-Fi no, no, yes you you can see it but there is a switch called white light let's see if I'm honest thanks guys if he's anything like Callum he has like a wife a beacon in his brain that can detect when my face turns. off before you even look at your phone so we'll just search them all and comment saying Oh smash let's see how long it really takes so what should we like it will be good it will be please I can't stop that organ , what is it?
making everyone ignore my little brother for 24 hours prank
It happened that your phone went off, it doesn't work, that ID here is strange, signed, where, where, voice, had a sign, tie your head, did you hear that, I heard it, Dobby, my necks or call the pizza, yeah, yeah, I want a pizza front, I want chicken, I couldn't really. I have pepperoni, no, I say, check, check, whatever Kelm doesn't want, I'll get it. I got one like the shark on my leg recently. It must be like a giant wasp or something. I think he's trying to sting me. Did you see the importance that one ruined in the United States?
making everyone ignore my little brother for 24 hours prank
Maybe they are here, the Bangu wasps, yes, the murder wasps. I'm so hungry, mommy, mother, I can hear, I can hear footsteps, funny, I say pizza or I like a juicy burger and Chinese fries. food, what do you want mommy Bailey? You're right, she's a good boy Bailey. I know Bailey is like Bailey. Do you have


super pliers? Why did you hold a tear in them for so long? So mommy you're thinking hamburger, hamburger and fries. or pizza I can't decide you can't decide why are you lying down we have a little on your face mommy you look quite uncomfortable there is so much pressure you should check that you are acting like someone is on me Oh mommy, your phone is ringing noise, you have to hand it over, why can't you get up?
Boy I know I'm the same and like something is like biting my neck or squeezing it, acting weird today, yeah, there we go, oh my god, this is scary. this is opening up on air today it's just killing why do you act like this it seems like someone is on you why is


ignoring me do you hear a funny sound and why do you have your glasses was there on tv tonight oh my god controllers in the air oh my god ignore me oh that controller is like oh oh this is the worst controller you know we won't buy this tv anymore if we're going to turn on this tv your tv remote is honestly abusive it's cheap to me horrible, where is the remote control?
So it smells bad, oh you know what it smells like, farts or something, oh my god, that smell really is some kind of invisible pressure, guys, it's like it's just a stabbing pain, do you feel any of those do I feel pressure? Hello, I think so, I think so, above, what is the burger and fries? Guys, today is a strange day. It's just that everything is not going the way we want. Today is strange. In fact, order pizza. Did he actually talk on the phone? What was the remote control? Clocky fish, right? do that I think he's upstairs in his room I see him oh he might be in the bathroom Calum no he's in the bathroom it's not my room you see yeah that's the fuse box hmm just a few sparks, do that, that's scary, you better do it.
I'm sure the light doesn't break, oh my gosh, I know this is weird, the bag is Thornton and the tripod, the tripod, the dolly, you see the tripod, you don't see the table, no, I see the tripods right there and I hate you, okay? curry curry pizza hamburger no hamburger and fries hamburger pizza pizza pizza or hamburger okay curry actually Chinese yes Oh, give me rice and fries, pizza actually no give me probably sushi, give me sushi Kamui but also no, actually I changed my mind , bring me some fresh fish with lots of cheese no maybe maybe I say like maybe without goat cheese oh okay yeah look he likes it but okay I think he's such a grumpy guy he's honestly like that that you will always do that, he is going to eat. crunchy I actually feel bad, but at the same time it's really funny, it seems like I haven't noticed but I probably know, it's very lucky, I understand, yes, you might get the packet of crisps, yes, Callum Callum hates them alone, call hello, hello, hurry up, could I place an order? for delivery please, yes, could I get pepperoni pizza without cheese, without cheese, yes, yes, so a pepperoni pizza without cheese?
I'll have pepperoni and then I'll order pepperoni cheese pizza. In fact, I see pizza with new cheese. Could you add extra peppers, onions, olives, anything? They're all set up like kids who don't finish, yeah, both pieces, yeah, those extras are both pizzas, yeah, cool, yeah, that's cool, thanks for saying, Can I just have a moment? So I bought them. I don't think you'll like any of them. that oh I'm going alone oh my god guys what's going on wait Jesus right yeah I don't think Gem likes any of the things we order but I'm sure we can ask her what she'd like more late, yes, yes, sounds good, no.
I don't think he said anything, he's very picky, yeah, go and see if he's there. I hear a lot of white signals today, guys in the kitchen, it's really not normal, it's really not normal, one of our cameras, guys, come on, just garbage, well, come on. Face it, we didn't even order dinner. It's actually Thursday guys, he's getting really angry. Do you know what I'm doing? Okay good noise McDonald's McDonald's juicy Mac and fries and even like a shake and a blast oh everything. That's why the guy here wife signals did you get your drink? No, you know what I'm actually very, very thirsty.
I don't know what's wrong with me today. I'm thirsty. I'm hungry. I'm hungry. It's okay, sir. guys, because Kim is not actually Anna's room and for me I can't really see it because I'm going to play some Xbox and see how she reacts, how does Xbox work? I've never played Xbox before in my life, I think that's my own, yeah, it's me, Callen, can we play some FIFA? I'm the best, Asifa, I'm so good at FIFA, I'm sorry, what not, most of the colored boys, there is no answer, come on, let's go with a cool one, let's score the ghoul, black screen, let's score the goal.
I get it oh this is so much fun guys I feel like I'm talking I feel like a puff guys honestly I'm an OG sp5 because I love Tinley I don't even have to practice because I'm so oh guys guys. a force of parliament again it's the ghost my roller ghost just disappeared wait I'm going to quit guys it just disappeared where did this go back is back where did it go guys where did that go was honestly so scary my life flashed before my eyes yeah guys, you know what? I don't go to FIFA. I don't even have to practice.
I'm so good because Callum isn't in her room, I mean, ma'am. Rimmer boy from Lobo: what do you say? No, I don't know if this is a good car, that's bad, right? I'm starting to feel bad because I'm doing the right thing, guys, I feel like this joke. it's going a little too far, well I did the staff room to be fair and I'd hate for someone to do that, you know, I think so, I think so, it's obviously not like walking up the stairs, yeah, couldn't you hold on? I have to say it's okay. guys um Elmo's room I don't know it's a planer thanks box it's in the room and I think we should go up and did you hear what I said?
Wow, I don't know what and what else, this TV and it's not Mike's book. whatever's on Oh mommy, yeah, he left the lights on, oh oh, TV, that's TV, I think turn it off while these computers are on, good luck Allen boy, leave everything in his room, yeah, The macaque won't understand, just walk towards Wayne, are you shaking? Mommy, why are you falling? Oh, I don't know what polar is anyway, yeah, mom basically turned off her computer and the lights on it and look at this, it's on again, are they home again? Dolly was a computer at home, mom just turned it off, so no, they make sure no. oh my god, they all died there again, they left again this is actually torture for me this is so bad again no, this is me, you know I have terrible hair, this you know what to follow, yeah, do you know?
What are you watching only Netflix? Do you believe what I think? A nap. Do you know which? I do not want to see. I hate Frozen oh no. I do not hate it. I just saw it. Many times I like it. I sing so much. I don't see the sequel a sequel no, I'm not in the mood for that tonight something like action something like gritty action I saw an action yes some non-stop words yes I don't like the James Bond way so don't have them Some mom , we are karmani. Paints with pepper, a good thing after hepatitis, but all the pepper peg.
I saw a stone in it. Yes, I like Duane, but not that central city in Central Intelligence. Do you think Kim would like the waterfall? I do not know how. I think anything anyone suggests that we just leave will dampen an old core saying, you know, Madsen seeing having something else, anything else, any stranger things thing, I don't stick, see the musical, I say no, maybe Not once, stranger things, actually, no, I love it. stranger things probably yeah let's see stranger things yeah yeah we'll see stranger things no actually yeah let's do stranger things oh my god our TV moves on its own oh my god it moves on its own guys , Why are they doing this?
I am saying. I don't see it, I just started, so guys, our boredom has turned to playing a board game, don't panic, I want to go, the name is three, great, it's 3:15, yeah, you know, the Noah's Ark, Tinkerbell, your phone, what a fairy tea. Peter Pan wants something. What is it? What is a fairy? Do you think it's thunder? She wonders if this is bad. Oh yeah, nothing, yeah. Three things with winds. You see? Homer, you land there. What do I think they don't have? Okay, you're ready, yes, three devices. find in a park swing towards me on green stone to three items of luggage oh yeah a suitcase leaves a coyote eh Josh sharp or missing completely we've been ignoring each other all day yeah what happened there game no what's up with the cycle inside it does So how do you feel now?
Who is a good boy today? Who is a good boy today? Michigan no, no, no, no, no, please play it guys, see you in the next video.

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