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Surprising My Daughter 5 Times in 24 Hours! *Emotional*

Mar 07, 2024
okay guys hurry up let's go while we finish the photo shoot. Zach's team put the finishing touches on the mural and then brought in all the new furniture. We just finished customizing all of these school supplies and we're going to put them all up. about the room i just need to finish this backpack and i really hope salish likes it, okay we're done, one minute left, but it looks so good, let's surprise her long day, eh, yeah, tired, surprise, what are you doing, here, what are we? I flew from Texas to surprise you, come on, come see it, how do you like surprises?
surprising my daughter 5 times in 24 hours emotional
Say I hate surprises, right, I didn't, Hunson, actually, he beat Hunson, he did, you know how you've always done it. I wanted to have a quiet room to study yeah, okay, I think you're in for a treat, are you ready, yeah, okay, here we go, what's your new school, it looks so cool, when did they get this right? We did this all day, dad. that's why you accepted me Yes actually it was great thank you thank you HUD this was the most amazing surprise thank you zhc Hutton is the best big brother in the world and we will use this room to study together for years. and my favorite surprise was when the sailors turned 12 to celebrate their birthday, she dared me to say yes all day long, happy birthday to you, what she didn't know was that while she was making jokes and shopping like crazy, I'm going to receive so many gifts that his best friend, Adal, flew from Texas to give him a big and


birthday surprise.
surprising my daughter 5 times in 24 hours emotional

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surprising my daughter 5 times in 24 hours emotional...

No surprises, the boys chose a mall to start with, this is not going to be good. My only goal today is to drive my Dad crazy, I can't keep up with him, listen Salish hasn't seen the doll in a month, she's going to freak out when he surprises her, so wait, now I have to go spend some money, sish, who are you talking to? re 12 they are teaching you you had to have 12 you need to wear blouses C R ones makeup drink coffee oh and have a date go wa W no no no no no no not to have dates you have 12 what is happening with this world I don't think I think my


has 12 Clara is 12 this is 12 stay small you are small you are my little one you are not 12 okay well she is not 12 don't listen to anything they said don't listen to us okay I already have it it's a nightmare okay I have to go buddy you're killing me right now Where do we want to go buy clothes?
surprising my daughter 5 times in 24 hours emotional
Yes, I'll let you buy whatever you want there. You have 10 minutes, but you have to be able to use it. all at the same time until the good this is not going to be good do you want this this look look how good they would look amazing are you kidding me no yes you have to say yes me thank you I'm just kidding I would never wear that okay guys I'm flying from Texas to Los Angeles to go surprise S. I haven't seen her in a long time. I'm going to go to her house and just scare her or something.
surprising my daughter 5 times in 24 hours emotional
I don't know how I'm going to do it, but I'll plan it with Jordan, so let's go. I think I need to get jeans first. Don't say these are ripped jeans. You're just a little boy. I'm 12 now, dad. The next thing you'll find difficult to move in these jeans is a joke. Are you serious? That's like tiny. Whatever, those jeans are too tight on you, Salish. Okay, this is getting a little hard to put down. Could you button your pants? I'm wearing pants underneath, what are we looking for? a 11 12 okay, I can't even see it Sandy can you use your glasses here we go oh oh now I can see it oh this is a little tight please give me ok thank you watch me work dad, so you have 3 minutes left, what only 3 minutes, oh, boy oh my god I'm so hard now this is how I want my little girl to dress this is getting a little annoying these are so cute I can't believe how many things you're buying I think I could fit one more thing and second to last five four 2 1 let me see you, we have to take a dance photo, oh boy, just lift your leg, I don't.
I don't think this is going to work. I can't, let's try it. Okay, let's go buy those clothes. Luckily, my card is unlimited. This is going to be very fun. Let's put on makeup. Did he say makeup? He didn't say makeup well while Salish. I was busy shopping Nidal was running frantically to catch his plane oh my god I'm running wait I don't want to miss this Starbucks what what this isn't even a little surprise remember SE team we should get the reusable one Yeah I agree yeah but wait, this is too big because they don't have any smaller ones.
Yes, I have to get that size. Could you give me a strawberry? The biggest one you have. It's going to measure I don't know how long. Jordan can lure us in, but I don't know if I'll make it in time. Yes, we arrived at our door. She may be 12 years old, but she's still small enough to be on my shoulders. Okay, we put on all those clothes. my car now let's go do our makeup at Claire's, let's buy some for that, he's 50 years old, no, wo woah. He used to go shopping at Claire's when he was 11, but now he's a little young for me, but that's okay because I'm not going shopping.
I think I'm going to need lipstick, some brushes, I think I'm going to buy her some eyelashes, I don't think she'll like them, so I'm going to buy them. It's a good one, the colors are. very bright the pink is very pretty Nal just took the flight he almost missed it apparently that makeup is for me okay sir matter are you ready for your makeover? yeah, starting with the headband oh god my hair why are we doing this so nothing gets messed up? in your hair, you're welcome, you're going to clean yourself, oh, I hate this now.
I don't have a beauty blender that looks like much, I really know how to put this on your face, that doesn't feel right, this is definitely the wrong color. to you this no it doesn't feel good it's not supposed to be perfect if you pull it back too much it's going to look like I have no hair that's not good that's not good for my hair dad for St actually ow ow that's a very valuable point right up there, oh, you mean your bald cut, it's not so pretty, maybe a little bit of blue, can you stop moving, oh, now let's do the pink on the other eye, oh, you're not even matching the ones they could have?
It's been too perfect so let's put on false eyelashes Hey guys, can you help me? I regret this video just for the record. Actually, I don't trust myself, no, it's not going to happen, I mean, there's nothing fun about this, right? now oh it's on it's backwards oh my god what's going on this looks terrible B more I think you're done okay cool let's take it off no no you gotta keep it on for a Instagram post. Could you give me your phone number? yes, smile like you're happy I posted it   yes, wait, can I delete it? can i delete it?
No, this is a disaster, 2


late, but we're on our way. I'm giving away awesome prizes to subscribers. Cali just got an iPhone, this is real. In fact, I'm giving things away. All you have to do is subscribe and turn on notifications. You could be next. Dad, don't you want to sing me happy birthday at the top of your lungs? You say yes, I say this is a little embarrassing, so I'm going to leave, you're leaving, bye, I have to sing you happy birthday, you're not even going to wait for me, oh, I'm going to embarrass you right now.
You better get up there quick, oh boy, happy birthday, birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday, my little sailor girl standing up there, happy birthday to you, yeah, she turned 12, yeah, I got her, she tried to embarrass me and then he was ashamed. Oh my gosh, it's still 24


, no buddy, I just took everything and told him to try a vanilla Frappuccino with a cake in it. I told her I'm sick, so she has no idea we're going, dad, no. Don't you think you need a haircut? No, I mean, yes, fortunately, there are absolutely no hair salons in this mall.
We don't need a hair salon. Do you know how to do this? I cut my doll's hair. I gave her bangs and layers when she had them. about six, so I think I have this. She would have bought you like a car. It would have been better than what is about to happen. Can you hold this? What's going on? Be careful, don't move. In reality, I really have no idea what I'm doing. oh that shows, it just does something like that, I don't know, I've seen people do it before you're just cutting your hair, it looks perfect, this isn't happening right now, this is, this is love, it looks so awesome. welcome, okay, I can't go on with this for much longer.
I'll find out when the doll gets home. Daddy, I'm hungry, let's go get a cake. oh my god, birthday cake, oh my god, oh how nice this place is. Hello, hello, by the way, I just discovered that a hair product can make even the worst possible haircut look decent. We are going to receive a birthday cake for the girl. Can I get the cake she wants? Yes, yes, of course, yes, she can get whatever you want, go ahead. whoa whoa whoa what was it it's her birthday I say yes to everything let me pay you okay okay it's $160 what do they say $160 say daddy look at my birthday cake a little help here what are you doing are you kidding me this girl is killing me make a birthday wish but don't blow it in case you want to give something to people.
I can only imagine what that little girl would want for a lot of work. Okay, guys, I just got off the plane and now I'm. I'm going to go to S's house and hide. I'm going to show all this. She may not respond because she is at school. Oh no, she's calling me. I told him he was sick. What I am going to do? I know I'm in an airport. um I was hanging up sorry but I can't let you know I'm on adding an airport okay I go to Snapchat he doesn't respond hey doll look what I'm doing we're filming your video and Guess what I have this cake and I'm going to eat it alone, without you, so yeah, have fun without eating cake.
It's a joke. In fact, I'll send you some messages by email. I'm just Snapchatting the doll without even realizing he's going to do it. see him tonight daddy D you think he needs more sparkles of course I'm fine he looks good how does he know? Let's eat your birthday cake. I'm full of what you have that D be W it's raining, it's raining sugar C, it rains like once a year In Los Angeles I'm going to have this cut up into a bunch of slices and give it to the people in need. We serve 300 families a week here at our Food Bang.
Come see us, but I'm going to save a couple of slices. for you know who, okay, I'm at LAX right now and someone is picking us up and I'm going to go to their house and laugh I can't wait, we're going to get so many gifts, aren't we, dad? Yes, we're fine, dad, fantastic first gift. Let's buy this one some Sugar Sprout books. This was probably my favorite. I am using all the money from the sale of my omgz merch to buy gifts for children in need and I am donating them to toys. for TOS you can link in the description, okay I'm really excited that we're here now and I have to think of a way to surprise her.
Basically I'm going to hide in this box and I'm going to think it's a gift for her, this is so she can come in and you can film me inside and like her reaction, she snaps at me and says oh I wish you could come here. She says oh, I say, oh no, I'm sick, so she doesn't have any. a clue that I'm here uh she thinks I'm still in Texas but um she's in for a big surprise Nadala's at the house it's almost time for the big surprise but first I have one more birthday present for her okay guys, I'm going to break up salish and have her come home.
I sent something to your house. She is waiting for you there. She opened. Did you have a good birthday? Yes, you are ready to go home. Yeah, okay guys, I'm going in, oh my God. Guys, she's already out the door, no, wow, I Nidal is my best friend and he came out of the ball and he was so excited I couldn't believe it, it was so fun to see her so happy and it was a big surprise, I knew her. was missing, okay, now answer, goodbye, that's why you said you were sick, yes, because you didn't seem very sick.
I went, I know it was too obvious. I thought, "He was just trying to skip school, obviously, the party went on, Salish, happy birthday." My girlfriend

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