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5 Strangers vs. 1 Imposter - Day 1

Jun 04, 2024
five questions in public, let's start, let's do it, I think you should go first while we are here together, look low, when were you most nervous? it was like in what context in my entire life no no no on today's game show when you were most nervous uh the last few rounds between you and me because why are we? You look to the side, what did I look to the side? You look down. I heard that's something psychological, like creating a lie. Why would I lie about when I am? But I knew there was this at play, so I was terrified, what behaviors have you been looking for today?
5 strangers vs 1 imposter   day 1
And everyone, just people who were caught off guard or wondering, I liked their answers, Lexi, who are you most worried about? This is very revealing. I'm so sorry, do I have to respond to you? Yes I think so. It's in the it's in the paper towel that was coming in, it was Zach because it was all like Olympic trials, all this stuff and I was like bro, you really have that kind of life like YouTube. I thought he's cool, but the more I've talked to him, you know, I'm starting to not be so suspicious. I usually like to believe that my life is real too.
5 strangers vs 1 imposter   day 1

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5 strangers vs 1 imposter day 1...

Last question, friend, make it count. So what is your dream job? Oh, okay, I think I definitely wanted to go to college. I like YouTube full time because it was my hobby, but now that I do it as a freelance editor, I really love it, so I feel like I'm doing it, even though that's really cheesy. Preston, you have five questions in total privately. can you take someone aside, can we, can we go ask them, oh gosh, okay, I want to ask ally a couple of questions, okay, ally, yeah, what's your workflow when you're editing? Oh okay, good question, I upload all my footage to Premiere and I do a rough cut where I just cut out any ums or similar pauses and stuff like that and then I go back through and add all the graphics and then on the third pass I'll add correction of color and music, okay? and then after exporting, I look at it one more time to make sure there are no errors, okay, great.
5 strangers vs 1 imposter   day 1
I know you said you're doing your dream right now, but is there anything like that as a professional, like a TV studio or anything you want? I feel like my goal is just to work because I edit for some YouTubers and then some corporate jobs, so it would be all YouTube and as big as possible, like bigger YouTubers, but that would be cool too. work for a whole company like buzzfeed or actually like on youtube ok like there's still something on social media ok cool that's it those are the only questions ok ok ok are you a little nervous ?
5 strangers vs 1 imposter   day 1
Who is your pastor and your youth pastor? the name of your church, what are their names, so our senior pastor's name is jimmy witcher, okay, and that sounds super fake. The funny thing is that there are two jimmies in our church, there is jimmy witcher and jimmy evans, jimmy evans used to be the head pastor, but the youth pastor. pastor's name is ashton mitchell who is your church's social media manager? okay so it's the exchange point dot tfc okay for Trinity Fellowship church okay okay little plug right there you want to check it out please grab Alex for me Alex how are you feeling ? about both answers, they're really good answers, yeah, I mean I felt like I dug deep enough to think that if you don't have a fully thought out backstory then you're like something neither of them did, so are they out of place? your list now i don't know ally has been so quiet i'm still evaluating it but that workflow that was so specific dude that was good you're the final question i know what the question is oh i know what the question is we have a psychic in our hands but I know the question you know the question yeah, well I'm going to the last two with you absolutely, totally, I'll do that, what's your mother's maiden name, my mother's maiden name, Leavenworth, okay, That's it, oh, that's it.
Wow, that was my last question, it was easy, they were the last two. Actually, I saw no sin at all. Really if. I brought it here to make it look like I'm catching up to the group. You know, okay dude, those two were the ones I really suspect, yeah, I don't know him at all, but I didn't want to make it seem like I was messing with girls or something, yeah, okay, let's vote for someone. off it's not an island it's not an island someone is leaving tonight and we're literally going to start the voting process right now I literally don't know who the


is my opinion has changed six times so far today and there are six people here and that's not It's a coincidence, I literally thought every single person here was the mole at one point.
I'm very curious to see how this develops. I'm really sad to see one of them go because I feel like I actually like him anymore. everyone likes that they are so nice and so cool that you are going to write who you think is the


who is down, turn it over vote blocked, it's time for the most important part of the video that you are watching from home right now, you have the ability to vote, go to the description, click on the poll, vote for who you think is the only one left out at the end of the series, if you guys successfully voted to eliminate the stranger, I'll shave my head or something, someone crazy, let's get into this first. zach friend, how do you feel now?
You're feeling a little nervous, buddy. I'm just going to say that I talk to a lot of people individually, yes, and you have a very strong identity, you have like Olympic trials, life youtuber, l.a, like an actor like that. It seems like such a fake identity, but that's a compliment to your life, which is great, I know it's not you, so that's what I'm rooting for you right now, but I won't tell anyone, he's saying The truth is, yes, friend. I really hope you make it to the next round. I know people are suspicious of you, but I'm going to step up there and let you vote today.
I have to vote for ally. I'm sorry because I don't necessarily feel like it's her, but that's the way things go, so I'm really sorry, I feel like it could be Alex, but no one else thinks it could be him. Hey Alex, come on down, you're here. It's time to vote, yeah, how you feel, man, terrible, terrible, terrible, like you feel empathetic to the person you're voting for. I feel horrible for voting for someone, uh and at the same time I feel terribly horrible because I'm the person who goes. Go home, okay, I'll let you do your thing, good luck Alex, make the right decision, I'm so sorry, but it had to be a girl, you take the brunt of it, can we?
I'm just asking for a second, what? ? that's what he took ally threw it under the bus there's a bus there he threw it under okay come on here's your white board hot how are you feeling right now I just feel like oh my head is flooded with thoughts Like you just don't know water, what's the thing? Yeah, it is, yeah, exactly, I'll let you vote. Okay, I'm standing there. It's okay, Alex, I'm so sorry. I hope you can tell by my sad face. I'm so sorry, but your story just seemed like. a little too general I just don't know, everyone seems too specific to be fake so sorry okay ally here we go it's time to vote yeah I'm stressed it's stressful some alliances have been formed Yes, would you like to get engaged? to these alliances what's going on now what's going on I don't know if this is just a prejudice but I really trust the other girls okay, they seem very trustworthy I'm so conflicted between Alex and Zach okay for very different reasons damn okay then I I'm literally deciding right now what I'm going to put in really well, I'll let you vote, I'll go right there, okay, there's no privacy at all, okay, I'll choose Alex, I'm so sorry if it's not you, if you're the imposter then I have, but I feel like I don't know enough about you to know if you are or not, so for now I'm going with you, okay Preston, here we go, oh lord friend, only two more votes left.
I feel bad, I'm not good, I want to go first next time, but man, I know it's a really good feeling, this is what I'm thinking asking you those questions, yeah, I feel a lot less safe, it's a horrible feeling and I can't. Look her in the eyes right now because I feel really bad, I feel really bad, but like I have to do something, I'll let you vote, okay, it's close, yeah, that's all I'm saying, okay, I'm so sorry, no It's nothing personal. I think you're a great person, but I have to do it. Very sorry.
I feel terrible. I'm really sorry. That's crazy. Lexi. Come on, it's time to go. You are the last ship. You are literally the last person now. Oh my God. God you literally have the power to throw someone under the bus right now okay I'll let you vote this is super important yeah good luck thanks I'll be there ally this is nothing personal. They're amazing and I know girl gangs inside and out but I got into some kind of alliance so I had to follow the numbers I'm so sorry I feel so bad oh my god it's okay guys the ships are in I'm literally about to collapse walking down the stairs right now, only two people in this entire group received votes, two of you, one of you, received two votes and one of you received four votes, which means that one of you leaves at this moment, the person expelled.
Since the imposter is an ally, I felt very safe for most of the day, so it's very sad, especially after the first day, but I hope they find the truly impossible. I feel disappointed, definitely sad. I am so confused. I feel like there is a great group of people. They all seem to have very detailed stories and honestly I'm surprised that I felt like maybe I didn't speak enough to prove that I'm real, but I thought there were a lot more suspicious people than me, yeah, so no, I agree. I don't think you're the imposter, so I'm almost literally in shock.
You have to do it. Can we show my reaction real quick? This is nothing personal. Thank you very much and good luck on your trip.

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