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people on twitter are literally defending hit██r. i can't.

Feb 27, 2020
It's my pleasure to start a discussion on the Internet about whether or not it's a good idea to say F Hitler. And there were definitely a lot of


who could be Nazis showing up in the comments. But that means automatically labeling him a Nazi is crazy. Thank goodness that person wasn't doing it. Imagine if I'm saying all this and you turn out to be a literal Nazi. And then they cancel me. This tweet here is also terrible. "No one is attacking you. In fact, you're angry that they didn't attack you, but you're still trying to act like you're being attacked.
people on twitter are literally defending hit r i can t
If you were mentioned, wouldn't you just say that?" Was he attacking you too?" There are so many mistakes in every one of his answers. It's like, how come you fail so constantly? Then, if that's not bad enough, the next day, which I think was today, or something like that Basically, I think it's been over 24 hours. TheQuartering goes on Twitter and says, "I have a second interesting video for you all today. But if I did a third..." Shit, he's posting Three Videos in One Day. Damn. Anyway, "but if I did a third, what would you like to see?
people on twitter are literally defending hit r i can t

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people on twitter are literally defending hit r i can t...

Maybe now I'll have time to film it quickly. "And someone said, is this an apology for exaggerating this?" Of course, attaching a screenshot of the entire situation. And then he responds: "Why would I apologize by saying that F Hitler in 2020 is 0% impressive and 0% courageous. It's 100% embarrassing." He simply said, it's embarrassing to say F Hitler. I... What's all that awesome too? I keep repeating myself because this guy keeps repeating himself. Where did Michael Giacchano ever say he was awesome and brave? Nowhere. I've never seen someone take such a risk on something that didn't happen. Actually, yes, I've seen it all over Twitter, but this is the most I've seen today.
people on twitter are literally defending hit r i can t
Guys, apparently it's embarrassing to say F Hitler. Whatever you do, please don't mention F Hitler in the comments because he is embarrassing. Imagine trying to be dazzling and brave by admitting that someone who committed genocide was a bad person. . He


died in 1945, get over it. These


make me want to die. Yeah, no, I was about to say that's a very strong reaction, but it's true, but I think I'm going to try to use it. To explain a big problem with Twitter, first and foremost, the lack of context, TheQuartering knew that by simply taking Giacchano's two-word tweet out of context, he could use it to frame a different narrative, which was that Giacchano was here trying. to earn points on Twitter   for being awesome on Brave and checking anything.
people on twitter are literally defending hit r i can t
It pretty much worked, I'd say, for most TheQuartering fans. Now, I saw a lot of his actual fans say, "Hey, this tweet isn't the main one. But still, a big problem with Twitter is that it's too easy to remove something from the context it's in and use it to try to paint a picture." different image. Another thing that TheQuartering is also illustrating for us is to change the goals. People will try to make it seem like they are talking about one thing and then once they realize that that is not going well I will change it and try to.
It seems like they were really discussing a different topic from the beginning. Like, for example, he initially said: "The composer of the new Batman movie is already talking to fans, it's not a good sign" But when the whole ordeal. he ended, "he ended by saying that F Hitler is embarrassing." How did we get so far from the initial point you were trying to prove? Almost like you were trying to try something different than at the beginning. Just kidding, I don't think I'm that smart. But you know, changing the goals like that totally worked because there were people saying things like "F Hitler should be a fact." Next, you'll want to be called stunning and brave for making his bed.
Well. You know what, actually, this one personally offends me because I'm dazzling and brave about making my bed. I'm awesome and brave for getting out of bed, bro. Sometimes it's hard to be completely ashamed. The vast majority of people do not like Hitler. The guy was supposedly shot and left there. A guy was supposedly shot and left in a ditch over 60 years ago. He's been dead for a while, but good for you for taking a stun and... Do these people know any other words? A dazzling and brave stance that no one else will take. Maybe then we'll all bump our fists in agreement.
I've never seen people try to shame someone for saying F Hitler, but you're reading it with your own eyes. This right in the sky is blue. Yes. And also   F Hitler, you know what I mean? No, I don't think TheQuartering was the only one who was wrong. Okay I will. But you know, the more I think about it, the weirder feeling I get, because, as I pointed out, Michael's tweet had nothing to do with Batman. In fact, he had nothing to do with anything that should really affect TheQuartering, since it's like a pop culture channel. You know, the only thing he really did was express his disgust at Hitler's mere existence.
Why would you have a problem with someone having a problem with Hitler, if you're not a Nazi? I'm sure that. I'll think about the answer at some point. Who cares anyway?

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