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My Israel And Palestine, Explained

Apr 14, 2024
This is the most controversial video I will make and it is about Israel and Palestine and over 10 million people have requested this video so here it is without filters and I hope you watch it until the end. I'm going to take you on a journey to finally understand my Israel and my Palestine in 1992 God gave me the greatest gift in the world: being born in the most controversial place on Earth within Israel into a Palestinian family yes, 20 of Israel is not Jewish , is made of people like Me, Muslim, Arab, Palestinian for generations, but I was born under the Israeli government with an Israeli identity and passport.
my israel and palestine explained
I wish I had been born in Denmark, with blonde hair and blue eyes, but I wasn't. My controversial and unique background helped me see things that not many people can. On the one hand, I saw what Palestinians see. A 15-year-old Jewish girl called me a terrorist. I was almost attacked by an Israeli soldier and was stuck at checkpoints for hours. I saw what Israelis see. I saw rockets fall on Israel. I hid in an air raid shelter with Israeli friends and saw Jews fearing for their lives. I opened my Facebook and saw my Palestinian friend who lost his innocent cousin in an Israeli airstrike.
my israel and palestine explained

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my israel and palestine explained...

I scroll by and see my Israeli friend who lost his brother to a Palestinian who stabbed him. In the back, outside the conflict, I saw Palestinians living in refugee camps just because they are Palestinians. Where are you from? I saw Jews expelled from the Middle East just because they are Jews. What does it have in common with everything you saw? suffer pain anger suffering exists on both sides and no one can deny that no one suffers pain, anger, you know, many people want to see Israel disappear. I don't think Israel should exist because it has good people in it and I think Palestine.
my israel and palestine explained
It should exist because it has good people in it and that's why I think it's neither one nor the other and I really don't like it when everyone keeps saying that it's a country, they're fake countries, it's a stupid argument. Israel and Palestine are not a game in which people can choose sides and cheer them on from a distance. For you it is a conflict that is thousands of kilometers away, but for me it is life or death if Israel does not exist, that means the death of my family if Palestine does not exist. that means the death of my people, that is why we need two independent countries for two people to live side by side in peace without anyone dying, not by an airstrike or a knife attack, it is my job and yours to push for a solution that stops the suffering that is.
my israel and palestine explained
I have been working for 74 years non-stop. My solution is simple: bring people together, not separate them. That's why we make these videos. That is why we support the many Israelis who want peace and the Palestinians who need peace. We hired six Palestinians in my company and we also hired three Israelis, we invested in real estate in Palestine and we also invested in technology companies in Israel. This video is not about me. It is not about Israel or Palestine. It's about all the conflicts in the world. Extremists on both sides will force you to do it. join them and be them, but you are not them, you are not an extremist who wants to keep suffering alive.
You and I just want a solution, so instead of siding with the extremist, get out of your village and befriend an enemy, you'll see what I. You saw for 30 years you will see that they want the same things that you want a house you want a job you want a family but above all you just want to live you know there is something very sad and there is something very sad that I did this as a 12 year old boy in one of I'm not going to say which two countries and he told me I love your videos because I also want peace and immediately the people around him said no, you can't say that we want Justice. for ourselves and we want to defeat the enemy.
A year later the boy said I want to defeat the enemy and that was the saddest thing I have ever seen in my life.

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