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Reality TV Star Found Dead In Her Apartment | Miriam: Death Of A Reality Star | Channel 4

May 14, 2024
for for inv spee, the most explosive dating experience of your life, six red-blooded singles looking for love with a stunning babe, her name is Miriam and she generates a lot of controversy when she participated in a new dating show. I heard from our gu, her name is siram and the center of a massive scandal is called Sky Television reported 3/4 of a million pounds weeks they VI for their affection they kissed her apparently they were intimate with her there is a secret the boys don't know the six of us were the only ones that knew exactly what it felt like we had grown up overnight there was no laughter or jokes at that moment everyone had been very good I'll be right back come on she's a tea isn't she she's kind?
reality tv star found dead in her apartment miriam death of a reality star channel 4
I think Sky won. trying to create a TV show without really worrying about the consequences. I'm not a woman. I knew it. I was born as a man. You try to create a


show for people to watch and you put a person through so much stress and strain. That they lose control to me is wrong, so I fully supported everything we did, the ones who did this to us with End Mall, it was brighter images, Sky, it was everyone who put it together, everyone else, puppets, you know, come on. A court order to prevent the show from leaving once the contestants returned home, they kicked out their lawyer.
reality tv star found dead in her apartment miriam death of a reality star channel 4

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reality tv star found dead in her apartment miriam death of a reality star channel 4...

Shillings wrote a clim letter trying to explain how shocking, how exploitative, how blah blah blah this show was, how did that feel to you at the time? At the time the guys were taking legal action for me personally, I thought it was an overreaction and disgusting given that they were told from the beginning that there was going to be something they didn't know about, we didn't see it coming, I was pretty sure. We had a liability claim because these people had been exposed to ridicule and contempt in front of the production staff. We also alleged that there had been a conspiracy to sexually assault them because of course they would not have consented to having intimate relations with her if they actually knew the true position, so there was no what American lawyers call informed consent when lawyers They told us that they thought it was a conspiracy to commit sexual assault, alarming words came out.
reality tv star found dead in her apartment miriam death of a reality star channel 4
He was saying to myself: no, you, you. I know what you've been through and what you've experienced. You know it was a kiss on the cheek with Miriam and that was it. You know that's as far as it went, but these are the lengths they're having to go to. going as a collective we had to sing with the same anthem, this was a big series for Sky and understandably having paid 1 million for a series everyone wanted it to air but the air dates were put on hold and then the press ordered I decided to


t too.
reality tv star found dead in her apartment miriam death of a reality star channel 4
I pushed some of that since it appeared on the front page of the Sun and you can see the sort of general attitudes of the time, all talk of language as if it could fool you, it's unlikely to be a secret from the new TV


biting the tail of A new TV show The Men Were Hurt is that thing about wanting revenge, isn't it? I understand. I'm sorry to judge you in some way. I'm sorry you felt so angry and sad about it. Everything we were trying to move forward with just blowing up in your face the media saying I was wrong fooling the kids this was cruel television it all seemed too big how did I get to fight these big media companies?
Sometimes I just


out I was crying, the lawyers were looking for anything that might be relevant that we could use in the case and they were finding out things about Miriam's past. The lawyers called us, discovered some information, said it was critical to the case, oh this. photo look how beautiful she was and then how old is she here? Probably 17. I think this was probably about a month after she arrived in Los Angeles. This is when she makes the porn. She was like, "I'll do it, I'll do it." Try it, I don't like it, I'm not going to do it again in Hollywood, they were waiting for her to turn 18.
The producers were all on my back, like please, we're offering you so much money. You can do this? It was Christmas and me. I longed to go see my family in Mexico, but I wanted to come home with money and show them that I was succeeding in life, so I agreed to make a movie. You are the perfect woman the way you smile, the way you laugh I never dreamed of a more perfect being adoring you I wanted so badly to do something with my life but I'm ashamed of what happened our soloists were showing crude pornographic material with Miriam in it and I don't know the background but what I do know is that if it were me, I would have been absolutely furious.
They thought this was a win for us and they could use this in the case to lean on the sexual assault with a little more gravity, I guess. and since they were smart they knew they could use the tabloids to help them, but yeah, it's not very nice to think that it's not nice to remember because again someone else is being used as porn. I know it was for us as a customer, but it's sad. that Miram was involved for the press, everything is done to be degrading, derogatory and critical against her and represent those contributors as poor innocent men.
Sky turned around and they said, look, we can see the guys are really upset, we're obviously very sorry. about that, uh, but we're very interested in continuing to broadcast the show for Sky. This show now had to air because it was being talked about and it's like a gift, people are going to watch this show and if that means paying the taxpayers. I know that's right, there were reports that you guys have 3 million, yeah, no, you didn't get any of that, no, it wasn't as much as 3 million, I think it was around 500,000 and we were. Well, it's quite a considerable amount, the lawyers took almost 50% because there were no fees and then we split 250,000 between us.
None of us at that moment were probably thinking about Miriam. In fact, I can guarantee none of us. We were thinking about Mirum We are all thinking about ourselves Do you regret that? Now I don't regret suing the program because I still think it wasn't handled correctly. Regret comes with it and just how it affected Miram. her dream girl until her secret was revealed on the controversial new dating show that made headlines. I first heard about the program in 200 3, when I was actually in The Newsroom flipping through the day's papers, obviously at that time I hadn't come. and I think I was actually a little embarrassed reading it and I was looking around nervously thinking, I wonder if anyone is noticing that I'm paying too much attention to this story.
I had been so hungry for someone trans to be visible. It was just incredible, it was mind-blowing for someone like me, but first to our main story tonight, the staff at Car's 2em and I thought, it would be great if I came out in 5 years. By then, there will have been maybe 100 mirams in the newspaper or on television. and things will be much better and selfishly I will have an easier life thanks to Miriam, so I kept looking at the list to check what day it was going to be, it was like preparing for the World Cup final, there is something. on Miram starts Sunday February 22 on Sky One.
I couldn't wait to see that show. I hoped people would just fall in love with her. I met Miriam in 2001, writing songs for Miriam's band, Speed ​​Angels. I kept in touch here and there and I just remember getting a phone call from Miriam and saying come and watch my show. I remember being at work and running home making sure no one was home because I just wanted that. It was time for me, Miriam, and this was going to be the moment when everything became fantastic. I was working in my local pub at the time and they said, "You know, we'd love to do a big presentation, we had champagne, um, we were drinking." a laugh and you know, I think I was nervous, I think that was the moment you knew, hey, this is real, it's on TV tonight, the most explosive dating experience of a lifetime, type six red-blooded singles who are looking for love with a stunning babe, Miriam I.
She was invested from the beginning, she looks amazing, but this is no ordinary dating show because Miriam is no ordinary woman. Yes, I was excited to see how she made you feel. Aaron is a 22 year old chef from Chelsea in Essex and loves making people have fun. That makes my dad when he sees someone laughing I like PE, thin women, dark hair, this is Toby, a 23-year-old recruitment consultant from Shor in Sussex. I think I'm a pretty unique character, of course he wants to go for an attractive person. Girl no, my mom absolutely loved me being on TV and so she was so proud of the ups and downs, oh my god, the jealousy and the passion, there's a secret that the boys don't know, I was obsessed, I was obsessed, what?
OK? Bravo super, I was hoping for a really worthy opportunity for her to find true love and the guys would be like oh yeah, well trans women are fine, they're women, well I'm dating a trans woman, but as the show progressed, they appeared darker elements, Miriam. she is careful to cover herself enough so that Tom doesn't notice that she is on a date with someone who has more than breast lumps and it was degrading. I felt that trans people were once again being presented to the world as if they were not real with Miriam in With such close proximity, there is always the danger that aam will feel his secret pressing against him and, instead of feeling better after seeing the show, I was more afraid of what the future would hold, the show everyone is talking about is something about Miriam where a transsexual tries to trick other men into liking him here are the guys who get their first look at the beautiful Miriam.
If you want to take a look through these binoculars, you'll see Miriam, yes, but if you look a little closer. C people talked about something about Miriam, she was everywhere, she did her job, it was about getting subscriptions for Sky one, please welcome the lady on the front page of today's Sun newspaper, Miriam and the producer of the show, Remy Blumer. The best thing was her coming out to the world. It was her journey, her story, people used that story and her as a product to make money, whether it was selling a newspaper that was negative about her or putting her on a TV


where she was supposedly celebrated as the product.
Yes, her name is Miriam and she caused quite a bit of controversy when she participated in a new dating show. Everyone chose Miriam, a 21-year-old girl. Now this is the story of the opportunity to kiss this incredibly beautiful girl who turned out not to be a Girl, does anyone know what the show is called? Kiss me a man. That really should have been the draw. If only it always were. It's the trans person's fault. They are the bad ones. You are deceivers. or it's a woman, that's why I'm talking about it, but what do you mean?
Is it a preoperative? Is he a transsexual? A transvestite. Is he a lady boy? Does he bother you? He has the top half but not the bottom half. That seems like a disaster. I was watching this all unfold and I thought I can't do this, it will destroy my life. Well, of course, the border bus is traveling again. In fact, I think after the show it probably made me recoil coming out. It's been a few years and my heart goes out to Miriam and I thought, Oh my God, this is a dream turned into a nightmare if the argument is that well, we just left her, but you know, Bri Picture just left her, you know, they exploited this poor girl. . woman and you know they just abandoned her and left her where were we going to put her after the British media had done what they had done?
Why would we do that to him? That would really be exploitative, so I think people have to wonder. that question and I think I flew back to New York to get away from the press all kinds of rumors and lies were being spread about me it was a very difficult time I felt like I had no voice I felt like everyone was against me look at me look at me look at me After she returned to New York we started going out more and soon after she started going out a lot we went out to nightclubs that we liked and you know, then it turned into partying, but she Party and party for days, unfortunately for Miriam, the show caused a lot of BTSD with her television that can eat you up and spit you out, but she still had to make a living, she still had to pay her bills and, um, a lot of trans people, including me, were. involved in sex work because there aren't many options for us.
Maran placed a million ads. I was a Craigslist at the time. You know, a lot of clients are looking for a girl with a little more. You know what I mean? It's just what you got between your legs, that's all they care about and it's sad to say, but you know when you're in that lifestyle you're dealing with serious people who are shady. I mean, there are a number of bad things that can happen to you. I'm just going to look for that guy, someone heard that Miriam was shot, we ran to the BW hospital, I said, has anyone come here? hospital throughoutthis week and then a person leaves, yeah, we got a person like 5 days ago, now the ignorance comes to light and they say we have an unidentified man, uh, think in Latin, and four stories fell and they're like in critical condition I was like wait what for a second third and fourth I think it was like that


or that


was one of the big ones that I remember she had had wide windows to fall from there to the bottom that's that's a big fall , it gives me chills like just thinking about it, yeah, someone came and knocked on my door and as soon as I opened the door, he had a hammer in his hand and he started hitting me, hitting me in the face and I was bleeding just bleeding has a lot of blood I said what are you doing? do you want do you want my money here is my money do you want my jewelry here are my jewelry take what you want he is like when my friend comes he is going to do whatever he wants with you so I was like oh my god, I'm going to die, you know it was like you felt it you feel it inside you get so scared that you like this is me and they're going to kill me I guess I don't know what happened I I F I don't know she was unconscious when I entered the ICU I couldn't recognize her and uh no I could believe it.
I was like who did this to you, she didn't want to tell me, it was almost like she knew, but she didn't want to see anything. In case of brain surgery, her half head was shaped, everything was fractured, like her hands, her fingers, her arms, her legs, her neck, everything, even when that had happened, she was never depressed or sad about it and she couldn't move as he could, so his hand. it was like this and this girl literally took the makeup brush from her it was like this how she learned she thought herself how to do makeup I'm like that girl how are you doing this now?
It was just amazing she never gave up she always had that spirit to keep going so I can't see how she would be defeated and take her life it's so out of character no no no come on come here not yet in 2008, when I was fighting to survive after the attack I was receiving. engaged, I was ready to get married, she came to see me and I don't know how three four weeks later, when she was here with me living with me and MTV, the


show, something like a medium, the green one, that OK to America show.
She didn't even know the show was going to end here she was like, oh, whatever the show is, I never get paid well enough, but then she realized something about me and this is my show, this is my name. . In order to make money from the show, the show goes all over the world, so I'm going to travel all over the world. I don't think she was already looking for fame at the time she realized she wanted to make money. she wants to build her house in Mexico help her family and then boom she had another job at BB gave her a light position and she looks great again all the clients who go crazy want to see her she was selling it she was very smart she was a woman really very smart businessman who was selling his medium Rivera product for the television show some medum there was a beginning of the end for his previous speech C my mom believed it was someone trying to kill her but I didn't I think not, I really don't believe it , why does your mom think that Daniel told us uh that U mm was involved uh with the mop first in New York and then in Las Vegas who was Danielle Danielle quero he is a friend he was friends with Miriam for a long time, but also He was that kind of cheater person, you know, a Colombian guy older than Miriam, loves like a transgender woman.
Daniel works in real estate, has apartments in New York and was in love with Ella. He loved him, of course, but not the way Daniel wanted him. He passed away recently, oh my god, he got so old. I mean, his ass was old like before. I've just known her for almost 23 years. I met her in Mexico she was 16 I think 16 she was going to be 17 she was beautiful I never KNOW a woman was that beautiful but I was much older obviously so at first they were you know friends and stuff like that and then I brought him back from Mexico to California got a job in California with some people in the film industry and then I moved her to New York and the friend became my girlfriend and that's it, I want to make sure everyone knows there was No way, the boss and the commission side, no way, everything is wrong, the way the police said that happens, note that she couldn't move her left arm because she had an accident and we say like this, that's it, It's all you can.
Shut it down, how the hell can you hang yourself without one without one? As much as I can't stand it. I actually like listening to your side and yeah, that doesn't make any sense. It's not humanly possible for it to happen the way they do. they are giving the details that he met someone in Las Vegas, what were the wrong people that led him down the wrong path get money get money get money get money get money get money get money fast cars gold bars fast love rockars nights nights flights night red lights Love Bites, she was killing him because she was making a lot of money because she was average for the television show, so she had a lot of clients, she lived alone in a pitiful, in the heat, her closet was full of expensive clothes, like she called. every day she shows me the things she buys she was so happy as if nothing was stopping her I went to Las Vegas like three or four times to see her the last time I went she introduced me to a guy he just said he was a friend and he owns the apartment where Mir was leaving something was going on there um because she was starting to look different she was too thin and after that everything started to fall apart minan I this guy he was a male escort she stood challenging him she told me that he is very handsome , they started working together, they started making money together and then she went down that dark path in Las Vegas, started doing really bad drugs and started meeting really bad people.
We see her as a gold mine because mom was a celebrity that time and they were part of it and then she disappeared. In my 15 years working in the section there have been many mirams. Miriam would be called a renegade, meaning that she is alone, she doesn't follow any rules that she doesn't respond to. anyone, she keeps all the money and she makes her own decisions and they can make between 50 and 70,000 dollars a week, but it's going to be very dangerous because it's disrespectful to a pimp and it's hard to walk away from pimps like you were dealing with them. gangsters who are armed can torture you they can kidnap you and take you to another city or you can end up


you will always have to be looking over your shoulder 6 seven months after she disappeared she called me very nervous.
I'm almost crying, she tells me that she needs help. She is at the Las Vegas airport and she needs to get out of Las Vegas as soon as she can. Hours later she was in Los Angeles when I saw her, my God, she wasn't average, she was like one. bones walking so skin so little chick bones R and yes, she was no longer the same me, she was no longer my sister and I hugged her and we went to my apartment, she keeps telling me these crazy stories that she was in danger, she was not telling me I feel safe they are coming for me they are coming for me they are coming for me they are going to come for me they are going to take me again and I was like what is happening relax no one is going to take you but at the same time she was drinking like any alcohol she could find in the house and then she told me that they kidnapped her, they grabbed her and then they brought her to this house outside of Las Vegas and there were a lot of guards with guns, they forced her to do drugs all the time. time and then they keep him drunk all the time and they run him day and night every day, all day, she followed me around, sometimes she lies in the bathtub and they kill chickens or, baby, she practices some kind of religion like a religion wishing girl named Sania and the priest Sania was telling her that she was csed and that this evil spirit was chasing her so she told me all these crazy stories and I don't know if she was telling the truth or if she was.
I'm not on drugs. I was confused. You didn't know what to believe. I don't know what exactly. I do not know what to believe. We are in the far east suburbs of the city and normally I wouldn't drive. in this neighborhood there is a lot of gang activity in this area, the house here on the corner is where we conducted an investigation where they were operating a brothel and as you can see here when we arrive, the garage is open and you can tell that the The house is a little dilapidated, they told us that the girls were being held against their will through santoria or uh witchcraft and the fear that they would be cursed if they left or went to the police.
Look at the front, the door to the house is next door perfect location you can park next door and mind your business get back in your car and come home with your milk most of these guys are not going to come to a home brothel for oral sex, they are going to come here to have sex , so maybe you're looking at $200, $150, uh, and what the girls would get, what they'd get nothing in prostitution, the money goes into the house and a lot of that. The money earned in these illegal operations returns to Mexico. I want you to take a look at this news article because I think it might be related to Miriam's story.
Yes, that's exactly the story M told me and what that story is, pretty much everything she told. me, animal sacrifice, courses, sex workers, sex traffickers, I can't believe this happened to me and that's when I showed it, it was deep inside me, I was hoping that she probably had the whole story, but now, at the Seeing this to be true is horrible. my poor sister was at work one day and when I got home Miriam was in the house she doesn't seem scared because she doesn't like to show that she was scared but I think she was definitely hiding something that I wasn't I don't know if she was running away from someone or of something, she just calmed down with us again like nothing happened, she doesn't want to be M, she's a big fish in this little P.
Really thank you very much for watching my TV. show because she was drinking all the time and she kept taking drugs out there you know what I don't love you little she told me I'm going to get up Daniel I promise you I'm going to stay the night here in Mexico for a while and you'll see me I'm going to be I'm Survivor is going to be me again I didn't even leave and I just wanted to see you is to arm yourself drive honey get together that The day was 9:00 in the morning and she called and he said H listen, I have a problem, I've been eating blood all night , I told him wait a minute, go to the doctor right away, so I called an Uber and sent him to a hospital.
I told him to call me after 2 at exactly 2: p.m. She called and I went to look for the phone and I lost a phone and at 8:00 they called me and told me that Mar had committed suicide. You tell me they call you at 9:00 saying that she is bleeding, she goes to a doctor and at 8 :00 she is there why would she call me and not only that, I got a call at 10:00 from someone in Mexico, they said listen, you better not come here, you don't want to be next, who do you think these are? people then they are traffickers human traffickers they were they were chasing her for a while C I think my mom is the strongest person I know she wants answers but we probably never could get them she wants to hold someone responsible for those things but they don't I don't know if they really exist , I don't think anyone knows the truth about Miriam, not even us as a family, I know a lot of people say that someone did it, but no, no, I know she did it, she was very upset. all the drugs, all the fighting comes back to the same place with anything, just her memories of who she was and I think if I see what her LifeStar is like, you'll see wow, she's really a hero because all that happened to her is that she didn't I won't give up until I can't take it anymore.
All these struggles from the past start to get to her. Her sadness kills her. Yes, sadness. I was working in the city and it was one of my closest friends who turned around to have it. Did you hear, I said, I heard what and she said that Miriam Mirams died and I thought: I can't believe it. I was hoping there was a chance for us all to get together and sit down like adults, we were spending time together, we went through a court case we never heard from your room again after you, honey. I remember that moment and feel sadness.
He was too immature to have handled that situation properly. I would never have reacted like I did now. um, if you could say something to Miriam now, what would you say? I'll just say I'm sorry. I think there are many theories about what happened, but many trans people committed suicide, that is not because they are trans it is because of the life that the world gives us to leave if you take someone and subject them to abuse every day rejection I think that anyone would find it difficult to deal with fore for for spee foreigner fore spee spee no fore fore spee fire, forward, forward, forward, meet, e

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