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"If Reform get the seats, he WILL take over!" - On Nigel Farage's future with the Tory party

Jul 02, 2024
Now Richie Sunak is at the poles, of course, so the vultures are already circling for his position. Some Conservative leadership hopefuls appear to be organizing their campaigns and the Times reports that websites with names like Sella Braan and KY Badok have been registered or updated in recent months and these have names like Suella f. and support, so former Sun editor Kelvin McKenzie joins me now to discuss this. Kelvin if Sunak leaves are those kind of names and Penny Moran I guess it's also a curiosity are they the favorites for the conservative


and also the names of these websites are any indication that they are really organizing um well , I hope they are organizing um, unfortunately um rishy, ​​a very intelligent man, a very poor leader, I mean, he has done something phenomenal as long as he lives like As long as he lives, Normandy


live with him, so he was with one of the KY Bed Knocks advisors, and what she indicated to me was that anyway, there was quite a bit of bad blood between rishy and bad knck, and I think she is number one and to a large extent, Sella is nowhere to be seen, pretty she's nowhere to be seen unless someone comes out of left field, so I'm afraid I think she'll almost get a coronation instead of a competition k and and uh and be Honestly, if she had been in office, I know it's ridiculous because we would have had the fifth prime minister if she had been in charge for the last year or so.
if reform get the seats he will take over   on nigel farage s future with the tory party
I think the tourist would have offered a better show than they probably still


have. hit the same way but there would have been a sense of hope where is the hope for the conservative


after the election? that's what worries me the most and the other thing that worries me is that they have deliberately put in a lot of quotes One Nation Herberts is potentially elected as a Conservative in the safe


, however it is true that if they try one nation once they They get the other side of a defeat like that, honestly, they won't last five minutes, but Kelvin, if you listen to people like those one nation guys or the conservatives, as some critics would call them, people like Tobias Elwood, he would say don't worry. they win the elections if it lurches to the right, they win the elections, tell the French that and then tell the French to look at what is happening in Germany.
if reform get the seats he will take over   on nigel farage s future with the tory party

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if reform get the seats he will take over on nigel farage s future with the tory party...

Look what's going on in western dating, so why don't those wets get it? Kelvin. They don't understand it. They consider politics as a kind of intellectual exercise. All about the brain. Nothing to do with the heart. And that is where Farage is winning on the left. right and center I hope now I hope it does vaguely better than the polls suggest, look, you remember the expression, but because you have some polls that show the


in 18


, others with seven, I mean, it's look if they had In fact, if he wins 18 seats, he will probably be the leader of the conservative party by Christmas.
if reform get the seats he will take over   on nigel farage s future with the tory party
Well interesting point because I'm sure you saw it in her interview with Beth rgby on Sky News talking about the Tories and she asked if you would ever go to the Tories if they get wiped out and so on, you know same old question, she said they are Gastly Gastly, they have betrayed the result of Brexit on 29, 2019 and for them everything is a game, this is a political issue. movement I don't want to have anything to do with them, he said there is no interest, I don't mind leaving the conservatives, there is a point in that because if you look at Le Pen, Marine Le Pen, Marine Le Pen's father, created that party in 1972, so it took them five decades to get to where they are today, which is a 34.5 or 34% lead, so you could argue that it won't be Nigel who ends up ruling the country, it will be the son of Nigel, see what?
if reform get the seats he will take over   on nigel farage s future with the tory party
I mean, I tell him, if you get 18 seats, make a deal with the tourist and


over. I'm just talking about taking control. I'm not talking about him being deputy leader or him being shadow home secretary or shadow chancellor. I'm saying you become the leader, so you think he needs the conservative brand, he needs that brand, he can't, he can't build something on his own, you know him well. I say that he doesn't have enough time to do it and that he would do it. It has to be his son or his grandson like the pen issue, I'm not sure if they want to get involved, but I'm referring to the Flack that Nigel receives.
I've been following and talking to Nel since maybe 2015, around the time of the general election when he was Running with Ukip I went with him to some speeches at town halls and local pubs. The abuse he received from the extreme left. I'm not sure anyone would want to put up with that, but Kelvin talking about the conservatives they have. released this campaign ad with the message illegal immigrants are waiting for labor, the inference is that the starma party will roll out the red carpet and this is literally what they have portrayed in this video for small boat arrivals, but the former prime minister Scottish Hamza YF has been offended because the good news is that we only have a few days left until we get rid of this xenophobic Conservative government.
I mean, he's one to talk to, isn't he? He's talking about white people, white people, oh yeah, he looks what Yousef thinks. about anything it doesn't even matter in Scotland so god knows what should matter here what I enjoyed about it and all this is too late, it's too late, you decide to do it with 72 hours to go until the election, why didn't you start? doing all this literally 6 weeks ago if he had been posting videos posting month month posting General General kind of campaign ad that was meant to say look, we're on your side, we understand how you feel about immigrants, he wouldn't say I don't get it, It makes no sense to say that there were 72 hours left.
I like that ad, but it could have done a lot more. I mean, you said he should have done it weeks ago, but I mean, possibly, months ago, even when he made the decision. Reigns saw you know the problem he had with the only nation the conservatives just grab the ball by the horns surely and you know what you know what the members want yeah I know but he can't do it and a lot of members , many M Tor MPS members couldn't do it, they can't get dirty and one of the best things about Farage and I accept that the abuse he receives is beyond disgusting right?
The abuse is that he assumes it. he gets up and continues punching Richie he's an intellect a financial intellect he's not a political intellect and we've discovered that a decent guy doesn't actually like K so I'm not really on his side but um a decent guy Kevin you You called it intellect, but the other day you said you would no longer vote for


after Nigel's comments, um, you know, about that, now you change your mind about that, yes, no, no, no, no, don't I buy, I don't believe it. You wouldn't vote for reform, would you?
I would, personally, not vote for the reform. I believe everything he says, but I can't. I can't put my reason. A magnificent politician, the greatest politician of this century, so in the last 24 years, he is number one, the things he has achieved are incredible, but I can't cross the border because of the Putin issue, what He said? What did he say that made you so upset? What he wanted me to say was "I can." I can't stand Putin, he's a dictator, he's vile, he sent, he said those things that he sends here, well, he didn't say it in a way that tells me what umbilical cord, he didn't tell me if look, if he was sitting there now and said. all those things in that order I would change my mind he is entitled to his opinion he may be right about the EU he may be right about NATO but I can't the guy himself is a huge threat why should we believe anything he Putin say Putin? says I'm not going to invade Ukraine says I'm not going to invade Ukraine I'm not going to invade Ukraine oh oh sorry I've invaded Ukraine so you think I mean I would Nigel would say he was warning 10 15 years ago about Putin that's different that's different he maybe would have done it anyway granted but Nigel was just making the point I warned him about this many years ago I say I'm saying he wouldn't I'm not saying he's not a psychic.
I'm not saying he's not a smart guy, I want him to say specifically that we have to stand up to Putin, otherwise he's a threat to all of us, he would literally come close, yeah okay Kevin McKenzie, former editor of the Sun, thank you very much .

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