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Top 10 Awkward Moments on Finding Your Roots

Jun 10, 2024
So when someone asks you, Viola Davis, who are


people, where do you come from, what do you say, welcome to M Mojo? Today we're counting down photos of the most embarrassing and disturbing ancestral discoveries made by celebrities in the genology documentary series Finding Your. Roots, so I'm trying to figure this out here with what I know, my family heritage doesn't add up here number 10 Laura Lin's criminal ancestors want to guess what I want, what she did, what she did, what she did, it could be you. I'm familiar with the British practice of sending convicts to Australia during the 18th and 19th centuries, but did you know that before Australia the main destination for British prisoners was actually the United States?
top 10 awkward moments on finding your roots
Transporting convicts to the American colonies in the 18th century was a way for England to get off. the country of criminals without killing them, if this fact didn't surprise you, it definitely did for award-winning actress Laura Lenny when she appeared on the show in 2019. Lenny discovered that her fifth great-grandfather, William Lenny, had been convicted. in England of receiving stolen goods and was transported to Virginia in 1768, knowing full well that they had been stolen, the judge said Mr. Lenny, you heard what the boy said, do you have anything to say? Lenny said no, I own it, I had the goods, probably not the most flattering information to learn about one's ancestors, but Lenny took it in stride with a laugh that is a passenger list of the ship they sail on. their ancestors of 176 sacred mackerel offenders transported from London to Virginia by Neptune O'Brien's solar father number nine.
top 10 awkward moments on finding your roots

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top 10 awkward moments on finding your roots...

An Ancestor Falls on Hard Times Laura Linny wasn't the only celebrity to discover her ancestor's criminal record. I didn't notice the white side, which, by the way, no one talks about now. I know why because they also posted things like scams on another veteran broadcast episode. Journalist Solidad or Brian also received a mortifying revelation about her third great-grandmother. Lilus Whitman host Henry Lewis Gates Jr presented O'Brien with a prisoner record from 19th century Scotland that revealed that a 41-year-old white man had been arrested for robbery along with a group of teenagers and upon receiving said robbery, for which she was handling stolen goods, it soon became clear that the white men may have been leading a gang of young thieves in Edinburgh, Scotland.
top 10 awkward moments on finding your roots
This theory seemed to embarrass O'Brien initially, but when they delved deeper. On the real reason white men turned to crime, her perspective changed, which is why her husband died at age 39. Yes, the death of her husband, the breadwinner, was probably what pushed Lilus and William into the life of the petty Larsen, who are actually said to have been stealing to survive. Number eight, not Julia Roberts, the name Julia Roberts is instantly recognizable to millions of people around the world, but what if we told you that it's not actually her biological name? It's my head, I'm still in front of you.
top 10 awkward moments on finding your roots
The Oscar-winning actress derived her last name from Willis. Roberts, her supposed great-great-grandfather, however, genealogical research uncovered a discrepancy. Julia's great-grandfather John was born more than a decade after Willis' death. This meant that the actress could not be biologically related to Willis Roberts. We scoured Douglas County looking for any record that named John's father and we found absolutely nothing through DNA analysis, the program eventually traced his ancestry to a man named Henry McDonald Mitchell Jr, a married man who lived just a few steps away. a few miles away from Willis's wife, Roda, a brief smile would get this in agreement with the same meaning.
Henry's widowed mother, Elizabeth Mitchell, lived just four homes away from Roa. Wow, despite the biological inaccuracy, we still think Julia Roberts sounds a lot better than Julia Mitchell. Number seven, free ancestors of Issa raay, if they were named, would they be free? The chanets were free. As? Did they get away with it during the slavery era, people who were enslaved were usually omitted from census records? However, during her appearance on Finding Your Roots in 2021, actress and producer Isa discovered documents that identified her third great-grandfather, Dorson Chabanet, by her first name. due to the fact that Shaan's mother, Mite, had been granted freedom by her owner, who was also a black man, so you blew my mind even more, mhm, so they were owned by another black person.
Slavery was a very complicated institution, yes, so was Ray. I learned that Shan's father was a white man who had his own family but had a clandestine relationship with Mite. If this all seemed like a convoluted TV B plot, then you're not alone, you don't even share the same sentiment. This is like this, it's like you just took Me through a soap opera like a slave, so appropriate. Wow, that's twisted family story number six. Gail King's European Ancestry. She knew that her father was white and that her mother was black, but we weren't supposed to talk about it and she never wanted to talk about it.
Gail. King's family had long harbored a secret about her maternal grandmother Emma Brown. It was revealed that Brown was the product of a white father and a black mother, a fact apparently hidden out of shame, at least according to King, what was her ethnicity? A white man. just white man white man not from Germany England Ireland nothing white man white man okay white man and don't ask him about his father geneology in Finding Your Roots was able to trace King's ancestry to Robert Elliot police officer a white man from South Carolina and Emma Brown's grandfather, this discovery revealed King's European ancestry, which comprises more than 30% of his genetic makeup;
However, when the results of this DNA analysis were revealed to him at the end of the episode, King did not seem very pleased with them. This white take on back number five Angela Davis descended from white settlers. You'd be surprised what some of


ancestors were doing, that should probably be the catchphrase for




in 2023. The show delivered another jaw-dropping Reveal this It's Time for political activist Angela Davis, do you have any idea what you're seeing? It's a list of the Mayflower passengers. No, I can't believe it. No, my ancestors did not come here on the Mayflower.
Throughout her long career, Davis earned a fierce reputation. for her unwavering advocacy for civil rights, as well as her tireless fight against structural racism, so she was shocked to learn that her ancestors were anything but, which is too much to deal with right now. . Davis was revealed to be a direct descendant of William Brewster, one of the 102 settlers who traveled to the Mayflower colonies, she simply proves that despite sharing bloodlines, people can still differ greatly from her ancestors. Have you ever in your wildest dreams thought you might have descended from people who never laid the foundation for this Cas Neverland Number Four George RR Martin's Grandma Affair When George RR Martin appeared on Find Your Roots in 2019, he discovered a surprising family who remembers swordsmen in their Epic Fantasy Books and spent much of his childhood at his beloved grandmother Grace Martin's house, but George knew next to nothing about his grandfather Grace's husband, Lewis Martin.
Martin had always believed that his Italian paternal grandfather Lewis had abandoned his grandmother Grace for a younger woman; However, that notion was shattered when the show's team revealed Martin's DNA results. na proves what's missing in that graph the Italians the Italians there are no Italians okay, that's shocking. Martin's DNA showed one-quarter Ashkanazi Jewish ancestry, suggesting that his real grandfather was Jewish. It was quickly assumed that it was Grace who most likely cheated on Lewis, which ultimately drove him away. I've often thought about writing a book about uh, you know, that house, you know what it was.
I haven't even told her half the story she had of some of the people who live there at various points, that book just got more complicated, oh we hope so. the next book was chaotic number three, the identity of Viola Davis's great-grandfather, the Oscar-winning actress through Davis appeared in Finding Your Roots hoping to learn more about her ancestry, but probably wasn't ready for the confusing family secrets she would discover. mom has ever talked about this ever M, isn't it interesting that silence silence is always interesting to me Davis learned that her grandfather Henry Logan had a mysterious lineage in official documents two different men had been listed as her father Gable Logan on your Social Security application? and John Young in his obituary, although Henry's mother Karin was married to Gable, historical records showed that after his return from World War I, Gable never lived with Karin again through DNA analysis and the Census data researchers inferred that Karin likely had an affair with her. neighbor John Young resulted in the birth of Davis' grandfather is the mess of relationships and the mess of you know love sex MH um truth number two Katherine Han's ancestors moved from Germany to the United States United States our ancestors ​​they often moved to different countries for various reasons economic prospects fleeing conflict or in the case of Katherine Han's ancestor eloping with his lover at the expense of family ties, that's very complicated, well, one thing you should know and which you don't have to worry about in the U chart of guilt, no guilt, as in 1853.
H's third great-grandfather, Vilhelm Lunen Schloss, lived in Germany with his wife and six children; However, by 1860, Vilhm had moved to Wisconsin and was now married to a different woman named Eliza. The Finding Your Roots team delved into this significant shift on the right. see the name of the man who lived at Aaron stasa 48, just a few doors down, could you read his last name Anton terus and whose last name was teris his through a director of the German town of 1854 they discovered that Eliza was the daughter of the neighbor of vilhelm, this suggests that Vilhelm met Eliza there in Germany and then abandoned his family to start a new one with her in America.
The fact that that had to happen for this to happen. You are the product of scandal. I know you are the end result. Wasn't he so crazy before? Moving on, make sure to subscribe to our channel and hit the bell to get notified about our latest videos. You have the option of receiving notifications for occasional videos or for all of them if you're on your phone. Make sure you go into your settings and change. in the number one notifications n Nash finds out who his grandfather is, Hollywood actress n Nash got a big surprise when she appeared on the ninth season of Finding Your Roots and it turns out that the man Nash had always believed was his paternal grandfather in It really wasn't.
I was in shock. I think I said, I said, what exactly does that mean? And then I realized what you were saying, naturally, this was an incredibly surprising revelation for the actress who is now faced with the challenging task of breaking this news to her. Her father's investigators on the show used Nash's DNA along with that of a second cousin of hers to discover the identity of her biological grandfather, a man named Frank Jackson. It's like seeing this. There are so many things going through my mind right now. I wonder if my father ever met him or if he ever met him in his life, then how did this discrepancy occur?
Well, that's the complicated part. Jackson actually lived very close to Nash's grandmother in St. Louis, so it is believed that the two had an affair that eventually resulted in Nash's father going to Mr. Jackson, so Mr. Jackson came to the house once or twice while she was already married to Arthur, well we don't know if he came to the house or she came to his house, but they met at what. There are scandalous stories in your family, why don't you tell some secrets in the comments section below? I mean, what a thing to take to the grave, do you agree with our photo?
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