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Finding Superhero cars in abandoned barns | Farming Simulator 22

Jun 02, 2024
So today Hudson and I are buying an


ranch from a


. We have to use the clues,




and much more to find out what


he was and maybe go save some people after they are ready and guys, yes, I know. I sound sick. I touched it on my pillow and now I don't feel good so if you could give this video a thumbs up like this to make me feel better please I would really appreciate it okay and get a lot of thumbs up maybe him. I'll stop blowing hot air on my pillow and I'll feel better.
finding superhero cars in abandoned barns farming simulator 22
Okay, okay, are you going? Aren't you going to do that? No more. No. Okay, thanks, let's go, let's check the property, but you cough in my face. I'm not coughing in your face, yeah you did, no, no, let's go check the place out and see what vehicles we're going to get, what superhero before we start, what superhero do you think he is, what's your guess, um, Spider-Man , Spider-man, ooh, there's a Red Barn, another Red Barn, a red house, Hudson is already right, by the way, he has no idea, if you guessed it, I'm going to be very mad at him, Superman, so, oh, too It could be Superman. right, okay, let's open this, let's take a look, there's a barn, two, three


, three barns in one house, okay, let's open this, okay, there's, oh, there's water.
finding superhero cars in abandoned barns farming simulator 22

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finding superhero cars in abandoned barns farming simulator 22...

I wonder if that's a clue. Aquaman maybe could be Aquaman, right, okay. Look, open here, it looks like a basic house, right, yeah, I don't see, there are no clues around here. All the clues are probably in the barns, right, yeah, let's see what he was looking at. Oh, just tractors and stuff, is that there? Are there any superheroes who like agricultural things? I don't know, yeah, I don't know either. I do not know too. What is the bow and arrow guy? Oh I do not know. I'm not sure what the bow and arrow guy is. so it's kind of a country right, okay, I'm going to open all these before we look and let's see what we got, what vehicles we got oh wait, this is maybe Batman because Batman is super rich and Batman is black, gold and yellow.
finding superhero cars in abandoned barns farming simulator 22
Isn't that right and he's super rich? Oh, does Hudson have something? We have a Lamborghini, Audi, Mercedes, racing


, all very expensive, all black, gold and yellow, is it Batman Hudson? I'm thinking he's Batman and you said he's rich right? Hudson might. Be on something, okay, let's try The Red Barn. Okay, if it's black and yellow in this barn, it's totally Batman. Do you think he could? Okay, it's Batman, another black guy, he's got monster trucks too. He is Batman. He has to be Batman, but I haven't seen him. like a symbol of Batman I haven't seen anything, right?
finding superhero cars in abandoned barns farming simulator 22
Yes, he doesn't want to reveal it. Okay, what's in that last one? I guess maybe it is. Yes, it's Batman. A Batmobile tractor. He was just looking at tractors. No. He, oh, he's Batman, look at this, there's Batman stuff everywhere, he's got wings on the back, oh, let's see, let's take the Batmobile, is it fast? Oh, he's fast, wait, wait, okay, he needs to catch villains, why not? I know yes, it's true, you think the tractor can catch villains, okay, let's turn, let's turn into Batman for today, ready, okay, come on, let's stop some villains, let's catch a b, guys, suit, dad, Right, dad, look, look over there, look, look. in front of us, oh, look at that, come on, come on, what's this too fast? policemen, it seems that the policemen need help, it seems that the accident is so big, so many accidents, what is going on here?
What do you need? I need someone to take it down, we did it right, yeah, look, we've got the dive in the front, this thing is extremely fast, let's get some speed, okay, okay, let's go really fast into this pile, like that we will destroy if we go to the end. AC Ross the map oh Tre, yeah, we don't want to cross the whole map, we have this, let's turn at full speed to what happens if we go that fast, we cross the border, I don't think we will. will fly back, but that was before we had to save people too after this, okay, go ahead, go, go, go, you have this Hudson, yeah, that's why I don't want to leave the border, oh Actually, it's not that bad.
I think we saved everyone and we made it, look, that's a high five, we did almost everything, I know, I think we did a phenomenal job, everything landed except one vehicle, dog, boom, there we go, wow, that was each one really impressive. The vehicle landed on its wheels. What is it, sir? What's going on here? This is his beautiful and elegant car. It's black, which we like, but it's not gold, right? We are Batman, if he can tell from our tractor what he wants, a race, I will race with him. You want a race, oh we're tall, we'll run with you, we'll run to that stop sign, wait, how about you tell them something?
If we win, we get his car, if we win, we get the car, if you win, you get to Be Batman, you get the whole deal I think we're going to win, right? We've got this, yeah, we've got this, come on buddy, let's line it up, no, there's no way we're going to lose, easy dad, let him give it a head start I'll give him a little head I'll give him a little head start let him think I'm going to let him think he's going to win let him think he's going to win oh oh no oh we didn't lose we didn't we lose oh no sir sir, okay sir, I guess he'll get to be Batman.
He really wanted to be Batman. We just bought that place for millions of dollars. Sir, wait, sir, where is he going? Sir, you will get, it may be bat, where is he? He goes, you're Batman, why are you driving in circles away from us? That's not even the guy, Dad, I think he transformed, is he trying to transform into Batman? I don't know what this is doing, boy, I don't know what it's doing, probably. I paid that guy, the guy over there is there, dad, oh right, hey, you can't pay the drivers, that's not fair. He would have done it.
He would have paid like a professional racing driver. Okay, come on, let's get our bat-bat tractor if we call it. that's a bat tractor, okay, let's see if this guy wants to be Batman, maybe he doesn't want to be Batman, we lost, I feel like we have to give him a race car, at least try, we'll give him a race car, No. not the tractor, one of the black cars, okay sir, you didn't drive, but your driver's. I know he doesn't want to be Batman. We'll give you a Hudson's Choice race car. He can choose which race car he will give him.
You're okay, okay, come on, okay, I know, actually, oh, we've got the monster trucks too, don't forget the monster trucks, yeah, the monster trucks, I love them all, okay, like you, you know , the first one we saw and it was the The last one we named I didn't like it, okay, we'll go back there and look at them all and choose which one okay, okay, let's go for a walk around the city to see if there is anyone else who need help to be saved or something. We have this making our rounds around town oh I see a truck, okay this truck looks stuck, isn't it okay?
We are Batman, there is no one there, yes, but we are Batman, we have this. I'm going to go ahead and get it. this toe bar we'll save this rly here yeah random perfectly right there oh I can hook it wait wait wait I see something up there too see it's a B? I don't know what that is. We're going to go look at that here in a second, let's save this man. Can we drive through the mud? Although in the bat it gets stuck. Does it get muddy? I think there's someone up there, dad, I think there is too.
We will go. look at that, the guns if they're trying to climb it and then it's pretty good in the mud, in fact I'm surprised they got stuck, yeah they might have done well. Come on, oh, the bat, the Batmobile, come out, come out, come out. He did pretty well, in fact, I'm impressed by it. Let's go ahead and leave that man there. He's okay, let's look at this. Someone is up there. How are we doing? I'm going to park the Batmobile right there. Oh, we almost knocked them all out. city ​​power you think we can climb this hudson yeah okay we got it because they were probably trying to climb those bars and they broke oh and they broke now that they're stranded up there yeah that could be it look as. high we are oh no don't look down it's okay whatever we do don't look down it's scary it's scary if you look down daddy why is there a ball look how high we are daddy don't look I'm scared scared the balls are there so If someone is flying, don't run into the ropes, that's fine, that's why the balls are there and to make it much harder to climb.
I guess I don't think there are any up here. I see something right there, what don't I? one person you are right what is this wait oh no where did the bike go and we fell where did the bike go what happened we broke our leg we broke our leg oh I don't think you fainted did I faint when I fell? Can we take our bat tracker to the top of that you think and don't dad? You literally just glued it on. Maybe we shouldn't have been Batman. Are we a bad Batman? No, it's okay, it's okay, you're right, Dad, I think we should catch him. people, you're going to catch people doing something B, that's what Batman does, you're right, you're right, can we knock these boxes down?
It's okay, the boxes are extremely strong, you can't destroy them. Are there any villains we check out? Are there any villains in town who should be arrested and imprisoned? What does Batman do? Does he take them to jail? Yeah, okay, let's see if there's anyone to take the Jael. Do you think someone is stealing from the store? let's go into the grocery store and our bat tractor turn on the oh look at the lights on this thing oh this thing looks cool I wish we had a bill we should start a farm with this tractor oh I didn't even know look this thing has a little Batman on it the front yeah, I saw it's cool I wish we had a Batmobile I wish we had I wish we had a Batmobile Lamborghini oh we have to talk about that we have to get that car to that boy let's get home real quick okay I don't want to sell that we have that, we have to, we lost it fairly, come on dad, dad, wait, I passed by, I passed by our house, wait, wait, I think I found something. secret where is someone it looks like someone walked by oh you're right wait this is our property who comes in and out of our property do you think there's a secret tunnel somewhere underwater because why is it there?
Alright. I have to ask you if we drive the Batmobile underwater. Make sure you go to the secret tunnel. Swim. I don't know if we can swim. Alright. We can't swim. Our boy. Should we drive it in the water? I feel like it's not going to work, we can always get it out if it gets stuck, but if it gets stuck it will send us over and it will get stuck under here. It's true, I really don't want to lose this, shall we check it? or not, how about we use the vehicle that we are going to give to that man to check out and then we will give it to him all soaked and wet?
Okay, fair enough, what will happen if that gets stuck? still hit the short, well, we'll make sure it works again and then we'll give it to you, okay, which one are we going to give you that one? Okay, great, let's give him the Mercedes which one do you like the most which one do I like the most I think this is the one I like the most I think it's my choice it looks great I like that one okay, come on Mercedes, I'm just going to drive the water , okay, let's check out the most secret tunnel of the monster truck, we should have done the monster truck, why didn't you think of that?
That was the perfect idea, we should have done the monster truck guys, now we have to save this if you enjoyed the video. and you like Batman and you want me to feel better, give this a thumbs up, check out Hudson for some awesome products and until next time, make sure to give this a thumbs up, subscribe, vide, bye.

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