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20 Things You Somehow Missed In The Truman Show

May 17, 2024
So it goes without saying that The Truman Show is easily one of the most eerily prescient movies ever made, as it predicts the reality TV boom of the late '90s, about a year before it really took hold. complete and confirms how much people love to notice mundane details. of other people's lives and thanks to the director's frankly obsessive attention to detail, it has allowed us, even all these years later, to find new easter eggs and references that you completely


on your first initial viewing, from minor pieces of visual world building to subtle character development. and everything in between these 20 tips we have for you today fleshes out the world of the movie in surprisingly fun and incredibly informative ways, so let's take a look at them like a gem.
20 things you somehow missed in the truman show
This is and these. are 20 Things You Somehow Missed on The 20th Truman Show Truman Takes Vitamin D Supplements Because He Never Sees True Sunlight The more you think about the details of how The Truman Show works, the more questions you'll have about the concepts. basics to keep Truman alive for someone with his entire life spent inside a dome controlled by a studio with no natural lighting, Truman would definitely suffer from a massive vitamin D deficiency in the long term, this would cause weak bones, depression, weight gain, problems cognitive impairments and would significantly increase his susceptibility to cancer and high blood pressure, but the movie actually has a clever answer for this, as during breakfast, Truman has a bottle of vitamin D supplements next to his morning cup of coffee. , confirming how producers keep Truman in top condition despite the obvious risks associated with not receiving natural products.
20 things you somehow missed in the truman show

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20 things you somehow missed in the truman show...

Number 18. All music on the radio is classical because it is royalty-free. You may have noticed that all of the music on Seahaven's radio stations is classical, which beyond helping to keep Truman calm and pacified as he goes about his day, serves a much more practical purpose to According to the producers of the program, almost all classical music is in the public domain and therefore there is no need to pay royalties to the artist's heirs or obtain legal authorizations as would be the case with pop music, so producers were free to choose the tunes. Without wading into the murky legal waters, they are paying for contemporary songs that, given the Truman Show's status as the most popular television


in the world, would surely cost a pretty penny.
20 things you somehow missed in the truman show
The depressing flip side of this, of course, is that Truman has never heard all the wonderful non-classical music the world has to offer number 17. The beer Marlon drinks is sold at Truman's bar. Marlon is now frequently seen drinking a can or six of Pen Pavel's beer. Of course, one of the many fun product placements in the


's universe, but this actually goes a level deeper, as during the brief cut to the real-life Truman bar you can briefly see one of the bombs. beer serving none other than this beer, confirming how Truman's show is actually a huge cash cow, with each of its own disparate income streams connected into a massive monetary ocean for the producers and, as a fun fact , this beer has since been featured on several television shows, including the '70s show Cougar Town. chicago fire the Walking Dead Parks and Rec and many more Truman's childhood photo number 16 shows him as an imprisoned clown, which is basically what he is when Truman and Merrill visit Truman's mother Angela, look at an old album of photos containing photos of Truman as The Girl Angela finally stops on a page with an image of a young Truman dressed in a clown costume as he looks at the camera from behind a child-proof door with the handwritten caption "My Little Clown" although at first glance this may seem like nothing more than an adorable picture. taken by a loving father, it actually symbolizes exactly what Truman is as a prisoner, even if unknowingly, and a clown whose entire life is a cruel and unintentional performance to entertain the masses.
20 things you somehow missed in the truman show
Number 14, there are hidden cameras everywhere, every aspect of Truman's waking life is monitored. by hidden cameras and the director made sure that the film set was full of small black cameras for the audience to search for. Basically, every scene in the movie contains hidden cameras, whether mounted in his neighbor's trash can, on the stanchions in his office, or on a monument scattered around Seahaven. Hell, even Truman's distinctive black diamond ring actually has a hidden camera, as confirmed by a deleted scene that was cleverly given to him by his dead father before he drowned, ensuring that Truman would never take it off, so this too explains how production struggled to track down


during his final escape because he returned the ring to his father after meeting with him before quite genius number 13 the sweeper only pretends to clean now keep an eye on the extras scattered around seahaven doing menial jobs because You may see them pretend to do their job in the most hilariously superficial ways, for example when Truman's suspicions rise at the end of the first act and he begins to test his theory, a street sweeper can be seen using a garbage collector who also will collect nothing but thin. air your job is simply to hold a garbage bag and make it look like you are filling it even though the marine refuge is practically pristine and free of garbage, quite reminiscent of that extra in amount of comfort who pretends to be sweeping the street behind link When moving a solid foot on the 12th floor there is a lot more CGI than you might think, although it's no secret that CGI is used throughout the film, such as in the iconic shot of the Seahaven set visible from space and the creator Christoph observing the set from a digital hole in the wall, you'll probably be surprised how many subtle pieces of visual effects there actually are.
For starters, the main Seahaven Town set was digitally expanded in post-production and the physical buildings on the set are just one - story tool due to building regulations in the actual Florida coastal town where the film was actually shot, additional stories were added in post-production and even more than 20 years later are impressively fluid additions to what was captured with chamber number 11. The Seahaven Island cartel tries to convince Truman to stay. The film makes it very clear that the producers have put numerous obstacles in place to prevent Truman from leaving Seahaven, such as preventing flights to Fiji from being available and instilling in him a pathological fear of water after his drowning of his father, this is also hinted at in ways More subtle in the film, such as when Truman suffers a nervous breakdown and takes Merrell on a frantic journey through Seahaven, even driving onto the bridge leading out of town, but attentive viewers might have noticed the small sign. in the bottom right corner of the screen that says: You are leaving Sea Haven Island.
Are you sure this is a good idea? Although such a signal would not prevent a given person from leaving, it is nevertheless an attempt to train Truman's subconscious to favor the familiarity of seahaven and fear of the unknown outside 10. seahaven is a few years behind real life, although the The Truman Show premiered in 1998 and continued to feel tremendously modern in the years that followed. The film itself does not directly indicate the year in which it is set, however, those who keep their eyes peeled may notice that numerous dates are visible. within the show printed in newspapers and magazines, all pointing to the current year of the show being late 1996, the same period in which the movie actually began filming, but the real world is away from the set is clearly a few years away. ahead of Truman with a magazine cover that says the show is dated 1999, while the lunch menu is dated early 1997, given the enormous logistical challenge of a corporation that not only adopts a child but builds a set so colossally expensive that it is It's entirely reasonable to assume that the film was actually set a bit in the future, so 1999 makes a lot of sense, it's a few years ahead, but not far enough away to create a clash between the Truman's hermetically sealed existence and the real-world product placement found within it. 9.
The travel agent is still wearing her makeup bib. Another amazing detail here when Truman visits Seahaven's travel agent and tries to book a flight to Fiji. He is told that there are no flights for at least a month, but because Truman's trip to The Travel Agent was not part of his typical routine and therefore he is totally unexpected for the production. The actress who plays travel agent Doris enters her room first with her makeup bib still attached to her shirt, evidently she had to get a quick and loose makeup job once. It was clear what Truman was doing and once she sits down, she quickly remembers to take off number eight's bib.
Sylvia has been trying to recruit cast members for years, even though Truman is married to Meryl. His true love is Sylvia, an extra who eventually attempts to reveal the truth of his existence to Truman and continues to campaign for his release. A fleeting shot of Sylvia's apartment even reveals a bulletin board where it's clear that Sylvia has been in contact with several cast members trying to convince them to help free her. Truman, these cast members include nondescript extras like a coffee salesman, a broker, and a news salesman who is actually seen in the movie and who apparently considered becoming a whistleblower for Sylvia elsewhere.
Truman's boss, Lawrence, was marked as hopeless despite repeated attempts. The board also shows. that sylvia couldn't even get close to marlon, perhaps suggesting that the main cast members are tightly locked down during filming to ensure they are not harassed by those trying to violate show number seven,


and marlon both own cars new Fords due to Product Placement When Truman and Marlon are playing golf on an incomplete bridge, you may notice that they are both standing in front of their cars, which turn out to be not only Ford vehicles, but clearly new ones that look like they just came out of the car.
The lot, Truman's touring sedan and Marlins Ranger pickup truck, were presumably given into production by Ford as a means of product placement, although we must assume how a free car would end up in Truman's possession without him freaking out is possible. Maybe he was simply offered an incredible deal at the dealership or maybe Merrell won it in contest number six. Mount Rushmore's magnifying glass is shaped like a television. One of the funniest and most discreet jokes in the film occurs when Angela, Truma's mother. , flips through family photo albums and comes across a photograph of the family on Mount Rushmore Truman notices how small the monument looks in the image, which is because it is very clearly a low-budget model without the epics surrounding rock formations you'd expect, but with the details you may have


. is that the magnifying glass that Angela is using to look at the image is shaped like, you guessed it, a television, while rectangular magnifying glasses do exist, circular ones are much more common and given the ridiculous amount of detail that goes into almost every aspects of the image. movie there is no way this was a mere coincidence Truman's ship number five is named after Christopher Columbus when Truman makes his daring boat escape at the end of the movie, you may have casually noticed that the ship is called Santa Maria Now this may sound like a totally normal name for a ship, but it retains a specific context in relation to Truman's voyage.
You see, Santa María is also the name of the ship that Christopher Columbus used to sail to the new world. Of course, this isn't a Million Miles Away Truman, literally breaking through the wall of Truman's show and discovering the new reality of him behind it. Number four Paul Giamatti begins looking for a job when Truman becomes suspicious. Now Paul Gmarty has a small but memorable role in the film as the control room director. from the truman show and one of the few members of the behind-the-scenes crew to show remorse for truman, especially when kristoff nearly drowns him at the end of the film, but there is a revealing shot after truman's suspicions begin to crystallize, lo we see reading the classified. section of the newspaper suggesting that he believes Truman is not far from discovering the truth and is already preparing to leave a job that would not exist without its star, as much as he is a small character, it is fantastic that the film pays so much blink and the development of his mystical character even forhis peripheral players number three psalm 139 truman's ship contains another sneaky reference beyond the nod of christopher columbus with numerous shots showing the number 139 printed on the ship's sales.
This could be any old designation that was already on the ship when the production acquired it, but that's actually not the case at all. 139 actually refers to Psalm 139 of the Bible, which contains numerous lines that talk about an omnipotent figure and the inability of a normal human being to achieve incredible knowledge that is now out of reach. Doesn't that sound familiar? It's certainly more subtle than the name of the Truman show's creator, Kristoff. At least number two. The forest through which Truman attempts to escape is entirely man-made. When Truman gets scared halfway through the movie, he tries to flee Seahaven. running through the forest, drawing immediate attention to its own artifice for those paying attention, we only see a few clear shots of the forest layout, but the trees are planted in strictly defined rows, indicating that, in fact, They are entirely artificial and not natural.
As they generally are in the US, the trees also appear to be quite young relatively speaking, which is probably because they were only planted for production around the time Truman was born and Truman's number one equals True Man. Burbank equals Burbank City.

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