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Optimal Plays In YuGiOh! Legacy of the Duelist Link Evolution

Mar 09, 2024
What's going on, shady people? Shady Penguin here, welcoming you back to the next episode of our Yu-gi-oh Legacy of the Duelists Link Evolution series. Today we return for the second and hopefully third duel of our Giant War draft. battle pack: no syncs, no ex seeds, just some duels. I'm going to go ahead and find a random combination right now. Our deck has the Wayne dragon from Raw and we didn't get a chance to summon him in the last video, but yeah. Faith, but today we will have the opportunity to do so, we will discover it in this upcoming duel.
optimal plays in yugioh legacy of the duelist link evolution
Well, we have a match lined up against Sophie on Sophie on Sophie on your like you're a suspicious person. I tweeted by The Way I Just Tweeted that I'm looking for matchups and I know a brilliant Sophie, so this could be that guy. Arco, we believe you, let's go first. Rock, paper, scissors is where the dueling actually is in Yugioh. I started here playing, you go and don't shoot. I do not know what to tell you. Okay, we have Cyber ​​Dragon here, which is a pretty solid start, but the rest of our hand is a little scary.
optimal plays in yugioh legacy of the duelist link evolution

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optimal plays in yugioh legacy of the duelist link evolution...

I'm just going to establish the damage. key and I'm going to clarify something in our Tardeo, it will be guys: being attacked or safe, well, not attacking, this is 2200, but you are about to be run over by something, whether it's a combination of equipment spells, whatever it is . whatever it is, I don't know, it's going to be hard for the damage key to activate right now, unfortunately, oh, you're just going to open up with the fancy charity, huh, you're just going to lead with that, okay, okay, sure , oh my God, archangel. from joan that's all my deck needed to help me help my real I can't think I can't breathe for my winged dragon from rah to blow up everything so I can win those I can get those life points back oh and you discard a keko keko, banishment here and I think that's your name.
optimal plays in yugioh legacy of the duelist link evolution
I'm not sure about the thing. Once an IRA came back, you get a scary imported attack. This card cannot attack the tournament's back turned. Wow, now it's just a mm. Wow, that's a. really cool card that's better than being late or almost two face down that's unfortunate more than three face down that's really unfortunate I'm going to go ahead and oh okay maybe we can make the dream come true okay this is it What can we do first thing in the morning? What I'm going to do is just go to the battle phase, let's force this, she has face down, sir, so Sophie has face down.
optimal plays in yugioh legacy of the duelist link evolution
I don't know why I assume her because I think the brilliant Sophie is. I don't know, I don't know, wait, I can attack now, I know, we'll see a threatening roar, your opponent can't declare an attack this turn, well that makes them unable to declare an attack this turn, unfortunate. very unlucky I'm going to go ahead and I'm going to end my turn I won't even do anything else I won't even do anything else that Joan's angel is mine you just need to draw a greed pot so we can get some more cards. She had two pots of vegetables that you opened with elegant charity.
It feels so strange to go back to playing a card game where there is no Mulligan. I've been playing Dragon Ball Super so playing Yugioh where there's no Mulligan feels so socially awkward and I said I played. magic battery before being TGA I'm a card game feet I love cardi and and to peel this these things I don't know man it feels very strange it feels very strange come on so if you know what you have right Hi, Aaron Irons is going to 2400, now it's getting scarier, it's getting scarier, another one has been placed face down.
He may have to do it, oh, that will actually help us a lot. I'm going to set this up. I want a monster to be born now, but your face down. Am I going to know that you're going to have an answer upside down? What I have to do is I probably need to take out the ancient equipment golem somehow like I can hatch a monster and then tribute the ancient equipment golem and that will probably be enough to win. I, the game, really wanted to use Joan's angel, but I can't, let's do this, let's be born as a monster, let's summon an angel in attack position, my opponent doesn't activate anything right now, I definitely have to do it, I have to Tribute this card to enemies, it's okay. the card can't be a special summon, that's a bummer, okay, this is this ancient equipment golem that will stop like near walls, it will stop a lot of scary things, so I think it's worth it and now, if my opponent gets rid of my old team. golem somehow and then swings towards me.
I can't activate babaçu damage play okay, so I'm pretty sure that means Wow, what nice defensive cards. I'm pretty sure that means I won't be able to run him over. wabacooche reduces all battle damage dealt to zero no hit points no destruction nothing is okay, although we have kunai with chain, so okay, we're going to, we're going to be able to get rid of this thing, we're going to be able to get rid of this stuff. These defensive cards can simply be outplayed as long as Sophia doesn't gain more draw power. No, do not extract more extraction power.
We'll go ahead and do it. We'll go ahead and do it. okay, you're going to go, you're going to win, you're going to go to 2800, now we can still run you over, which is fine, card guard, you can't turn down a party, throw me the card counter on this. boy, if you put the card in, if that car we ever get destroyed, oh, that's really good, that's really good for you, like I'm extremely jealous, extremely jealous of that, ah, let's think, so we'll have to run this over once and then. we're going to have to kunai with chain I think it's okay a fighter sumit let's summon eight fighters let's do it there summon a fighter I'm going to the battle phase I don't really want the effect of a card I don't want we Let's go into the battle phase , where we are immature, we will get rid of this counter right now.
I really hope that there is no mere force. I don't think he can attack with this spider yet, okay, so I think my opponent is out. of defensive stuff, which is great, let's finish our turn. I'm not going to risk attacking with the fighter and activating it like the mirror force and destroying my old team golem. We have to get rid of these 2800 meters now that we have it. to get rid of him right now and I can give my old team golem 3500 an extra attack, okay, you'll gain more points, no thanks, no thanks. Oh, injection fairy, Lily, that's a real-life card, or unlucky, okay, I'm going to have to activate the chain kunai now and well, I can do both effects.
I didn't know it's actually one or both, but I don't think it makes sense for me to put you in a defensive position, does it? Now I want to give you 500 because now even if you pump you will go to 3400 so I think that's fine. Then you can not? I think you can cancel the attack now thanks to the master rule by the master rule. 3 was more like trying to do some research and learn about different teachers, like you were going to pump. losing mm makes sense, you only lose 100 Life Points instead of losing 30 100 Life Points or you lose 2,100 I points instead of losing 34 Life Points okay, let's see, can we do it?
Can we do the thing? Can we do the thing? The Humira wall could be a grab for us, okay, but set this up. I'm still afraid to attack with my ape fighter. I will do that. I will attack. I'm a fighter this turn, but I want to make sure I get rid of this big guy first. Is this an era? Hey, Aaron was going to ruin us, but now let's see, let's see if you have mirror strength. No, okay, nothing like that, amazing. we grow and end our turn I don't even need premature burial at this time there is no reason for premature burial at this time sure sure okay we will see when an attack is declared evolve on this card an opponent's monster you can act this fact none of the players receives no battle damage also destroys the opponent's monster Wow, you will only be able to destroy my old equipment that is gone for free friend that hurts that hurts inside if I do this you will take even more, oh no, you don't accept any battle so much, endure the mine, you do not take battle damage, you will only be destroyed the bulb later will be destroyed and so will the old unlucky equipment golem or you will not, use leave better. getting destroyed for real, that's better than DD Warrior, I just mean it doesn't banish them, which is questionable if it's better, but overall it feels good, yuck, lots of greed, that's perfect, oh come on show me The butter, oh. that's not really butter but it's okay it's enough to win the game i think it's enough to win the game i won't activate the mirror wall stop wondering the mirror wall won't activate although we're going to activate premature burial and we're going to be late or synergy can attack immediately with 2200 because it doesn't have that good so good and if Sophie doesn't have an answer it's all over but the fishes I don't know what that expression means one bit but Oh steep goats Wow, tell it, don't tell it still, guys, it's not worth counting, we have to attack three up, this is it, this is Yugi, oh, here, this is a good thing you do here, you must love the


of the





or seriously, you really do it, ah, the draft is so much fun, boyfriend, are they monkeys growing up or a wrestler growing up? we have, we have defense, we have - we destroyed the defense, chain monsters for days, right now, for literal days, let's end this. in case you have a second scapegoat we are definitely going to set up the curse of Anubis, yeah I guess I think Battle Pack 2 doesn't have extra cards it's like that if you don't like extra card duels you don't want syncs no you want pendulums you don't want I mean pendulums additional cards army bear regardless of this this is the format for you ooh Matassa the twin sword marauder zapper and hit with full force oh my god that's like bow first strike it's like the spell version of that monster card you just used is literally 100% the spell version omg a lot of you said that while watching these videos you usually play the


duels yourself or maybe you're playing


s of duel and I think it's really cool that we say you know you're just putting on a show and then you're going to go ahead and play some duels okay so here you have options that we can choose from.
The curse of Anubis or we could reflect the wall. I think the mirror wall is the best move. Let me see that letter again. Is it a quick play? I don't think it's a good move. I don't think it's a quick play. I really don't know what you'll do. Do it my friend, will you attack me with my three face down? Oh, could you sit there? Battle rates, let's see, okay. I'm going to go ahead and mirror the wall here. I think it's the best move. It will keep a monster on our board. deals extra damage here we go boom destroyed you get the draw card that could change the whole game my opponent could draw a dark hole right now thanks to me he could literally pass me and phase two nice, nice, nice, nice, nice, nice, of course you guys don't I don't know where we got this deck from, we drafted it in the last video on the channel, so you might want to check it out if you haven't already, so we'll see: two face down.
I will not pay 2000 Life Points. Okay, I refuse, now let's move on, you have enough to win if one of these attacks if these attacks don't stop. I cling to this cybernetic dragon. You never know, get out of here. I don't need to upgrade my it's already so strong two thousand five hundred it's crazy to come back with two two hundred first because in case you have a damaged gate we want to make sure we can eight fighters and overcome anything in your graveyard that can be summoned this way 2200 and what is the latter? What is this last one?
This is the game, it's those face downs, just bluffs, there is no tiki curse, the curse is a real card that my opponent just used and will continue to attack, then we will attack the tiki curse and I think I will win. attack points because it goes to the Graveyard it's a monster and a trap but it's also a monster and boom they were even stronger than us before we're not going to act like Anubis' curse no, no, that doesn't make sense - actually a curse of Anubis Game I'm holding let me be I'm holding let me be I'm holding let me be come on now show me someone suggested me because I want to play this game so bad right now I want to be able to keep playing and we're uploading a video a day someone suggested doing something in the that we do double charges if we hit a certain target, whatever, but I think I'll leave it alone for one right now, if you guys are interested in that, although okay, well, for strike it was the set card and it's not a quick buy if you're anything like that, though definitely let me know, I guess the more people say something the more likely it is to happen, potentially we're going to curse Anubis right now, boom, I'm protecting my fighter, he's too strong to let go , it's too strong to let go, that's the game, that's the game, oh yeah, there was no chance after that to come back, good game, Sophie.
They are very fast I'm going to go ahead and let'sstart looking for another match well so we are here against Zeon number 11 for our second match of the date I think it will go well for a draft that we We are able to make a draft of a duel on rock, draft of a duel from time to time from time to time, another video with two duels and then a third video after this with two more duels to complete it, oh the giraffe, hopefully you guys are up for it right now. There are still two of us.
Oh, which is great. Our hand is not the best. Yes, our hand. This is probably one of the weakest hands we've had so far. It has three traps. It's great, but these are some of the weaker traps. Where's mine? Better cover mine. I have to respond to that greed with some greed. I must respond to that greed with some greed. Sure, please, please, here we go, we haven't summoned Raw's winged dragon yet. I hope we can convert. change, let's draw increasing energy, okay, this could be pretty good, come on, let's try to do this, let's try to do this right now, because I'm okay with playing it safe, so much Sasuke, grandmaster, ninja, grand. overpower Sasuke because we can use the damage next turn, if he's able to destroy this right now then we can use the damage gate to hopefully get him back ooh we're going to take some damage there but the good news is that Sasuke is actually the answer to this big problem. gardna shield so I'm happy about that so I'll set the damage key time machine.
I don't think the harpy dusters in this pack are crazy and boost energy specifically so we can discard our bacon protector, that's a nice synergy. You know you don't need the bacon shield to get on the field to activate its effect and negating it is necessary to negate an attack once it's in the grave, so I hope it pays homage, ah, it won't be much of a shield, okay? he's not that you meet Big Show in the garden, he's opening wood so we can activate the damage and start + but even if he summons something else and we can ask him to be the damage gate, that's fine, I think it will be worth the penalty to increase energy. here because he could use the time machine.
I don't want a time machine. Let's see a plate of rockets. It could happen. Surely my battle at the end. The damage. The warm monster begins to attack. Who attacked you?. To attack the equipped monster until it eats what is the end of the prey, except if you abandon the attacked monster the target of the attack loses the attack what I don't like bats ah they can't be destroyed in battle at all good only while it is attacking okay so this is what we're going to do. I'm going to let grandmaster Sasuke fall. The reason I'm going to do that is because we can use the time machine next turn or your time machine right now.
Rather, it is good to activate the time machine and we will bring Sasuke back. It's like a clue. Can't. use surging energy right now when he's attacking he won't be destroyed we can attack him and destroy him which is good so I'm going to go ahead and make my point about the end of his turn okay no card it won't do that , who? I won't do that now Oh, premature burial makes things interesting, that makes things interesting. I'm going to move on. I'm going to attack the slate warrior. You might know what to stack on the big shield.
I'm going to nail it to the big shield. to just get rid of this, get rid of this card, I wanted to see if I can bait a face down in that sense, but I didn't, okay now, I think we'll go to battle phase two and set up this chain kunai. I'm pretty sure that once this monster declares an attack, once the monster declares an attack, I shouldn't be able to return to the attack position, it could be wrong, but I hope I can chain kunai, hmm. Wow, it's worth the risk because we'll lose it. That is not like that.
If that is not the case and that is not the case, we will lose. I guess I'll activate Bolt. There is no reason not to activate both when attacking. I will do that. I'll activate both, I'll switch from defense and equip our grandmaster with this card and we should be good ooh you have your own set of grandmaster salsa suit so dress gay Sasuke okay I want to activate kunai with chain o sure let's activate kuna I activate chain kunai I will choose both effects sir thank you very much so let's put up your defense and we'll equip our Grand Master with this chain kunai beautifully strong card beautifully strong card we don't need to activate anything else no thanks no thanks you're going to attack the ego boost well I'm going to move on I don't know what they were up to now but I guess I'm going to activate the energy boost we'll discard the bacon protector and give this card 1500 per pack.
I'm not sure about the damage step because I was just told, hey, my opponent activates noobs, but I think they'll be right before the damage step. when they do that we'll find out right now that's the case oh we're in the battle step we weren't in the battle step if anything else you don't know what a strong turn for us what a strong turn for us Basically, I'm going to clear his board , I could even summon Bacon Saver right now, premature burial, but that's such a waste, I won't do it, that has a cybernetic jar, oh, that's so tempting but strange, we're in a winning position right now. so I don't see why he would, let's get rid of this fear of the slate warrior first, he'll take away our 500 attack, you know what I want to do.
I'm going to set up Cyber ​​Jar, let's have something. fun, we'll have some fun on the mirror wall, it won't matter, although your job in Stranger Sasuke is to destroy this card no matter what and you'd need to do even more, you'd need even more reduction for it to actually save your slate warrior, but it's not going to matter so I'm not down with that mirror wall game unless you have another monster in your hand right now, which maybe you do and that's why you're doing it, you're going to pay the 2000 lives. Points, if that's the case, I'm definitely setting up a cyber jar that feels like what you have, you feel good, a monster, you're going to pay the 2000, you can run over this Grandmaster, you're trying to play some Yugioh when I'm really trying to play some


, okay I want to play with them, play some yu-gi-oh, that's it, that's what's going on, you're paying the two thousand, you definitely have a monster you're dealing with to run over with this, okay and you do this tactic. you open a pot of greed you have elegant charity what is this and would have seen elegant charity our deck would be crazy our deck is already really good but it would be out of control elf out of control elite attack horse which is a card that you definitely finish to play that's a card you definitely just played I couldn't open a door the effect there's really no reason for us to go cyberjar no, I'm not going to activate that man's door either right now That's a waste.
I'm definitely drying out cyber and I hope we can open and we can get out. I need a way to get rid of that wall of mirrors. Honestly, I almost don't want to activate this yet. I won't do it. activate the cyber jar I won't do it yet because of that wall of mirrors I'm not going to finish our turn because if he pays again if he pays again then I don't know that, that's up to him. In it, you have up to three thousand lives that we could definitely work with, that's fine, you don't pay for it, it's amazing, you only have one left face down in the back.
By the way, I have no idea how long this video is because I had to. I stopped while looking for a duel and I wanted to say that when I made eggs for my daughter she is eating eggs now it's so cute so I made her an egg and another chalkboard warrior so right now I've been recording the loss for almost a time but that's just the file I have no idea how much the content actually is so I hope it's a good length for you guys. Cyber ​​Jar will activate, let's move on and that's a nice two for one, hopefully they won't hit anything broken. since your deck looks really good with your fancy charity greed pot, but now i have a good chance of hitting my greed pot or insurance, so i'm okay with this, technically we got rid of the mirror wall, well, We didn't really break up. from what we did, a spell striker, economical type, that strong right now, oh no, it's okay, you also summoned something, so I don't worry about last month's attacks, we said an attack happens and we shouldn't worry about that spike shield that You have to worry about if you abandon the attacks of the attacked monsters while you are on defense, in addition to gaining a defense equal to its current attack.
Whoa, whoa, whoa, if this, if the equipped monster attacks while in defense stance, you will summon the spellcaster in attack mode. Interestingly, we have to play with the economy, okay, we have a mirage dragon, we have the tasuke knight, I think we win here, there is that pot of greed, beautiful as if it were added to the hand, we have rain-winged rhinos, always and when you don't have anything that has the same attack. on the field and the duality pot, okay, okay, as long as you don't have anything that has exactly the same attack, which is not good putting them all in attack mode, my opponent could destroy one of my monsters like econ take. to get rid of the mirage dragon, I could totally see that mirage dragons are a really strong card, but we can get the mirage dragon back with a premature burial and then we could summon our big boy dragon in our alexandrite hand, we're not going to act like a pot next turn will most likely be duality and then we should be good, I think we'll have the game, I think let's see how you hit the spell, attack indirectly or what you're attacking directly, cool wolf, this really feels like bonds of grieving at this moment: the pot of greed. and the pot of duality premature burial I think premature burial was actually in duel links, if I remember correctly it was definitely in Yugioh. we're on it, one of them is when you declare an attack when I have to worry about it and that's a bluff.
I'll call his bluff hardcore right there, there's so many bluffs we have, we have a mirage dragon that can't. actually traps anyway so the only thing you can activate this economy is feasible all the salt is about to spill the salt is about to spill well here we go so my opponent will be able to take economy which is unfortunate. I'm trying to think that there is All we can do is take my strongest attack monster, no matter what it doesn't have an attack that gains weight right now, so he bought you a turn pretty much no matter what you bought a turn, no matter what, so I'm going to bounce. of duality here then, because I'm not going to special summon, tap on a special summon, we'll see an economic take here that will stop for one more turn, but after that, look at our board statement, look at the status of our together and we have the mirror wall face down let's go to the battle phase let's swing with the mirage dragon first I'm sure the economic tribute take the dragon this oh okay you're not going to eat it Khan take just one , I think I just want you to do it, I mean.
You'll eat Khan, you'll economize me SWAT to defend the right play right there guys, if you're watching, it's a cheap tribute to your spellcaster that you're going to lose anyway and you'll take the 2000 attack monster because then I don't need it either do it. spit, I need to overcome it somehow, I need to overcome that attack, that attack, with some other spell or trap card that I didn't have at the moment, but it's still the best play because then if I overcome it, I also destroy my own monster, like this which I think is overall a much better play to make now, let's go ahead and add duality and the main fees to start, show me what you got, the duality pot, he's like there's no greed pot and the father duality, you were funny. charity, right, if it's a fighter, someone by dragging a rock, come on, show me what, rock dragon, show me, okay though, I'll take it, I'll take it, I'll take the slate warrior, I guess I'll take that slate. warrior, I mean, we have an ancient equipment golem in hand, so we have the game regardless, we have double premature burial, so we stay like we have a super pop here, but we don't need it, it's not necessary, not at all , not at all, you don't see it.
What you got for me? What you got for me? What you got for me? Hey, no, seriously, what do you have? Chhotu, my premature burial. Okay, you're going to get to 800 hit points, which means you should be able to just reflect the wall and win. I don't know what you're aiming for with the premature baby. You could really make a super broken deck in this format if you can get super heavy cards that cost a ton or have really high attack and then, ah, man. You could really, you could really beat my opponents with something, a monster, no, I'm still going to activate the mirror wall here.
I think just to be on the safe side we'll see what he decides to attack, but I thinkWe just opted for an old gear golem anyway. I don't even have to activate the mirror wall, it will go after this. I'm definitely on a wall of mirrors. Here he does anything that triggers his trap to gain attack and he can't trigger any traps right now because he's a mirage dragon, so Danzo. It doesn't matter your opponent can't cheat during the battle phase not only my battle phase during any battle phase that will take care of what 750 850 oh you have the dress that is banned so you don't lose the game right now . criminal' 100% soft criminal' but we both know my friend Zeon 11 this duel is over this duel is over we're not going to be them we're just going to get rid of this wall of mirrors I'm just going to summon an ancient equipment golem we're going to tribute you we're going to tribute you to tribute because it is the best we can do it is the best we can do now my opponent will be able to activate any trap or spell on the team ancient spiked shield golem attack with chain target on face up monster on the field you are going to polish my golem of old equipment.
I appreciate it, I really do, Zeon, that's it, it's a knight, it's a knight's move, here we go, ancient equipment golem goes for penetrating damage you don't take battle damage from the studs involving this card what you stated everything my damage I'm upset I'm upset right? Now that was going to be a big attack. I should have seen it coming. I should have seen the tits coming when you had the spellcaster who did something similar, but we're going to attack with our alexandrite dragon and that should be the win of the game. Ours are three duels in our draft.
Three green circles that you will see on the next screen. BAM, we have two more duels in the next video. I'll be on the channel tomorrow so be sure to subscribe. My tongue has stopped. working, which means it's time to stop recording. Thanks so much for looking. I really hope you enjoyed it, if you did don't forget to show some annoying Shadle thumbs down below. Have a fantastic day, but above all.

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