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The Freedom Cycle | Dan Sullivan

Mar 06, 2024
if I was on a stranded island and needed someone to keep me in a constant state of thinking precisely and teaching me things and just having amazing conversations, ideas about the world, the progress of the planet, achievements, I would certainly be dense, older, just I love the way he thinks he's awesome, so for those of you who are new to the Genius Network, Dan and his wife Babs are the founders of the strategic coach. Dan's been coaching entrepreneurs for 40 years, so he's actually the world's leading coach for the most successful entrepreneurs and they run away. he even has traffic that even compares to that of dancing, so I have been a member of Georgie Q's coach for over 17 years.
the freedom cycle dan sullivan
It's amazing, it's probably the best money I've ever spent on growth in progress and it has changed my life. I don't think this existed. Having enough in several strategic oceans elevated my business and my thinking in all kinds of things, so Dan provides strategic coach members and genius network members with tools to exponentially increase all areas of their life, today at the end . This message will focus on how you can transform your entire past, present and future with three diagrams and his message is titled the




, leave it for my good friend, dance. Okay, so the basis of my three diagrams as a skill. with that everyone is born and most people don't see this as a skill, they don't actually see it as a skill, but rather there are three senses and the three senses are called past, present and future, so how many of they?
the freedom cycle dan sullivan

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the freedom cycle dan sullivan...

You are familiar with the past, the present, I know in the present, how many of you are undecided about one or the other and the future, and what I find in advising entrepreneurs is that there tends to be a lot of frustration with the future and impatience with the present. of regret about the past, well then there's a weirdness that I notice everyone has with these three senses of time and my feeling is that the number one problem why people have problems with the past, present and future is that They don't see them as capabilities. So if you think that when a baby is born, there are some potential built-in abilities that come with just being human, and for example, we now know that children are programmed for mathematics, in a very very short time children begin to be mathematicians. relationship to their environment and it actually appears very early, like three or four months, children can start to distinguish and start to differentiate things in terms of numbers and you know, we have that built-in ability and of course, how many of you have?
the freedom cycle dan sullivan
I found out that some people are better at math and others, how many I mean, you're probably better at math and some people, but there are people who are much better than you at math, the other one is language, we have a hard wiring to be. being able to speak well and then the language comes, we don't have it right away and it makes a big difference in the environment that you grow up in, whether you learn the language or not and, for example, they find children who are born in very, very disadvantaged places . Neighborhoods in the inner city neighborhoods of the United States never developed the future tense, the future tense of the verb, they only talk in terms of the present, so if you don't have a word, you also don't have the idea, okay, so words are actually ideas, so children who are very disadvantaged and who do not have people talking about the future do not really develop a sense of the future, on the other hand, children who are born into very educated families with parents who set goals tend to develop that future. very very powerful sense it's okay and they start to think powerfully and it's a reinforcement and if it doesn't happen early it's very, very difficult for it to happen spatial recognition three-dimensionality we were born with that who I would like to talk to you However, it has to do with looking at the past as a skill in the ability, look at the present as a skill in the ability and the future has a skill in the abilities, so I say that if you get these three abilities correctly, then all the Other abilities that you develop are also correct, so I do it What we are going to do is simply put them on the screen so that we have the past, the present and the future, and what I am going to show you are three diagrams so that the three four-minute diagrams called the



, the second one is called the cycle of captivity and then I have a very interesting one at the end called the four Cs and first I will show you the cycle of freedom because this is the right way. of really organizing the senses of time of the past, present and future so that these three senses of time really work for you, are always on your side and then I will show you the cycle of bondage that I would say that the vast majority of people in the planet actually have a relationship with time that I call the cycle of bondage and you will personally know the people who are involved in the cycle of bondage and when I give you the conditions, you will immediately have dozens and dozens of examples of individuals and groups. and organizations and even countries that are in the cycle of captivity and that I am going to show you the four conditions to really create a great future and this is also a capacity and so that more and more you have the capacity to really use the past, present and future in a way that constantly creates a bigger and better future, so the correct way to proceed with the sense of time as it began, we always have to start in the present and you start in the present and move forward into the future and the This is called choosing, so it's a distinction I'd like to make.
the freedom cycle dan sullivan
I'm passionate about words, so when I was about 15, my team, not knowing what else to get me for Christmas, got me the Oxford English Dictionary, which is 20 volumes, okay, and each volume is a thousand pages, so, like asses in the Oxford English Dictionary covers two and a half books, the largest letter in the English alphabet is two and a half, two and a half volumes of s and but one of the things I notice is that there are two words that people use interchangeably, one of them is to choose and the other is to decide and I notice that when people talk about choosing and deciding it is as if they were the same words, you know, they choose, they decide. but one of the things you have to understand about choosing is that choosing can only be used in relation to the future, it's a future, it's a future sense, you can't choose the past, you can only choose the future, so that's what which it really is.
The important thing here is that the choice comes from within, it is not dictated from outside. Well, people who choose the future do so based on their imagination, they do so as a result of the life they have lived and capabilities they have developed and every human choice is something unpredictable before it happens and it is very, very important that the The very basis of creativity to create new things actually comes from a very, very strong ability to choose the future, so people who are very creative people In a way I say well, how can ideas come if the ideas don't come? come from nowhere else except the act of choosing a bigger, better future?
The reason they create something new is because they need to create something new to satisfy a chosen one. future that is bigger and better what they have than what they have now so what happens when you choose the future? Now you're in a position to do something with the past, so a lot of times people will come to me because I'm really good at giving advice and when I was six I was really good at giving advice to people older than me and one of them I must have gotten to this point. era from very early on and people say I'm having a hard time making a decision how many of you now have a decision and it's a bit difficult at the moment you're having a hard time understanding it so what I've discovered is that you can't make a good decision in the present?
It is impossible to make a good decision in the present first you have to choose a much bigger and better future at a date in the future say three years we can decide decide is a very interesting word it comes from a Latin word and the IQ of decide we have other words like that in the English language and one of the words that we have in the English language is homicide we have suicide we have fratricide we have pesticide okay and what it means is kill so the C IDE means kill so when you decide to be chewier you are actually saying something is good and something has to die good and it's really a slaughter so what I'm saying just to keep it positive is that what you really decide is which part of the past comes which part of the pass given the new bigger future and You better have chosen which part of the pass it will reach how many of you like that sound at that moment this can't come with me that's a negative thing, but you In reality, we are deciding which part of the pass will reach and how many of you will have parts of the past .
If you create a new, bigger and better future, there will definitely be parts of your past that will come to have some idea of ​​what the main two are. things that always come from the past well, what would be one thing that always comes? Yes, no, no who, all the knowledge, yes, I leave it at that, so the learning of knowledge, but I say that the skills, the abilities, always come to appear. How many of them? would you develop a skill and then leave it behind, no, no, but we always bring the skills and how many of your achievements you really bring, so one of the best ways to really clean up your past is to just look at your past in terms of skills and achievements alone look at it just look at it and you say well and if my past is really worth it and I said well any part of your past that represents a skill is a good part of your past and any part of your past that is an achievement is a good part of your past , so once we are there, now we have done two things here, we have to choose the future, okay, so we are choosing the future to be created bigger and better and with that image now in our mind.
By envisioning our mind of a bigger and better future now and only now are we really in a good position to make good decisions, which is why we often wonder why people make bad decisions, because because they are trying to decide in the present, they cannot decide in the future. present you can only decide in the future from the point of view of the future once you are in the past then we can do something else now we can go from the past to the past to the present and what we can do now is use our past okay, like this that I am very important because my past is very valuable because I can use things from the past, skills, abilities and achievements to be myself in the present and really take the actions to create a bigger and better future.
Really very interesting because this is innovation, so a lot of people say, well, how are these creative people creative? And I said choose the bigger and better future. No, no, but I mean, how did it really happen? How does it really happen? Know? I have listened to all the CDs. I have read all the creativity manuals. I can't understand what they are doing. I said they are choosing a bigger and better future. Yes Yes. I know, no, but I'm Talking about creativity I said that you are choosing a bigger and better future. I can do this for 25 years.
They are choosing a bigger and better future. No, no, but I want to be really creative. Yes, choose a bigger and better future. It has to be something. more has to be something else, no, it's just choosing a bigger, better future and I'll show you in my third diagram the four C's of how you get really good at choosing, okay, because a lot of people are really, really bad at choosing really. , very bad to choose, I call this the cycle of freedom, okay, and I got permission from harley-davidson to use this language, language, language, so it is a cycle of freedom and that is that the feeling of using your senses of time to innovate gives a very powerful feeling. of freedom is okay and freedom appears freedom appears freedom of time freedom of money freedom of relationship and freedom of purpose and that's why you became an entrepreneur.
I've been training entrepreneurs for 40 years and people say you know how people can just do it for money and I said well they don't do it for money they do it for freedom okay it's just that in our world freedom costs a lot of money and they have to have the money to buy their freedom. So that is innovation and what it is is related to abundance. Well, then abundance is the constant feeling that you are innovating for a bigger and better future and that your life is becoming more and more innovative. This is because why are you doing this? you're doing it because you want to and why you want you want because you want no no I don't mean but what's the reason you want it is because you wanted to and people say no yeah there has to be a reason why you want it and I said the reason why you want it the way you want it, okay and this seems like a very simple statement, but most people don't want things because they want them, they want things because and then they tell a story. about why they want it and from the moment they start telling the story of why they want something, there are writers of pure fiction who simply make it up on the spot tojustify why they want something.
The only reason we want things is because I want them right, this is just going to eliminate the entire psychological industry, the psychiatric industry because they say yes, but why do you want it? You want it because you want it and the truth is that it is a creative act and you cannot psychoanalyze the creative act. it just happens and is created, okay so this is the freedom cycle, now I'm going to do the bondage cycle, okay, you can say boo, okay, so herethis is what happens, they still start with the same three potential abilities, but what happens is that when you are in the present and you have the notion that you would like to have a bigger, better future, okay? take Joel's recipe, Joel Khan's recipe, where you can have a picture of every health indicator that you have, that would be a higher return, it would be a bigger, better world, okay, or you know what?
Robert Robert spoke about people who are truly innovative leaders. You know they have a high sense of energy, okay, and you know they have a high sense of commitment, they have a high sense of vision, they have a high sense of productivity and creativity, so they have these five things and all of us. they can visualize it well, but people who are in captivity or in the captive cycle have a difficult time visualizing it because the moment they start visualizing that it will be different from what they have been doing until now, they immediately get the right click.
Back in time it's almost like they have a thought: I'm really thinking about something bigger and better and they get an email and the email says what are you doing? Let's come on Monday and talk about this new better thing and bring the advice with you. You know, this is the justification board in your mind. How many of you justification board and justification board say yes? We realized that they are thinking this bigger and better thought. What is it about? They have a problem. I mean, are there any complaints? you have about how things are now and you have to understand that the vast majority of people the moment they have a new thought, a new possibility in their mind, immediately their past pops, which is completely unionized, their past which is completely honest, like when we talk about this, why don't we check it out?
You know, smart man, for a couple of days, you know he will forget about it and every time you come to the justification meeting and you have to tell lies because that's what happens look at the justification of what you want is a lie and you you tend to lie about what you want it's okay and you feel it I mean when you lie you lose power I mean it's just one of the things about lying is that you lose power because you're moving away from reality, you're not telling the truth about reality and there's a loss of confidence, there is a loss of power in that, but not only that, that becomes the dominant experience in your life, is that if even as if you had a glimpse of something bigger and better, you would return to the justification of it in the past, okay, so what happens then is that the past, so you're choosing the past, you're not choosing the future and then the The past decides what you can do in the present, so your past decides what do in the present and the only acceptable thing you can do in the present is to use your time to reinforce the past.
How do you feel? No, no, I mean, it happens. How many of you have done this? I do it, I do it, I mean, you know, I teach these things, but I still do it, but in most of my life not so much, I do it with minor things. you know, I mean everyone, where none of us are a hundred percent anything that we're all doing this, but how many of you know people around you who do this? At this point, they would suggest a new idea, what's going on, what is it about? What we're doing here, so the most important thing is that the bass now, the freedom cycle, really requires a lot of individual effort.
This has the full support of society. This one has full support because society basically wants to stay as it is. That's why you know. that is a stable society, yes, so all of you here are agents of change in a part of human life. I mean, this is what Genius Network is really about. You wouldn't get into the Genius Network. You wouldn't be a member of the Genius Network if we weren't an agent of change in some part of human life related to individuals, dealing with organizations and all that, but it will require people to have a vision of themselves that is bigger and better than it is now, okay, so the question is whether you are going to become better and better as an agent of change.
You better understand the cycle of freedom as a very powerful ability within you because you won't be able to help people when they say, "I can't meet at camp anymore." at the justification meeting I'm at the justification meeting okay we're doing it on Thursday in ten years so anyway this is repetition it's repetition and it's constant repetition now here it has some very, very interesting connections it has some connections very interesting in this society I think the lifelong experience of not being able to get out of the cycle of repetition is the basis of all addictions, especially drug addictions, and the reason is that people really want to have the sense of innovation, they are passionate about it.
I mean, it's something that people it's such a powerful idea of ​​the ability to feel that you're creating something really new and really different and really better it's such a powerful feeling and people have had this feeling, I mean, yeah, you know that it may have been accidental and it may have been I know when you were five, but you have that sense of innovation and your circumstances as you become an adult don't allow you to have that, but the drugs will give you the experience for a short period of time that you really you are in it.
In the innovative mode, you know that you are actually in that innovative existence and there are all kinds of addictions, but it is an artificial way of creating the feeling that you are innovating, but of course it doesn't last and then it is destructive. destructive, so what happens here is that this ability to really engage with the future of the people who are in the repetition cycle actually gets cut off and after a while they just can't do it well and you can say that anyone can convert them. and I said, well, no, you can rewire your brain so much over such a long period of time that yes, it's possible to have a religious conversion.
You know that you may receive deep shock psychotherapy treatment or have the opportunity to do so. but it's not going to be your own creation, you probably won't make it and a lot of people are in that degree, okay, so this is the captivity cycle and it's spoo freedom cycle okay captivity cycle okay okay and this is It's about scarcity and what it is is the scarcity of being able to create greater freedom for yourself. It's a deep scarcity that many people have. It's time that they don't have. They have a scarcity of time. They have a scarcity of money.
They have a scarcity of relationships and they have a scarcity of purpose. , you know, and so they are driven strictly by their past and it's about necessity, okay, it's very, very interesting, one of the most dominant models of the last 50 years has been Maslow and I don't totally agree. according to Maslow. The first time I saw it I also totally read it because it's about needs and needs are dictated from the outside, they're not dictated, they're not created from perception, so You have survival, you have security, you have belonging, you have achievement. and you have self-actualization, but look, the structure that Maslow used was a pyramid and when I was born in 1944, society was pyramids. the government was a pyramid the big unions were a pyramid the corporations were a pyramid and it was kind of like this pyramid society was created as a reaction to the Great Depression and World War II which, as you know, my parents lived through and some of your parents living that and just having the basic things that you needed to live was a real treat and then everyone thought about the needs, you know you have to meet your needs, we don't live in that world, it's okay and it's probably okay, that's why things they are fine.
It's a bit confusing today because we've changed to a world where wanting is possible, in fact, wanting more and more things, okay, yes, but why do you need that? Well, I don't need it, I want it, okay, justify, justify. Because it is necessary? Why does Stephan need to be on a boat for six months? He doesn't want to be on the boat for six months. Why is he wanted? Because he wants it to be seen clearly. How many of you are really grasping the distinction here? between needy and and now I'm going to tell you something.
I gave this talk at JJ Virgin's mindshare in August and it was after giving this talk that about 20 entrepreneurs approached me to tell me how much of an impact it had. that they had that thing that my talk had about them and they were all women, they were all women, okay, there were men there, but all the women came up and talked to me and said: I can't tell you how much I want just because what you wanted is liberating and I asked you about the beginning. I had three or four of them because we have, you know, we've done it from the beginning, while there are as many successful female entrepreneurs in the market as there are armed male entrepreneurs, our percentage in strategic coach.
It's always been about 15 to 20 percent women, so I started asking him this question. I said, I'm going to say something and see if you agree with me. According to me, truly successful women have as much success as they need to be truly successful as entrepreneurs. Women have all the success they need, but really successful men, entrepreneurs have the success they want, so you ask a woman why you need to do that and what's wrong, they say, "Well, I have a family to feed." ". I have this, it's a justification for why they're ambitious, okay, so I just want to say that and my feeling is that this is culturally induced and that women are really forced much more than men to justify their success and stand out as individual, okay, but if you clearly understand this desire, you immediately feel relieved, you know that you will not need a justification because wanting does not require justification, okay, then this is really this big difference about the need, okay, then the diagram number one is the number on the freedom cycle diagram. 2 Sabu's Captivity Cycle now I'm going to show you how to get really good at wanting and the way you get really good at wanting if you turn the leaf over the leaf over this leaf right here turn the leaf over so I'm going to just take the present and I will make the future and we will choose the future now.
How do you get good at choosing? So I'm going to tell you a story on August 15, 1978. I was bankrupt and divorced on the same day, August 15, 1978, okay, divorced in the morning, bankrupt in the afternoon, I arranged it that way to being able to keep my credit card and have a really good celebratory lunch, yeah, so I had to hand over my credit card and you know, I mean. While you're laughing about that, it wasn't time to laugh back then because you just got very, very bad report cards, you know, and you were really wrong in two areas, so I started thinking about that for about three months after my experience and I came. to two decisions that I was number one to relieve everyone else have responsibility for what had happened to me because I had to take my power back and you can't take your power back if someone else is responsible, so one of the things if Yes You want to free yourself from a bad situation, you have to free everyone else from the responsibility and take it one hundred percent, so that was number one, but number two, when I came to the conclusion that I had been in a failed relationship and the failure of the business because I wasn't really telling myself what I wanted, you know, I was hoping that I think I could get married, they would tell me what I wanted and that if I was just starting a business they would tell me what I wanted, but it's not like I didn't have the necessary skill, so I set a goal for myself at the end of 1978 and it was for 25 years that every day for 25 years I was going to keep a diary and in that diary I would write at least one sentence about something I wanted every day I could write a paragraph if I wanted I could write several pages if I wanted but I had to write one I had written at least one sentence it was about something that was happening in my life right at that point fast forward it's 2003, it's January 31st.
Babs and I are out with some close friends, we're going to dinner and I say, I just want you to know that I'm finishing up a project, a 25 year project and for the last 25 years, every day except 12 of them is 9,000 131 days, so 9,000 119 days I wrote in my journal and you know, something where I really got muscular, I wander around and I feel like taking steroids. I really want things, I don't need a lot, I want a lot, okay? and wanting, we were talking about keeping you young, needing ages, wanting makes you very, very young, so it is a skill that makes you young because no matter whatYou've wandered in the past, you want more in the future, bigger and better, okay, so how do we do it?
Become a really good, okay, so that we can constantly stay in the cycle of freedom and not the cycle of no bondage, well, people say money is half and have you heard this with what you would do? You're telling me what to do if I had the confidence that I would become an entrepreneur if Obama subsidized the Department of free stuff. You know that, so you say, well, no, so the strange thing about this is that people always want you get what is essentially confidence, which is the fourth thing you get by becoming a good water, you get confidence and I said, that It's number four and they said no, no, no, I know what you're saying it's not confidence, I want capability and I say that's really unfortunate because capability is number three, okay, and they say well, I want, no.
I know what I want, I said it all starts so I'm going to go straight to number one, actually ability equals confidence, it really starts with a commitment and what a commitment means is that you are giving yourself a picture of a brighter future. bigger and better and you're saying, no matter what it takes, I'm committed to getting there because of that, that starts because you have to organize and channel your energies and once you get there you have that commitment then and this is the hard part this is the hard part requires a second step and the second step is courage requires courage ok now just to clarify courage the difference between confidence and courage is that confidence feels really good and courage feels really shit.
How many of you are currently involved in some project or area of ​​your life? We are experiencing courage, yes, yes, and I have to tell you that this courage is a skill, it is the capacity. Go through periods where you feel really bad because you have made a very strong commitment to change something knowing that if you can stay in the state of courage after you have made the commitment long enough, what will happen is that courage will give you the Capability and capability will give you confidence and once you have confidence you will be able to jump to a higher level of commitment for something that is even bigger and better, so what we have here is a virtuous circle of commitment, courage, capability and confidence. and our past, our the past, everything becomes raw material and the raw material is wet, what are the two things that you always want to present, skills and achievements, so you keep accumulating in the past skills and achievements that you can present and are at a higher level, constantly increasing. of skill and achievement that allows them to commit to bigger and better things and then start again, so this is a strange thing with entrepreneurs because I've been training them.
Poll the room to see how many of you have made your biggest strides since Getting Started as an Entrepreneur came when you went through periods of compromise and bravery when you weren't guaranteed sufficient income. How many of you are doing well and how many of you right now are planning your future to the point that you will never have it? to go through another period of bravery, yeah, I had this guy, he was born, he was a kid in hiding during World War II. A Jewish kid in Europe went through a horrendous war, came to Canada, doesn't speak English, speaks French, so he went to Montreal and taught himself English got a PhD in college became an incredible expert on the tax code Canadian was a financial advisor made millions of dollars and then he's sitting there he's 20 21 23 year old kids and they're slugs because he said, Himself, everything I had to go through, my kids are never going to go through that, so they're over there.
He had to demonstrate incredible courage and develop incredible capabilities, but he created a cocoon for them, so they did it and now he's spending the rest of his life. Life subsidizes them because they never developed any courage or ability, so I'm really wary of entrepreneurs who are always trying to make things easy for their children. Don't make things easy for your children. Yes, put them through the same four C's so that you can actually master the cycle of freedom and if you can do it when they are adults, you will have already done everything you can for your children.
So these are the three. How many of you said three? The diagrams were going to totally change and transform your sense of past, present and future, so I want to survey how many of you have actually done that with my three diagrams and how many of you can see that the more you use them. the four Cs to reinforce the cycle of freedom: one, you will become an extraordinarily good contender for the future and the other thing is that you will find yourself separated and not stuck by people and organizations that are in the cycle of bondage.
Hello thank you very much. a lot

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