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Amanda the Adventurer IN OUR HOUSE After Midnight (ON A SCHOOL NIGHT!) (FGTeeV Gameplay)

Apr 09, 2024
butchers? That means the woollies are gone. It was definitely that one. In the candy store, oh my god, don't leave here, no, that's the nice birthday card you want to give to your friend now, who should I send this to? She was writing confused, oh, confused, it's your birthday. She is remembering that diseases are disintegrating. God, no, what does this mean? We tried to go where we tried to go here and then we went to buy candy, but instead he brought us to The Butcher and then we went, what does this mean? It's getting harder and harder to do, that's me, right? the door that's why it hides maybe if you put let's look around first and then we can't find it that changed yes that changes at 3 45 a.m.
amanda the adventurer in our house after midnight on a school night fgteev gameplay
You really have to go to bed mommy is going to kick me you have


tomorrow who cares yeah who cares she's not my boss let's play the tape oh god are you sure? And then whatever the doll came back, well he said, what's up family, okay bro, how long has this been recorded at 57 minutes per hour and 11? Do you know what time it is? almost



brother, well it's 12. brother, you won't wake up tomorrow, you'll have to wait if you go to bed. I feel like I'm being an irresponsible parent, bad day at


, what did the school see this?
amanda the adventurer in our house after midnight on a school night fgteev gameplay

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amanda the adventurer in our house after midnight on a school night fgteev gameplay...

No wonder why everyone. hates school, can you make a sound like a sheep? Oh, that's great, oh God, oh, wait, wait, wait, wait, a bad storm. Okay, there are a lot of animals, yes, it's fun to spend time with animals, yes, we have donkeys, chickens, goats, oh God, they don't talk like that. people oh my god this is offensive I'm an animal and I'm an animal she talks dumb dumb oh god she doesn't recognize Woolly as a talking animal let's make sounds like the animals on the posters yeah let's do it Let's do it, says a goat. that was good a pig says he knew it fucking new why doesn't she have a wolf why do we just say wow why is a storm a wolf?
amanda the adventurer in our house after midnight on a school night fgteev gameplay
No, buddy, if we get a tornado, we could get sucked in. Okay, let's go see your animal. Family, see the chicken, the chicken is fine and you show me where the chickens are, yeah, yeah, this way, what a cute bag, oh, why did Willie just make that sound? Do you know what dad's name is? A daddy chicken is called a rooster. but let's pretend we say oh Wooster, no, that's not what it's called. Tornado warning pause. Should I try to get a tornado? Okay, that didn't work, so let's go good again, rooster, we don't want any trouble. nobody, no problem, babies are chicks, you get it, mummies eat their babies, no, no, no, no, that, no, that, yes, uh, spider, I don't want to see those, they're scary , so why is it on your phone yeah, why are they there? snakes oh, I have a flood warning.
amanda the adventurer in our house after midnight on a school night fgteev gameplay
Should I now turn around and you're flooding? No, despite the spider webs, but I will make a spider again. I think it's a flood spider, oh look if we're waiting. We, it's okay, relax, it's okay, it's here, your sheep is here, we have to tell him, we have to tell him, we have to tell him, oh, the sheep are right where they belong. I don't think there's anything there, nothing that you don't know, that I do. I know everything, what's going on? Hello, little one, where is your family? Oh God, the snakes ate it. It seems that this kitten is alone.
How do you think she feels sweet? She feels sad. You must be very scared. Gary. There is no one who loves her. Could you help her? the lonely kitty yes, of course, of course, I won't, please help the lonely kittens to the nose, won't you help them? Oh, my son, what is it really? I saw Victor back there, what the hell was that wait? No, no, no, the doll, wait. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, why don't we pause it? We stressed her out, bro, no, it's Amanda, that's Amanda. I bet we know this, what we do, guts, we have to do all that again, even if we unlock the toolbox, the scissors, oh my God, she is. out, do it, do it, make a helicopter, helicopter, oh my God, his head is up, put it back, no, well, take the battery, what are the batteries for, put the batteries on the desk, there's no one to help her, will you help her?
Yes, we will help her. What's going on? stop, look at that thing back there, it's not going crazy, we said we would help, we did everything we were supposed to, we said we would help, oh, it's up there, get the batteries, why, because the batteries are there Outside, brother, why aren't the batteries? So we have to finish this tape in the kitchen. So why would we do this again? Oh, the doll is back. The batteries ran out. They're on the table? They're on the table. I told you I put them in the back, yeah, okay, oh.
I'm blah blah wait, did you hear me say something before? says blab bot and this and it had a price try to make a slice make a peach cobbler for Woolly my favorite no yeah this never ends oh my gosh this is this is really light. oh that's the doll come on Lauren we have a special surprise for you oh my gosh this is so creepy they are playing he is ready to eat ice cream and cake she is busy with her best friend this is how shows 24/7. It's like she didn't do it. You can't even hear me welcome to social media twenty one seven come on honey we can see Amanda another time oh hell no Lauren is gone no Amanda took the front door is open Lauren is fine I love mint chocolate chips oh my god Amanda It's outside, what are you doing?
I think she already saw something in the background, yeah, what if she just hit him? I'll stop it, it didn't work, we'll just do this the right way, boom, we'll get the tape, okay, thanks, skip, this is it, now this is it. it 15 no three two five right, I'm ready, I said my condolences to Kate, wait, it was Kate, Lauren's mom, okay, I don't want to play anymore right now, oh no, wait what she never said, so you want me to put this cake. That looks like it's ready in the oven, we just close it and then yeah, there are two.
Amanda is only two years old. Oh, wait, wait, wait, let's see if I know math four, four, two, one, three, zero, trying to tell us that there are two. candles one candle equals two so two times four eight three five CCD wait oh that's it, I see you touch it c c d c fe e oh another candle okay wait wait what's going on no no no no we're not from the special refrigerated cake special cake thing birthday that It was cream cream okay, should I do this? I don't even care what it is about we don't have much time oh god do you trust me?
Yes, he is so confused that we really have to help him. What's happening? No problem. It's good. Woolly. It's broken oh no, but get up there on her head Lily's head is broken here Willie drink this don't do it I don't know Amanda ew it's milk it's probably not Lily Amanda immediately in the patient's brain she threw away what tools that we should use to fix Willy's head, you're sick, hammer, hammer, hammer, that might be useful, but what else could we use? Okay, the tweezers, just do the tweezers, things could get really complicated, no, so you're trying to tell me, dude, that. it seems hard to use none of them three sure no no oh my god oh my god stop it why it looks like a gun saw who should we have which one okay help willie kindly you're not going to help me no you're psycho oh I kind of wanted to do it a little bit, but Sean said no, no, no, no, pause, I did that, I didn't do that, it's like the Wizard of Oz, but which Zoe looks for people at John's Candy Factory who likes Willy Wonka, no, this is. this is all we did actually that was what's the point of the skin do you think we needed to redo something better?
What did we just say? His leg is Brother Evan Willie acting strange. Yeah, what could be wrong? And I'm fine. Look, we have to help Amanda, help her, oh God, we have a new question that was of no use, oh, this new one is from 1984. We have never seen these mushrooms, how many chairs, that's one, two, how many mushrooms we'll say. eight and then the fruit is one two three four five six how many lights turn on just one okay oh two two eight six two please please oh my God we are smart we are so good we are so smart okay at home obviously wait 401 258.
I know that It's like waiting for 401 two five eight, what is that to not come back? Well, aren't we open yet? Try the robot, oh, because this has yet to open. It's what's on the inside, but it's on the inside that counts. it opens don't get the bucket wet we have to put water in oh you know what happens yeah and it'll probably open and then I'll bring this to blabbit yeah bust that ass oh oh sorry treasure chest oh my god , this Amanda's game is crazy, come on best friend, oh my god, another take, can we share, what do we want to share?
Woolly. I'm officially the worst parent for letting you go to bed to


at preschool. I think this is the last one. from the game I hope it is because if not I'll be like what's gone hi I'm Amanda she's so annoying we know you're trying to share all kinds of things with each other okay so we're friends tell us what happened share my crayons with you cool, give me a box, I have fun coloring, it's okay, Billy, sir, what the hell are you so broke? I know, I remember that man, oh my God, man, if she opens that, no, no, it's black and white, no what.
It's just that friends can share other things too, they can share secrets, this doesn't sound right, yeah, yeah, I guess, I think this time we promise we won't call the police, hello cops, yeah, listen to this, listen to what she tells you You'll say, it's a big secret, can you hear it loud and clear? Okay, everyone's listening well because she's about to come out. Yes, she is out there. She was somewhere. No. She's out there. What is this? Why do I know I lost control? I lost control. I lost control I lost control Why did I think I'm an idiot?
Oh, we finally beat him one day. It was like a cooler ending where we could throw the brick at Amanda. Okay, time to see all the endings. As you look? in that ending, boy, that's sick, oh, and then you'll meet the store, oh, we got the true ending, we did almost all the endings, yeah, except the butcher one, which was our longest video we ever recorded, but It will be very short, are you sure? about that for us it was an hour 59 for you, I'm probably going to say 32 minutes 40 40. Who was right? Sean's simple answer is very easy to go to bed and look what we found on the stairs, why didn't we get it.
That butcher ending I took on your phone call okay, come on, come on, I'll help you, come on, come on, oh come on, go to sleep, you have to go to bed, go brush your teeth, good night, I have to try do it, I think Amanda I'm going to catch me, we'll check on you later, calm down, thug, and then for two hours abroad.

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