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Kevin Costner Breaks Down His Most Iconic Characters | GQ

Jun 09, 2024
I was sorry that there was this kind of weird competition and it was a fun movie, uh. Tombstone, but it's a shame it turned out the way it did. I was excited to get to that because you know, listen, we, we, we want to roll in the dirt, we want to save the day, we want to get the girl, you know? and we want the gunfight, you know, guns make noise and they're scary and nerves are tested and people don't always hit what they're aiming for. It's remarkable that Wyatt has had as many skirmishes as he has and has never been hit and the The relationship he had with Doc Holiday was very IAL, two guys who apparently the more you read about them they wouldn't seem to be friends and probably just So easily they could have been enemies except for whatever that first meeting was, something had to happen and I'm sure that the doctor examined Wyatt in his own way and found that he was not lacking which means that there was something that sometimes people make a decision about and While we will never know what that exact moment was, Larry created a nice, nice thing , in which White actually didn't like how she addressed him, he said, you know, you can call me Wyatt or you can call me she, not both, sometimes it's just something like that it didn't have to be me saving him by shooting him something oh now we'll be friends You and I are standing guard in one of the last great Open Spaces these people think they are tough enough, smart enough and bad enough all of this will be there one day.
kevin costner breaks down his most iconic characters gq
I wasn't interested in remaking anything. I just wanted to keep breaking new ground after, uh, her and Silverado, I commissioned Mark Cass. I had an idea for two


, one who was very lucky in violent situations. In situations, another one who was unlucky was a bit bloody, had a hard time getting out of those things without one being able to talk himself out of it or whatever, when it came time to try to do it the first time after a rank open, I just couldn't. To do it, I wanted a little more money to do it, the studio didn't want to find that money, so I was a little stubborn, so I didn't do it and I couldn't do it. do it and um, I couldn't do it for less and it languished there and about 6 years later I started thinking wow, Western Open Range did pretty well and I was thinking, you know, people were really interested in my script. 1988, of course, nobody wanted it, why don't I make four more of the same film?
kevin costner breaks down his most iconic characters gq

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It was kind of a two-hander movie, as many westerns are, it was traditional in the sense that there was a city that already existed. person who comes from the horizon, so to speak, my character, a character that you don't know much about and arrives at a place and I think the idea is that the Western formula is that he is turning his back on some skills. that he has perfected and that torment him or he doesn't want them to continue working or whatever he uses so much this year, he still doesn't need it much and therefore, in the perfect Western formula, he has returned to something that he doesn't want to do and the city itself, you know, needs it.
kevin costner breaks down his most iconic characters gq
Our kind of aggressive nature runs through this country. We reached places where there was never a bridge, there was never a city, there was never anything and we found the people who were there. problems in their own country and we started displacing them we started doing more than that we started hunting them, we killed them, we tried to eradicate them and all these people have that in common, so I thought what would happen if we saw this in from the beginning and maybe even what if even the growth of the city was a bit of a lie the United States America whatever you want to call it North America was like a Garden of Eden with the animals and their things like that it was impressive and that story was leaked and what happened is that people headed east, you know on this continent they were told that there was a place in the west and if you were bad enough, if you were strong enough, if you were source enough, it could be yours and anyone could be king if you had that kind of tenacity, that kind of luck, but what they weren't told was that there would be a terrible fight over this with the people who had been here for thousands of years, there is no army.
kevin costner breaks down his most iconic characters gq
Outside of this Earth, it will prevent those cars from coming soon because they are wanted. I don't know if it's your typical Western, but it has all the trappings of everything you see in the West. Random violence, but more than that, you see random. kindness you see gestures you see many things about people and that is important to me we will get to the action I promise you, I promise you that you will also be able to recognize yourself and ask yourself about it

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