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Nordische Mythologie Hörbuch Nordische Sagen nordisch

Mar 29, 2024
Where does the fog come from? Nobody knows and who lit the first spark. Nobody knows one thing, but the truth is that at the beginning it was cold and the fire on the one hand was Nippelheim. On one side was Muskelheim and there was nothing but a sea of ​​flames, what separated the fog from the fire was an enormous bottomless abyss and from this enormous teaching, the abyss between light and darkness, arose everything that lives and that somewhere in Niffelheim there was a crack in the ice from which powerful water gushed out, this stream headed towards the great gorge and rushed into it, but as it was cold the water turned into large icicles and as The further he advanced, the more powerful the ice became on one side of the great gorge.
nordische mythologie h rbuch nordische sagen nordisch
On the other side, where Muskelheim lay, sparks danced and flames heated the air deep in the abyss, heat and cold fighting each other and the ice beginning to melt. what the cold had formed, the heat gave life, thus the first being was born. He had a human form but no human being has such dimensions because it was always said that he was a giant and he has a bigger giant. He never lived, but what was this oil supposed to be? No living being can feed on fire and ice. When he looked around he noticed that he was not alone in the world, because from the melting ice emerged another monster that had horns and with udders and a gentle nature was an enormous cow whose enormous streams of girls, who in addition to Hymer had to milk her so that both will be satisfied.
nordische mythologie h rbuch nordische sagen nordisch

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The cow didn't have to waste much time looking for a buyer for her surplus and the giant didn't. She didn't have to starve. However, the first cow was missing something, which despite its size was the same as all the other cows, except that she didn't know what she wanted, so she sniffed it and tasted it. everything that was nearby until she found some ripe stones that tasted like salt. The cow, like all the cows that came into the world later, could not get enough of them until when she hit it she came across a very special stone. with her huge one.
nordische mythologie h rbuch nordische sagen nordisch
When he licked her tongue, he had no idea what he had done with her. That same night, a hair grew from the stone, the next day a face appeared and then a whole head, and on the third. day, the entire body of a tall and beautiful man. Thus the world of the progenitor of all the gods that we call the Aesir appeared to the citizens, but meanwhile the first giant was not lazy, although he slept a lot, but. While he snored to himself, his fingers began to sweat and two new beings emerged from his armpits, a man and a man.
nordische mythologie h rbuch nordische sagen nordisch
But his feet were jealous of this miracle. They sponsored each other and gave birth to a six-headed son. how the race of giants or trolls arose and since then there was no way to prevent the new creatures from having children and their children from having children again. Until today, things must have been quite peaceful in the world at the beginning, the Aesir and the giants. They got along well with each other. The first rabbit had a son who was associated with a giant daughter and from this love story arose Odin, who later became the chief of all the gods, but such peace could not be achieved.
He could be trusted in the long run because the giant around him gave him no peace, although he was lazy and lazy and he couldn't think of anything other than drinking milk from his cow and sleeping, but that made him bloated. His enormous body continued to grow. and he gave birth to new and rather terrifying trolls who laid menacing mines. Soon there were such big children everywhere that Odin and his brothers didn't like it at all because they were a minority and they knew how bad a minority can go through. If their skin does not defend itself, one day they came to the conclusion that things could no longer continue like this, they said to themselves, if we do nothing, we will soon be there.
In the end we have to risk an uprising against the grandfather of all giants and against his offspring. Said and done in complete secrecy, Odin and his brothers cut powerful spears from the trees and stealthily approach the giant who, as always, lies. there snoring with a full stomach. Surprise is on his side, blood gushes from the giant's wounds and he always roars loudly. Glaciers are calving and icebergs are falling into the water. Soon iron and the greatest of all giants will have conquered. He is dead. He has lost so much blood that his children will drown in the flood.
They will be dragged into the old abyss and disappear into the abyss, but it is likely the big one. The cow was taken away because no one has heard of it. Since then no one has seen her again. Only two of the giant children were saved. Some were smart enough to hide in the fog. The family of giants owes its survival since the day of the first battle. It is the gods who have the reins in their hands and immediately set to work with the dead: they drag them to the edge of the great abyss of the world, a difficult task after which they first have to rest for three days. and then they put it on the dead man.
The abyss that disappears under the enormous corpse, they think for a long time what to do with the dead man. Maybe they can create a whole world out of it. He's lost so much blood there. It is enough for an entire sea and from its flesh you can make solid land a bone mountains and cliffs an ankle and teeth rock and debris hair trees and grass in the end all that remains is the skull the brain of the giant the place of the gods like a dome over everything they have created and that is how the celestial vault arose the brain but throw them into the air where it flutters and thus the clouds that move through the sky arose but the world was not yet finished, for example the dwarves are still missing , the subterraneans who live in grottoes and caves, they are also gone.
Hymer's great corpse emerged because it was not ordinary worms that were feeding on it, oh no, without the dwarves the world would be very different. It is thanks to him that they invented the art of blacksmithing and many other things, however, no. You can trust them, sometimes they beat you, that is, on the side of the trolls, but without them it doesn't work, the. The gods also agreed and chose four of them to hold up the vault of heaven and protect the four corners of the world; These four are called East West North and South also after them.
We have the dwarves to thank for the cardinal directions. It was still too dark for the Aesir in the sky in the warm muscle house at the southern end where the fire was at home. They took sparks and fixed them to the sky, where they still hang today inside the old giant skull. how the stars arose and what happened next now Odin had two brothers, one was called many and was very intelligent, the other was called wounded and had sharp eyes, good ears and was very wise, one day the three of them went out for a walk on the beach and I found There are two large pieces of wood that the tide had brought to the shore.
Just look how this beach forest looks like us. Odin asked why. He simply said again, this is the head, these are the arms and so are they. They have two legs. Now you have to know that the gods like to play and that's why they took the two pieces in their hands just for fun, they put them together and dressed them. Odin smoked them alive so they could breathe. reason and understanding and Ay gave them the gift of hearing Face and speech warm blood pulsed through their veins and their hair Their skin their eyes name color now they were no longer a beach asset but a man and a woman the rabbits called them ass and Himmler and all humanity comes from these two fathers.
Now there were Asen trolls and people, but it was strangely quiet in the world. Something was missing. Many were probably the first to understand what it was. Here?, he asked his brothers. We don't have enough time. It's always the same in heaven. There will not be much light or much darkness and it cannot continue. she was particularly dark, her name was Nord and she had a lover among the rabbits who fathered a son with her and they were both exceptionally bright said wiele if we visited that enlightened Odin he went to Not and Dark and he liked both the mother and the son so much that He gave them horses and chariots.
They want to travel around the world. He asked why they didn't answer, but the journey goes high, Odin pointed out, so high that you can see everything and it has no end. The north and the day did not bow and so Odin lifted her towards the sky. She left first, her horse had frost in its mane and drops of foam fell in the morning, her mouth is the dew that rests on the early meadows. In the morning, as soon as there was trouble on the way home, darkness began its journey. Her horse shines from her and her mane shines dazzlingly.
From the first trip of these two, you can tell the difference between day and night. You know what time it is and you can count the days and years. Daylight does not come from the sun as we like to believe. Of course the sun and moon are also created from the sparks that fly from the muskelheim and it is also true that both They are in their chariot moving through the sky but whoever makes sure that they do not fall and who directs their horses, these are two human children, a boy and a girl, who were so beautiful and their father was so proud of them that he called the daughter Sun and the son Moon.
They thought they ate too much and decided to take the children from the proud father. Since then, the daughter has to drive the outside of the sun chariot and the son the moon. horses That's not easy because they are both always in a hurry and there are always two wolves chasing them. They want to grab them and devour them; They are not ordinary beasts, they are children of an old living troll. Far to the east, in the Eisenholz Forest, this woman has brought many other giants into the world and all of them are in wolf form to this day.
The sun and the moon have won the race with their pursuers and we can only hope so. Keep it up. The only question that remains is where the wind comes from. It also emerged from the troll family, but it does not belong to the wolf children but has the shape of a huge eagle. Lives in the far north and as soon as. It rises into the air and flaps its enormous wings, storms and pots and pans fly everywhere. In reality, the world was already practically over. Of course, there were constant arguments between rabbits and trolls, but sometimes it calmed down.
The other overcame the old enmity and then there were passionate loves and thus the night arose. Even Odin didn't mind hugging a troll woman from time to time because there were also beautiful ones in Jutonheim, where the trolls were. They are at home Girls, but above all giants are dangerous creatures that cannot be trusted, especially people have to be careful with them because who can face a giant? He is also Odin, so he decided not to build a castle for the sake of it. of the town somewhere at the end of the world but there in the middle the chief of the gods ordered a construction site to be cleared, but one question made the hare's head break.
Bricks and beams had not yet been invented where there was a. material that was strong enough to build a castle reminiscent of the Aesir remembered the creation of the world and then remembered something they had thrown away at that time because they thought it was of no use: these were the eyebrows and eyelashes. of the first giant, which were as thick and stable as the best beams he took. It wasn't long before the castle was finished, a large wall surrounded the district called Midgard and it became home to the people there they could feel safe. Of course, the Aesir did not think about associating too much with people, they would like to live near them.
But not in the same house, that's why they built a particularly magnificent castle on top of Mitggard which they called Asgard and that's why. that it was very clear that we had the word here, they put a big and shiny bridge between their fortress and the human world, it's called Frost and that means something like the shaking path that people call them the rainbow, only the Aesir they can roam. over this bridge because the red in the rainbow is flaming fire this is how you keep uninvited guests away modestly you cannot call it how the gods have organized themselves In Asgard there are many magnificent houses and banquet halls and it is clear that the most beautiful The castle belongs to Odin.
It is golden inside and out and is located right in the middle. Odin has his high seat here. When he sits on the throne he can see the whole world. He sees that the earth is round, of course not. Like a ball, but like a great disk with circles lying one within the other like the annual rings of an old tree, foaming to the outside, the great ocean at the very edge of the earth lies Jotunheim and oiled where the giants or The trolls are at home inside with a garden where people live in the very center of Asgard, the Aesir have settled in and in the middle lives Odin, who has built his castle on a large meadow.
Where the gods have planted their court tree, the crown of the Yggdrasil ash tree rises to the sky and its evergreen branches spread across the world. Odin could be happy. He hasn't prepared everything wonderfully, but sometimes he worries because he sees all kinds of things that worry him, for example about the albums where these strange creatures come from. He doesn't remember how the rabbits created them. The only thing that is clear is that they were with them. They are related to trolls and dwarves, perhaps even making common cause with them. He has to notice that albums sometimes secretly climb the walls ofMidgard.
Black albums with thousands of different clothes, they sneak among the people, then they say that at night they would have seen ghosts or more monstrous underground creatures with claws and tails, these are the helmets that are there. Sometimes they lure people into deep caves. the land to keep them prisoners and marry them. Others are ARGE child thieves. They often change the crib for newborns and leave the mother a change ball. Odin knows that this is not just his imagination, he knows it, he knows the. powers of darkness and their powers of transformation and it is clear that they can multiply like rabbits if you let them do what they want, but not only the black Alps but also the white ones, these are friendly spirits, even among the Hulls.
There are many who are happy to come to the aid of the people they honor, but not even Odin understands everything that is in the world, what kind of beings are those that he did not create? Where do they come from? When he turns his gaze southward, towards the house of glowing muscles, he does not overlook the fact that there is also a village of strange beings that burn like living torches, but that is nothing that scares them even more. He realizes that there. There are other gods in the world besides what they call themselves who warn and live in a castle.
The truth is that they seem to be peaceful gods who mainly care about plants and animals. They also help farmers with their work. With the albums they know, that wouldn't be so bad, but Odin sometimes wonders if the world has room for two gods. Who knows if that can work well in the long term. Odin thinks you always have to wait. The worst thing, perhaps one day it will turn out that these warnings can be dangerous and that is why he gathers the Aesir around him and tells them that we have to be prepared for anything, if there is war, the carefree life in Asgard is over and then it ends. just.
It's all over for us, it's you. It wasn't ready yet because the world was young, everything had to be learned and tried first, the birds had to practice for a long time until they could sing as well as they do today and the bees still didn't know exactly how to get honey, fly , swimming, running, everything had to be learned, life was not yet fixed and stagnant, everything could change and people little by little discovered what they were capable of: for love and loyalty. but also because of hatred and betrayal - who was a friend and who was an enemy - that was not always easy to decide.
The time was full of uncertainty and curiosity, for example people did not understand why a man could not have many wives and Women also didn't take loyalty too seriously and didn't know if they should stick to one or not. He was more fun with several, the same with the gods. Odin's wife, Frigger was the first and most distinguished among the goddesses, with whom he also had his first-born son, the ball, but that did not stop him from getting involved with other women, his second son fathered the thunder god Tor with a troll woman, although there was an ancient feud between Asgardians and giants, but you can also fall in love with an enemy, why not?
Maybe that's even more exciting. Back then there were also deserters, for example, those parents were giants. She befriended Odin early on and moved to Asgard. , the castle of the gods Yes, it was quite a wasted time, it must be said that Odin was also restless, there were so many things that he did not know and that was very unpleasant for him since he was the tallest of all. He probably wanted to get to know the gods of the world he ruled very well, so he went on a trip and so that no one would recognize him right away, he dressed in a thousand different ways, talked to animals and people, to trolls and fortune tellers, wherever he found them, they created the world, he told himself that he had to understand it too.
He ventured into the land of the giants to Jotunheim. He had heard that someone who was said to be him lived there. The most intelligent of all creatures. This troll was called Mieme. He was a hermit who kept away from the other giants and the path to his abode was full of dangers. What did Odin care about such obstacles? Did he want to know where Mime got his wisdom from? and when he visited him he saw the troll drinking from a spring. That was more secret than water. This fountain makes everyone who drinks from it become a little wiser than before.
I also want to drink from your fountain, said Odin. Mime replied: Who are you and who invited you? I'm just an ordinary homeless man. Odin said no. He wanted everyone to know who he was. This fountain is not for every wandering bum. Then Mime shouted, I'm the only one who can drink from it. Odin tried first with promises, but Meme said: what can a guy like you promise me that I didn't have? And when I changed Odin for threats, he. she laughed at him. Now you have to know that Odin was still a very young god at that time who lacked self-confidence, he was not entirely sure of his omnipotence and did not have the feeling that perhaps he was the smartest Mime that he saw. through me, he thought, and he was making fun of me, but it wasn't because he suddenly kept growling.
Give me one of your eyes. Odin couldn't believe what he heard. Drink from my fountain all you want. But if Odin did not want to be dissuaded by the demands of the Mimes, there was never anyone in heaven or on earth as eager for wisdom and knowledge as he. Without a moment's hesitation, the stranger. He put out one of his eyes, lay down at the spring and drank; then he dropped it. Mime had scales in his eyes and she understood who he was dealing with. After all, he was the smartest among the giants. This was no ordinary homeless man.
This was a god and Mime decided to join Odin and become his friend and advisor. Mime's spring lay under a huge root of the tree. Why don't you cut this root? She asked Odin, then it is more convenient to drink from him, where do you think you are? Don't you know that it is not just any tree from which this spring draws its water? It is the world grayling ytrasil that has three roots, one here where you now sit, the second in Nippelheim, far away in the northern mists, and the third, the third. where I come from Odin said to all the goddesses of Asgard then understand that you are not allowed to touch the roots of this tree because it is sacred and woe to all of us if you do it someone is suffering something, my friend, if you want to understand the world there is To know what Yggdrasil is about, Odin takes that very seriously and when he returned home he lay down on the great meadow and looked up and saw that the ash of the world resembles a pillar on which the sky rests, but he also noticed that in its crown and under its branches lived all kinds of animal dwellings from the molasses that dripped from its leaves, the bees, which were harmless, but from the four deer that jumped between the strong branches.
Could you not tell ? Is that because they tear off the leaves and gnaw the fresh shoots? An intelligent eagle nests in the tops of the ücktrasil and a falcon has perched between his eyes and that is not all, Odin also heard them talk about the great serpent Nike in his house. Faraway Niffelheim is at one of the three springs, it is said to have settled at the root where it gnaws and gnaws and who knows how long the ash tree will be able to withstand this, so Odin began to ponder what would happen if the tree rotted or If someone He wondered if he would fall, but he also hesitated to change what he didn't understand or destroy what he didn't like.
He preferred to try to protect and guard what seemed good and loved to him. Above all, he had to do it. It guards its own fountain that originates in the center of Asgard, the fresh water from it feeds a pond in which two swans swim and three powerful women called the rules protect them. The place would then land well for us, which determines good and good. As soon as Odin will be the first to water the Norns abundantly every day, the root of all, so that the great ash tree never rots, he also ordered, to demonstrate it ecologically, that from now on the Aesir would sit on it.
The spring to be able to follow his advice. This was also urgently necessary because the values ​​of peace would not appear one day in Asgard. Odin was not willing to receive them but he was and is the god of hospitality and that is why he had no other option. but sticking to her own laws Gulwald was the name of the unwanted guest, greed shone in her eyes, gold and wealth were the most important thing in the world for her and with this love for gold she also tried to infect everyone. If not, how can you be happy if you don't have any treasure?, he drooled, those were strong words that also impressed the Aesir, some of them were already thinking about going out to look for loot, but Odin finally saw where this would go. lead and warned his people without this witch, saying that the world would be a better place, we have to get rid of her, then the iron gulikes grabbed them, targeted them with their spears and threw them into the fire, but the witch was hard When the flames went out, she stood up again and was as alive as before.
The rabbits tried three times to throw her into the pyre, but each time she rose fresh and happy from the fire. This for you because Gulwald was an extremely cunning troll woman and she could do magic with the rabbit, but it was not possible to deal with black magic. Her power lay not in deceiving and lying, but in creating something new. laughing contemptuously at Gulwald, and since then he wanders the world under a thousand false names and masts and slanders people everywhere, causes discord among people and rejoices every time he destroys another friendship or starts a family dispute.
She first headed to Weinheim to meet the unknown gods who lived there. In moving words, she described to them the cruelty she had to endure in Askar. They were outraged, perhaps the witch sympathized with him because, as they say, they themselves enjoyed the art of magic. In any case, Gulwald knew how she had to do it against the Aesir. It may be true that she said rabbits created the world, but that doesn't mean they should rule everyone. The others always have the big voice as if one of us had nothing to say. These speeches pleased the real people who have been talking about it for a long time they were upset because I didn't care about anyone, you were right, they screamed. , we are tired of playing second fiddle so they can't deal with us, let's build an army and show those of Asgar who are the strongest in this world and that can be done.
Don't say the election twice, but Odin doesn't miss what's going on in the world so easily. From his position he noticed how the roads were prepared for battle. From afar he saw them approaching with their horsemen and ordered his men to prepare in front of the walls. From Asgard, the two armies met, for a moment they were face to face, then Oli no longer hesitated and threw his spear into the crowd of enemies. At first it seemed as if they had just started. They had the advantage, they had the strongest curses that the Asgardians cast at them, but that was just part of their magic tricks.
Some used invisibility cloaks, others tricked the attackers into not even being there when the rabbits attacked them. They only found stumps of dead trees that they even crashed against the walls of the castle of the gods. They trembled under the spells and here and there the wars managed to break into the fortress and advance towards the great meadow, but in the long run the machinations of the wars were not rival for the strength of the Aesir and the attackers were put to flight by the army of the wars. The gods drove them before them into their own territory and now began the looting and pillaging in Wahnheim that brought tears to the eyes of the Odin brothers fell, but the old witch Gulwike did not survive either.
The warning values ​​turned sour and the longer the war went on, the more the combatants had to realize that neither. Which side would win if no one put an end to this madness, the whole world would soon be on fire, so the leaders decided to negotiate and a meeting of the envoys was organized and after a long tug of war they called a truce as a promise. of peace, they exchanged hostages who warn Sanden that one of their best men was delivered to Asgard Nord and brought with him a free and freer son and daughter for this the Aesir Hune had to send one of their own Send to Weinheim and Mime the smartest of all the trolls Odin's friend had to accompany him Odin wanted to end the argument once and for all, so he ordered that Weinheim's three hostages be treated as guests and even gave them a place on the council of the gods .
Now he said They should have the same rights and obligations that all of us have and belong to us in return, they will warn Hune that the decision of their chief Odin was wise because in this way the Aesir learned many things that they did not know about their opponents, such as things how things are in Weinheim and what strange customs prevail there. For example, during elections there was still the custom for brothers to marry each other. Nord was one of those who had impregnated his own sister, and therefore the free and the free were more closely related to each other than other people. heard about the magical arts of elections New York learned to control the wind, the sea and the fire.
If he wants, he can evoke fishing luck and safetyin hunting and is even more powerful than his father because he. He can do good and bad weather and he is master of it. Everything that grows in this way brings prosperity and peace to those it values, but the most charming and dangerous of deceptions is its sister, no one in the world is more beautiful than her, she drives a car pulled by two cats and when they fly When she wants, she turns into a falcon when she cries, she forgets tears of pure gold, but above all she is the goddess of love and all the powers that dominate the world.
In the lives of gods and people, love is the strongest. . The Aesir and she heard all this could not get enough of these new wonders. Odin memorized everything she heard, but so did Loki, the giant's son, who had formed a blood brotherhood with him. He pricked up his ears Loki is an extremely handsome troll, but you can never completely trust him because he is cunning and evil, he secretly still has it with the giant clan but Odin has played dumb with him from the beginning and he trusts. His soft tongue Loki knows the art of twisting words and turning everything to his favor.
He is no stranger to the art of magic, but what he has now learned from the delusions makes him even more dangerous. The first person he knew in the evil of him. He was the firstborn of Tor Odin, who had inherited almost none of his father's intelligence, but, no matter how simple he was, Loki considers himself an easy victim and, on the other hand, he has a bad temper and finds it difficult to control himself. He does not lack a sense of justice. He likes to protect the weak when someone does them injustice. Every time the giants invade Midgard to harass the people, the door is there.
To help you, trolls are right to quit. They fall victim to him and flee because Tor is big and strong and when he puts on the belt his strength doubles. He hates betrayal and withdrawal games. That's probably why Luki just chose him to provide a sample of his deception. They sleep peacefully because they know that Heimdal, the god who lives at the foot of the Rainbow Bridge, is watching. He needs less sleep than a bird and can see if it's day or night from a hundred miles away. He has such good ears that he can hear not only the grass but also the wool growing on the sheep.
No enemy can approach the walls of Asgard without Heimdall noticing, but this time the enemy is not coming from outside. The black-faced man who sneaks away. From house to house he is one of their own. He now approaches a huge building that has 450 rooms. Tor built this house with his arrogance, but today he is not sleeping in his bed, he has gone out to fight the giants. The lights are off and everything is silent. The intruder tiptoes through the hallways and looks through the keyhole in each room. He finally finds what he was looking for. The moon shines through the window and in its faint glow. he sees Thor's wife there.
She is lying down, her long, soft hair falling over the edge of the bed. The black-clad man smiles, then becomes so small that he enters Sief's room through the keyhole. He comes home once again he has defeated the giants. He now he is tired and he wants to sleep, he calls her, love her, let me in, but she doesn't answer him, he hears her crying and he is so hot that he. he immediately slams the door open. Do not look at me. His wife asks him to please not look at me and hides under the blanket impatiently.
He lifted the roof and what he saw filled him with rage because he had such. wonderful hair that even the goddess of love was jealous, Karl was like a doll in his entire head, who did that, she turns intimidated, I know. She doesn't say it, I fell asleep and when I woke up she started crying. I, you can even guess who it might have been and he guessed correctly because at the same time Loki is sitting with his friends and bragging, oh, I was more than welcome with them. He didn't mind having many visitors in his bed.
No wonder, say Luki's friends, Tor is almost never home, but the laughter quickly fades because now Tor is standing at the door, his eyes shining and always threatening to calm down with his fist raised, screeching Loki, you. You will understand a little joke or not. Tor attacks him and it seems like he wants to break all his bones. At the last moment Loki's cronies get in his way. I'll kill you if you don't get his new hair. Call Tor and try to break away I promise, whining Toki high and holy I'll give your legs new hair and I immediately want it to be even more beautiful than the one you cut yes yes yes and Loki just give me a few days he's there.
Strangle Loki's kelo, the perpetrator runs away, don't try to force yourself, scream, follow him, otherwise you might experience something, I will find you everywhere and if you hide in the gluten of muskelheim, how will Loki get out of the noose? Oh, that Guy is never left without a bike, he heads to the black alves that live underground, the chain of routes from before and knows his way around the caves and grottoes. . The only ones who can help him are the dwarves because they understand the art of blacksmithing, I need threads made of gold, thousands of long, fine threads like human hair, that's what the dwarves say, because because my. wife answers Loki lost his hair in a fire and I want to give him new ones but that's a lot of work the dwarves answer and in general why should we help you but Luki always knows an answer just imagine how famous you can become in Asgard if you do What I ask of you, you have to be good with rabbits because they are very powerful, especially Odin, you must consider him as Winning, a friend and protector.
The dwarves have already begun their work, you can hear them Hemmann everywhere and in an incomprehensibly short time they have finished forging a thousand gold threads Now they are murmuring incantations and magical ways. Your wife just needs to put the golden rooster on her head, they assure Loki. He will stay stagnant and continue to grow but Loki will not. but satisfied with his arrogance, he asks the dwarves for a few more favors. No matter how fast you are, it certainly won't be a big problem for you. The thing is, I don't want to be left without some gifts.
Asgar, don't you know one or two more tricks by which you can ingratiate yourself with the gods? No matter how kind they are, the dwarves get to work again. First they forge a spear. The opponent says that it is not an ordinary weapon. Spear can. There is no sign or wall that stops him and he always hits the target. Don't have an idea to travel by sea? Ask Lucky the Insatiable, why don't you say that the dwarves are building a ship that can sail? not only in the water but also on land Make it so that it always has a tailwind They say there is Blattner and although it is big enough to carry all the rabbits and their weapons, you can fold it like a cloth and put it in. your pocket when you no longer need it Loki says it will be wonderful to cause a stir in Asgar, thank you very much for your help and he is already on his way home a few caves later, he passes another workshop and listens to two dwarves playing there. and Mr.
Brock and Sinner are brothers and among blacksmiths they are famous for their art, what does it matter? I'll try again, think of my luck. Loki enters and shows the two his treasures. He's probably never seen anything this good before, he just looks at what your cousins ​​have managed to achieve. Dwarves like you will never, ever be able to keep up. So I want to make my head fat. The two brothers scream as if they came from one mouth. They don't know us well, but we can whisper to each other what they can do and disappear into the forge.
Loki has to wait outside, Bruck asks. a plague, it may be true, but we are worse blacksmiths than our fathers, we cannot sit still, my sinner, and what have we to lose, Bock says so well, for all I care, we will be saved. Loki the blacksmith sits down to work and listens to his conversation. I'm excited to see what they come up with. He thinks he better keep an eye on them so they don't do any mischief and turns around. he turns into a tiny mosquito, flies into the dark forge and sits against the wall. He sees that there is gold there, he cuts them into small pieces, puts them in the forge and puts a large pigskin on them, I have to get some. air, he says, you're crazy, be careful with the bellows for so long that the fire doesn't go out, as soon as there's pressure, there's just no pressure, a mosquito steps on his arm and it tickles and itches, damn it.
The beast screams, but he does not allow himself to be disturbed and when his brother returns they take his work out of the forge and see that he has turned into a large pig. A boar is then forged with bristles of pure gold. a strong gold ring on the arm so that women can also have something beautiful. He says that the third and last masterpiece was not made of gold but of iron. It's hard work, he has to spend a lot of time hammering until he can throw the block. In this heat, to Hesse. If you sweat to the bone, I have to go outside.
He asks his brother to guard the bellows as long as possible, but for him to be careful if he stops even for a moment. wait, all the work will be in vain and the annoying mosquito will be there again this time. He sits right between Brook's eyes when stabbing her hurts so much that the dwarf lets go of the bellows for a moment to scare her away. Of all times, a sinner comes again, I didn't tell you to be careful, he takes out the workpiece with annoying care. “Eat what was nearby,” he mutters, “we could have almost knocked it out, but luckily he just hit it.” the shaft, it's a little short, but otherwise it's a hammer that has no equal, oh, you're done, Loki says in his best innocence as Brock and Sinder leave the forge, but that's quick, he smiles as Sina tells him.
He takes everything, but that's a nice little hammer and now you disappear, the Indians say, and you, Brock, take the hammer, the ring and the boar and follow him to Asgard, the gods will decide who won the bet and I'm sure you'll make This guy is a head shorter. From afar, the watchman can see Loki coming. Tor can't wait to punish him for what he did to Sief and summons the gods and sits on his throne and when Loki appears. a cheerful smile, with the dwarf in his entourage, the atmosphere is icy You will be amazed at the great gifts I bring with me, he boasts of six wonderful things I have treated the dwarves for many good words like you, fool. , when you don't have golden hair and you need it, murmur, only speak while you still have a tongue.
Old liar, he explains to the Aesir with a frown the bet he and Sinn have made with Loki. about his primary calling, but who should decide? If the dwarves are right, the gods decide Odin's Gate and should have the final say in this matter, but first Loki shows what else he has brought with him, he wants to do good things with The Judges and their prey really make a big impression on the dwarves. rabbits. Gühne throws it, which never misses its target. Loki gives it to Odin, who is excited, the wonderful ship becomes boring, he gives it to him for free, and the second judge is delighted. , only Gate is still lying there, threatening outright, then Loki takes the golden hair out of his pocket and as soon as he handed it to her, he put it on her head and it's already grown and Tor has to admit that she has never looked more beautiful and now He is talking to your bet.
Odin Brock steps forward and shows the Aesir his gold ring, explaining that his name is Graupner, but you guessed it, I don't even know how valuable it is because overnight. From this ring come 8 rings of the same size. This is a gift from my brother to Odin. Then he shows the golden boar. His name is gul-bristle and he is faster than the fastest horse. through it Air and running on water and wherever it runs there will never be darkness, its bristles shine so bright, its bristles are free, our gift to you, finally take out the hammer, the meaning that forged it is a goal for you, It is harder than diamond and wherever you take it, it will always come back to you, only you throw the hammer very far and catch it again.
Now Tor is happy with his new toy, oh, that's not all. If you want, you can also hide the hammer. All you have to do is let it disappear in your hand, so it does in front of the goal. I can't wait to try this powerful new weapon. The name asks Odin The name of the hammer is mühelner, says Bruck and bows before the king of the gods which of these gifts is the most beautiful. The choice is difficult in Asen. Loki gets scared and intervenes, the hammer definitely isn't it, he says it is. Just looking at the shaft, it is too short, but Odin Tor and Frei have a different opinion, they know that Myllner is the best protection against attackers that the Aesir could wish for.
The gift box is unbeatable. Loki would rather object to what's inside. "If you kill me, you can't do anything with a skull, wouldn't you rather have a lot of gold? I'll pay you all the reward you want, we have gold too," Brock then says. Loki tries to get out of the way to do it but Tor is on guard and catches the culprit so he calls Loki if necessary then just take my head just the neck and you can't touch the neck because we're not betting on that. The way the laughter ate once again Loki managed to get his head out of the noose, only Brock is angry, damn lies, he curses with his tongue and in no time he has taken peace from him and a leather strap from his pocket. of the. and he's using it to sew the astonished Loki's lips shut - that's almost as bad for him as if his head and neck had cost him money because without his mouth loose he's lost the gods mock him and Loki runs home angry?
What happens? "You," his wife asksSiegin, but he only lets out an incomprehensible moan that she calls her own. Both sons approach and together they remove the leash from his lips, but it hurts, it's a shame how they treated you, Siegin complains, when You are so smart and so capable, you are actually the smartest among the rabbits, not even Odin can match you. It's true, Loki grumbles and wipes the blood from his lips, but my time has yet to come and then I will pay them back. Peace between the Asgardians and Warns lasted for a long time, but one day it will come to an end.
Something big and bloody will cross the wall into Asgard, thrown there, there is a head rolling across the great meadow. The head of the goods has been cut off and no one knows why, perhaps because he was an old friend of Odin, the king of the Aesir picks it up and rubs it with an ointment made of herbs. He knows those incantations that are too correct, so currently Odin has He becomes a master of magic and the miracle really happens the head comes back to life Mime opens his eyes opens his mouth and starts talking what happened Odin asks does it look bad Mime's head answers the warning he thinks they made a bad deal when they traded to Jordt freely and more freely to Huhne and me, but this exchange was a promise of peace and the elections themselves elected Hune as their boss, what are they complaining about?
Yes, says mimeskopf, that's all. Precisely this choice they often regretted. At first everything went well and they were glad that the war was over. Well, as far as that goes, he's strong and tall, a real boss, yes, he looks good, no one can deny that, but that's all. What speaks for him are his broad shoulders and narrow hips, except that to govern properly you also need a little intelligence and that is what he lacks. He had you as an advisor, says Mime, he could hardly do anything wrong, of course the head. he responds, but how could I day and night, make sure he doesn't do anything stupid.
While I was there, everything went well, but as soon as he disappeared from her sight, she didn't know what to do. you have to decide for yourself he said how am I supposed to know and he was still educating himself I wonder what you have to know he has gone quite crazy he claims he was the one who created the world with you he supposedly breathed it too the soul in people stupid talk said Odin if they found that too and one day they had warnings tired of following him but then why did they kill you and not him asks Odin I think they wanted to show the world how stupid this chicken is without me no can achieve anything and the meaning of the whole truth is made that goes too far called odinabusst not only do they laugh at Hune, who at least is one of ours, they also attack you, my old friend, yes, the head responds Calmly say that they have made peace with the rabbits, they believe they are better and smarter than you.
They want to have war, they should have war, says Odin and this time we will fight to the end. They are preparing a powerful one. Odin divides his troops into two parts. The largest group led by Door moves by land. He is not the strongest among them, the Hares, but none of them are bold and brazen. Odin himself is at the head of the second troop. He freely chooses the sea route. He borrows the magical ship given to him by the dwarves that sails on both land and water. Delusional descendants can take to the field so they don't have to fight their enemies.
His relatives stay in Asgard to defend the castle in case of emergency. The second war will be harder than the first, but this time the Aesir have better weapons and also in magic they have become equal to the enemy. He is no match for the slaying of the Aesir and retreats to Weinheim. The rabbits attack the besieged fortress again and again, but the walls hold firm until finally dark clouds appear and a strange rumbling noise in the air gives the Aasens another unpleasant surprise. prepared for its enemies, a Vorwerk drawn by two goats rolls thunderously through the sky, its driver is a gate wearing iron gloves, he launches lightning bolts into the fortress with one hand, he drives the magical goats with the other, he hits with his hammer, soon the fortress falls. and the goods are delivered Hune seals the peace and returns to the Aesir but this time the war does not end like the first time this time the wars are finally defeated Odin has no desire to give him a third chance I long ago came to the conclusion that There is no place in the world for two clans of gods.
Jealousy and quarrels must be put to an end, but therefore everyone must be warned, killed, not necessarily all who recognize Odin's rule must remain alive. To accept you into Asgard, He has installed a large bowl and gathers all the surviving Æsir around this bowl as a warning. Everyone has to spit into the bowl as a sign that they are bowing down to Odin. Anyone who refuses must die and so on. It happens that Odin creates a living form from the saliva of the gods a man he calls almost and gives him a tongue goes to the people says Odin tell them about our victory and teach them wisdom because you are created from the spit of the gods He will be so intelligent that no one will be able ask you anything without you knowing the answer now.
A great party is being held in Asgard, the rabbits have every reason to celebrate, only Odin cannot find peace, there is something he has to deal with alone. , so he secretly leaves the banquet hall and rides home with the giants to Yottum. He carries Mime's head under his cape. He searches for the spring where the two first met long ago. He gently rests her head on the moss. I will sleep for a long time at the edge of the well, whispers Mimeskopf, but when someone comes to drink from this spring I will wake up and chase him away because this water belongs only to the two of us, that's how it was and that's how it is. how should he stay I will return says Odin as many times as you want the head responds dead or alive I will always be your friend and advisor so Odin says goodbye to Mime and rides slowly after him Asgard, he is no longer a young god, the first gray hairs are already showing on his beard, he is Odin the One-Eyed Lord of all that swims, crawls and flies and yet helplessness is still in his blood.
There are still many discoveries to be made and many puzzles left. It must be resolved tonight, the Aesir celebrate a festival to welcome Odin. Everyone wants to tell a new story and brag about his exploits. One surpasses the other, but when Loki speaks, everything. He stays silent in the hallway because he knows how to talk about a troll woman he's been dating all spring. She gave birth to three children. The first son is a wolf. He says the second is a snake and the third is a. Girl, she is white on the right side and blue black on the left, everyone has the feeling that this is a bad sign, even Loki's wife Sigin, who puts up with everything from him, feels anxious this time, you really were too far. , she says, but only one of us laughs at Loki.
He's probably never gotten involved with troll women before, he asks who doesn't have kids at home on YouTube, but he can't chase away the awkward atmosphere with his banter. Odin demands that she bring his three children to Asgard so that the rabbits can see what happens to them. That same night, an armed group of Aesir crosses the rainbow bridge, the east gate and the gate being part of the group and Loki. shows them the way. They know very well that the trolls will not give you Loki's three sons of their own free will, so they go straight to the attack, the giants defend themselves as best they can, but they cannot resist Thor's. hammer Soon the rabbits have taken control of the children and drag them with them to Asgard.
They are very strange creatures, neither giant nor human in shape. Fenris, the wolf cub, is terrifyingly large for his age, his jaws look like strong iron claws. Her eyes are reminiscent of typical drill holes, the snake is a terrifying reptile that sprays poison and as for the Hehl girl, no one has ever seen a child with such a cold face and such greedy eyes, no wonder, my children Loki asks and laughs. triumphantly, but the Aesir would like to kill their offspring immediately. Their bank was a disgrace to Asgard, they say, and who knows if they will not bring ruin upon us, but Odin reminds them of an old promise, not all of you.
He promised that Asgard should be a holy and free state. This law applies to all who come to us, whether we like them or not. There must be ways to get rid of these three monsters. Murmurs of the Rabbits Odin decides to ask the Norns for advice and what place he has. say more powerful enemies than these have ever nested in the walls of Asgar one day they will place themselves at the head of all the powers of darkness I see blood says who then the second of the Norns asks for hers or mine Odin to which the seer he doesn't want to answer but odin is persistent and repeats his question then says skuld the third the wolf fenriss will devour you one day and lowers his gaze odin will soon have his fists and what if i kill him right now while he is still a puppy no one can change his destiny the norns whisper and that is all Odi does not get when he returns to Asgar he is as wise as before he knows that the norns see life as a great web the threads of the destiny of all creatures are intertwined with those Of all the Others Odin has great respect for everything they say and would never say it to his people.
He openly disobeys the advice because he has learned to be careful with everything that he does not understand, but at the same time he has not lost hope that his will can change something. He believes that there is always a way out, so he sends him into exile in northern Niffelheim, where he is always dark, cold and foggy. There she will rule the kingdom of the dead. she throws the snake into the depths of the ocean. Only the wolf boy will remain as Asgar so that the rabbits can keep an eye on the monster. They leave the crack of the window like a wild dog running freely in the castle of the gods.
He is so dangerous that not even his father Loki dares to approach him. The only one who dares to feed the fan crack is Door Trigger's wife. He doesn't like that, why don't you send him to the end? of the world where he can do no harm she asks him Odin has told him what the rules have entrusted to him now he shakes his head and answers if this wolf is part of my destiny then there is no use keeping him away, I would rather have him close and then I'll see what he does and let Odin know that not even the gods live forever, but unlike ordinary mortals, they know what they can do to stay young.
They become attached to Iduna. This goddess has a cry that she guards the most valuable of all the treasures in Asgar. They are her magical apples, whoever bites them will become many years younger in a short time without Iduna's apples, while the Aesir have long since turned gray because they have lived much longer than everyone else. beings in the world, but what will happen if one day all its apples? Unfortunately, Iduna has forgotten where she got this treasure from. She cannot find her way to the tree that bears this fruit again, so the Aesir have become very careful.
They only bite off a small piece of the apples, and Odin also uses them sparingly; He often has to think about death because he knows how easily he can be killed by a spear or an ax or by the sharp fingers of a predator. How many times has he had to see one of the gods die, whether in battle or by misfortune. They are powerful, the Aesir, but they have done everything. For example, love reigns among the gods and among men and yet Odin saw how she cried desperately with her hands and tears of pure gold when her first husband betrayed and abandoned her.
She can help others, but she herself does not stay. only for their pain Love forgives no one is omnipotent, Odin knows that even if he cannot accept it, every time this thought crosses his mind it is as if he is dancing on a red-hot iron. He wants to understand everything. and be able to do it all. That is his strength but also his curse. Winter drags on. In the great prairie, the fenriss wolf wanders under the snow. Every day it becomes stronger and more dangerous. What terrible children, says Loki, shrugging his shoulders Odin keeps an eye on the wolf, but prefers to look at him The great tree of the world seems shaven that always remains green Summer and winter no storm can bring it down no frustration the wind tears off the leaves.
From the second day and night Odin reflects on what Mimi once whispered in his ear. Whoever wants to understand the world has to understand what it really means to live. What does it mean to die? That's what Odin wants to know one morning. rises, the Æsir see a terrible sight. The father of the gods has stuck a spear in his ribs and has climbed into the branches of Ytrasil, where he now hangs on a gallows as on a gallows, the more free he runs and wants to take. Put him down, leave me alone, call Odin, I don't want to talk to any of you and I need to eat and drink again, so he stays there doing more than I live for nine days and nine nights in pain.
He is blind. He only sees everything that happens around him through a red fog, but in the distance, beyond the suffering, other places and other worlds shine. He has reached the limits of reality. He oscillates between lives in the great ash. tree and death no one has sought wisdom like Odin, he cannot learn anything more from the living, now he seeks help from the dead, they pursue him, known and unknown, those who recentlyThey left life and others who left it a long time ago. He meets his own parents, the giants who lived before the world was created, Odin calls them, asks them, speaks to them and the old man answers him, he learns that everything has a name and that all those names mean something.
The person takes the time to listen to them, he learns to carve runes, mysterious and powerful drawings, to cut wood and stone, he also learns 18 powerful magical songs with which he can put out all fire and break all ties and chains, he can bind the storm and steal the senses and minds of the evil witches who tame the sea. He can dull the enemies' weapons and stop the flying arrow in the air. Magical songs can help him in love and celebrate him against worries and illnesses as he descends. of the tree ygt rasil has become the true father alpha the most powerful of all King of the dead and the living and yet he says that none of this is enough, that no one can give enough because his restlessness has remained with he.
He knows that he will never feel calm and safe, but he will remain silent about it. Meanwhile, the fenriss wolf is like this. He has grown so much that it would be dangerous to let him run free. He has learned too. He now laughs at the gods because the rabbits hardly dare to leave the house without guards and unarmed. He mocks them twice. The Aesir have huge chains forged the first time, they acted as if they just wanted to test the monster's strength. Fenriss allowed himself to be chained without a fight, but as soon as they tied him he broke his chains in two.
On the second attempt they forged a much stronger chain. If you jump you will become famous all over the world, they said. to flatter him and so he let himself be tied by the head and limbs but then he pressed his paws against the ground and let go so that the heavy iron limbs Through the swirling air, good advice costs throughout Asgard, there is no one in all of Asgard that could forge an even stronger chain and the wolf hasn't fully grown yet. The Aesir see only one way out. They have to seek help from the Downworlders again, so Odin sends one of them to Freier's servants. the dwarves to make things go faster and lend him their boar bristles, which is faster than any horse.
He also runs through water and through the air and his bristles shine so brightly that it never gets dark around him, which makes everything go faster. The dwarves, happy with Odin's gifts and signs of his friendship, we will be happy to help you, they say, and immediately begin to forge a very special chain that is made up of the roots of mountains, the tendons of bears, the . the saliva of birds, the breath of fish, the beard of women and the noise of the cat's paws this chain is smooth and soft like a silk ribbon since today women no longer have beards the mountains do not They have roots and the cats come The Æsir advance in silence, very impressed by the work of the dwarves, they lure the wolf to an island in the lake and show him the chain, he is stronger than he seems.
They say we tried to break it with our hands, but none of us did. We are strong enough to do that. Only you can do that, but the Fenris wolf is suspicious and he doesn't want to try any of that. He said that breaking up a thin band would hardly bring me much fame, maybe there is a list behind this. , otherwise you probably wouldn't have drawn me here, but I won't let that happen to me. You weren't so afraid before, the rabbits responded. You have the strongest iron chains like broken straws and now you are writing.
By the way, if you fail to jump the chain, we would no longer have to fear you and we will untie you immediately. If I could free you from this ridiculous bond, then you would. They will certainly be the last to let me go, but whatever the case, no one should accuse me of lacking courage. I only ask that one of you put a hand on my wood as a guarantee that you are not being ambushed. Now the rabbits are there. In a dilemma they look at each other and neither shows much desire to put their hand in the wolf's mouth or not and neither does Tor.
Finally the door comes out. Not the strongest of the rabbits but none of them. That's how big we are here. He has proven himself in many fights and knows that you have to take risks if you want to. He reaches into the wolf's mouth and the fenriss can be tied up. The Aesir laugh. The violence causes the monster to squirm and thrust even harder. As the band wraps around his limbs, he realizes that he is trapped and that the rabbits will never free him again. Only Puerta doesn't laugh because the wolf bites his hand off. The fenriss wolf growls and snaps wildly before stepping forward and stabbing his sword into the monster's throat so that the handle hits the underside. palate but the tip hits the upper palate against this lock of the mouth.
The wolf can't do anything, he goes to bed, but the old man is terrible and foam comes out of him. Odin looks for the Norns. I won the fight, she. He asked, but the three Norns shake their heads, everything happens as it has to happen, the place we have answers The wolf is tied but Odin intervenes one day he will be free he says who then and gold he added everything is determined in advance you have to pay attention to the names each name means something Odin doesn't know what to do with this wheel you forgot that sometimes they call you rück among people ask place and this name means the terrible and the word Brazil means something like horse if you put these two names together what comes out büktrasil then he says one and that means Odin's horse you don't even know how you hung yourself on the ash tree, you can say that you rode it and the tree was waiting for you to leave it meaning and meaning, but you didn't do any of that, stop shout Odin, I don't want to know anything about it, he tells me.
Rather, why am I there when everything is determined in advance? Who I am? I that, you are good, the three Norns whisper, you are the one who fights, the one who never gives up and the one who will win, shouts Odin, pale with anger, but the Norns smile alone and in silence, he has barely arrived home when Odin Heimdall calls upon the rabbit guardian who guards the rainbow bridge between Midgard and Asgard. He needs less sleep than a bird and sees equally well day and night. He is very majestic and tall and has teeth of pure gold.
Strong are the forces of darkness, says Odin, you know this better from your post, you see every day how trolls watch us. Home, you nod and, what's worse, he says that they are as numerous as the sand by the sea and they. There are more and more, with rabbits it is different, says Odin, there are few of us who eat and we do not have as many children as they do. How is this going to continue? One day the giants will feel strong enough. attacking us It will be a bad day for Midgard and Asgard responds that they cannot expect much support from the people.
Most of them are weak and afraid. Something more urgent needs to be done. to go to Midgard Not all people are ducks with them. At best, the gods have to mix their blood with their wives so that they have as many children as possible. We need many strong and brave warriors. That's why Heim doesn't have to say it twice. To become kin, Odin now orders the construction of a new house in Asgard. It will be a guest house for the warriors that Heimdall will one day bring and will have 640 doors. and each door must be so wide that 960 men can enter through it at the same time.
He demands that the roof be covered with golden shields. He also gives the house a name. Valhalla must be called while the Aesir undertake the great work. , Odin steps aside. He sits alone on his throne and looks out at the world. He sees that Loki's horrible daughter now rules as a queen over the corpses and the worm-eaten corpses. He sees the slime flowing from the mouth of the. Fenriss Wolf has become widely mainstream. He also sees that the third of the brothers, the snake, has grown so large that it can spread. It can go around the world and bite its tail because in this way it covers everything.
Now he is called a garden serpent, the whole world fears his poison, the whole world is surrounded by malice, Odin thinks, but in the distance he also sees Heimdahl. Hurry, think, and soon the fists will bring us wars because we never give up, never when it's time to eat, Odin sits at the table with the other gods but he has no appetite, I don't need anything, you claim he just doesn't want the came on his shoulders, sits Hugin and Moonin the crows and at his feet lie two wolves named Geri and Frege. They are both called Odin and are now popular and wag their tails like dogs.
Odin can afford to face fate and laugh because he didn't prophesy it to him. He would be a wolf that would one day kill him, the highest of the gods, but he is not a happy laugh and the others noticed that his face darkens when he thinks about it. Meanwhile, all kinds of things are happening in Asgard. Spring has arrived and the great prairie is blooming. A young woman walks barefoot on the soft grass, sings to herself and picks the first flowers. She is Iduna, her husband is Brake, the god of poetry, but everyone in Asgard knows that Iduna.
She is not ready to get married. She is very careful when making love to others, but she always seems like an innocent child, she doesn't ask questions, she doesn't blame her or try to change her because she has a precious treasure, the most valuable. There is one in Asgar, a scream with magic apples. Whoever of them does not age remains always young without Iduna's apples, while the rabbits have long since become toothless and weak from old age. However, magic apples must be taken care of. cautious because unfortunately Iduna is forgetful and simply can't remember where she picked them or found them, which is similar to you because she never knows what she has done before and doesn't care about what awaits her, but there are still enough Iduna Apples for everyone, That is why the Aesir behave as if they were young, exuberant and even conceited, they are in tests of courage and dangerous adventures and are always ready for a flirtation or a new love story.
They become attached to the goddess of love who. She likes to feel sorry for him and supports him with advice and support when it comes to such longings. Only she herself can't help it. She cries every night and she falls asleep, she is in love with her because her OHT husband left her, she doesn't know where. It's and I miss him painfully, it's been a long time since he ran away but she still thinks about him when she hugs someone else closes her eyes and dreams that she is good this spring is even worse than usual free wine tears of pure gold and sometimes she even she forgets to feed her cats the other women visit her in her seat and try to console her three of her friends are particularly versed in the arts of love the first can make a man and a woman fall in love the second can help couples who are prevented to meet due to an adverse circumstance but what good are her gifts she is already in love and no enemy power is to blame that I broke up with her well maybe the third party can do something for her She keeps this loyalty, she knows what I have sworn to all lovers, forgets nothing and can make sure I'm right in every betrayal.
I will punish your husband, she shouts angrily, he has broken his vow and what would he do. To earn the punishment and suffering he has to ask the suitor, I want him back. She is so out of it that she tears off her clothes and meows naked like a cat in heat and wanders comfortingly under the moon while tears fall like a cat. She rains gold on the earth at her feet, even Odin cannot sleep, she thinks about love, about the power she has not only over people but also over the Aesir and the trolls. Like a storm, she falls on everything that breathes and lives.
The fact that it overwhelms people may not be too strange because people are weak and their lives are short but freer. The goddess of love who has lived for thousands of years, how come she can't control this passion? Odin hears her howl and call and. He knows that he hasn't been able to help her either since Iduna disappeared, the Aesir are worried about her and she sees how rigid and rotten they have become. Women stand in front of the mirror and count their wrinkles and gray hair. Finally, Odin's patience runs out and he calls a council meeting where Iduna has gone, what happened What happened to the apples Whoever has seen something like the one who is hiding something from me shouts one of the smaller gods speaks Once I saw Loki with her says she left Asgard with him now Loki is in trouble he tried it for the first time he still denies it but that doesn't help him stop your excuses Odin says where did you take her it wasn't me squirming Loki an eagle stole her I tried to defend her the best I could but the eagle was stronger and what's up I don't know what happened to you and why did you hide this from us because you always need a scapegoat when something bad happens and that's me but the rabbits are not satisfied with that Now he also pretends to be offended, they say that's as far as we can take our arms and legs if you don't understand and if you don't bring Iduna back to Asgar we'll make your head lower.
He sees that she has no choice. I want to find her and bring her back, I promise, she pleads, but that's what I need. The rabbits say the Suitor's wrinkled figure is good, but they don't trust him to cross the road. He walked and accompanied the people who were the owners of the house. She is still looking for her husband. Her abandoned cats are lying in the great room, but her two daughters can help. The dress is and is lent toLuki. She immediately turns into a hawk and flies away. It is a long way to Trümheim, but towards afternoon Loki arrives at the giant's house.
Iduna is alone because Tjaze has gone to sea to fish. He charms the goddess into a nut, grabs her in his claws and flutters upward and carries the screams with the apples in his beak, but it's not long before Jace returns home from his fishing trip and finds the empty house; He immediately understands what has happened. The eagle figure launches itself and follows the strangers, but it is not so easy to catch up with Loki. He has used his advantage and is already within sight of Asgard when the eagle chases after him. The two birds come and the other gods are summoned, they know what to do, they quickly collect wood chips and pile them on the walls of the fortress.
As soon as the fall is secured, Asgar lands as the splinters ignite. The eagle cannot avoid it on its descent and falls into the flames that burn high in the sky, its wings catch fire and the great bird strikes with its sunken feathers in front of the great gate of Astgard. Now it is no longer a trick to grab it and without hesitation the. The rabbits kill him. Now Loki is back to his old self, proud as a rooster crows, he is me, but the smartest of you all, what would you do without me? But no one wants to argue with him, not even Iduna, who, like. always, I can't remember anything and Odin thinks who knows if Loki isn't right, maybe we often blame him.
If something unpleasant happens to us again, everyone in Asgard is happy that Iduna is back and they can eat her apples. Every day, one day, a hunchbacked old woman stands in front of the Rainbow Bridge Bifrost and demands entry. Heimdall wants to scare her away, but the woman doesn't want to give up, she waves her arms wildly and points her finger at her. In the castle of the gods, Heimdall does not understand what he wants because his voice is thin and hoarse like the cry of a bird. The Aesir who are at the top of the wall laugh at the woman and tell her that Heim is funny, she can't do it.
He manages to scare her, then Odin, who heard her noise, joins the audience as soon as he sees the old woman, recognizes who she is, runs across the bridge, takes her on his back and carries her to the götterbrück. , old Jordt also immediately knows who the stranger is and as soon as the cats in the Volkswagen smell her scent, they come running and curl up around her legs because the old lady is freer, the goddess of love, she has wandered for many, many years without tasting Iduna's apples and that is why she has become old and gray, it is a miracle that she is still alive, little by little she comes to her senses and recovers from the many adventures she has lived under foreign names, she has wandered through many countries and has He's been through a lot of things that they don't tell you anything about.
Only one thing is clear: she has searched in vain for her OHT husband, he is lost forever, but although she remains silent about herself, the others whisper and whisper, It is above all the large necklace that she calls briesengang that awakens his curiosity like fire shines and burns he um freiersalz as always, it is Loki who has the big say, not only does he not miss any rumor in Asgard, but he also listens to the talk of the giants and the underground ones betrayed Loki whispers that four dwarves forged her, the suitor came across her forge by chance in his wanderings and as soon as they saw what they were working on, she was already enchanted, the jewels she wanted to have, no matter what the cost, but the dwarves did not want it for their good word and not to give it away for gold and silver because they said that they themselves had enough of that, no, but she did want to keep each of them company. for one night, then we could talk about it and, although the forges were quite ugly and generally harsh, it was ours.
The suitor is so interested in the jewelry that he agreed to the exchange. For four nights he sleeps with the dwarves one after the other. the other and then the corridor belongs to her. Most Aesir are outraged by this story. Only Odin reprimands the one who shoots first. Stein says he knows as well as I do that Freier isn't the only one who has done it. You got involved here and with trolls or dwarves and you, Loki, are truly the last person who would have the right to speak ill of others, you do a good job of keeping your mouth shut.
However, many people step away more freely during this time. However weak and bedraggled she may be, only in Odin's eyes she grows more beautiful and more familiar with each passing day. The two now see each other more frequently than before. Odin has the feeling that she is closer to him than the other rabbits. For her, he has madness in his blood and never tires of fighting for new horizons. Every time she visits a village, she notices that others whisper behind her back. She also knows that Frieda doesn't like to see him when she's away. city, but he still cannot let it pass because he freely understands her, he can tell her her desires, her hopes but also what he fears and what he fears.
They talk about love and. About death, about all the enigmas of this world, there are many things that are difficult to understand. For example, Muskelheim and Niffelheim are the two places older than all the others and that existed long before Odin and his brothers created the rest of the world. , muskelheim with its eternal fire and niffelheim where everything is just ice and fog or öktrasil the world tree that holds the entire earth together with its three roots, the known and unknown parts, but what worries them most is Hehl, Queen of the Dead The Aesir once banished her to the deepest chasms of the north, but there she was found in the desert.
Nestled in the ice, her power has increased since she took control of the realm of the dead. She calls everyone. who dies from illness or old age to her and hers called her carries to the most remote areas. Everyone must obey this voice. They come from all over the world as she calls through deep, dark valleys on the banks of the river of death. The golden bridge leads to the other side, where behind a huge door everything is gray and gloomy. Heel Hall means soaked her table, thirsty for her, her knife, hungry for her, her camp gives view to new places.
It's in her realm and one is colder and wetter than the other. Odin and Freier talk about these things by the fireplace, whose flames cast flickering shadows over the two of them, while the cats snuggle against their legs, purring. You can imagine how greedy this secret is. She has enormous power over the dead, how great. the variety of mindless corpses is, with which he could threaten the rabbits if he wanted and if he dared, Odin regrets not having killed her when she was a child, but also Odin can call the dead if He wants because he is also thinking of rescuing a dead.
One day the two wander through the great meadow and he talks more freely about the secret mission with which he has sent Heimdal to the village: a new race of people. become brave warriors for us, he says that all who fall in battle, all who die by the sword must join our armed forces, we will have fewer fighters than skulls when it comes to war, but the rest will be braver, he shows him Valhalla, the great mountain of lords. that now he is ready to take home Hugin and Moonin as sons, the two crows are back.
They sit on Odin's shoulder and whisper his messages in his ear. He smiles when the seed has sprouted and says now my crows will tell. He tells me that the time has come. He gathers the Aesir around him and explains to them what has happened and what needs to be done. Our warriors still have much to learn. He says I want to share responsibility with one of you. the encouragement of him. Who will he choose? Who will be at his side? One half of the army should stay with me in Valhalla, the other decides, but many eyes are now trained on the tour, others glancing furtively at the door and at Heimdall. but the other half should give orders more freely in Volkwangen.
A murmur of disbelief runs through the ranks of some, disappointment is written on their faces, others cannot hide their bitterness. Loki looks more freely and laughs more freely, he blushes but the king of the. God raises his hand, I have spoken, and it happens, as I said, that the next day a group of young women ride over the rainbow bridge. They wear helmets and armor, shields and spears, their horses move as quickly in water or air as they do on land. They are the Valkyries who intend to survive on the battlefield and decide death wherever there is a fight.
They intervene and select the best warriors to defend Asgar. A new time has begun for him. For both the gods and the people, Odin remains standing on the castle wall until the last Valkyrie disappears behind the clouds. She is freer at his side. She has never seemed more beautiful to him in a very strange way. The winds suddenly hit the world, in winter there is no more snow, summer is rainy, where are the fish in the sea and why is there yellow slime on the beach cliffs, cattle forget to sleep, trees fall or one falls look for the other, these things are happening in Midgard and Jotum and even the gods in Asgard are not saved.
The Aesir are worried. They have gathered at the local well to hold a council, but no one knows an explanation for the disorder that has befallen the world. Odin says every morning under the great world tree and Hugin and Munin their two crows jump from branch to branch. He fears that the laubüktrasils will soon begin to wither, but so far the big ash tree has remained green and juicy. spreads its branches throughout the world, there is still hope for better times, that is what the prophecies say and that is what is written in powerful runes.
Every night Odin remains awake and listens to the wolves howl at the moon. Among his many sons, Baldur is the youngest. He is so beautiful that he almost reminds of a girl. He is also the gentlest and friendliest of all. It's called his farm and he lives there. He planned to be with the most faithful of all women and her son. In the past, some people everywhere made fun of him because he was very careful. They called him weak because he never had much. interest in fighting and arguing He wanted to live in peace with everyone, but now your hopeless gray blanket covers the world like a great yeast, many look at him with new eyes now it suddenly means we have Baldur as long as he is around.
Innocent as a child among us, violence and malice cannot conquer, there is a radiance of He infects this shining god and all who are near him with the friendly expression of him. Even incorrigible liars and schemers remain silent when he comes and lowers his gaze. Odin also wants to protect everything that lives on earth, but he is the person he trusts the most. Sword and his spear when it comes to defending himself from meanness and betrayal. A friendly smile thinks that he has never been able to stop a greedy enemy. you want it that way. peace complains we must prepare for war he said everyone wants to hear this For this reason Baldur was never a son to his liking, but lately the rabbits have increasingly seen the king of the gods riding after a wide look.
Frigger, who always had a soft spot for you and always protected you, is very happy that Odin turns to him, yes, times have changed, Odin, nothing is the same anymore. He sees evil lurking everywhere with sharp, evil eyes. Teeth. He doesn't hurt to be on guard. Odin understands many things, but some things remain a mystery. He now he also wants to know how Baldur thinks with a broad look, lately father and son have been sitting. together more often and for whole nights one word gives another why is Baldur always so pale and exhausted? Is he sick?
They are nightmares in search of a home, he sees the mountains opening as if they had open wounds, he sees burning clouds. He sees a winter that never ends He sees his own name written in blood in the middle of the night He wakes up bathed in sweat and muffles a scream with the blanket He doesn't want others to notice anything, but finally it's too much for him and he has to admit that he is plagued with bad forebodings that he does not like to hear from the Aesir because Baldur was always a figure of light in Asgard and when even he seems dark inside, it is a bad sign.
Frigger is worried too. she moves east and west, north and south, no one should harm Baldur, she wants to make sure he turns over every stone and examines every cave for everything that crawls, runs, flies and swims, she makes a promise to no one from harming Baldur, not even fire and Water, trees and rocks, plagues and diseases, we have to swear high and holy that you will forgive your beloved. The Aesir are relieved and Baldur is happy, although bad dreams still torment him, but what you announce sounds like an empty threat. he may hope that they will soon disappear like a shadow from the sun.
To celebrate his recovery, the gods throw a great party. One of them comes up with the idea of ​​testing destiny because only everyone should serve as a target. throw stones at it and shoot it with a bow and arrow, but all the projectiles bounce off it because you only laugh at the hail, it is invulnerable, the gods applaud, only one person stops and does not join in the shout of joy, one who soon raises his fists and he slips away, Loki, full of envy and jealousy, snorted, why is everyone making such a fuss about Baldur, everyone has taken each other for a fool and what's wrong with me?
The truth is that the two of them never liked each other, but nowLoki has probably lost his mind as old as ever. Disguised as a woman, he goes to see Fringer, what about Baldur? Do they really have everything in the world conspiring to make him gasp? Yes, Frida answers proudly. Loki puts his hands to his head in amazement. Freiger smiles. She is in a good mood because this is a big day for you and she thinks the old woman standing in front of her is quite strange, are you sure? Loki asks. a thin, hissing voice and he bows his head every little bit. "He is supposed to have promised you that nothing will happen to Baldur," Frieda almost says, "only in the Western Wallhals.
There grows a small mistletoe; it seemed so small and unpleasant that it would have been ridiculous to demand of him." an oath, such a small twig thought it couldn't do any harm. Loki goes out to look for the mistletoe, gets lucky and finds it. He immediately breaks the branch and takes it to the big one. meadow where the gods are still at their shooting festival, but one of the rabbits is standing in the corner and not participating in their game. His name is Hut and he is Loki's half-brother. He never played a role in the great wars. and even now he remains in the background-there is a simple reason why Kot is blind and hypocritical asks Log in What's wrong with you, my friend?
Why don't you join everyone in shooting Baldur and you can see that nothing happens to them? well I'm blind and can't see it at all, said dead, oh, Luke whispers in his ear, it shouldn't be missing, I'll show you how to aim, I don't carry a gun, he answers dead, then take this bow and the mistletoe here everything proves because you have honor, you can't stay aside. The blind man shouts gratefully and grabs the bow. Loki moves his arm a little further to the right, a little more. like this and he screams dead, just look at Baldur, now I'm there too because you laugh and extend your arms to him.
Now Loki whispers and Hat releases the cocked side. The arrow hits because you let out a loud scream and. he falls to the ground. The arrow hits him in the throat. Baldur is dead. There is a great silence in the great meadow. The Aesir can't believe their eyes. Only then does misery break out, which they wanted to avoid. It costs, now it has happened, never has a worse misfortune struck gods and people, many surround them to avenge Baldur, some also point to Loki, but Odin intervenes, stops, shouts, this is here a sacred place has already spilled quite a bit of blood. that day Baldur was my dead son he is my son and Loki is my foster brother there is no point in taking revenge I never saw the Aesir so old and tired everything was just a misunderstanding Loki groans and puts his arm around the wooden shoulder none of we wanted this He turns to you with harsh words, Frigger, whom we trusted, you did not assure us that Baldur would not come to any harm.
How were we supposed to suspect that you were so careless and put a bush here and a bush there? Branch forgot to swear to Baldur's salvation. , it's your fault there's a bad ending with Loki's name speaking himself in heat and he's a master at twisting words to suit him. Frigger walks away from him, sobbing, it's fate. One mutters what's supposed to happen, another says no. one can change his fate because you dreamed that it should have been a warning to us, he is dead, Nana mourns his wife, we will never see him again, but then Frigger sits, defiance shining in his eyes, no, she calls, I .
I won't give up, I want him back. Which of you, which of Odin's sons wants to be my sandy soil, who wants to earn my eternal gratitude and ride into the kingdom of the dead? Which of you talks to Baldur and who asks? The lords of the kingdom of the dead, at what price do they free him so that he can return to my home in Asgard, everyone is silent, even Odin hesitates and Tor looks down in shame, but then Helmut, who has always restrained himself, steps forward? . Little has been heard of him, although he is also one of Odin's power-ups.
Although he is a good fighter and famous for his horsemanship, he never tries hard and lets others have the big opinion. He now he says I'm riding for Baldur. Mother of Hehl to the realm of the dead. You just have to give me the best horse there is. The king of the gods nods. Sleipnir orders them to rein him in and saddle his own horse. Helmut mounts the eight-legged stallion and rushes over the Rainbow Bridge like a storm, the echo of Sleipnir's hooves ringing in the hare's ears until, in the depths of the north, Helmut himself greets them with a cautious secret.
Tall and gaunt, one side of his face is pale as. chalk, the other is blue and black like a crow, at the end of the hallway he seems to see two dead people sitting, below are Baldur, Anna, Helmut's faithful wife, says nothing about his concerns. She stays the night and only the next morning does he politely address Hehl to make his request. I know why you came, he says, and what your decision is. The answer is no, but he remembers, the whole world is mourning Balldur Heel. mine frowns The task is not to make the world happy, responds the owner of the kingdom of the dead, what do you have with your Baldur?
It is so important? No one has been as loved as he calls Helmut, we Aesir. He demands that you give it back to us. Heel's eyes darken. When he hears that, he demands something from me, the ruler of death. I wanted to tell you, we beg you, Helmut says quickly, we beg you. He gets up, turns to the two dead men who were sitting there, silent as stones. You hear Baldur plead with the gods. Hehl tells me and now she purrs like a cat. What should we answer? Oh yes, I know how to deal with such supplicants.
She slowly approaches him bravely and looks into his eyes. So well, you should have them all, but only on one condition. Helmut can hardly believe what he hears. He accepts everything he asks of you. The queen of the kingdom of the dead spreads her blue nails and says with a malicious smile. She makes me think about what you said. I'm curious. Is it true that we really miss Baldur so much? You say? I will take your word. I want to test you. What proof do you think? Harmut asks, pay attention and listen carefully. Woman returns to Asgar but don't rejoice too soon because there is one.
There is only one creature in the world that does not cry for him, whether it is a rabbit or a person, an animal or a plant or even just a stone, then they will both stay where they are forever they are with me now leave before I change my mind Helmut He leaves because you can accompany him for a while and he gives me the skin sorceress because you want me to take it to Odin as a souvenir and Nanna gives him gifts for friker and we will pick you up soon says Helmut and hugs his brother but he shakes his head and tells him He answers I don't think so, my mouth is full of ashes Helmut gives spurs to a horse but before leaving the yard he barks and follows him you can be completely sure that I will do it Do justice.
Helmut mounts a barrier on his legs and crosses the golden bridge until he reaches the realm of light of the living. When he arrives at Asgard, he reports what he has seen and heard. Now the messengers send it. whole world and asks for help from everything that lives there, everything cries, people and animals, laments for Baldur, even the wolves and witches moisten their eyes when thinking about him and the trolls hide their faces in their hands, even the older The enemies of the Aesir let out a sigh and a few polite tears because Baldur was something very special and no one ever complained about him.
The sky and the earth are overflowing with tears from the trees and bushes, the water runs down, the stones and mountains sob. They are moaning when the messengers have accomplished their mission and are on their way home. There they meet an old troll woman who calls herself Tuck. She also asks her to sing the dirge because of you, but she just shrugs and says she does it. I care that one of the great lords of Asgard has died, let me be satisfied with your Messengers Baldur, ask Talk to think about your answer again, do you know what that means?
If you don't cry for him, he can never come back. she thinks Frigger would cry if she lost one of my children I would have to lie if I cried for hers here she looks at the flame and lowers her eyelids my eyes remain dry I have cried too much in my time I am tired of Playing the heterosexual woman Mark Hiel maintains to his prey, it's fine with me and it happened that Baldur had to stay with the dead, but whose talk was this? Was she really a female troll that no one knows or someone who is known for the pranks she gets up to? has she caused so many times?
Wasn't it Loki, who is said to prefer to wear women's clothing when he is up to something bad? Was he and no one else, intoxicated by his own power, believing in no one but a better boss? , a softer tongue than him, why should Odin always be the boss, he thinks so, why not me, he forms against him, he always feels abandoned. He soon clenches his fists when he thinks about it, but then smiles back into satisfaction. and it is said, don't I have three wonderful sons, the wolf Fenris, the serpent Mitggard and, above all, secret, they rule the dead, yes, then decide, I want to be a good father to you and nothing is lostthat you have your rights , me and my children and nothing and no one should stand in the way because we are more powerful than everyone imagines.
It was night and Loki wanders laughing under the stars. The mood in Asgard is irritable. Speaking of LOGI, now no one remembers his good offices anymore, how many times his ideas helped the Aesir when they needed it, how many times you laughed at his jokes but all that is forgotten now no one gives Loki a good laugh. He not only he deceived us and deceived us. Not only does it mean that he is to blame for the death, but he also made sure that a half-brother was not allowed to return from the dead. He is also proud of his misdeed, he says.
Heimdal. He is mocking us. I'll break his skull, but Siegen stops him, she forgets that I love him, she says, oh, he's gone, the other women advise him, what's in it for you? Only problems. , why don't you find someone else? But they just walk away, shake their heads, and go on their way. Corazón has no choice, she says, no one can choose his love. Odin orders that Loki be captured alive and punished. He sends his ravens Hugin and Moonin to Midgard and Jotum and asks the dwarves and Alben for help to find the Valkyries riding over mountains and valleys and more clouds, he himself watches from his throne atop the castle of the gods and I .
He loved you, he thinks bitterly as he lets his gaze roam the world. He stares until his eyes fill with tears. After having gone to the desert on the top of a high mountain, he has built himself a house. a house with four doors, so that from his chair he has a clear view in all directions. Not far away, a waterfall falls into the depths. Every morning he becomes a salmon that plays in the flowing water and no one thinks to look. for a fish, he thinks, soon the Aesir will tire of looking for me, soon they will have forgotten me and then my time has come so finally I want to call my son the fern wolf, my son the serpent mitgrat and Follow my powerful daughter who rules the kingdom of the dead and then we will take revenge and put an end to this whole world.
But the Aesir have not abandoned their search for Loki. One day he sees a long chain of shapes in it. Searching the mountains with every step they get closer, Loki quickly throws the net into the fire, takes his fish form and jumps smoothly and moving towards the waterfall. The Aesir find the house empty but are not entirely sure that there are no living beings. The creature has escaped during their search. They examine the ashes in the stove and discover the pattern of the burnt web. They immediately know what they are looking for. They tie a new net and throw it into the river. extreme and the other rabbits hold her tightly.
Now they comb her hair. Waiting for the river. Loki swims in front of the net, as deep as possible to the bottom of the water, stays still, lies between two stones and holds his breath. He feels the net touching him on his back. The rabbits have also noticed that something is moving in the net. They tie heavy stones to the thread before pulling it again, then Loki escapes and falls into the depths with a jump, turning around. , he jumps over the net and swims back to the waterfall, but now the Aesir have seen him, they split into two groups, each holding one end of the net.
Tor is waiting in the middle of the river for them to lower the network step by step. step Loki dares to jump on the thread again but this time Tor is faster like a hungry bear, he lunges forward and reaches for it, the soft body almost slips through his fingers, but he manages to grab the salmon by the tail, leave it alone. I leave, the restless fish trembles, then points at it more freely and calls to you, who hides in the form of a fish, I order you to come closer and show yourself as you are, Loki immediately lies down when you are at his feet, you have forgotten, he says I will be freer, I will be free a long time ago, I taught you all your arts, now I regret it because you were not worth it, that I wasted my time. with you, she turns and asks Odin what should happen to him, but Odin turns and shakes his head, he does what needs to be done with him, she answers wearily, as much as he is worth it, the grass manages to tie him. up, so Loki will now remain lying there until the end.
The end of the world only when it has arrived it is said that the chains should fall from it like dry grass then that is why they say that it will not only free itself from Loki but also from the The powerful wolf Fanriss will separate itself and with its open mouth from which the foamhe will float over the earth like clouds over the earth and more, the great serpent of Midgard will roll over the shores of the world ocean and the ground will open so that here at the head of his mighty dead army he may begin his last journey;
It is determined in advance and it will have to happen. Odin thinks he knows, and yet he misses Loki, thinks of him as a dead brother, and misses him somewhere in the world. On a vacant lot at the edge of a small pond, among heather and bushes, there is something that looks like a stone covered with moss, but suddenly the stone opens its eyes and begins to emerge into the gray day, a severed head lies there a skull giant. that the body is missing and yet there is life in it because the tongue licks the cold lips and the nose rises against it like the nostrils of a sniffing animal Wind two large ears listen to a sound that is getting closer and closer Who is there.
The one who rides over the wasteland? He is an eight-legged horse and the rider who dismounts is old and gray. Odin is the one who leans towards the severed head and greets him in his arms, he bows his head and Odin responds. Finally I see you again, Mime, my friend from youth. They sit on the heather on the shore. The pond is a fountain of pampering, the fountain of wisdom is uprooted so that we can drink from it, but that is another story that is not from. time immemorial Mime was a disembodied head enemies did that to him back then Odin washed death from his huge head anointed his forehead with healing herbs and gave his friend thoughts and thoughts The language was reproduced, that's a different story too , enough I know that every time Odin hesitates he comes here to the windswept wasteland of Utgard to ask me for advice, the two of them have known each other for so long and there is no one Odin prefers.
If the future listens, neither prediction. may, but Odin knows one thing: the end of the world as he knows it is near, nothing can last forever, soon gods and giants will measure their strength for the last time, who will emerge victorious, who will succumb to the signs of Odi No longer He trusts the migration of birds that he reads in the sky and what the warm entrails of the sacrificed animals reveal does not give him any certainty: the only ones who know the answer are the three standards of local sources. Among the people there are some who go further than others can see the future, so Odin now turns to Mitggard and takes Mime's head along the way because two hear more than one.
The woman they meet in a small clearing is neither of them. she young nor old. He stands up from her and greets her with a small cane. The handle of her cane rises into the air, gleaming in bright brass, she was waiting for you, she says. Her wide coat is decorated with colorful ornaments. precious stones she wears a pearl necklace around her neck and a black lambskin cap on her head. A large leather bag hangs from her belt. Her gloves are made of cat fur and on her feet she wears shoes made of furry calfskin. It is a cloud, such rare women are named after the staff they carry and which they can ride to transport their souls to other invisible people.
Worlds to endure Odin turns to her and asks: do you know who you have in front of you? “My God,” the wolf responds and falls to his knees before him. It is not the first time that Odin uses a fortune teller; He even has one taken from his grave, but that night he would rather talk to him. someone who is alive and who wants him well. Can you see the future for me? Odin asks: some days well-being is clear and clear but others are hidden behind dark doors, what is behind this fall and next winter, how.
How far must I look, Lord, as far as you can, says Odin, even if it is a completely different future than the one you wish for, and then you must tell me everything. He calls the king of the gods, all until the end of the world. The Wohlwege immediately begins her work from the pouch on her belt, takes out an ointment made of henbane and hawthorn, rubs it first on her staff, and then, singing in a loud, high-pitched voice, takes the staff between her legs and jumps off the staff. that surrounds him is his horse. She closes her eyes, moves her head back and forth, calls and sings.
At last she sings, collapsing in a shapeless heap. Her ample coat covers her too still. making a sound, nothing Odin moves forward, wait patiently. He leans with his back against a pine trunk. Meshop is lying next to him on the grass. You always have to know what awaits you. That gives me time. think. Odin hums. The giant's head sighs. Why don't you say goodbye to the day? Satisfied, there is a glint in Odin's eyes, but before he can respond, the dark crowd stirs again, the wolves rise, she opens. His eyes listen to me he says and he sees the first sign are three roosters that crow as if from one mouth and the whole world will hear them one is red, he has bones in Jotunheim and in Utgard, he wakes up all the dead giants and dwarves, the second rooster is black as soot, awakens all the dead in Hilsreich and calls Darm, his powerful dog.
The third rooster has a golden crest, turns Asgard and awakens all the fallen in Valhalla, wherever the dead follow him. this call they know that soon they will meet the living again now the time has come when all we know must perish Odin clears his throat has a name the moment when you speak of everything has one The name answers that it would probably even be the darkness Ragnarok is called the moment when the Aesir lose their minds and forget to breathe Ragnarok. It is called the moment when powers disappear like ice in the sun. Tell me, please tell me.
I see axes and swords. She says. I see conflicts everywhere and bloody fights. I see three years in which brother stabs brother in the back and the son does not forgive his own father. That's nothing new, says Odin. This has been the case since time immemorial, but what else will come. For us, three years that are like a single winter respond to good roads, the snow blows over the world and the sun warms the world. It is no longer called finnbohl, this longest and most terrible of all winds, many will cut, will drown in the darkness ice cracks and will be buried in the powerful avalanches, others will freeze to death in their beds and head to the kingdom of the dead, blue with frost.
I see a huge one to the east in the Iron Forest. gives birth to wolf-like trolls. He has done it since time immemorial, seeing two of his sons and daughters frown and harshly at the two wolves in the sky that have chased the sun and the moon since the creation of the world. The time has come now grab them to move devour the sun and had the moon and the clouds are red with blood the wolf raises his staff and shows it just look he whispers the stars don't even shine for me now the earth begins to shake , she raises her voice and screams, mountains collapse, the largest trees are torn from the ground and shot through as if they were heavy.
Air the world the practices of ash razil crash and sway winter loosens its cold grip and everything that was solid is in pieces everything Odin frowns everything repeats the wolves I know what you fear but they themselves then you will believe me and Odin looks towards up and sees everything she has announced, sees the fenriss wolf pulling at his chains, sees Loki kicking and struggling, sees how her bonds come loose, how she Gyn laughs with joy, how she wants to hug Loki all these years. He lay there tied up, she hasn't left his side, but now Loki takes her aside without a word and leaves.
On his way he has no time for gratitude. He only thinks about her revenge. Odin also resembles the Fenris wolf with his open, glowing mouth. Eyes on the mountains. Storms. His fangs scratch the clouds. His lip. You want to see? More questions: Have you heard enough? I want to know everything. Odin Answers. She shows him the sea, how it boils, it swirls and throws trees horizontally. It is the Midgard Serpent that is waving its furious tail, now rolling across the land and crushing ships. In the port, the poison wanted to rise from her throat, she roars at the top of her lungs calling her brother the wolf, calls with combined forces they want to devastate the earth, now Nagelfahrri also raises the anchors the terrifying ship that is built with the nails of the dead with black sails comes out of the fog and the rain from the east you can see who is at the helm says the wolves look closely it is Loki calls to Odin who probably nodded and a crew of decomposing corpses so that Odin will soon bring his fists, breathe heavily, he is like a brother to me for a thousand years, he says, the enemies from the north and the east move in great multitudes, both living and dead Giants and trolls in full armor and rigid weapons beat great war drums all day long and They look around suddenly and when Odin turns around, he sees the entire sky in the south opening up and the earth behind revealing the unknown and creepy muscle.
Back home, long before Odin and his brothers created the world, a powerful band of shining horsemen emerge from this kingdom of fire, led by South, the ancient chieftain who wields a flaming sword. Everything it touches catches fire and burns. Odin can't stop them, he just asks them. The fire riders are racing towards Beefrost, the Rainbow Bridge, they are aiming for Asgard, they are storming the fortress of the gods, the rainbow will never carry them, Odin calls, but the Muspelheim army is crossing the bridge like a great torchlight procession. Reserved for rabbits and their friends only with Odin.
I made sure of that, that is my law, but naked doubts about his word, the bridge trembles and sways, its colors mixing until they become a dull gray. It collapses and in the spark of rain thousands of horsemen fall to the depths, many perish but others survive the fall. Among them, he looks for the one who brandishes his fiery sword and leads the rest of his army until they reach the great meadow that is this grass. 100 miles long and 100 miles wide gather at the site of the battle, guided by Loki and his father. The soot wolf and the mitgrat snake have also arrived at the site of the battle, guided by Loki and his father. .
Have you heard enough? But Odin shakes his head. It's too late to turn around. He said gravely: I want to see how our armed forces are doing. He picks up Heimdahl and the Aasens hold a war council. look how sinister there is a creak in the branches of the world ash ytrasil, isn't it already too late? Is there no point in fighting such an overwhelming enemy? Odin talks to Mime's head after all. He doesn't know any advice either. , you can also see yourself, well-being whispers, perplexed, how you are filled with fear of defeat, tormented by the feeling that your empire is on the brink of ruin, that should be me, says Odin sullenly, so weak, so discouraged, then he sees freedom coming.
She brings Odin his golden helmet, puts it on his head without saying a word, and kisses him on both cheeks. Now the other rabbits also bring their weapons and armor, the undead of Valhalla, all the fallen heroes like Odin. sought and found among the people has prepared to follow them, the warriors who have been living with free men also come from volkwangen, they join the army of the Aasen, she has provided them with sharp claws and Lux ​​caps, now they hiss and meow like cats Wild Tor has put on his iron gloves and his strong belt, he lets Müllner's hammer circulate above the main one, his goats advance impatiently, the king of the gods has saddled Sleipnir with his eight. hoof rust, he holds his spear in his hand, Hugin and Munin, the two ravens perch on his shoulders and the two Sami wolves continue at my side Then the Aesir leave for the forest city, they say goodbye to the women who remain back in Asgar and who they may never see again.
On the wide battlefield, the two huge armies meet. In the first encounter, Odin loses his ravens and his wolves turn into Thomas Bucks impaled by rows, his car falls and he is thrown. The ground, but Odin gathers it again and once again rushes towards the enemy. Odin rides straight into the movie. Wolf and Tor try to follow him, but the thunder god is now on foot and remains behind the rider, the Midgard Serpent. His old enemies throw themselves in his path, hiss and howl, a battle of life and death begins. Do you want to see more?
Ask good manners. Have you heard enough? I have to know what happens next. fight with the Fenris wolf, I will defeat him, she shakes her head well, he devours you, he says, this is safe, he says and this is how it has to happen. Odin swallows and continues asking, it was a. good fight, the sympathizer has tears in her eyes, yes, she says Good fight, but Tor will avenge me, Odin says and shakes his head again. Tor already has enough to do with defending himself in his skin against the serpent of Midgard and Door. He is being harassed by Heels and the animal, the dog that guards the kingdom of the dead, neither of them will win the duel and survive.
He free faced his son, the old fire giant of the south. They are both powerful swordsmen, but he is also the sharpest. weapon you know, but once he had free a sword that struck alone now he rolls it that he did it a long time ago for the love of a great daughter, he still traded with his golden boar like a true master of a sodt who rides on a Horse in flames You can see them and then you will also realize that this is how he has the advantage. His fiery sword splits freely from head tofeet in two and How will Heimdall fare?
He fights Loki. Now they both find death. Odin feels his voice failing. There is a stab wound in his chest. Am I supposed to be left lying on the battlefield unfairly? He whispers, asks for my blood in vain. forgotten the last of your children says good manners so you call the one who carries the word but after Tor is the strongest of them all only what he does Odin walks away once again he sees himself in the clutches of the merciless movie of the wolf that It devours him but now he also recognizes the one who is chasing the monster.
His son puts her foot in the wolf's mouth and throws him to the ground with the last of his strength while grabbing his upper jaw with both hands. He picks it up the rattle changes to that Beast and without him calls then at least I will rest in peace whoever it is and gently says what you deserve the battle is over the Aesir are defeated only in one place the fight continues running the Midgard serpent. He is around Tor Rings and tries to crush him but Tor grabs his hammer and neither of them want to give up.
Giants and ghosts have gathered around the fighters to see how the argument ends. Tor finally manages to free his arm with the hammer. the hug of the worm and the blow the snake dies but after taking new steps Gate also sinks into the ground the snake of Midgard poisoned him do you want to see more question have you heard enough Odin looks at her that is the end there is more to see us No You don't want to feel it, you don't know it smells like fire, he says now Odin also notices it and sees why and his muscular sons run through the world like a storm wind in every house and in every corner they throw fire.
Fires everywhere hiss and smoke as Odin watches as even ÖK Shaves in flames, tears welling up in his eyes. He now he knows that everything will perish. He raises his head and looks into the eyes of the clairvoyant who I liked. Many things could have been different and better, but in general I liked it and now everything has come to nothing, no stone has been left unturned, yes, your world is a big city, says the good. Being, the two stand there in silence and watch the sunken rubble sink into the sea, so everything we did was in vain, says Odin wearily We have lived in vain Patience says that if with a smile there is more to see, I I can't take it anymore, says Odin, but now he is almost in the wolf with both hands on his temples.
Listen, she screams, look at him and he sees little by little a new world, green, beautiful and fertile, emerging as if from the floods. A dream sees corners that see themselves and fishes and hunts in abundance and no one will go hungry. He says they want the world to be washed clean so a new life can begin, Odin asks, disturbed. He benevolently sees the great meadow, ancient gathering place of the Aesir, how it flourishes, there is no longer a trace of Asgard, the castle of the gods, but Odin recognizes himself as the fallen Aesir. Little by little they find themselves in the large meadow. meadow, they are still alive, Odin shouts in surprise, there are a few who respond to Wohlbe, they are the ones who were lucky that Odin recognizes again and Wohle and the foolish and magne fashion, have brought Mühlener his father's hammer and The old man also comes attached and from the realm of the dead, Baldur and the hat return.
Baldur leads his blind brother by the hand. They laugh and in the fresh grass they find the old golden chess of the hares again. The wolves full of joy There are also some in Midgard who are there again stand out. Odin sees only a couple of people who survived the sinking. They found refuge in a clearing where the firestorm passed and after the great flood the sea returned them. For a long time the morning dew was their only food. They will have children and grandchildren, Odin says happily. The wolf nods his head. A new race of people will populate the earth.
She says. Odin rubs his eyes. He is tired. Is there anything else I should know? He asked, No, Lord, the clairvoyant answers, now my eyes are empty I cannot see beyond the future, you saw far Enough, we bow deeply before Odin, this is how the dream showed me, this is how Odin has to happen. horse and walks away, he carries Mime's head in his arms. For a long time they walk in silence through the starry night. Finally, Mime asks: have you found what you are looking for? You know it, answers Odin, you don't know it, maybe that's what the king of the gods says, that I only found what I was afraid of.
In the end I had to look for what I expected, my friend tells me. everything in the world can be done many times in a thousand different ways it doesn't end everything I saw was answered darkly where the thoughtful there were also gray streaks of fog and light that crossed the clouds then it could have been worse, one thing I know for sure nothing of This has already happened and Ragnarok is nothing more than a bad dream, you are right, there are many possibilities, we still have it in our hands to find them, change what needs to be changed.
Mime smiles at him. darkness, my one-eyed friend says softly, you will never give up, he never calls Odin and squeezes the giant hairy head, he never touches his chest, so they ride on without saying a word to the morning grass.

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