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ANCIENT EGYPT | They did WHAT to make a mummy?!

Mar 12, 2024
Ancient Egypt was an incredible place: pyramids, mummies, hieroglyphs, it's epic and that's part of the story for sure, but there's so much more to


Egypt than just the things we see in the movies. In this video we are going to go deeper. and learn even more about the mysterious land of the pharaohs and of course we will also talk about mummies and pyramids. The history of


Egypt spans thousands of years and many historians of different dynasties divide the history of ancient Egypt into four basic parts: Predynastic Period, the Old Kingdom, the Middle Kingdom, and you guessed it, the New Kingdom.
ancient egypt they did what to make a mummy
Egypt is considered one of the cradles of civilization. It is the birthplace of one of the oldest and most enduring civilizations in Earth's history, dating back more than five thousand years. Egypt was divided into two kingdoms, the Upper Kingdom and the Lower Kingdom. You may be wondering why the Upper Realm is below and the Lower Realm is above. It's all about the Nile River. The Nile is the longest river in the entire world and flows from the mountains in the south to the river delta next to the Mediterranean Sea in the north, a distance of four thousand miles! that's like a river flowing from New York City to Alaska, which is redundant.
ancient egypt they did what to make a mummy

More Interesting Facts About,

ancient egypt they did what to make a mummy...

The Nile overflows its banks every year at the same time during the rainy season. Rainfall in the southern mountains causes the river to rise beyond its normal banks in the north and towards the north. Farmland, especially in the river delta, when flooded, brings soil from the bottom of the river onto the flooded land. This special soil is called silt and is full of vitamins and minerals that help plants grow very well. This was the secret sauce to great agriculture. In Egypt, most years, Egyptians grew enough food to feed everyone and stored some to later grow beans, lettuce, onions, and other vegetables for food, spelled for drinks, and papyrus for rope and paper sandals.
ancient egypt they did what to make a mummy
Most common people ate plant foods and fish in the At the end of the rainy season, when the water level drops, sediment settles on the farmland, farmers would go out, plant their crops, and start farming. cultivate. This whole cycle was so predictable that the Egyptians made a calendar to predict when the Nile flood would occur again. The calendar was approximately 365 days long, just like our modern calendar, the good farmland with the silt was called Kemet , meaning black land, the rest of the dry desert was called Red Land before Egypt was unified, it was divided into two kingdoms, Upper Egypt and Lower Egypt, the king of Upper Egypt wore a white crown and the king of Lower Egypt He wore a red crown.
ancient egypt they did what to make a mummy
The two kingdoms had many battles and wars. King Narmer of the Upper Kingdom led his army to conquer the Lower Kingdom when he united all of Egypt. he wore both the white and the red crown to symbolize the unity of both kingdoms the king made his capital in Memphis in Lower Egypt not in Tennessee the king of Egypt was called pharaoh Egypt had many pharaohs throughout history, including some women Pharaohs like Cleopatra, many pharaohs also carried a shepherd's crook to show that


were the leader of the people and that


should be followed. The pharaoh was so powerful that he was even seen as one of the gods.
The Egyptians worshiped many gods besides Pharaoh. Ahman Ra was the sun god Osiris was the judge of the dead Isis was the goddess of healing and motherhood Hapi was the god of the Nile Dua was the god of baths yes you heard right, the Egyptians were polytheistic and worshiped many gods, even some strange ones, the Egyptian religion was a celebration of life in the Egyptian religion. the afterlife was really important. They believed that a person would live again after dying. They believed that you needed to take some things from this life with you. one of the things you need is your corpse. but no one wants their body to be just a skeleton or completely rotten and decomposed in the afterlife, so they created a way to preserve the body as best they could.
This process was called embalming and mummification, taking a corpse, cutting out its organs, drying it. They wrap it with spices and it becomes a


. It was very difficult and expensive to




. The Egyptian priests were the experts in embalming. It took almost two months of work to do it well. First, they washed the body and cleaned it. Then they cut out all the organs, such as the liver. the stomach, lungs and intestines, they wrapped them, dried them and put them in special jars called canopic jars. Each jar was in the shape of a specific God.
The brain was sometimes removed through the nose with a small hook. The heart. It is taken out, but after washing and wrapping it, they put it back in the mummy's chest, then the body is covered with salt and spices to dry it for more than 40 days, then they uncover the body and wash it again with oil and spices . It is wrapped in linen cloths and then a special mask is placed on the mummy's face so that the gods can recognize him in the afterlife without the mask. I suppose they would all look the same in their mummy wrappings;
Some mummies were simply buried in the ground, but a pharaoh mummy gets extra special treatment: they put the pharaoh's mummy in a gold coffin with a face painted on the outside, then they put that coffin inside a wooden coffin to protect it. and finally, they put the wooden coffin inside a stone coffin called a sarcophagus. It had a huge, heavy lid that required many workers to put in place. Along with the sarcophagus, the pharaoh would be buried with all sorts of things he might need in the afterlife, such as food, furniture, jewelry, treasure, anything useful he might wish to have, even his own. pets all this was placed in the largest container of all a pyramid the pyramids of ancient Egypt are the tombs of the pharaohs the Great Pyramid is the largest pyramid in Egypt it is part of the Giza pyramid complex or necropolis of Giza the City of The Dead are The pyramids are near present-day Cairo.
The complex has three large pyramids, some smaller ones and the Great Sphinx. The Great Pyramid was built around 2600 BC. C. for Pharaoh Cheops, who is sometimes called Cheops. This pyramid took around 20 years to build and more than 2 million. stones each stone weighs around five thousand pounds or 2200 kilograms moving these huge stones from the place where they were cut to the pyramid was a huge task and required hundreds of thousands of men. We believe that some of these workers were slaves, but many of the workers were In addition to skilled workers and paid craftsmen, we are not entirely sure how the stones were moved, but many researchers think that they were rolled over logs placed on large sleds, pulled by ropes and pushed up ramps into place.
How do you think they were moved? The Great Pyramid was so large that it was the tallest man-made structure in the world for almost four thousand years. The pyramid used to have beautiful white limestone stones placed around the edges, but most of They have eroded and crumbled and


we see now It's just that the structure underneath the inside of a pyramid is very fascinating. The Great Pyramid has three chambers and tunnels leading to each. The King was buried in the upper chamber here inside his sarcophagus long before modern scientists and researchers entered the Great Pyramid. been emptied of all its valuables by grave robbers.
Too bad grave robbers are lame. The Egyptians sometimes carved or painted messages on the walls of the pyramids. The ancient Egyptian picture writing system is called hieroglyphs. The early Egyptians chiseled their writing into buildings and stelae so that their history is literally written in stone, many of these carvings survive today and provide us with almost all the information we have about ancient Egypt. In 1799 a stone tablet was discovered with the same message written in three different scripts: hieroglyphics, demotic Egyptian and ancient Greek, which helped scholars interpret many of the hieroglyphic symbols because they knew Greek, this tablet is called the Rosetta Stone .
Later, the Egyptians used a type of paper to write messages and keep records, they took river reed plants called papyrus, softened them and crushed them into pulp and then pulp. It was rolled into sheets to


a type of paper. Papyrus paper was great because it was very lightweight and easy to roll and store. It was really convenient for transporting documents or storing large amounts of writing in a library, for example, however, when Papyrus gets wet the ink can stain and the papyrus itself can even dissolve, for this reason most ancient papyrus writings Egypt have been lost to history.
Most of the history we have tells us about the pharaohs and the gods, but


about the average person in Egypt in the first place? All the ancient Egyptians did not walk like this, but they loved to dance, they sang and played instruments to celebrate, they practiced sports such as running, swimming, rowing, archery and more, they worshiped their gods in their homes, taking care of statues of them and offering them food. Most of the people in Egypt were farmers during the flood season many of the farmers would work to help with construction projects like the pyramids and probably get paid for it some rich parents would send their children to school where they learned to write read math and manners, some grew up to become scribes, scholars and priests, most children learned to work from their parents and took over the family business as they grew up, they did not have phones, video games, cars or even YouTube, the Children spent most of their time outside playing with friends or helping their parents work, although many things that come to mind when we think of Egypt are related to death, Egyptian life was actually a celebration of life, They loved life, in fact, their religious beliefs showed that they wanted to continue living the same life. after death, death itself was another part of the great journey of life.
Hopefully learning about Egypt has made you curious about the history. Thank you very much for watching them until the end. These videos require a lot of work, so give us an effort. Please come now and click on it. Like button and then the Subscribe button. We really need your support to grow and make these story videos even better. There are also links in the description to more learning resources and books about Egypt. See you next time and thank you.

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