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May 18, 2024


of King Kong, okay this is made with corn film and we have some


things coming, 1933 to 2024, okay here we go, 1933, damn, God, almost C, Godzilla King Kong is big, it's like if the original was probably the original. It's the first time, the little girl falls in love with that girl and you can see that the first version of him is like this weird top head and the new versions that we've seen don't really have that. What did I do? Just look, I missed it, was it a T-rex or something white? What the hell is going on?
the evolution of king kong is crazy
I need everyone to know. I need you to tell me which one is your favorite. King Kong is a bear, bro. There's literally no way King Kong is the size of a bear unless he's like a super bear, but even if he's a super bear, he looks like a little T-Rex, no no, that's so


. Was King Kong King Kong like a normal-sized gorilla? before or something like a little bigger, okay, really, oh, that's horrible, wait a second, are you part of Crane Kingdom? Because if you're not a part of Crane Kingdom, what are you doing?
the evolution of king kong is crazy

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the evolution of king kong is crazy...

Hit the subscribe button and click the bell, baby King Kong versus Godzilla. in 1962 they didn't make another one for 30 years 29 sorry 29 years later they made another wow um that's crazy Godzilla and King Kong have been enemies for a long time but Jesus Christ that King Kong is horrible and that Godzilla isn't that bad for 1962. I would assume the first Godzilla is literally just Godzilla creating God, oh my god, 1966, you piece of shit, what are we doing? Animation. Look, are you all fans of the King Kong cartoon animations? clearly I'm not a fan of the Godzilla ones or oh my god M cany Kong that looks like a boss from Crash Bandicoot I don't even know what year it was oh that thing is moving in 1967. for another ugly King Kong it's a T-Rex no it's not like it literally looks like a big lizard not even Godzilla that thing was horrible mechy Kong mecha Kong I didn't know it really existed okay that's the second best version It's from 1967 the reason I say the second best version we have seen so far is because the first version has to be the best because that was the initial creation.
the evolution of king kong is crazy
I'm tal


a lot, but we're brea


it down. little diamond on his head oh things are improving in quality he doesn't have the weird chest anymore 1976 looks good so he's clearly another Titan, what's the name of that snake? It was the first similar initiation that anyone knew existed or these comics. like where did it originate oh that Roar was horrible but that Kong looks good 1986 oh that's a good Roar that's what I like to see who in the Kong lady I'm not going to say but her tits were out I'm not going to go lie to you , goofballs, in full effect, not another one of these, no, brother, no one wants, I don't want everyone to want it to be cute for a game, but it doesn't really look good, although we are still does it in 2001, it looks like a character fun to destroy things with, although I'm not going to lie, they are very small, although oh, this was good, it was a good transition, oh, wait a second, it's the one where he. he picks up a T-Rex and opens its mouth, everyone knows what I'm talking about, oh my god, Universal Studio here and now that Kong looks flawless, we have to see that entry one more time.
the evolution of king kong is crazy
Sorry, what year is this? lollipop if you get it right in the comments oh man I also remember seeing that movie that was fire, it didn't kill him the right way although oh my god he looked like him with the scar and stuff oh yeah he was fighting multiple like T-rex, look at that HD quality man it's the best by far 2005, it might be the best Kong movie out there even when we've seen the new ones. I want to know which one is his favorite too. King Kong Broadway 2013 20 feet tall he looks like a statue that's embarrassing don't put that in his legacy another cartoon you know how the


of King Kong is a bit embarrassing compared to Godzillas Godzilla has all these different versions BR what King Kong has that, oh yeah, Kong Skull Island is first or second, the 2005 one was on, this one was Mega on, I don't know which one I like more, although I don't know if that chess beat. although which one looks cool, this one is like a slimmer version, like an athletic basketball player, the other one was a fat bodybuilder, oh, the DeLorean back in the day or something, oh, Ready Player, one, okay, like this Look at this, this King Kong has the strange head he has.
They're talking about the first King Kong, they're not talking about something like evolved, he has the weird egg head, Egghead King Kong, here we go, look, you see my nose itching so much that I didn't do cocaine, okay? my nose hair itches, you think I did a little cocaine, okay though, this guy takes steroids, this is debatable, 2005's King Kong, Skull Island or Evolution, no, no, wait, why what did I say Evolution, Godzilla versus King Kong? Wait, I can't count. Skull Island 2005 or Godzilla versus King Kong, the first of those three, which is your favorite? I guess everyone will pick this one because it has Godzilla and then the new one that's about to come out. be crazy look the thing is this was a good movie but I didn't think I don't want to see it again Skull Island I want to see it again in 2005 Kong I definitely want to see it again is that bad man no one cares about you what hell is this oh Transformer Bumblebee on the arm Infinity Gauntlet Kong oh my god God delivers K new Empire can't wipe his ass with those arms bro there's no way for gorillas to wipe their B like what are they doing with that? thing is evil it must be Kong's grandfather why are there mini Godzillas T-Rex all this is going to be in the movie oh wait pause look at the tail the rose the new Goddess of the Empire yes D okay, I don't know why I said said that sorry look at this look at the power oh my god the New Evolution Godzilla like the little one the bed look at the bws it looks so good I can't wait to see that thing in action oh he's watching us yes yes that building is going to collapse because of the way he moves like that, so bro, filmcore, you outdid yourself, boy, look at that one that's huge, it's the best one without a doubt now I want to know where Godzilla from the last movie is, it would have to be this one.
It's like the same thing, I mean, King Kong, the same King Kong only with this thing on, he's bigger than all of them, which makes him bigger, okay? You didn't tell me there was such a small King Kong, he's smaller than my cursor anyway, yes Guys, you enjoyed this, leave a like, subscribe, I'll see you in the next video.

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