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YOU are the SOLUTION - Morning Motivational Speech for Success inspired by Denzel Washington

Apr 18, 2024
There may be a negative narrative in your mind that distorts your self-image causing you to see flaws and criticize your appearance when you look in the mirror, but let's change that perspective because self-confidence begins when you notice that the word I is there. I can't hand you confidence on a silver platter, but I can offer you a boost, give you tools, and offer you encouragement, however, true confidence is forged within you. Here's an important truth about confidence: you're already a confident person, and that's why you miss feeling that way. We can only miss what we know, you have simply disconnected from that feeling, regardless of where you are currently in life.
you are the solution   morning motivational speech for success inspired by denzel washington
I assure you that confidence resides within you, you just need to discover how to take advantage of it and hold on to everything that doesn't. Serving you is a big mistake. Such attachment will only cause problems and you may find yourself blaming others or external circumstances for your struggles, but in reality you are the root of the problem, you never have been and you are the only


. It took me five years to fully achieve it. You get the meaning, but now I get it and you know where he was right. In fact, I am the only problem I will ever have and I am also the only


you are the solution   morning motivational speech for success inspired by denzel washington

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you are the solution morning motivational speech for success inspired by denzel washington...

Let go of anything that doesn't serve you. Embrace the beauty of your mind's inductive reasoning. Factor in the part that chooses thoughts, you have the power to accept or reject any thought or belief that enters your world, it is a conscious choice, so do not hold on to anything that does not serve your growth, when we adopt a victim mentality , we misuse our personal power and become helpless, however, if we choose to take responsibility for our lives, we no longer waste time blaming external factors. Some people feel guilty for experiencing illness, poverty, or problems. They mistakenly interpret responsibility as guilt.
you are the solution   morning motivational speech for success inspired by denzel washington
The media often refers to this as new age guilt. They tend to feel guilty because they believe they have failed in some way, however, it is crucial to understand that accepting responsibility does not equal making mistakes when we see our problems and illnesses as opportunities for personal growth and change, we harness our power, we remember this life . It's a battle for territory, if you stop fighting for what you want, what you don't want will automatically take over. In the past, people often saw themselves as victims of circumstances, believing that life had not granted them the same blessings that others enjoyed, but the truth is that your problems are not outside of you.
you are the solution   morning motivational speech for success inspired by denzel washington
We used to ask for things. to the universe thinking he was the provider, however, we now know that our struggles come from internal factors, our subconscious beliefs that were imprinted during childhood, we think of the things parents say while raising a child, you don't deserve this or who you think you are, although parents do not intend these statements to shape the child's entire life, they use them as a nudge in the hope of positive change. About 95 percent of our lives are influenced by these subconscious programs. If the beliefs that disempower others are deeply ingrained in your perception of yourself, it is no wonder you face daily challenges.
Yes, you can desire


. good relationships and good health, but your conscious mind makes up only five percent of your day, the remaining 95 percent is dominated by these subconscious programs, many of which are negative and debilitating self-sabotaging, so it's time to free yourself from This struggle, it is not because the universe is not providing, it is because your own Consciousness resists acceptance, where change must occur, control of your mind. control your Consciousness and transcend these limitations. There are several ways to regain control of your life, for example, in practices like yoga, you become the master of your mind, preventing it from wandering aimlessly, you decide what to focus on and what to let go to overcome your obstacles.
The old self allows you to transform into someone new during this transition, often called the void, when things may seem stagnant, you must persevere and continue until you reach the end of your limiting beliefs, where most people tend to give up. recently. I had an amazing conversation. with someone who made it to the other side, magic now surrounds them because they now recognize their value in receiving it. This understanding is key because the universe gives us what we believe we deserve, so we must internalize this understanding and recognize the thousands of years of programming. That convinced us that change had to occur in the material realm of three-dimensional reality;
However, it is time to shift our focus to the quantum field and create from that space rather than being bound by material limitations. Transition requires unlearning, reconnecting our minds to mentally rehearse new things. patterns at the end of each day ask yourself how I did whether I lived up to my full potential reflect on times when you fell from grace and contemplate how you can evolve your experiences you can seek guidance, look for role models or engage in deep activities introspection The next time you face a challenging situation, consider how you can respond differently. Mentally visualize yourself taking empowered actions.
This practice begins to rewire your brain by creating the neurological Pathways as if you had already made those Positive Choices. Your brain is no longer a record of the past. but it is a map to the future, keep installing this mental hardware and it will become a software program that will lead you to naturally embody happiness. There is no magic here, it is simply the result of installing the correct circuits. This practice is more crucial than watching the news, answering emails or thinking about the past, if you want to be confident in yourself externally, you must cultivate internal integrity.
The foundation of self-confidence lies in living consistently with your deepest values ​​and principles, while aligning your thoughts and actions with your highest aspirations. People who possess unwavering self-confidence are those who believe wholeheartedly in what is good and valuable and reflect these convictions in their words and deeds. Everything they say and do emanates from their deepest beliefs, even when the world is crumbling around them, as long as they know they are doing the right thing. You will experience a deep sense of calm. This inner peace will manifest itself as confidence and self-assurance in any situation. Life is full of ups and downs, but staying true to yourself is paramount.
Your authentic values ​​are expressed through your actions. What you choose to do. Character is revealed when you face difficult decisions, especially when you are torn between opposing demands or responsibilities. Your actions in those moments reveal your deepest values ​​or lack thereof. It's not about what you say, hope, desire or intention, it's only about what you do. Your actions reveal the truth of Who you are. You can develop an exceptional set of values ​​by acting as if you already possess them by behaving with integrity, courage, compassion, and confidence even when faced with conflicting emotions. You accelerate the transformation of these qualities into a permanent part of your being.
The more you practice living by these positive values, the faster you will become an extraordinary individual to unlock unwavering self-confidence. The essential keys are self-control, self-control and self-discipline. Confidence can arise directly through self-confident behavior, but more often it arises indirectly through actions, behaviors and practices that lead to self-confidence, the most important self-development practice is to live consistently aligned with your beliefs. higher values ​​at every opportunity, thank you

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