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Manchester United stars ReUNITED at premiere of "99" Amazon Prime documentary

May 24, 2024
true please true please David thank you for the difference as well as 10 days three trophies a big dream you did the job is it so easy now for managers to complain about scheduling? Well, you know, you hear that a lot, but there are a lot of games that we played back then and I think there were the same type of conversations back then about the games and the number of games we were playing, but you have a season like ours and you don't No matter how many games you play, you'd play another 20 to have experiences like ours and I think if you asked someone like Pep, he'd say exactly the same thing.
manchester united stars reunited at premiere of 99 amazon prime documentary
You know, yeah, you know, he'll always go out and try. to protect the players and all coaches will do it and have the right to do it, but I think if you asked Pep about his season last year, he would say exactly the same thing. I don't care how many games we play. What was achieved was incredible and obviously we were able to do the same, so you know we have done it. We gladly took on 20 more games that season. That's the spirit. Listen to Alex Ferguson. His insight is incredible in how he pushed and motivated them. win all the games you can, the big ones that are coming up for Manchester United, how important is it now that a talk for edct 10 has to motivate the locker room and be listened to by its players?
manchester united stars reunited at premiere of 99 amazon prime documentary

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In all honesty, I would hope that the coach doesn't have to do much. I think that's the goal of being a Manchester United player and playing in these important games. You know you have to be motivated when you're a professional footballer and you're doing the job you love and you're at the club you love when you play in any game whether it's a regular season game or an FA Cup final against your rivals then you know That should be motivation enough and if it's not, then you're on the wrong team and you're playing the wrong sport, so I think at the end of the day we went to every game, whether it was a Youth Cup game, a off-season friendly match or a European Cup final, with the same mentality. and the same drive and that's what you would expect any Manchester United team and player to get to in an FA Cup final against Manchester City.
manchester united stars reunited at premiere of 99 amazon prime documentary
We have enough motivation so that the coach doesn't have to say much, the importance is reflected in this.


of your friendship with the players, all the young people who joined, that's something we're starting to see more with Eric ten, yeah, I think you know he's a we all know you know Eric is a very qualified coach and a good manager and he has the right reasons, um, but you know, I think we were lucky in our days to have, you know, Sir Alex Ferguson, we were lucky to have Eric, Eric Harrison, Jim Ryan, Noby Styles and everyone. from these great managers and motivators, so yeah, yeah, brilliant H, also just one more question before I let you go, how excited are you for England?
manchester united stars reunited at premiere of 99 amazon prime documentary
Everyone gets excited about these big competitions, you know, England fans were always excited when the Euros or the World Cup comes around and our fans get behind the team. I think we have a real chance, but we all know that. once you're in a tournament then it's a completely different game but, no, I'm excited as an England fan, I'm excited about these Euros and obviously the season Jude had, you know the talent. that He, who is, but it's not just, it's not just the talent with J with Jude, you know, it's about the way he is, the way he carries himself, he's a professional model who knows exactly what needs to do, you know, for someone who is so young that having the maturity that he has is incredible and I think playing abroad has helped him with that and now he is obviously at Real Madrid, where the expectations are higher than in the most other clubs in the world and he's right up there with them, so it's great to see his smile, it's great to see that you know the talent he has and when he puts on that England shirt we'll all be very happy and most of all Importantly, before I let you go watch this


Andy Goldstein and your former teammate D and Ben listen in the studio.
Do you have the opportunity to listen to them often? Do you know what I do when I drive back from a long trip? I always listen to the guys and you know it's them. entertaining my mom is obviously a big fan your mom and Andy are weird friends, I know, well it's a little weird, but I don't care, I love Andy, so you know, and Darren's a great guy too, so that I'm always listening. so tell them to please be nice or they'll hear this now, but I'm always listening, I'm always a fan of the show and, yeah, Andy says he's better here than you, what do you say about that?
Well, maybe, maybe yes. What do you think I'm going to see you are you right in front of me thank you very much David thank you enjoy the premere of nothing god bless you thank you do you keep in touch with a lot of the guys or is it "Not so much, I play a lot of golf with Yori. I see Dennis a lot in Dubai when we're doing our thing. I meet the guys from time to time, different people, but we're all there to meet. It's like any workplace where you know each other, once you've done your business, you've had your business. career at certain times and then you move on and then you might see each other and you know you live it in and out of each other's Pockets for three four years and then you don't see them for a long time, but then when you do, you go back to being. like old friends Can I just ask you what you think of United Manest United have the FA Cup final coming up Will Silver would definitely be a big help to save the season yeah it's not a game it won't change nothing like what people think, but I mean, it will be a fantastic way to end the season if they win it, but that's a long shot at the moment, exactly how I see it, I mean, there are a lot of changes at the club, from top to bottom, what?
What kind of impact do you think this will have in the long term? Are you a long-term optimist? Of course, I mean it's a fantastic club, it's a big club, so yes, I think in the long term it will be fine, but I think the short term is the big problem. at the moment when they need to dig deep, they need to take a leaf from the Fergus era and make sure they are side by side and ready to fight and that means this weekend and then also for the FA Cup final, exactly, I mean how.
Is it difficult to change things? It's hard. You know, when you're in a rout like this, there's an old saying in football that when you're winning games you can't see yourself losing and when you're losing games, you can. You don't see yourself winning and um, they're definitely in that kind of position at the time that they're um, they can't see themselves winning, but that's when you show your true courage and you stick together and ultimately, uh, with all the changes? Do you think Eric will be there next season? Oh, that's not like that, it's not for me to say it's difficult, he's going through some tough times and it's been a strange season injury-wise, hasn't it?
Isn't it just for United? You look at the best team, yes, there have been a lot of injuries. Are there a lot of injuries that everyone complains about? Maybe you need something to investigate. Do you think there is too much football? Isn't it always there? Thank you. I think we could, Jasper, so suddenly. A night from many years ago was relived, yes, I feel like no, it feels really amazing. No, it's not every day you get to relive, relive, uh, a year of your career, so I'm looking forward to this ex exactly, I mean. How vivid it is, no, but it's not for me.
I have a short memory, I don't remember much, so seeing old photos moves, you know, it will be a great feeling for me, since I have a hard time remembering. On my own, I'm a very visual person, yes, I need to see it exactly, so we move on to that and the success of '99 is very difficult to replicate, except for Manchester City, it seems like at the moment, yes, I know, but I like it. He said it's for me, of course you want to be the only team, but on the other hand, when they did it, you realize how good they are as a team, how good they've been and then it also reflects pretty well on We also think about how hard it is to achieve that, so for me it was, in a way, nice to see you last year, anyway, exactly, I mean, does that bring back memories of how good you were?
Do you remember being like that? Well, no, not at all, no, and I think, but also you, if you look at the season, the city's season and our season, it's also ah, I moved a little. It's also that you need a little luck on those important ones. games or maybe it's not luck, maybe it's just the unity and the feeling between us to have that, to work to achieve that luck, but we had it and I know that City also had it at some stages of the season, exactly now it is I mean, do you keep in touch with a lot of the guys or is this like the first accessory?
A meeting for you, no, but we see each other, some of them I see more often, some of them I talk to one or two a little. more and then we get together and play from time to time with three, four or five players, so it's something I haven't seen for a long time, so it's brilliant, those occasions are the ones you really have to enjoy and embrace. just stick with Manchester United definitely more than ever no, it's been a difficult season, but can the FA Cup rescue this difficult season? No, I don't think, I don't think one game can rescue a really, really difficult season and then, um, bad season. in a way, but, of course, it will be a little bit of help to smooth out, smooth out everything, but and it's good to be in a final, but the cutlery, yes, the cutlery always is, but, of course, when you look back in the season, you have You can't be happy with that, even if you win the FA Cup.
Look, when you watch all of this now and hopefully when we watch the documentary as well you'll feel like even more, you left something behind. It is a legacy and that is perhaps one of the best seasons in the history of the club and that you were being part, a small part of that legacy and that is a fantastic feeling, at the beginning it was difficult and you felt a little bit because it is always a feeling nice to be the only one, but thinking about it a little more it felt really nice because it also gave us an idea of ​​how good a city is with a team and also our performance. and our way of doing it, we actually did it 25 years ago, so I think now, when I feel like it's good that you can appreciate the City what they did and it also reflects on us and our way of doing it 25 years ago.
Again, that's great. Know? Something I had to text you. It's great. I mean, things like this are great for us because obviously, a long time ago, 25 years ago, this happened and you don't really sit back and think about it because it's. It's part of your life and it's a big part of your life, but I'm not someone who sits around and goes on talking about it, but when you come to these places, I think that's when people get goosebumps. and you remember. What a special moment it was, so it's nice to see, obviously, yeah, don't take it into account when you're there because the US manager drives you, enjoy it tonight, enjoy it tomorrow the next day, he's watching the next game and the next. season and that was always our Manch really and looking back I wish it wasn't if I'm honest because I'd like to see people have a good time and enjoy the success and the wins which is great to see uh We didn't really do much We didn't get me wrong, we had a great night, well two or three nights after this, but we went right back to what we needed to do next, if I didn't do it the manager would get it. get rid of you because he wants to win each and every season so move on do you see any of the guys anywhere or is it just no yeah yeah yeah we catch up from time to time to to be honest?
You know, sometimes we work for Manchester United as ambassadors and catch up there, sometimes you play like charity games and catch up there or you work in television and catch up there, so they're very different areas in the ones you catch up on. So, but it's always good, you know, it's uh, you know, with this load of pounds we experienced a lot of you know, good periods together, so it was always good to catch up a little bit on what you think of the current Manchester United team , you know it's a I think it's good that they have something that you really know to look forward to now it's the Wembley final, uh, I think you know, they have some results teams and the players always come in at times in your you know career.
You can go up and down, but that's how you get out of it, you know it and they know what to do. It's a tough job to get out of that. If you feel like you're a little down, just go to the training ground. to work as hard as you can and take advantage of the result you get, you know that's the case, but now you know that United has something to look forward to and that is going to embley and that can leave a really good mark. in their season, so I think you know, they work hard every day now with the changes that have occurred within the hierarchy.
Do you see good times ahead for United? So I repeat with all the changes in the purchases of Jim and the director of football hierarchy all this stuff, yes, I think you know thatit could be, I'm looking forward to this period coming up now because it's, we'll see, it's something I'm looking forward to to see how you know which direction it's going in, so you know. With United as a club, there will be demands that you know, that are going to go in the right direction, so it's something I think we're all keen to see as well. is going to happen Sir Alex always used to say that football is cyclical, it goes in cycles, so this is just a difficult cycle, that's what I mean, you always know the players and you always know the clubs and the teams they go to , you know that performance goes up and down. a little bit and you know that's not just in football but in sport in general, so, but you know how you overcome it, that's what puts the stamp on the teams, how they go out and train every day. throw and see how they continue so I hope they can work hard and get the result at least at Wembley and finally do you think there is too much football because we look at the injuries this year, not just United?
All the best teams are getting hit. I know, I went through that a little bit too, so it's, even though you know they play more games than us now, but it's a lot of games, it's hard for me. I think the body can handle most of it, but you know it's the concentration in the head that's really difficult because, especially then, in my experience, you go out and play in Europe and you come back to England and you have a visitor. game that could be and you play away from home uh that's a very difficult match tends to dominate so very different styles of play have very different ways of working but their achievements are the same as ours I can't hear it going to be the Tonight is the first time I see the first.
I haven't seen the last one yet, so I'm going to watch the last one tonight for the first time. Yes, it was United's best season. It will always be. I don't think so. I don't think I can top that in drama, um, no, look, I don't think we look back that often, um, too much as players, I think we always make sure we live in the future and we always try to achieve what we can, except 25 years. From that kind of special moment, it was worth looking back and a bit of nostalgia, well, Sol, from time to time, some of them, yes, I mean, obviously, the guys who still live in Manchester, You know, Nikki Ryan, schy Becks, obviously, I watch a lot.
Phil, I see Phil less than anyone else because he lives in America now, so yeah, the ones in Manchester and I see some of them, obviously, you know, I see Roy clearly in the sky and doing the overlay with him and I. I also saw some of the other guys when they were doing the media rounds, he barked a lot and petted Michael, so it's good to get back to it, but look, it was an exciting time, there was an excitement to that season that you couldn't have. I got better football games, you know? The comebacks, red cards, penalties, late goals, great goals.
Playing against the best teams in Europe, and obviously in our country, throughout the process, we played against all the best teams, it felt like the culmination of some kind of I. I don't know a dream that we probably all had: to reach the top and to the top of football and that season we achieved it, fortunately, the season seems to be this, yes, do you think? Watch the documentary, that's what I hope. Look, you know that history can be your friend and your enemy when you look back and hope that Manchester United's history can inspire the current group and look, there's a really important game in three weeks against Manchester City in the Cup Final and that could be the beginning of something very special.
They have to see it that way. I hope, because you know, it all starts with a hat trick for S Alex Ferguson. It began in 1989 with an FA Cup victory against Crystal Palace. at Wembley and 10 years later Manchester United won the Champions League, but it's been 10 years since that FA Cup win, so I think it's really important to reflect on the fact that I grew up in the 80s as a United fan when they didn't win the league so you can't always be successful and I hope the current group can win against City in a few weeks, find a way to win somehow and that could be the start of something that could generate a great trust, no more.
We knew at the time, I think those of us are


fans, how special it was because we had had the Champions League, sorry, the European Cup success of '68, we knew about this, we knew how important the statue of the best Lauren Charlton. The Busbys, during the trip to Europe, knew that it was important and, obviously, we had already won the double as a group of players, some in the United States in '96 and others in both, so we had won the FA Cup and the Premier . League sometimes it was always the Champions League that was the icing on the cake for CATE la Cereza if you want and I think that from that point of view we knew how big it was, we knew that I remember telling Allan Solai that night that no I don't know what what did you just do.
Honestly, I realized it the moment the goal went in. I lay on the ground and looked up because he was a United fan. I knew what we had done was monumental, not just forgetting the treble but just actually winning the Champions League, by the looks of it, and what they did was incredible, so no, I would never take anything away from what they did, the only thing What I would say is that, from our point of view, our games were probably more dramatic than the ones we had. A lot of games we won in the last minute or we had people sent off and we missed penalties and some of the best games I've seen or been involved in were in that season for us, so maybe they were more dramatic hours because of the style of play that we have, they are just a machine, the way they play and they don't give teams chances, so it always feels a little more methodical, but you know they are equal achievements for

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