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NBA All Star 1998

Jun 15, 2024
Just about to kick off at Madison Square Garden for the 48th NBA All-Star Game, welcome to the team, he said Bill would be double, first, a plea for the team to play, pass, the special combinations like Isaiah and Michael , that's what makes these games so special, but then Larry will also ask his teammates their players, obviously you don't play regular season minutes, at least not normally in an All-Star Game, the record for a single wil Chamberlain's All-Star season, 42, in 19 19 62, the year he averaged 50 per game, Michael already has the highest All-Star average of all time, 21 more in 10 previous games, but Kareem played in 18 all-


games and therefore has the highest point total and there you see Kobe Bryant in the foreground, the man that many have.
nba all star 1998
Dubbed the next Michael Jordan, of course that's a little silly, there won't be a next Michael Jordan, but the combination of skill and talent that Kobe Bryant brings to the game has already captivated the country. Kobe definitely brings the skill and the talent, you know he is a very exciting player, he entertains him. What surprises me at a very young age is that he already knows how to entertain fans and he and Michael Jordan have promised us in their interviews that today they will give the show here that he won last year. in Cleveland 132 120 Glenn Rice of the Hornets with 26 points in the game and a record of 20 in one period was the MVP now Michael Jordan comes to this all-


game without Scotty and without Phil Jackson, so it will be interesting to see if he can enter in his rhythm because Anthony Hardaway is not known for passing, but even more so for scoring.
nba all star 1998

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nba all star 1998...

Here's Michael, the head fake on Garnett on him in the lane with the first two plays, so much for being sick, yeah, I think he's fine, he's got the bounce, he's got the jump, he's ready to put the pyton on sha to the change in the baseline to tie it at two, well, you have the start of the competition, but the players would try to do things they normally wouldn't do. Hill throws it home. he averages better than 21 per game, always Jordan curls up off this down screen, freezes his defender off and gets right in the lane, there's no way Kevin Garnett had the lateral mobility to stay with Michael Jordan Payton at Hardway Matumbo with the screen and Penny with the bucket, everyone has brought their game tonight, now let's see if they can increase the pace that is happening with the spin.
nba all star 1998
Bryant Kobe's first Allstar hoop. It's amazing Bob when you watch Kobe Bryant practice and there's no luck on those shots. has trouble finishing off the dribble, although Hill on the drive for his second eight to four here's Garnett and the kid as they call him in Minnesota, they all give it back to Geor Hardaway and Penny, who only played 17 games this year. Miss again sha musling up on Matumbo Kobe Bryant along that baseline from Shaquille O'Neal's back screen and all the festivities due to his uncle's illness there in the hospital one of two for sha on the line Jordan from the head of the key oh Look at that, look, this is the game where you want to have a lot of fluid and a lot of Jordan Kemp ODS fired in a game like this, this is where you want to try, you know, when you have great players how is he playing?
nba all star 1998
On the court, it usually takes them about 5 minutes to adjust to each other's timing and pace. C. Pass in and your shot resonates. Here comes Bryant in front of the field. Reverse hit. See, that was an ooh and an a and a clap. See, that's it. I'm talking and all Kobe gets here is plant, jump, spin and that's the dunk in the face last year was Kobe's first All-Star Game on the road even though his parents grew up in the NBA, this is a difficult path of the left hand and Matumbo with the ball in his hands again to Garnett back to Kobe look, that's the ooh Kobe and Garnett, you know two of the young Kobe with six Hill, just one step inside the line three points to leave it here and then Kevin Garnett showed that he can pass and I asked all these players who their heroes were.
Kemp pushes it up the court, picks it up and throws it to Hill and the reverse isn't there, but Jordan puts it home, no, not now. They have to push it up, someone has to get it in bounds and push it up quickly, that's running back on defense. He puts it into finishing plays that other people couldn't make. Hill can't make the reverse layup and Michael, everyone else is on their feet and To me, that's the beauty of Michael Jordan, it's about timing, it's about positioning, everyone else will be on the floor not knowing where the layup is. ball and Michael High Above the Rim, everyone else, just a Specta, the Nets' Jason Williams reviews Jordan's baseline.
Understood, what's happening here today is that no one double-teams. You listen to your Allstar coaches, Isaiah, well, I hear it all the time because he was young and he was afraid to save. Count it more the foul for Jordan, who now has eight and one chance. for nine, but Michael told him to bring your A-game and if you don't bring your A-game I'm going to embarrass you Michael, I put him in the low post right here and he gives him the fake, the fade and the tilt. you keep going and you get the little bounce on the jump, that's when you know he's in his rhythm when I was talking to Michael in the locker room before the game today I asked him about all this speculation about what's going to happen, he said I signed. under certain circumstances to play for the Chicago Bulls and I want to continue playing under those circumstances if someone else changes those circumstances CC then I don't want to be responsible under Jordan told us they were going to protect the Gold Hill by plummeting the rim, but it falls short Eddie Jones with a triple, but Payton keeps it alive for the West.
Kobe enters the lane towards the rim and fouled Michael John Michael Jordan, but he also had a lot of skills, the outside jump, the creativity and the incredible politicism that allows you to end up like Kobe Bryant. Many bench players have been chosen Allstars, but they played as reserves off the bench in the All-Star Game, only three had sixth men for their teams during the season, you know Jerry Glen Rice and Reggie. getting ready to register Rick Smiths is ready to use the Pacer Center here, he's on the first shot of it, he can do it and he has three point range.
I hope you make one today. Bob. I think the two most overlooked Allstars are finally there. here's SMI and Nick Van Exel from the Lakers, the last two years, van XEL and Rick SMI now have Jason Williams away for three and Tim Hard Away drills go back further. Isaiah, he was telling me how he used to take many He abused you when he was young in the city much longer, February 19, the trade deadline. His name has been in trade talks all year. Hard Away with two in a row. Robinson is below and gives it back to Mitch Richmond looking for a trade to try to get Mitch Richmond to the Miami Miss that's called heat control Bob and Hardway Kim is one of the guys who can get the MVP today your size Bob good , not white I wish Richmond three Richmond, you've got two guys out there, right? now at home just another game, yeah, right, something like that, okay Kobe, we hope to see you back at the game, bye, okay, Jim, thanks, here's Glenn Rice with his freshman year between his legs.
Robinson couldn't take it, but Baker was there to help. Pick up time finishers delivering SP from Hardway to up to b74 the fence dream is making a mistake he is trying to keep up with the ball you just have to stay at one end when you are a big guy, preferably the offensive end to two - leader for Mitch Richmond's team throughout his career. I think he needs to do more if he really wants to get to that championship level, he's going to have to make a sacrifice and a pay cut to get the players in NBA history to shoot.
Reggie Miller is doing just that. does better in that last sequence here's Vin B, the kid locks it up for Eddie Jones, nice and look that's Jason, the kid and Eddie Johnson Eddie back at Madison Square Garden in Michael's seat, now You weren't feeling well when the game started, but once. You went out there, you and Kobe going one-on-one, it went EXC, well, I mean, he's coming at me, I mean, I think that's the approach. He will be the first thing I do. I'm after someone, but I have to defend you. You know I'm there myself, he has to play defense just like I have to play defense, I haven't been around basketball for 3 or 4 days and I haven't gotten out of bed for that long, so I want to say, I'm No, no, but he's doing the right thing, he's coming at me, which he's supposed to do, but I have to defend myself however I can, so the pride factor Reggie Miller scored a two and Glenn Rice a three for the East Baker here with authority for the West. well let's see what Jones decides to do with the reverse hit, which I like, he and Antoine Walker of the Celtics just registered rice for three again and well again, so you have good space, you have good ball, they don't trap and No you're finishing Rice has hit three consecutive three-pointers Glen Rice has gotten hot he's hot now they have to keep feeding years the guys are competing they're working hard and they're putting on a show I think it's a combination of Larry Bir and Walker they got the rebound now in the another end Duncan with the change and he connects, he is the only rookie Here comes Antoine Walker behind the back in the summer and Michael Jordan, surprisingly, Larry Bird did not all want to show that I have a control that Jordan leaves alone, usually not It's a very good idea, but Michael Jordan has real control.
David Robinson just looked at him and said did you ever miss J after the two free throws? David Robinson has 10 Steve Smith hits a triple. points for Steve Smith again on the wing for Smith from the baseline, not for St vanel in the lane Nick Van Wisconsin halfway between Milwaukee in Chicago said his dreams as a kid was to go to division one and be on TV from time to time here it is in the ultimate game Kobe Bryant couldn't stop Michael Jordan Neil sometimes in this game it's hard to immediately recognize who your teammates are here Smith for three and Steve Smith is on fire with the ball long better than the East Exel Tunes fan live from center court there's a Broadway theme it's like an NBA business in the last three seconds pton left hand and Bryant now everyone's excited about this matchup between you and Ki, how do you see the first half?
First of all, I don't consider it. It's a matchup, but I think you know we're both trying to do our job to entertain and we're trying to play as hard and not try to isolate ourselves from the rest of the players, so I mean the mix of that. We'll have times where we'll be one-on-one, but I'm not going to try to do that too often because I don't want to take anything away from the other guys that are here, but you won't shy away from that isolation. I will defend myself without a doubt, okay, let's go to Jim, who is with Kobe Jim.
I'm behind him, as most of you know, Michael Jordan skipped All-Star game practice yesterday had flu symptoms, temp 101, took antibiotics, rested, stated before the game he felt much better and in this game he already surpassed Elen Baylor Julius Irving and Bob Petett with his 13 points in the first half and now trails only Kareem and Big O in the all-time annals of Allstar scoring the last time before this one. The weekend Michael Jordan got sick, it was Game 5 of the NBA Finals. He was much sicker than the stomach virus. All kinds of additional symptoms. Kareem is watching.
It will take 41 from Michael tonight for Kareem's records to fall. Do you remember that night in the salt? Lake City Michael, emerging from his sick bed, scored 39 in one of the great performances, considering all aspects of modern sports history, you know, when it comes to a championship, it's not a question of your ability, It's a battle between your wheels and Michael Jordan's. Will, in terms of winning championship games and winning championship trophies, he's stronger than anyone in this league playing today. He has surpassed someone else in an All-Star category. He had a couple of steals in the first half and now Isaiah you have to give up, but. look at that list, that was the only record he had that he didn't have yet.
Now he's taking everything, he took the championship trophy from me, he took the Allstar trophy from me, now he's taking the Allstar steals that he fired, he won the MVP. We had the flashback earlier, Tim Hard Towe giving up his starting job, that magical start and hey, look, this is how I feel and I'm out of my mind. Grant Hill batted for the East. Kevin Garnett and Pton accelerate to hit Garnett over Kemp. He has hit two. in a row, you know, when Garnett was in high school when he was scouting him, he played every position.
TCH on his friend was a could have given it to Kobe, he thought about it for a second, but in Phoenix, Jack really closes it down the middle. Matumbo Matumbo, you know, when we talk, here's the final showdown right now. He watched as the Jazz swept their twogames during this regular season against the Bulls, he beat them in Chicago and in Salt Lake City. Hill Floats doesn't hit it, but the tip is there. for Shan Ken points and 10 rebounds in San Antonio Jordan steals that sets up Penny, juggled him a little so he couldn't get into the well in the Malone game with the basket on the other end in that all-star game last year in Cleveland , so Jordan deserved the MVP, which he also did last year in Cleveland, now in that room and I asked him about all this speculation about what's next and who's going to be next in terms of Kobe Bryant and all the hype, he said he's It's okay to talk about it, but that's not something. you give away that is something that the player will have to go out and win and he said that Kobe Bryant is a candidate, but he has a country and he is planning to build a couple of hospitals there, raise a lot of money and bring the entire NBA there for a big success of Malone and Carl Malone.
He's been saying this week, "You know, I'm really the MVP in '89." and in 93 without John Stocking and he told us on Friday that he feels a little lost, he doesn't know what to do without his teammate out there, but if he gets hot he says that he wants a lot of time and he wants the ball. MJ gets inside W and makes a call to Shaquille O'Neal, but he really isolated him along the baseline, behind him, you look inside the little snag, the step below, Kobe hung out to dry, possibly just the golden can, but look, that's what his teammates do.
Bill, you're not going to embarrass me, that's my second Kobe for three, that's where Kobe is much better than the spot, shooting off a quick dribble here and then Hardaway set up for that dunk with a good pass, this time it's tough. go to Matumbo. Dribbling it after his own rebound Bryan puts him shooting something he hadn't seen in basketball before. His creativity is amazing. Everything comes and he stays at home without being away. None of the blockers come. Bob. Everyone is on vacation, especially in. the last few minutes uncontested layups Bryant with a skillful hook three sandwiched between a pair of Threes And now Hill with the short slam Jordan, who has 15, returns to the line off balance and gets the roll, although they give the basket to Matumbo. no to the hits of Michael and O'Neil the little one come on you had to practice that a little you told me that you had something special it was that not all of us when we took the lead understood how to win championships how he plays basketball, but Kobe, at a very young age , he understands that he is guilty of going on the offensive, but he pushed him back and at first he grabbed rebounds, he has six of them in limited service.
Here's Tim Hardaway throwing one. It was not a good surgery and he has become the star. team again Mor, things that, uh, a lot of what you talk about, 19 year olds, a lot of 25 and 30 35 kids can't even do and that move there, that feeling towards Michael Jordan that you would like him to will remain and are you? trying to talk him out of leaving, yes, I told him that yesterday and today and I also talked to Kobe about looking at him and not really trying to model his game, but look at him and what he has accomplished you will never do. back to the bull it's over but if the pH stays then I'll go to York or somewhere magical, great to see you it's always a thrill tell my boy hi Bob hi Isaiah no one could do it.
Rin and Adon Cheney, two new coaches and it was a total failure. my rhythm was lost and even my senior year I remember Don Cheney benched me and played with Lindsay Hern for me, so he left quickly, well he left the next year after someone who comes in and doesn't understand the way you play. Well, we're in an era for a long time now where that's part of the game so weird because everyone wants him back and people in Chicago love him and BR Nails makes a three for emphasis since they haven't won championships. and that's what you tell yourself, regardless of how much friction there may be as we watch Michael hit the 3-pointer again between Jerry Reinsdorf, Jerry Krauss and Phil Jackson, regardless of how in love Jerry Krauss may be with Iowa State's Tim Floyd if If you had a team that can win another championship or compete for one and if Michael Jordan says this is what I want and it's work to the tune of five titles and maybe seven if Michael hadn't gone off to play baseball, what's the problem in bringing back all those who are in the championship?
Lower East Side New York College at St John's now representing the New Jersey Nets with Patrick Ying injured, no Nick in the game. Miller for three like he's done so many times in this building and turns to face Spike Lee, but this could be the one. night, oh, and that's when Joe and I looked at each other and said, you know, I think we're getting too old for this stuff. Now Jordan turns into the lane, up and down, it's there for him and you obviously told Shaq to come in. the ball blocks a lot of shots and no good baker has a block and here he is Michael Jordan has 22 points rebounding Miller and Reggie Baker by Smiths Michael Ben Baker's hands pushed Reggie Miller out of the way and Rick Smiths came after him and said don't pressure my teammate to seven behind, there have been three losing team MVPs Bob ped of the Hawks in 1958 Dr.
J in 1977 Magic Johnson in 1990 SCH boss Rick Smith key smid is feeling it in the This one has come out to show his dominance and we spoke with Bird, he talked about playing with Jordan at the moment when Michael failed with his left hand, but Antoine Walker, Eddie Jones, with the backhand, very nice, you failed at the end of the season and you didn't play well. in the playoffs and it was because he stopped training off the field to train all season in that weight room with his physical trainer and Jones are now a thing of the past.
I know from experience since I was GM from Angeles to Sacramento that it makes you play a little better and work a lot harder Antoine Walker for three words about Michael's retirement he said he doesn't want Michael to retire he said he knows that when you retire you don't you have absolutely nothing to do, there aren't enough tea hours to keep you busy and he said listen to me, I'm back training and I hope Michael doesn't make the same mistake because he's a guy who needs something to do every day, like play basketball. I was retired once.
We retire, here's Garnett, we heard tonight that Michael has his two most esteemed predecessors telling him to retire. Garnett with the D magic is working on him. Larry does something that he left behind so much and that helps validate the next one. Generation when they finally get to the point where they can beat you when the agent's injury catches up with you and he says, "Okay, now we see these new guys and they really have it for Larry Bird as a coach and I asked Michael what his favorite memory is of Larry Bird was and he got back to the 63 point game in the 86 playoffs Jordan got Michael guarding him in the low post and Larry's eyes lit up and he said I got a little one down here.
Of two, the first shot conventionally, the second that they could see did what he sometimes does in a game that is a blowout or a game like this, the All-Star Game, which turns out to be both an exhibition and a 128 to 106 blowout. second with his eyes closed and he missed Steve Smith with a three-pointer Jason K here's Garnett for 20 this is Michael's second free throw with his eyes closed and it's off the left oh no he he's probably mad because I missed it but What young people should do is follow the advice of the elders, look for one of the elders when you can't be humble and that was the best advice I have ever received in an All-Star Game.
Eddie Chor approaches the rice. The bottom line is that you still have to win and you have to win. Champion Kemp steps ahead of Smith, he'll take it for granted, but considering it's just the final seconds of an all-star game, he can say, as he does in those commercials, that he went with good taste. fact and if I'm all these young people right now knowing that this may be Michael Jordan's last game, I'm running to ask him for his gym shoes and if he'll sign it for me 135 W4 I'm going for the jersey, forget about the shoes, it's over Kobe. to congratulate Michael, he is looking for it there they are and this may be the closest thing to the passing of a torch as we will see, there is always the possibility that the Lakers and the Bulls can reach the finals, but this could be the last time that let's see Kobe Bryant and Michael Jordan on the court at the same time as the teams played their two regular season games and they already divided them the Bulls won in Chicago The Lakers won last week at the Forum and if they don't meet in the final and If despite everyone's pleas to the contrary, this is it for Michael Jordan, then this is where the torch was passed, watching all the players come up and hug Michael Jordan and give him the kind of respect and love he deserves, It would be sad to see him leave the game. and not being able to continue to pass on his wisdom and his knowledge to these younger players and teach them how to be professionals and teach them how to win championships and understand the whole entertainment package of what fans and basketball really mean.
That last part might be the most important, wisdom and knowledge are certainly key, but I think the main thing for everyone watching tonight and throughout the years is that they love watching this guy perform and they don't want it to end any sooner. . has to do it and I think the way Bob is going to develop and the way he should develop is that throughout the season he just stops talking about what's going to happen next year, finish this season and then when it's over, sit down and let's say well now, what do we do well?
I think the biggest question in following that bill is what does the Bulls organization do because here is a young man, an old man, a young man, a veteran player who loves basketball and still wants to do it. plays well, let's go with Jim Gray with the young Kobe Bryant, who led the West with 18, Jordan 23 was the best in the game, Jim, it's time to make the presentation of the most valuable player of this year's All-Star Game and to make that presentation, here is the commissioner. from the NBA Mr. David Stern, we love it, thank you, there is a star who was the star of the stars tonight among the best athletes in the world.
I will only allow him to have the trophy from him if he promises to come back and do it again. All Stars star, MVP Michael Jordan, and to help me make the introduction, I'm going to ask Jack Greenberg, President and CEO of McDonald's USA, to say a few words, Michael, as the proud sponsor of the Allstar voting this year's NBA. Again, it is with great pleasure for McDonald's to present you with the McDonald's MVP Award. You are fantastic on behalf of all Donald's owner operators across the United States. We congratulate you, this really makes a lot of sense.
You have been a great friend and role model for McDonald's. for the sport and the country we love you and congratulations, okay Michael, knowing how much you love playing here in New York, this has to be special for you to play here here in New York, it's special. I've had some great games. Here, the fans have always treated me with the utmost respect. I think coming back here and playing in front of the fans means a lot, this is the Mecca of basketball and I've enjoyed playing here and I hope to come back one day. oh oh that was a cover so to all the fans here and I'm sure all the fans at home don't leave come back and play again well I will I have no problem coming back honorary I have no a problem, okay, congratulations, Michael, okay, let's talk to you, Bob, well, in case you missed that word, he's not committing to anything because he said fee.
I have no problem. Maybe I'm thinking about the way Magic Johnson played. the '92 all-star game, so he's not prepared to say he'll come back and play a full season again next year and apparently he won't unless it's on terms he's willing to accept, love is in his heart . for the game and it's a shame that he can't continue to play for the team and the organization that he loved in terms of the Chicago Bulls and it would be a tragedy if they break up that team and move Phil Jackson. I was impressed. Because of the fact that the other 23 players stayed on the court and watched the ceremony in the past, they all ran to the locker room and know that Michael Jordan is the reason they have the best lives anyone could have.
The final score, which seems pretty secondary, was 135 to 114 East, they led all the way, never trailed. You've played a lot of these games and they have their own rhythms. What was so special about this today? Wellness here in Madison Square. Gard means a lot, I mean, it's the Mecca of basketball, you know, and I enjoy playing here. I think the fans here are very trained to understand the game and you know I have to come here and play as hard as I play and get the respect. from these fans, that means a lot to me, was it a little lonely being without some of the stars that you played in this game before Charles wasn't here?
Clyde wasn't here. The first thing we said to each other and I are the two oldest kids here. You know, and things have changed. I remember when we were the two youngest guys here and you know, uh, Sean km said the guy is prettyquiet with Charles Barker isn't around so I mean everyone realized you know times are changing some of the old guys are starting to move on and let some of the young guys in so I mean it's starting to change. Can you compare this to your first All-Star Game experience? No, it's different, it's the other end of the spectrum, you know, I mean when I first got here.
I didn't know what to expect playing in an all-star game. I just wanted to fit in now I know what to expect and I'm just trying to fight off all the young guys so now. that this is over, they have to prepare for the second half of the season, a little turmoil in Chicago, how do you see that? How do you get together and go for the next championship? Hey, we blocked all that stuff. You know, and if it's true, I mean this is the last time we go out together and use that for our momentum and hopefully we can go out and focus on the basketball game and forget about all the other things.
I know once we're on the basketball court it's all basketball anyway okay congratulations man we hope to see you next Sunday on NBC. Back to you, Bob, okay, thanks, this was Michael Jordan's third All-Star Game MVP award. Oscar Robertson with three final thoughts

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