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Major Differences Between LIVE-A-LIVE And Its Remake (Comparison/Review)

Mar 17, 2024
When the Livolif


was first announced earlier this year, I was initially ecstatic that one of my favorite non-localized Super Famicom games was getting not only a localization but a whole new style that looked beautiful, however , I quickly began to distrust the announcement as Square Enix. has a history of announcing


s of games and then spoiling a large portion of them, making it instantly inferior to the source. I was curious to know how much will be changed or even censored in this remake and it turns out that a lot of things will be. I will go over each change that I think has a notable impact on the experience while I think about the change if I have a strong opinion and I will close the video with a conclusion about the most apparent strengths and weaknesses and my preferred version, all without spoilers, of course, I will compare the remake with the fan translation of the Super Famicom game by eon genesis.
major differences between live a live and its remake comparison review
However, in specific situations when I mention translation, I will present the original Japanese text of the Super Famicom game and what it means. For the sake of context and clarity, I understand that some won't care about each of these changes, so I put timestamps in the description to allow you to skip ahead if you want if you plan to cut to the end. I recommend that you first skip to the section where I discuss the main translation error that this game has, as it is one of the biggest complaints I have with the game and you shouldn't miss the beginning.
major differences between live a live and its remake comparison review

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major differences between live a live and its remake comparison review...

There are a couple of changes I want to remove first. These changes make a big difference and can be disabled in the options menu, so I thought it would be a good idea to mention them first. The remake now includes tutorials. These are small text boxes that appear at relevant points in the game and detail the functions of certain mechanics. Without exception, I would recommend that you disable them. You'd expect them to work like any other tutorial covering basic information you wouldn't otherwise know; However, these tutorials are a disservice to the player, as they ruin much of the optional gameplay.
major differences between live a live and its remake comparison review
The events that were waiting for you to use your head are now resolved for you before you even have the chance. I could list every moment these walkthroughs spoil, but I'll give you just one to show you exactly what I mean in the Edo Japan chapter of the original game that you eavesdrop on. about a superior instructing his guards that the current password is river and being shown what happens if someone answers incorrectly, the superior closes his speech by saying remember to listen to the bell, he says this because the password is river now but it will change when the bell rings bell, you are expected to reconstruct that in this password lecture your conclusive statement about a bell must be related.
major differences between live a live and its remake comparison review
They never tell you this. You are only expected to solve it in the new version with tutorials as soon as the top. finish is talking, you are shown a text box that directly explains all that complexity to you instead of letting this puzzle progress as intended, this happens several times throughout the game, so I highly recommend turning them off right away. The other notable change is that I now have a mini map on by default, or radar as the game calls it. My biggest problem with this is that it uses waypoints to tell you exactly what loading screens you need to go through to get to the next objective and when you're on that screen it tells you exactly where to go or who to talk to to progress a similar issue ruins part of the experience. intended, especially in the chapters that rely on exploration, the game is intuitive enough that you will never need this minimap, much more so than other RPGs.
At that point, I would recommend leaving it disabled for the entire game, but if you do, If you find it too extreme, I would at least turn it off before doing the near-future and far-future Edo Japan chapters, since they all feature exploration as a very important part of In the chapter, one more thing about the options: you can change the voiceovers to Japanese or disable them completely. I'll go into more detail later on what I think of these options and why, but I wanted to make it clear that you're not stuck. with English voice acting Before finishing this section on urgent information, please note that the voice acting language can only be changed from the title screen settings menu, while the volume settings that allow you Turning off the vocals completely can be edited at any time to a more general version. changes I'll start with the cutest thing from the original game that was left out.
Squaresoft isn't sure why it couldn't have been changed, so the voice says Square Enix. The opening scene before the title screen is different now before it showed something outside of the Contextual Cutscenes at the beginning of each of the chapters. I love them, although some were strange choices, like this random conversation from the Wild West chapter, which doesn't really mean much, but actually, sir, you've been with us this whole time and you've seen a ninja. drop from the raptors left a big impression on me the first time i played it. These little scenes are so memorable and set the stage for each chapter.
They are replaced with very brief action shots from each chapter, each no more than a couple of seconds. I prefer the original introduction. The silent scenes seemed to hide a lot of mystery, however I can understand why this was changed and the new one is good in its own way. The character selection screen is a little different. Each character now stands on a small pedestal made of relevant materials. your chapter in some way and flipping through its options shows you some of the pieces from that chapter, you are no longer told the genre of the chapter like before, such as sci-fi or cowboy, when you click on a character on the pedestal below it , it expands.
In a more complete background, the plastered backgrounds from the original selection screen are now missing. I miss these simpler backgrounds, like the wall full of wanted posters when you hover over the Wild West chapter, but this new terrain effect expanding from each character's pedestal is pretty inspired. Well, now when you finish a chapter, you can go back and replay it whenever you want. Tips are now displayed during loading screens. However, the loading screens are so short that you will never be able to read any of them. You can always check them out from the menu later if you want, but it's funny that they even put them on the loading screens since that's never where you'll read them.
There are some real tips on how to play, but most of them are just supplementary information about the location or characters of a chapter, there are specific display settings that you can adjust now, you can now exit chapters halfway and resume them later If you want to try a different one, this change seems unnecessary since all the chapters are short and independent, but it doesn't hurt anything, you can have the scenes advance the text automatically when the voiceover ends so that it plays without you having to tap the controller and you can skip any stretch of text boxes in the story scene or else the game has an autosave. feature now that activates every time you pass a loading zone and is completely separate from your manual saves so it will never give you any problems the water looks so good the new menus UI is a completely new screen that gives you indicates the location you are in and shows you an image on the side of the screen that changes depending on your progress in the chapter.
Your cursor is a flame that surrounds any button you hover over, and the color of the flame depends on the chapter you're in. The color also applies to things like the victory screen text color and the experience bar color. This is great. I imagine it was added to make up for all the chapter distinctions that were removed. The original game had a menu cursor that would vary depending on the chapter. it would be a panda and imperial porcelain, then a wrench in the far future chapter, etc. These icons are now used to represent which chapters you've beaten in your save file, but I don't see why it couldn't have done both. things or just use the character sprites for your save data like in the original game, the worst thing is that the source for each chapter is now exactly the same.
Gone are the wonderfully stylized fonts that distinguish each chapter. I also have no idea why this was changed. maybe they spent their entire budget on those water graphics, enemies explode in purple smoke now, instead of just walking away, this could have been a great opportunity to reintroduce some of those


in the chapters, like enemies killed in the wild west could fly like sand in the wind or Enemies in prehistory could become fossils. Another thing that's decidedly worse is the new equipment screen. The original had this cute sprite and the relevant body part blinked when you moved the cursor over it.
I don't know of any role-playing games in the supermarket. famicom or before had such a slick UI, so I'm even more confused as to why this was replaced with these horribly generic icons. All items now have flavor text and items you can pick up in the overworld now glow. That second change is mostly fine. However, the struggle for preparation in the Wild West chapter is now much worse because gone are the days of frantically rummaging through every barrel and cabinet to make sure you don't miss a shovel or something, it all becomes very routine, Enter a building, go to the sparkles leave the battles now start with this spectacular camera whip, the battle sprites now have idle animations and there is a small dash animation when you move from tile to tile.
The stats have been renamed to be a little clearer about what exactly they do. The battle system is also Overall, the attacks are much clearer than before, they have detailed descriptions of what exactly they do, their damage range and the order of charge time turns are now displayed in these yellow bars, which which is a change I really appreciate. It was always strange when enemies seemingly attacked you. Nowhere, as you moved around the field after battles, you can now see how much experience you gained and what stats increased when you level up. Both party members and enemies will sometimes say voice lines after performing an attack, although they are now fairly forgettable.
Fireflies, the writing on these pranks isn't great, but the often inadequate voice acting is really what makes them poor and some aren't that bad, although some of the attack names have been translated differently, but there are Too many changes to list alone. An example: the attacks in the Imperial China chapter are now translated into real names instead of just being a simple transliteration of Chinese words. Strange trivia. Although Jackie has this ogregrip move that she sometimes uses as a counterattack, the original text is more like an unbreakable ogre. reversion, however, in the new version, the name of the move was changed to monotoss.
What's strange is that sometimes when she performs the move she says I'm stronger than an ogre, I'm stronger, so even though the name of the attack was changed, the one that accompanies it. The voice line refers to the movement's original name. I thought the tidbit was something interesting and something that not many people would pick up on. The elements of your attacks and enemy weaknesses are now visible. It was a bit of a pain in the original to have to try it. all your attacks against an enemy to see which ones did the most damage and which ones did almost nothing.
Overall, the game is much easier in this new version, not only in quality of life issues, but also in actual stat adjustments. You heal more, do more damage, take less damage, and bosses have less health, just as important enemies no longer chase you like they used to. This is a big change because ranged attacks are now much stronger and you can retreat and heal very easily if necessary, I don't mind. This


was always more about discovery and narrative than a traditional RPG experience. I will say, though, that this really changes the way the martial arts chapter plays out.
It used to be a tense boss challenge that required careful planning and intentional decision. do, but with these changes it has become child's play, now you can fight bosses in any order and do almost anything and still win because of how strong you are, plus now they tell you all the weaknesses and resistances of an enemy in the new The battle UI further trivializes these fights of all the changes in the remake. The way this chapter removes all of its tension and challenge is one of the worst. I will talk about the new presentation now, generally speaking, most ofthings look much better. than before, not only the increased resolution but also the stunning lighting depth shadow and blur effects found in the other HD 2D games.
All the new attack animations look great. This new presentation shines brighter in some parts than in others. The castle complex and the Edo. The Japan chapter looks amazing and now you have this front view that allows you to take in the full breadth of the place instead of the limited top-down perspective. It's especially noticeable when you first start and run down the path leading to the door. The battle screens also look much better and some were completely reimagined. All arenas in this chapter are redesigned to be more indicative of the relevant fighter in their home country.
A fantastic


. All tracks were also rearranged. Some sound a little better. Others. sounds a little worse, but there is no quality far enough from the original dimension, except the kiss of jealousy, the prehistoric battle theme, the new one sounds too electric, the original fits the time period perfectly, this one is the only arrangement I have strong. Feelings about the titles of some of the chapters have been changed, for example the title of the near futures chapter was changed from flow to outsider. The original title is ryudo, which means flow, not outsider. In that sense, I found that the new translation takes too many liberties.
The original text, of course, translation is more of an art than a science, so I will do my best to express what I don't like about some. Of these artistic choices, an example is something that happens at the beginning of the chapter of the near future. Matsu stops by to save Akira from some bullies in the original. The bullies say who you are and Matsu responds with "I'm just passing through" before participating. he says that the taiyaki seller's iconic line is all translated very closely in the eon genesis version, but the last line is translated as i'm the taiyaki guy, which i quite like the translation of the remakes, just like balls free, although who am I?
Isn't it obvious that I'm a local businessman? It sucks that we lost that iconic line, but this example should be indicative enough that the new script often deviates in ways that sound like just another quick example in the Imperial China chapter, the master. he says kokoro jio, which literally means he is the eon genesis mind. It translates very well, as this is about the mind and the remake, the real stress flows from the heart, in my opinion the embellishments made throughout the new script do not fit the tone of the game's vilification. It was always a very fun game and some of these new changes make it too serious.
I just showed you some of the voice acting, so I think now would be a good time to cover a lot of the English voices in detail. acting alone is okay and sometimes it's even quite bad why are you snatching people away? Got you finally now pay what you owe right now wonderful wonderful oh my lord, there are actually some great performances, but unfortunately they are mostly restricted to minor characters in any In case you have opted for a less scientific means of locomotion, I'm I'm sure many new players will have a very different impression of certain characters who hear them with these voices instead of voiceless.
I guess I thought this would be a tough game to follow. sell without voice acting, especially when a potential buyer might be comparing this to the two other HD 2D titles available right now, both with voice acting; However, the English performances in Octopath Traveler are excellent across the board, but if you're looking to ask questions about I, My Good Lord, you'll have to earn the right. I'm not sure why they were willing to pay so much money to hire voice stars like Patrick Seitz and Frida Wolff for that game, but not for this game. This hurts even more if you listen to the Japanese voice acting, which is excellent and also features many high-profile actors such as Takahiro Sakurai, the voice of Cloud Strife, and Kenji Akanabe, the voice of Koji Kabuto and Mazinger Z.
The impact, Although I won't complain too much as Japanese voice data. It's included directly in the game rather than an external download, and you can disable all voices if you wish. However, I will say that the best overall performance in English is in the far future chapter. It still has some quirks that you say you like. It's a bad thing, but the above-average acting in this episode makes it easy to forgive. I'll mention some of the chapter specific changes now in Japan Edo, you now have a map of the castle complex you went into in the original when you named your character, whatever you chose it had maru added to the end. maru was a Japanese suffix used for young men in this period, so the default name oboro would become oboromaru in the new version.
The default name is simply oboromaru and any name you choose is not. added the horse dung maru honorific in the wild west chapter it is now localized as horse shit both are accurate translations but I think the new one is much more appropriate for the setting there is a little side quest you can do in the wild west episode where you send Annie to do something so you can break into a room and steal her underwear. The translation of eon genesis calls it 90, but in this new version it is censored by calling it her diary. If you're wondering why you might equip her diary on your body, that is. why this chapter now has a visual indicator of elapsed time instead of just the audio cues from before one more for this chapter and it's personal there is a scene where the cowboy enters the saloon for the first time, everyone goes silent until one of the mariachi members start singing Besame Much Besame Much is a bolero song written in Mexico, one of the most important and recognizable songs in the entire history of Latin music that became a great hit among pop bands. and American jazz in the 1940s.
There are hundreds of recordings of this song. It is very popular and deservedly so so for some reason the mariachi now sings I am the commander of the mayors I and only I do not personally recognize this song I assume it is some notable mariachi melody one of the many times I just listened to ask what was wrong with the original script, okay, still, a lot of ranting, I just had to publicly proclaim this injustice, the new portraits of the fighters in the present chapter look a little strange, they look very soft, the original portraits were Very detailed, I guess they thought they couldn't beat that with a new pixel illustration, so they went with this new style.
You can now challenge any of the fighters again after beating them in case you weren't able to learn all the techniques you wanted from them. It sucks, another addition that lowers the stakes and majesty of these battles. However, the game is so easy now that it's actually possible to accidentally kill some of these guys before you're ready, so this new addition makes sense. The near future chapter now shows you where you can always press and to read minds. I don't like. There are some fun moments in the original where you're expected to remember you have this ability and use it at relevant moments.
Coming back to complaining about puzzles, there used to be this puzzle. where the doctor tells you to look for an outlet to plug something in before you had to search along the walls to find it now it's in plain sight and flashes are coming out of it what's the point of this puzzle now if the answer is correct? In front of you, this is a relatively minor complaint, but I'm sure you've noticed that many of the finer details that made this game so unique have now been simplified for no good reason, that strange side quest where you do Let Wachanabe seal Taiko's panties. is now required for some reason, although it was unsurprisingly censored, the item in question is now called the secret taiko stash implied in the flavor text to make money from it, the city in the near future looks much


lier now, one of those greats.
Visual improvements in that regard, the taiyaki stand in the park looks much better. My favorite change throughout this entire remake is without a doubt the remade anime that opens towards the beginning of the near future chapter. Now it has beautiful new graphics and the lyrics of the song are actually. sung now, the original was a little forgettable, but these new changes really help make it a perfect parody of mecha anime openings. The lyrics are obviously inspired by Mazinger Z and things like the energetic singing and triumphant exclamations about justice are so typical of a song. Well, in addition, both the English and Japanese versions are sung by the real Hironobu Kagayama, the voice behind songs from things like Get a Robo Super Sentai and Dragon Ball.
I can't understate how wonderful this far-future reinvention is. You now get a Map of the ship you're on like the map of Edo Japan, its inclusion wasn't really necessary but it doesn't hurt anything either. The name given to the robot character is no longer rover but rather to round out the brief cargo areas you get as you traverse. The hallways are gone, there are still some loading screens, but moving around now is a little more fluid than before. The latest for the distant future. There is a really interesting puzzle towards the end of the chapter with a lot of importance to the story.
I win. It's not shown obviously, but rest assured, the answer will be presented to you before you can begin to dissolve all the meaning it ever had. This transgression is completely separate from those tutorial boxes I was complaining about earlier, so this annoyance cannot be disabled. The changes are especially strange because the game auto-saves and saves a lot - even if these puzzles were left alone, the auto-save feature would ensure that almost no time was wasted before you could try again on those few puzzles where failure means death. death that I saved. the prehistoric


for the ending as it was one of my favorites in the original game and now I have more problems with it, unfortunately there are now some caveman chants at the beginning of the chapter.
There is a part of the story where you have to give. Belle, a piece of meat to get a kiss to advance the story, and in the original, if you gave her some equipment she could use, she would show you now she'll just kiss you, I'm not really surprised that this is the case. Zaki changed to have this signature move where he shoots the lizard that covers his private parts. It was originally censored as expected, but in the remake it is covered with a smiley face. In fact, I prefer this new form of censorship, it is much more characteristic of the humor of this game also her hair covers her butt in the remake the female gorillas are the worst censorship change in the game before they moved their big primate breasts Accompanied by a sound effect from the app they were now simply waving their arms in the air, what is it really?
What ruined this chapter for me though is the voice acting before the characters communicated with these little squeaks and now those are changed to really out of character caveman grunts and moans, these squeaks had a lot more personality whereas I think that these new voices were heard a lot. the humor in this chapter i cant say there is a new voice acting line that i really liked for pogo the reason i am so excited about the voice acting here more than anywhere else is that there is only one voice acting for this chapter, so switching between English and Japanese won't change it and turning off the voices completely is not a suitable solution.
I have one more problem to present and it is my biggest problem with this new version. There is a bad translation that takes the most important thing. the prehistory chapter and makes it mean nothing. I have no idea how this happened and I feel really bad for anyone who played this remake first as they were stuck with this oversight. This section will be a spoiler for that chapter in the original game, but like me. He said that the new localization doesn't mean anything, so this is actually just a spoiler for the Super Famicom original. If you want to avoid this, feel free to skip to my conclusion with the timestamp in the description, the prehistory chapter is about this Neolithic.
A boy who meets a woman for the first time in her life undertakes this cute game with her gorilla friend to save her from a tribe that wants to sacrifice her. The chapter is about him making sacrifices to be with her and putting himself in danger. to rescue her not a single word is spoken in this chapter, only squeaks and some pantomimes at the end of everything, when he settles in at home with this girl, he is able to make an adorable exclamation, this is how it develops in the remake, that is the murderer. I guessthat the reason this happened is that the Japanese word for love is i, so the translators interpreted him shouting i as an exclamation rather than the reality that he was moved by an emotion so strong that it created the first word spoken, love, I went.
I'm so disappointed when I saw this error that one word is what the entire chapter leads to. Surely now you can understand why I would so strongly recommend the original, but I'll wrap it up. It was a pleasure to play this remake if you played. the original, you'll really have fun with this remake, the new set pieces are gorgeous and along with the rare examples of truly excellent voice acting made me like certain parts of the game more than before, I'm disappointed. The new difficulty changes trivialize some really tense boss fights, but this ease of difficulty may be a benefit for some.
The original game was never difficult, but it can get a little annoying at times if you can't stand an RPG from 1994. This remake is not. It's a bad way to experience the game, however, if you have any experience with RPGs, you can complete the original without any problems and you would be much better off. I already complained about the new radar and tutorials but those can be disabled, however there are many quirks of this game negated due to optimization that cannot be disabled in an options menu and the quality of the new translations ranges from iffy even intrusively erroneous, although you may not mind some of these changes if you have in any case, there is no frame of reference, you will have a great time no matter which version you choose, if you end up playing the remake first, consider returning to the original later and draw your own conclusion.
However, I will mention this again because I really consider it critical. I highly recommend turning off the radar and tutorial options in the menu before playing. I hope this video was helpful to some or at least entertaining. I don't plan to make more videos like this, but I might make another one. For the Dragon Quest 3 remake coming out, I'll have to see if there are any notable differences that I missed or if you have a different opinion on a change I mentioned. I would like to hear it. Thanks for seeing you.

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