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Save The World | Fortnite's Forgotten Gamemode

May 31, 2024
Guys, the return of OG Fortnite was amazing. I loved every second. Something about the old graphical style and loot made it a much more enjoyable experience for me and I don't think it's just nostalgia. I think the game just being in a much better state in chapter 1 last month has taken me back to the good old days of Fortnite where all I cared about was the item shop and doing serious featured builds before doing the videos I make now. I was intermittently doing Fortnite. featured videos from 2018 that you will never be able to see. I had a lot of fun making those videos, although I was just taking clips of my gameplay that I thought were sick and putting them into a montage.
save the world fortnite s forgotten gamemode
I learned a lot about how to make YouTube videos doing that. at least in the context of editing them, I recently rewatched them to remember the good times I had with the game, seeing the old map, the old graphics, the old weapons, how bad everyone in the game was, how bad I was In the game it just makes me cry, we don't really know how much fun we had. I'm actually enjoying chapter 5 so far, it's quite different from OG Fortnite, I'm still getting used to the new move, but I don't hate it, it's epic. I also said that OG Fortnite is coming back next year, which I'm really excited about.
save the world fortnite s forgotten gamemode

More Interesting Facts About,

save the world fortnite s forgotten gamemode...

I'm sure I'll be happy with where Epic decides to take the game from now on, but I really appreciated having the opportunity to play OG Fortnite again, but I'm not really here to talk about OG


, well I am, but not about OG


. I mean OG OG fortnite. I think you know what I'm trying to say here. I'm talking about the original vision of Fortnite and the save the


gameplay in At the 2011 Likee Video Game Awards we got our first look at Fortnite that saved the


or simply Fortnite. It was the next big thing in epic games at the time.
save the world fortnite s forgotten gamemode
It seemed interesting from the looks of the trailer. He almost looked like some kind of zombie. Survival game that tasked you with gathering resources and building forts for defense. Zombie Survival may not have been the most creative concept, but the building mechanics along with the cartoonish style of the game seemed very intriguing and epic just coming off the release of Gears of War 3 and I guess Infinity Blade 2, but that was a mobile game, so it doesn't count, anyway, it went epic with Gears of War I and now they reveal that it was quite different from what players were used to seeing from them, I mean compare. this preview of their other notable IPS like Gears of War or Unreal Tournament, the differences are quite noticeable, it was clear that epic games were keen to try something new and Fortnite was the scratch of that itch after the game's reveal in Video Game Cliff Awards.
save the world fortnite s forgotten gamemode
Pazinski at Epic Games or commonly known as Cliffy B answered questions from the audience during a post-session Q&A when asked what Fortnite was and that's what he had to say. We haven't announced what it will be yet, we're still finding out. that it was a project that was launched internally several months ago and that developed at lightning speed is something that seems like a no-brainer to build and we're still figuring out what to do with the lightning we have in a bottle so it seemed like Epic was very optimistic with their new IP even though they weren't entirely sure where they would take the game, as they said the concept of the game was presented just a few months before the reveal trailer, so they were just playing around.
I was tossing around with ideas and wanted to see what stuck and if you're wondering what Fortnite was like back then, here it is, yeah it's a little crazy, we went from this to this, however you can see that the core mechanics of the game they have remained since then. In this 2011 version you're still collecting resources by mining the environment around you, you're still building structures from those resources and you can still edit those structures to make doors and windows and things like that, uh, you still have your wall your floor pyramid ramp stairs uh, but not whatever this thing is, you can tell that the game took more of a survival horror approach in its early days, from its environment and sound design to the day and night system, survival was a key part of the game you even had to collect food to live off it seemed like at the end of each day after collecting resources to survive you had to retreat to your base and defend it from the husks until the next day started that was all that we had.
I had to see the game at the time and it wasn't until the 2012 San Diego Comic-Con that Epic would reveal more information about the game, including a 2013 release date, which spoiler alert, uh, that didn't happen. I know I'm sorry. I'm telling you, they basically said Fortnite is a cooperative survival game where you gather resources, build big forts, and fight waves of zombies in those forts. We now jump to Fortnite which is now in its Alpha stage and it looks like this is definitely notable. Jump from the 2011 version of the game and start looking like how the world looks now, with the art style and character models closer to what we have today.
You can still tell it's in its Alpha phase right now, but it's also clear that they refined some of their ideas for the game from 2011 rather than the kind of survival horror approach that was present in the 2011 version of the game. Here we have more emphasis on gathering resources and defending your mission objectives from waves of zombies in your forts, character classes, specific mission types were defined, and there is no sign of surviving the night system seen before. Honestly, I think it was for the better the day and night system, at least in the 2011 game, which from what I understand was used to visualize a The concept more than anything really didn't seem that promising.
I'm glad they mentioned some of their ideas and included more specific mission types and abandoned the survival aspect of the game. They also leaned more towards the goofy concept of the game instead of making it more sinister, which definitely made it more appealing. People were able to sign up to play this closed Alpha which only lasted a little over 2 weeks and only allowed a few thousand players. The game was still in a bit of a rough state, but the players were still there. eager to see the full releases of this game, this was the first of two rounds of closed alpha testing, this one was in December 2014 and the second round a few months later in March 2015.
Speaking of 2015, the biggest thing that happened in the history of Fortnite in 2015 is the introduction of the loot llama, I'm joking, but not much really happened in 2015, the second round of the closed Alpha test lasted from March to April, followed by the closed beta test that started in fall, this is what the game looked like in the demo shown at e 3 2015 rest in peace E3 because of the way the art style was finalized, looking almost identical to how we see save the world today, there were defined character classes, each with special advantages and abilities and there was a review of the mission.
Some of the system assets and animations didn't look finalized, but a lot of what we see here is in the final version of the game. Sorry, not much happened in 2016, nor was there a series of gameplay showcases and online tests that ran until The gameplay of the game's eventual early access release shown this year is very similar to what we have today minus the modern movement that we have from Battle Royale. Some other things to note are that the UI and some of the effects are still very different from what saves the world. has done it today, but other than that, nothing else notable came out of Fortnite during 2016, so we'll continue with this one, this is the year everything changed and Fortnite would never be the same.
Let's start with the first event in 2017 was the reveal trailer for the game at E3, which was in June, and it also announced that paid early access for the game will be available to everyone next month on July 25. The reception seemed generally positive, that people have been waiting for this game to be available to them since it was revealed in 2011 and now they were finally able to get their hands on it. People who pre-ordered the game would receive early access to early access being 4 days before release. Everyone was very happy to see the game finally come out, but epic. games wasn't done with big releases this year on September 26, 2017, Epic Games released a new free Battle Royale game mode to accompany Save the World, this would likely capitalize on the success of other popular Battle Royale games at the time. like H1Z1 and pubg to attract as many eyeballs as possible to see what Fortnite really had to offer: save the world, both the save the world and Battle Royale game modes received regular updates throughout 2017 and into 2018 , this is the moment I became aware of Fortnite, a couple of my friends were telling me about Battle Royale while it was gaining some traction online, largely due to streamers like ninja jumping into the game early and creating a sort of hype train around it to sum up my A friend and I got hooked on the game pretty quickly and it was the only thing we were playing at the time, but we only played and cared about Battle Royale.
I knew almost nothing about saving the world, other than what I saw on the game's title screen. game I feel like that also applies to most other players at the time. I wasn't sure I wanted to spend money on a game mode I knew nothing about when I had a really fun free game mode. I knew I could spend hours with friends. I think these were the first signs of things to come as Save of the World Battle Royale was getting so much attention and attracting so many numbers. Epic knew they had created something special and began prioritizing it over their original version.
This became more evident in 2018 where each patch consistently included more content for Battle Royale than Save the World, don't get me wrong at this point, Save the World was still alive and well in Epic's eyes and they still wanted to finish their story, the most important thing that could happen. This year's Save the World was the launch of the three-act Canny Valley story, which basically prematurely concluded the Save the World story, but I'm getting ahead of myself, so let's move on. We saw new types of weapons, enemies and seasonal events like. we normally get around this time it was also this year where save the world was supposed to be a free game but that was delayed to next year.
It was also when I bought save the world. I had heard that v-bucks could be earned in this mode and that was all my Fortnite-filled brain needed to hear. In fact, I remember being super excited to play save the world for the first time. All I knew was that I was fighting zombies, but I was in the dark about almost everything else. game, it was a completely new Fortnite experience for me and it was great for what it was at the time. At the end of 2018, we also saw the release of Fortnite's third major mode being creative, so you now have two major free game modes.
Battle Royale related games that are essentially eclipsing Save the World in popularity. I'm sure you all can tell where this will eventually lead, but I digress anyway. I had a lot of fun saving the world for a while this year. I knew the game wasn't finished and was still in early access, but I thought it was cool and I was really excited to find out when the game would be released, so let's move on. In 2019, Chapter 2 of Fortnite was released with a new roadmap to save the world to accompany it. In this epic roadmap, the Mythical Storm King is introduced as the true final boss of s of the world.
We also heard Epic say that updates for sa of the world will be slowed down, but they would promise to make every update impactful and worthwhile. That sounds epic to me, saying they're slowly letting Save the World go, not wanting to upset the player base in an instant, which is sad, they're just letting us down slowly, basically implying that the original Fortnite. The vision is dead and irrelevant compared to his other modes, all the love and passion poured into the world's S for years simply buried by lack of interest and epic neglect. Hearing this news sucked for me because I actually really enjoyed saving the world, but that was It's not going to change the direction of the game, oh and this was also the year Save the World was supposed to leave early access and would become free after being delayed the previous year.
Yeah, that didn't happen this year either. doesn't sound like a death sentence to you, just wait until next year, so 2020 before we get into more depressing news, one thing that was really cool that happened in saving the world is that Epic fully integrated their Battle Royale Locker into save the world, meaning any cosmetics you own in Battle Royale could also be used tosave the world. They were playing with this the year before in 2019, when they integrated your Battle Royale collection tools to save the world, so it's a cool feature and one I still appreciate today, however, that's not the only thing that's going to happen in Save the World. world in 2020, it's the only interesting thing, although update version 13.2 for Fortnite Chapter 2 was released on June 30, 2020, Season 3 was released a couple of updates before, so Battle Royale.
It had a lot of new and interesting things to keep players hooked. This was a very impactful update for Save the World that hadn't really happened since the beginning of Chapter 2 with the previously mentioned roadmap including the Mythic Storm King in this update. Save the world officially. It left the early access stage and was released as a full game. Remember I was saying that save the road was supposed to be free to play once it came out of early access, yes epic, they completely backtracked on that and made the decision to let save the world as a paid premium experience, they also stated that Save the World development would continue to slow, promising some additional benefits to current Save the World players to soften the blow, but that was just the equivalent of Urinating on a House Fire, they introduced a new feature intended to promote replayability. long-term seasonal experiences called Ventures that place players in new zones with new missions that are completely isolated from the main Save of the world story.
Players would have their own seasonal level and win. Seasonal XP separated from your normal progression, kidney, repeat this process every season with different themes and you have adventures. In fact, I have fun with them, but if you ask me if I prefer to have the save the world or adventure story finished, I think the choice is nice. clear Ventures would be released a few weeks later on July 21, 20120, in the version 13.3 update that marks the slow death of Fortnite Save the World. So what has the state of Save the World been like? Let's think about the state of Florida, where there is always madness. going down, then think about the complete opposite of that, so like Vermont, I haven't heard of anything happening in Vermont that is the Fortnite save the world state right now, other than the rotation of the different lines of seasonal Adventure missions that I think are just recycled from previous updates and movement changes to keep up with Battle Royale, not much has changed in Sea of ​​the World since I left Early Access.
I mentioned earlier that the main Sea of ​​the World story ended abruptly after the Candy Valley story was completed. You haven't played save the world, there are four different zones that revolve around the main story and your progression is first Stonewood, then Plankerton to Candy Valley and ending with Twine Peaks. The story ends after Cy Valley, where you defeat the storm king and save. the world, but not really because there is essentially no resolution and there is another area completely that has no story Wine Peaks has nothing unique all the environments are just a mix of environments from previous areas no unique missions either not all missions you have nothing complete so many and so many ladies on this or that level of difficulty, your main mission once you reach Twine Peaks is the following Commander continue fighting the good fight Save the world by completing more missions like that when I defeated the storm king for the first time and Candy Valley finished.
I was so curious about what Twine Peaks was supposed to be like, then I saw the final scene and I was so confused I didn't save the world, why are you trying to make it look like I did? I'm sure Epic had bigger plans for Twine Peaks than what it is today, maybe some sort of post-game story, but what we have now is super disappointing to me and there's no way that's going to change now. It's very sad to see that he was super optimistic. from saving the future of the world playing it in 2018 and watching it degrade to its autopilot as the state we see it in today just sucks, there's a great game here.
I know that not all people like repetitive missions or constant dialogue in your ears, but I have always enjoyed saving the world, it always had that charm that kept me coming back to this day. It is simply being taken over by other Fortnite game modes like Battle Royale, the entire community created creative games and now the newly introduced rocket racing in Lego Fortnite. Which Lego Fortnite is really sick? I think I'll make a video about it soon, so stay tuned because Save World's player count typically ranges between 30 and 40,000 active players at any given time, compared to other Fortnite modes and even some creative ones.
Anyway, it's sad to say, but I think there is no future for this. I feel like the success of Battle Royale simply diverted so many resources away from the development of save the world. I don't know what the numbers are, but the save of the world development team had to do it. have been reduced and overshadowed by the Battle Royale development team after Battle Royale went live, saving the world is now locked behind paid skin packs for players to purchase and be granted access very different from when I bought the game. I feel like that just goes to show how unimportant the world is to Epic now trying to squeeze everything they can out of it.
I can only hope that saving the world has a bright future, but unfortunately that's so incredibly unlikely that Epic is focused on so many other things other than not saving the world, it's about time it accepts its fate, but what do you guys think? I have other SE enthusiasts of the world watching. Be sure to let me know your thoughts in the comments section below. Also thank you very much for the traction and support I received my Godzilla games video, it may not seem like much but I am very happy with the performance of that video.
If you haven't seen it yet and you liked what you saw here, I would really appreciate it if you checked it out. That one came out too, but anyway guys, that's going to be it for me today. Be sure to like this video and consider subscribing if you enjoyed it. Share your thoughts with me in the comments. I appreciate any feedback you have to offer, but yeah. it's for me today thanks for tuning in

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