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People Doing *ILLEGAL* Things! (CURSED)

May 17, 2024
These are


who are a threat to society and do


that should never be done, like this girlfriend who eats her pizza, like what destroys it because of her, like why do you eat first in the middle, like who eats a pizza with knife and fork anyway, when you're working you remember that you have free will oh no don't do it no don't do it yes he doesn't really care about his job anymore or you're at the dentist no wait oh no now this is a troll No, she's not happy that this guy pretends not to notice that she just left the can spinning infinitely.
people doing illegal things cursed
Come on, let yourself know what you're


. Oh, that's a real disgusting threat to society, as if it didn't just have a little lick in it. like a two foot long lick on what appears to be just dirty metal sitting in the car, oh man you're about to lose your girlfriend if you keep



like that day six of farting in my coworker's office work, even after he changed the lock why it's off, wait what to pump the fire into his room, oh oh that's one way to get beat up bro, let his intrusive thoughts win.
people doing illegal things cursed

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people doing illegal things cursed...

He has one of these in his glove compartment. How powerful is that device? My intrusive thoughts won, oh no. oh oh oh oh oh it's on you, you just know she's been babysitting those kids all day and she's like, yeah, I can't bother you anymore, you worm, what are you doing in my driveway? It's the last thing she expected her to do. What to do with that worm taking your photos oh it's done that's the control nothing I said like where is the photographer standing? Heck, your summary needs to be more developed, says Tara Hensel. I will be the teacher.
people doing illegal things cursed
Lennox says you're right, the teacher and they will be very impressed. We will be in serious trouble. Wait, is this the same woman she's taking care of? her other children oh she probably deserves the kid to be like keep me on the phone for a while I'll make you fall by acting on my intrusive thoughts oh that's a lot of eggs ice cream that's a huge cake or something oh I really don't I think You expected that, but he's getting involved. Zero survival instinct. Oh, yes, yes, you're just going inside my mouth. Now I made the birds actors.
people doing illegal things cursed
If nothing happened, brother. If you walk through that door, we're done. Oh well, what happens if I continue through? door, yes, go to my Lamborghini, now don't worry about me. I give bad exercises to my friend. I won't catch up. What is he doing? He has a way on the end of a broom. Oh, oh, this is five times one, two, three. four five glasses together let's do this this is a magic trick but it's not a magic trick you're stealing all their slushy juice oh that's so good that's so good no oh really very good really very good mm-hmm it's a watch when you're on the train and the ticket taker is looking for your ticket and no one is checking under the seat when you remember your free will oh no this hasn't gone well so oh oh oh oh do you know why my mom didn't destroy my big money?
Why would you shred money? How much did you piss off your mother that she destroyed your money? That's really painful to watch, making sure both sides of my pillow are warm, no, not the warm side that you put in the microwave, oh my goodness. your brother is a savage he came to feed the carp in the marina oh my god oh oh friend you are about to catch a lot of fish I don't know why you are using a crossbow for it party cake fish fight wait wait wait wait wait, Wait, I mean, it's a way to cover your legs exactly the same.
What's your boom song? She jokes about herself. Do you want to see something brother? yeah buddy shut up you're not a teacher but he tried oh black Air Force oh oh oh I imagine someone walked up to you and threw a jet of ink at you. He threatens society by eating a sandwich during the no-eating speech. oh, no more eating, drinking in my class he just doesn't care look at him that sandwich looks so good too I'd eat it too I'm surprised that doesn't happen to more


when they're on their phone I see the chocolate in a KitKat no No, no, that is one of the worst curses I have ever seen in my life.
He is. He really likes those wash kitkats. I'm having a bad day. Is everyone else okay? What are you going to do? Oh no, oh no, okay buddy, wait, wait, okay, oh no. Dude dude, wait, yeah, this person has had a really bad day. I feel bad for the merchant. Okay, you just bought something from the machine. We can talk? There is a cage around the vending machine. You can't trust the people at this school when you let the intrusive thoughts win again that glasses cleaner oh my god brother look at this whoa it's when everywhere it's okay brought some nod oh oh oh that makes me sick whoever sits down in class and it's raw news paid for by school he's also lost a plot he's lost a plot being mean to my brothers oh look how cute he's fine too oh no when people realize that their free will things go wrong wear it wear it to go for a spontaneous run or do cleaning don't cut a cake even a little bit like what the hell is it, can I get a donut with chocolate sprinkles?
Yes, can I get it in a bag? I actually ordered two Flat Whites, oh one of them, what kind of damn restaurant was it? Oh, when I open the refrigerator, I'll drink from the I can't, no, wait, wait, wait, just drink it from the garden, think twice about what you do in airplane bathrooms, we can still get in, oh wait, what , is this a secret switch? Next thing I'm on a plane, I'll have to try it. that you're never safe in airplane bathrooms what she's literally cleaning the meat I don't know how I feel about that I guess it's effective but I don't want to clean my food oh oh that looks like a good restaurant too Well I decide to brush my teeth , oh no, no, no, ah, what's orange juice after brushing your teeth?
It's just disgusting. This guy is the first time. The sign is that the girl's brother has been smiling, but you did come out with that. Girl, that brother would terrorize you for your entire relationship, what are they cheating on our diet? Oh, that's one way to stop someone who's eating bad food, no one's eating, that's now in the vacuum cleaner, finally got no, no, no, no, no, no, no no no no no no no no no no no no no why aren't they even my shoes oh my god oh my god you should never be able to buy white shoes again my friend is a menace in a gym drinking from a glass of water working out in jeans oh no if you are doing squats and jeans, something's wrong with you, like come on, mix pre-workout and chocolate milk, you know what that could be good, you know, wearing a belt on the treadmill, oh man, I'm quitting. trash on the bus to make us run to practice oh no the teacher says who left trash again and it's like it's always me the guy thinks he's sneaky oh oh oh oh that dog doesn't really like the guy hey , come back to me stealing from the teacher's hallway pass oh that was soft I sleep without my pillow what can someone else sleep without?
I mean, it doesn't look comfortable at all. I became the most wanted in Turkey oh oh my whoa whoa whoa that kid just ran onto the field just to steal a football holy cow, they all love it too, no he's furious, but the public says, yeah, you deserve that ball buddy, oh, pretty white shoes, what the hell just got ripped off, what oh oh no, when if my coat gets stuck in the door. furious oh hey this guy should never let this guy get mad if he gets so mad at Kettle, imagine if he's playing a video game and someone kills him, oh my god thanks bro yeah yeah if you need anything else, I'll do it for you. break it to the rest of my friends, don't worry, oh it's Judy, he literally put up a loose fake photo not once but twice, twice, no one was in that room, look, the Mona Lisa is there for the Mona Lisa, yes, yes, no.
They're not there for that, the kid standing in front of applauding Lisa, he's put up his own picture of himself, he has a bigger audience than the Mona Lisa, fun fact, everyone, if you press the snooze button, yeah, Dude, it's nice. nice hotel nice hotel all it does is make an alarm noise, but nothing really happened. These guys are saying, can we behave for once? Okay guys, update. They actually came and I'm getting into a lot of trouble. Oh, wait, wait, wait. it was him pressing the alarm on the left many problems yes that's not good friend those people are not the only savages these are lies that will destroy your confidence click on the screen here to gape I'll see you in another video

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