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Were the Nazis and Muslims Allies? | History of the Middle East 1930 - 1939 - 17/21

Jul 04, 2024
In the


s there was a degree of stability in the Middle East, such as in Turkey and Persia. Ataturk and Res Shah continued to develop secular nations. The wild brothers Faal and Abdullah ruled in Iraq and Jordan Iban Saoud ruled in Arabia Iban Yaya in Yemen and Egypt had won During their independence there were some changes in power during this time, such as in 1933, Faceal of Iraq died, but was replaced peacefully by his son Gazi I and all these leaders relied on rebellions and separatist states such as the Kurdish Republic of Ararat in Turkey or Ilan in Saudi Arabia.
were the nazis and muslims allies history of the middle east 1930   1939   17 21
Arabia, even the Europeans had put an end to the Syrian revolt, the Riffian rebellion in Morocco and the Italians had brutally pacified Libya. However, the world would be hit by the Great Depression, which weakened many of the newly modernized states but also pushed them to seek more sources of income. especially in oil and leaders throughout the Islamic world would watch events in Europe with a degree of hope as Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy presented them with an alternative power that could potentially aid them in their bid for independence, for example in Afghanistan , Muhammad Zahia Shah came to the throne with some problems but much more peacefully than anything else beforehand, he also inherited a somewhat developed state and an army of 40,000 soldiers, but he was still young, so initially his uncle Muhammad Hashim Khan took over the leadership of the country and quickly began to align with the Nazis and In 1935, German businessmen began to appear in the country as their country began to become richer.
were the nazis and muslims allies history of the middle east 1930   1939   17 21

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were the nazis and muslims allies history of the middle east 1930 1939 17 21...

He had bold plans to cross its


ern border. There Muslim stakes had risen in China and formed the Republic of East Turkestan. Zahia Shah sent some soldiers to protect the Emir from him Muhammad Amin. bugra, but this state became the center of much stranger political events. He, like many republicans, had largely abandoned the idea, but those still loyal to the house of Osman were still proving to be supporters of pan-Turkism, for which a pan-Turkist state in Asia could lead. Faced with the international weakening of Ataturk's position, he decided to help the Chinese government and also the Nazis.
were the nazis and muslims allies history of the middle east 1930   1939   17 21
Meanwhile, the Soviets had their own puppets in the region and all ethnicities began to clash. There was even TFK Bay, who was a Syrian in the service. From Iban SA, which seems to have joined as well, the Japanese also sensed an opportunity and wanted to create their own puppet state. Many Turks already saw Japan as the future liberators of the colonized world, while some even saw the two nations as united under the Pantonist umbrella along with the Finns, Hungarians, Koreans and more within Japan, the exiled Turks formed the Idal Society of the Urals together with some Manchurians and found a new champion in the exiled Ottoman prince Abdul Kareim.
were the nazis and muslims allies history of the middle east 1930   1939   17 21
The Japanese planned to help install him on the Throne of a Turkish State at Sing Jang, which even Atat Turk described as a Muslim Manchuk, but the Soviets acted quickly and installed their own puppet and these plans were scrapped. Japan's attention, of course, was focused elsewhere afterwards, as was that of Afghanistan, which in later years would look towards taking parts of Pakistan but across the border into Persia. Reesa had continued her secular reforms in 1935 in the Goash Shad mosque, the clergy denounced his heretical rule but they were crushed and Rashar went ahead anyway and just like in Afghanistan he too began to look towards the fascists, for example they only allowed Luftansa Airlines to fly in the Persian airspace and the Italians trained their naval officers aboard Italian ships he had purchased.
He was also eventually able to bring many of the former foreign-owned businesses, such as printing money, under national control. He was removed from the British Imperial Bank. Foreigners were also prohibited from owning land and traveling to the provinces without permission. He, like all Middle Eastern leaders, still needed foreign money, although also for the construction of the enormous railway line from the Persian Gulf to the Caspian. That is, he chose investors who historically had no interest in the land, such as the Scandinavians, the Americans and the Germans. His most drastic action was to cancel Darcy's oil concession.
His motives have not necessarily been agreed upon, but it seems that he just wanted to renegotiate the agreement. terms in the wake of falling revenues during the Great Depression or he could simply have been fighting the Anglo-Persian oil company who did engage in many practices that undermined the Shah, for example selling oil to the British Admiralty at a discounted price and This, of course, would limit their share of the money, so the terms were renegotiated, increasing their share of the profits from 16% to 20% and Britain continued to extract Persian oil, but throughout all this, Germany Nazi quickly became Persia's largest trading partner in the end. of the decade and I really shouldn't say Persia anymore since it was in this period that they changed their name to Iran.
This name literally means the land of the Aryans and the Iranians had been referring to themselves and their lands as this for centuries, however they only officially requested that their name be changed in the


s and this could have something to do with the Nazis. Hitler, for example, declared Iranians to be full-blooded Aryans in 1936 and said they were exempt from the neuro laws. They founded a newspaper known as Iran. Baston and hired many locals to spread his message, such as Dud Mzad, who even fought for the SS during the war; However, there were still communists in the nation despite the fall of Soviet Persianism in the north, many of them, like Araj Escandari, having studied in Berlin. but he was arrested along with 52 other communists in 1938, some of these men would die in prison in Tyan, while others were subjected to a trial similar to Stalin's.
Esh kandari, though survived and later founded the Tuda party moving further west into Türkiye. Ataturk. was not necessarily in favor of one Alliance or another, Turkey was, after all, caught between a group of countries rearming and posing a threat to its nation, while at home it is quite difficult to place Ataturk in a field, since be a communist, fascist or liberal like him. He himself said: he left no verse, no dogma or principle frozen and molded as a spiritual inheritance. My spiritual heritage is science and reason as such. He embarked on a Soviet-style five-year plan to modernize his country, but also won praise from Hitler for his nationalist agenda.
He also developed a one-party state. He created a cult of personality. But he also Westernized his nation and pushed a secular agenda. His foreign policy was often equally difficult to pin down. At first he was close to the Soviet Union who helped in their wars against the Greeks and had signed a non-aggression package in 1925, but he began to fear Soviet designs in the East, so that Ataturk turned to the West and made a deal with Musini in 1928. However, this came at a time when Ataturk's plans for Mosul had been halted. By the British Musolini then attempted to extend this to an alliance with the Greeks and relations were normalized in 1930, but the Turks began to fear Musolini and his possible plans in Anatolia.
This worsened when in 1933 Musolini made a PCT with the Soviets and subsequently attacked Ethiopia. Ataturk was also skeptical of any deal with the Germans, who had often asserted control over Ottoman troops in the last war, but he still accepted German technical advice and loans and Germany became an important trading partner, but tried to counter this by inviting the British invested and built steel and iron plants in this way, no country had a monopoly and they could not pressure Turkey alone, again it should be said that Hitler was a key admirer of Ataturk, supposedly saying that Ataturk was the first to demonstrate that it is possible to modernize and regenerate the resources that a country has lost in this sense Ataturk was a teacher musolini was his first and I was his second student but this admiration was not reciprocal some of the later reforms of atat Turk although they continue to be praised by the Nazis as a campaign to force all citizens of the country to speak Turkish or in 1934 there was a resettlement program whose objective was to occupy territories in all the provinces of the nation, as Sukuk Kaya said, this law will create a country that speaks one language and thinks the same way. and sharing the same sentiment, the many Muslim immigrants and refugees from the Balkans dispersed throughout the provinces, thus losing their unique identities; for example many Bulgarian Muslims had settled there and therefore the Bulgarians could claim this territory later, however if they were spread throughout Turkey they could not do so, furthermore by dividing the Kurds and other groups they would stop more rebellions, but of course those nationalist policies had their own problems as they had provoked pograms and therefore local governors supposedly thought that the new program was aimed at dividing the Jewish populations as well and in such a climate , the PGR began forcing 15,000 to flee the region, but internationally, around the same time, Ataturk turned to the


and, together with the Greeks, proposed creating a Mediterranean pact at this point.
The Mosal question had already been resolved. Ataturk had signed a treaty with the French in 1926 and Turkey joined the League of Nations in 1932. The


then signed the Montro convention which allowed Turkey to remilitarize the Straits and this helped keep the Turks on their side as The Nazis grew in power in Europe, but they angered the Soviets. Therefore, Ataturk wanted to finally secure his western border with the Balkans, which was signed with Greece, Romania and Yugoslavia. This was specifically directed against Turkey's former ally Bulgaria, which was beginning to rearm and look towards possibly reconquering lost lands, but Atat Turk, knowing that the allies were determined to keep him on their side, was actually able to make some gains in the south around this land he described in 1923 as a homeland where the Turks lived for centuries and cannot.
Being a captive in the hands of an enemy, but to understand this situation we must look at Syria. Here, the French had managed in 1923 to agree on a constitution with many nationalist leaders such as Hashim Alasi and Ibrahim Hunu. The two sides then began negotiating independence. but one that would be very gradual and allow the French to hold the Syrian mountains. However, in 1936, Hunu died and the nationalist bloc held commemorations in his honor. The French responded by arresting many of their leaders, which in turn led the Syrians to move on. The striking soldiers then fired into the crowd and arrested over 3,000 people at the time, although within France itself leftist groups were becoming more powerful and demanding an end to colonialism or at l


a change in its methods;
In fact, it would only be a couple of months later that the popular front led by Leon Bloom would come to power, they invited alatas to discuss independence again and agreed that their national bloc would achieve it gradually and maintain some type of control over the du and states. Alawi as he returned home a hero as the first true President of the Republic, but this was short-lived, the French were now too worried about Germany, so they delayed ratifying the treaty, leading to the condemnation of many old nationalists. Syrians like Abbid Alram and Shabandar, which caused fissures in the national bloc and made things worse for It was then that the Hatai issue was raised.
It is estimated that the population of the province at that time was around 46% Arab, 39% Turkish and 11% Armenian, with the remainder being Chassan Kurds and Jews in 1936, two Syrian Arabs in the elections. As Turks and Arabs fought each other in the streets, Ataturk appealed to the League of Nations and again the allies gave in to his requests, prepared a new Constitution and held a referendum in


. However, many consider this to have been completely rigged, since the Turks sent dozens. thousands of people from their own country voted while the French largely allowed it. Alatas resigned in protest. Thousands began to demonstrate, but the annexation went ahead and Tiai became part of Turkey, but it was not Ataturk who celebrated this as he died in 1938 and was replaced by Isonu, who continued to lead the country down the same path as the Syrians. , although they had now lost land and it had been confirmed that they would not unite with Lebanon, as they had signed a similar treaty with France paving their way to independence here.
The situation was more stable for the French, since Charles Debas had been president from 1926 to 1934 and, as a ChristianPro-French Greek, he continued to work alongside them and appointed marinates such as Amil Ed and Beara Aluri as prime ministers often switching between the two. and when there were challenges to this setup, such as when Muhammad Al Jazia ran for president in 1932, the French simply canceled the Constitution and Debas continued in his role and Emil Eder would take charge of the country from 1936 to 41 and had fought with the French during the last war and again simply continued working alongside them.
He, like many, pushed for independence, albeit very gradual, and an independence free from ideas of Arab unity. In fact, for decades Christians in Lebanon had been at the forefront of Arab nationalism, but in recent times they were pushing the idea that they were descendants of the Phoenicians and were very different from the Arabs. 1936, although it turned out to be a crucial year in other parts of the Islamic world and, as I explain it, it is important to keep in mind the aspirations of the The Italians and the Germans, the Italians in particular, sought to reclaim lands throughout the Mediterranean as part of Marin nostrum and in 1935 they launched their invasion of Ethiopia.
Musolini, although he had tried to position himself almost as a savior of Islam despite having killed thousands of people. in Libya, but in Tripoli, a couple of years later, Yousef Kisk, a Berber supporter of his, would hand him the sword of Islam. Within the city a monument was also built for him with the description that reads: Beautiful musolini, Peacemaker of the people, Redeemer of the earth. of Libya, he, like other right-wing leaders such as Hitler and even Franco, had a notable affection for Islam in general and could always use their friendship to undermine the allies, but Italian expansion in particular worried the Egyptians who were ruled by isma Sid.
He was something of a dictator as he suspended the Constitution but was forced to resign in 1933 and once again power changed hands and after intense protests they reintroduced the Constitution but in 1936 the king Fuad died and his young son Faruko ascended the throne. His father was actually very interested in forming an alliance with the Italians, but now young Faruko was studying in Britain when his father died. Once in power, the British again began negotiating the Treaty of 1922 extending the time their troops could remain to defend the sewer canal and, fortunately for the British, when Italy invaded Ethiopia and claimed Egypt and Sudan, this even pushed to the nationalist Wafford party to make an agreement, many protested this, but more than 100 people died and the treaty was still signed, it allowed the British to stay around the canal inside Sudan and in times of war they could use the ports and roads of the Egyptian airspace for the next 20 years at least while Egypt builds an army capable of defending the canal on its own.
However, there was another emerging power in Egypt. This started with Ahmad Hussein, who was angry that Fez was produced abroad. He tried to raise money to build a factory himself in Egypt and promoted another. A form of nationalism and its group, young Egypt, was inspired by European fascism. His followers in their green shirts paraded through the streets and supposedly received Italian financing. In these early days, a young Gamal Abdul from NASA joined the party before they were banned. Hussein, although he had his own. unique ideologies believed that Egypt should return to the true Islamic society when there was no employer or employee but they were all brothers cooperating together he really believed that Hitler had achieved this but then he said that Hitler is a madman who wants to destroy the world to order to satisfy their arrogance and their desires despite the fact that Great Britain had signed an agreement with Egypt and France with Syria, both arrived in 1936 and that same year there would be a coup d'état in Iraq to understand this we must look at the similar massacre that targeted the The Assyrians in the North in 1933 The Assyrians had already angered many Muslims in 1924 when they committed their own massacre at Kir Cook and, as they had long worked with the British, they were seen as agents of the Empire and possibly seeking to divide the country.
Well, in 1932 the British granted Iraq its independence, but again retained military bases and control over Assyrian troops. Some of the best soldiers in Iraq. Shimun Asai, the patriarch of the Catholic Assyrians, attempted to gain autonomy before the British mandate ended, but failed many leaders. within the Assyrian levies, as Malik Yako convinced his followers to deny Iraqi citizenship, the new Prime Minister Ali Al Gayani invited the patriarch to meet him in Baghdad, but AR arrested him as soon as he arrived, incidentally, Gani had united with other prominent leaders. Like Al Hashimi, to form the national Brotherhood party, they opposed any concessions to the British and Galani would later try to turn Iraq into an Axis power.
Yaku and his group of followers attempted to flee to Syria and clashed with Iraqi forces nearby. On the border, no one really knows who started the attack, but Iraqis took the opportunity to spread stories of Christian atrocities, including the poisoning of drinking water. Bakia Sidki, then the LED troops in the North and in August 1933, around Duok, his troops began to massacre the Assyrians near the Yazidi Kurds. and the Arabs joined in the sacking of the cities while most of the Assyrians fled from the city of simile there, they persuaded the Assyrians to disarm before the Iraqis fired on them until not a single man was left standing Among the rubble, the men were dragged and shot or beaten to death and their bodies were thrown on a pile of dead.
King Faal died shortly after the massacre, so the following celebrations in Mosul were attended by his son Gazi, who distributed decorations to the participants. Gazi, by the way, was an outspoken pan-Arab nationalist and would again be interested in Dealing with the Axis, meanwhile, the British were seen as betraying the Assyrians in favor of appeasing the Iraqi government, which was now also anti-British; Otherwise, an Iraqi historian named Canan Makia argued that this massacre was the peculiar origin of a kind of nationalism of the Iraqi nation. This is because the Kurds, Sunni Arabs, Yazidis, Shiite Arabs, Republican monarchists and more all united to put an end to the Christian Assyrians.
However, this seems too simple since within 2 years the Yazidi Kurds and the Shiites would rebel well, the Kurds actually They simply fought against themselves, but the Yazidis would rebel against the conscription laws again, although Bakia Sidki came and killed a couple hundred people and then imposed martial law; Then, throughout central Iraq, Shia Muslims felt increasingly excluded from politics and generally ignored after a small uprising, the Iraqi government arrested a prominent Shia cleric which caused the rebellions to spread. Furthermore, they continued until the end of 1936, when Bakia Sidi again entered and crushed the fragmented tribes. At this point, the British were described in sidki as the best commander in Iraq;
However, he was a Kurd and promoted many Kurds to high-ranking positions, but despite all his achievements he began to feel belittled because he was not promoted further and, although he often worked with the Brotherhood's national party, Iraq, as elsewhere, it had no prime ministers with a long


from early 1933 to the At the end of 1935 there was Naji Shaak Al gayani Jamil Al midfi Ali jaat Al ayubi al-midfi again and finally Al hasimi. Well, Sidi had been instrumental in overthrowing iubi, as when the Shiites rebelled they demanded Ed resign. Sidi then refused to act against them until he agreed to leave office, al-hashimi would be appointed to help quell the uprising and began to transform into a dictator who ruled by decree by expanding the police and closing newspapers, but it was the fact that he did not He promoted Sidki which turned out to be his demise Sidki moved to Baghdad when Hashimu won a trip and forced other leaders like Nuri Alaid to flee to Cairo.
However, he made a crucial mistake by killing Jafar Alcari. He was very popular in the army, having been one of the first leaders in the Arab revolt and with his death, many began to view this coup as anti-Arab, especially since the newly installed Prime Minister Hikmat Sulaman was a Sidi Turk, although he held power. real and tried to emulate Ataturk and rasa and was also ready to become part of a huge Islamic Alliance known as Saadat Pact, it was actually proposed by Muhammad Zahar of Afghanistan and would extend from Istanbul to Kabul, but it was only possible with a Kurd in power in Iraq, as many of the Arab nationalists still had land rights in Turkey. and Iran as Kuran, so it was a kind of non-Arab Islamic Alliance.
Furthermore, this military coup is said to be the first in modern Arab


and would of course be followed by dozens more, but it did not last long in August 1937 in Mosul Sidki was assassinated, but the motivation behind this is debatable. Some claim it was NRI in the British. Others say it was angry army officers, but in reality there are dozens of groups that would like to get rid of him. British pro Nuri Al Saed would eventually take control. In 1938, however, many still demanded complete independence from Britain and within the country. Prince Grober convinced the king to send Iraqi officers to train in Germany.
He even bought a newspaper called Arab World, a radio station that broadcast Berlin and Arabic and translated my camp. All this positioned Germany. as the potential savior of Iraq, when the officers returned from Germany fully convinced of this, four of the most senior officers formed the Golden Circle and would seize power, meanwhile, in Palestine again in 1936, Britain was about to face your greatest challenge. To this day, Jewish immigrants continued to arrive and buy land. The Governor, the High Commissioner, warned that this would serve as a focus of discontent and could even cause serious disorders, but in his years in office he still allowed the Jewish population to increase from 175,000 to 325,000 between 1931 and 35 this Jewish town was divided into different groups all with very different ideologies and even paramilitaries there were still many Bolsheviks in Palestine and they along with the moderates favored a more peaceful policy with the Arabs known as Havar this was the doctrine of Hagana the main paramilitary group that favored defense rather than attack in the hope of keeping the British on their side, but alongside them were also revisionist Zionists who believed that a Jewish state should also include Jordan and believed that in Palestine only violence could establish a Jewish state in which they had some supporters.
Britain, such as MP Josiah Wedgewood, who wanted Palestine to become a dominion like Canada or Australia in the 1930s, its leader Yabo Tin had already been arrested by the British and banned from entering Palestine again, but he still formed his own Zionist Congress to promote these goals. and its activities were quite global, as the Batar movement was said to have around 40,000 followers in Poland, all training in military exercises; However, their actions there are somewhat controversial, on the one hand they helped defend Jews from many anti-Semitic attacks, but they also began to copy many aspects of fascism and even worked with some fascist leaders, for example, they signed the Havar agreement with the Nazis in 1933, allowing some 60,000 Jews to flee Germany to Palestine and bring some of their assets with them.
Technically, they could use the value of their assets to purchase German-made products that would then be used to establish themselves in Palestine. However, this was condemned as it allowed the Germans to make money despite an international anti-Nazi boycott. Then in 1936, Yabo Tinsky planned to evacuate 1.5 million Jews from Eastern Europe and bring them to Palestine. In the polls, all Hungarians and Romanians agreed, but the British vetoed the idea believing it would be disastrous for Palestine. Some say that Yabu Insky predicted the Holocaust and tried to save as many Jews as possible, but again he also worked with Musolini by establishing the Batar Naval Academy in 1934 to train Zionists, but they broke relations with Musolini when he joined Hitler in an alliance Although the arrival of large numbers of Jews to Palestine and the development of cities broke the ancient Arab clan system, many Arabs flocked to the cities and largely lived in slums as resentment was still growing, as were organizations trying to mobilize people, especially after the violence of the late 1920s.
Abdul Hadi, for example, created a feminist movement that included both. Christians andMuslims in a famous speech said that the daughters of the mother The sisters of the Arab victims are gathered here for the world to witness the betrayal of the British. We want all Arabs to remember that the British are the cause of our suffering. Groups such as the Independence Party also began to emerge in 1932. W was inspired by Gandhi and advocated a boycott; However, these political parties were primarily the domain of the rich and educated and their parties were divided along Old Family Lines that had fought for power for decades, such as the Husseini family who funded the Palestinian Arab Party, were also the Khedi family, who remained loyal to the Ottomans during the war and many of them served as mayor of Jerusalem, such as Hussein Al Khalidi in 1934, who founded the reform party after him.
Mustafa Al Khalidi arrived in 1938, however, he was accused of being a Zionist when he said that Jews could not be thrown into the sea. Likewise, some of them bought land and received titles in exchange for money and we must recognize them, in addition there was the nashashibi party who once again had maintained for centuries being appointed Guardians of the al-AXA mosque in the 15th century in modern times rag Al nashashibi founded the National Defense party now all these groups had largely the same ideas but these old family ties were divided Meanwhile, a Syrian preacher named Adin Alasam formed the militant secret society of the black hand.
This group of poor Arabs were then trained in fighting and also in virtues such as giving to the poor and praying regularly while increasing their strength. Some members like Abu Ibrahim Al Kabir wanted to accelerate the revolt and it appears that he simply led some attacks against Jews starting in 1931 when they ambushed a kabut and bombed others. Alasam waited to gather a force of around 500 men and then received news of an illegal shipment. Alassan believed it was time to attack, but he did not have the support of any of the main political groups and is said to have only a dozen rifles, but he gave a speech denouncing the British and disappeared into the hills shortly after, a policeman was found dead near his base, so the British in response invaded his position and killed him, angering many Arabs.
In April, his followers shot a couple of Jews around Anta, sparking Jewish demonstrations and revenge attacks. and then violence spread inspired by the events in Syria, the Arab Med recruitment committee was formed and they called a general strike and then refused to pay taxes. This committee was founded by Amin Al Husseini the great Muti and included many of his former opponents, but the British simply ignored their demands and this forced the Arabs to take up arms and attack British oil and railway lines along with Jewish settlements. They burned acres of farmland in response, the British simply equipped Jewish units to join their forces and also their searches. where they arrested and tortured many, forcing many more to become rebels, the British even began arresting Arabs in the Aja al-Haier camp, which in turn encouraged Arabs abroad to join the rebellion. , like FY Al kuki, who had fought against the French in Syria, however, was now the leader of the Iraqi Society for the Defense of Palestine and led only a few dozen men across the border there were other foreigners, such as Hammad Sab, who led the Lebanese troops, and Muhammad al-ashma, who led the TransJordanian troops.
However, once again, internal divisions plagued the Arab cause as the great Muti became distrustful of his power. and FY slipped across the Jordan River and went away; Otherwise, after some heavy fighting like that at Nur Shams in June, the British were able to call on their Islamic allies in Jordan, Iraq and Saudi Arabia to press for a ceasefire and Lord Peele was brought in to try and find some type of solution, for the first time he raised the idea of ​​dividing the lands by granting the Jews coastal cities and leaving Jerusalem in British hands to maintain the rights of all religious groups;
However, this plan would result in 225,000 Arabs being expelled from their homes. Some think that the majority in the British government refused to accept it and obviously the Arab leaders and the revisionist Zionists rejected it and the piece was broken in 1937 when the Arabs killed Lewis Yel y Andrés, an Australian commissioner who was now also a Zionist, although the revisionist Zionists were forming their own large paramilitaries such as Uron, which would attack both the Arabs and the British. Yabo Insky along with other leaders such as Robert Bitka then ordered a major attack on November 14, known as Black Sunday, a series of bombs across the region killed 10 people.
The Arabs would continue to bomb Arab neighborhoods and markets from here on out, but the British still focused on ending Arab violence first. Many Arab leaders were arrested while others fled the country, then the borders were closed, more camps were opened and the Arab army was established. research centers to interrogate and often torture locals for information; in fact, many of the early leaders of MI5 and Mossad were present here, such as Royan Zas Lany, who gathered a large amount of information, then brought in troops from Egypt and recruited even more Jews. Together, with their special night squads, they took over fortresses in Jerusalem and imposed collective fines on the communities, leaving them in greater poverty.
This poverty was made even worse by the Jihad tax they had to pay to the rebels. In some cases the British would simply completely blow up the villages as punishment, such as in October 1938 when British soldiers were killed, there were cases of swift and cruel retaliation, such as in Halhul they locked civilians and cages in the sun and in Albasser , when the soldiers hit a mine, they ordered the local men to get on a bus and that bus was driven by AC crust. Minds with the rebellion now clearly failing. Many Arabs joined nashashibi units that fought against their fellow Arabs, as their name implies.
They were led by Ragi Al Nashashibi, who sought a leadership position once Husseini had fled in


, although most of the rebel strongholds had fallen and it was clear that war would break out in Europe, so keeping the Arab nations of the Britain's side was becoming of crucial importance, as Neville Chamberlain said, if we must defend one side, let us offend the Jews rather than the Arabs, so peace talks began. at the London conference and published the white paper in which they rejected partition and limited Jewish migration, they even agreed that Palestine would be given independence in 10 years, many of the more moderate Arabs accepted these conditions, but many Zionists There was a risk of further persecution in Germany, as MP James Rothchild said, for most Jews going to Pal it is a matter of migration or physical extinction, so the revisionist Zionists began to attack British buildings and Arab citizens once again Yabo Insky even planned to start a major rebellion against the British, but when this did not happen, Abraham Stern formed his own unit known as Lei, they planned to train Jews in Poland with the help of the Polish government and send them to Palestine to take the country by force. but the outbreak of World War II put an end to this plan throughout this rebellion, much of the world watched and the rebels had many supporters, but in Jordan Abdullah had his own plans and actually accepted the Peel commission to divide the country as the little Palestinian.
The state would then be placed in a union with the King the people obviously protested against his leadership and in ajun Rashid Al kusai the LED supporters an open rebellion which did not last long as his position was bombed and he fled the country but Abdullah would continue to be a very controversial ruler in the Arab world. Elsewhere, many Arab leaders met at the abortive conference of 1937. This was almost the first pan-Arab conference at which representatives from the entire region condemned partition, but the real material support for the Palestinians may well have come from Hitler. and musolini now, the next part is quite controversial, but we know that husseini back in 1933 wrote to the German Cil Andrew Muslim and congratulated Hitler on his success.
He wrote that Muslims inside and outside Palestine welcome the new regime in Germany and expect the spread of fascism. undemocratic state leadership to other countries, he went on to say that Jewish influence was harmful everywhere and needed to be combated. Hussein's Palestinian Arab party also established a youth nucleus inspired by the Hitler Youth and very early on the British found Nazi weapons and money. Within Palestine then, although the Germans initially forcibly deported Jews from Europe in 1937, the German council said that a Jewish Palestinian state would create additional national power bases for the international jury, such as the Vatican state for Catholicism. political or Moscow for the communist musolini in the On the other hand, he was pro-Arab and pro-Jew, it seems that he was looking for some ally in the region to counter the British influence, as I mentioned before, he supported the revisionist Zionists, but he also devised a new plan that He thought he could appease everyone. and that was to settle the Jews in Ethiopia, there they would live close to the Ethiopian Jews who had lived there for centuries and increased migration would lead to further development in Italian East Africa, but I must say that many Arabs flatly denied Nazism , even those who saw them as potential liberators such as Shakib Arlan and Lebanon, for example said: "I do not care about Hitler nor do I defend him nor believe in his ideology" and came to see the Italians and Germans simply as new settlers, however , there were genuine fascists like in Syria and Tunada created the Syrian nationalist social party.
He argued that Syria should expand into Lebanon, parts of Turkey and Iraq, but rejected any idea of ​​pan-Arabism arguing that Syria was a distinct and superior race. However, he denied being inspired by European fascism. and his ideas that Syrians were somehow a superior group were not really a racial concept, since he himself was a Christian, he sought to unite all types of groups and races. Each nation comprises diverse racial groups and none is the product of a specific race or tribe. so his view of the Syrians historically included the Phoenicians, Babylonians and more, and geography to him was much more important.
Otherwise, in Iraq there was the Alm Matana Club under the leadership of Frit Grober, some of its members, like some alabar, moved a mining camp and then occupied an important place. positions in the government in his case he was the Minister of Economy on the other side of the political spectrum the Palestinian Communist Party was still predominantly Jewish but had some Arab members such as Muhammad Najati Sidki attended many of the Communist Internationals such as in 1936 in There he met in Moscow with Khed Bakdash of the Syrian Communist Party, but the two men argued because Bakash refused to endorse the use of nationalism to promote a largely internationalist ideology.
Sidy was then sent to Tash Kent to see firsthand how the Soviet Union was able to take down the Soviet Union. Nationalism among Central Asians Sidki, however, is an interesting character and his actions bring up another event that somewhat divided the Islamic world: the Spanish Civil War, when Franco rebelled against the Spanish Republic, was in Spanish Morocco and brought with him to tens of thousands of Moroccan volunteers. to fight on dry land he then promoted the unity of Muslim Christians and Jews in a holy war against non-believers, as Franco himself said, our war is a religious war, we who fight where Christians or Muslims are soldiers of God and we are not fighting. against men but against atheism and materialism he also received the support of moule almi who held the title given to him by the Spanish the cff of tetan Franco even sponsored Muslims to participate in the Haj and continued to promote religious ties between Christians and Muslims through a romantic look at medieval Muslim Spain or a loose land for thousands to continue fighting for Franco and that's when Sidi arrived offering to form an army to fight Franco, but only a handful of people joined him and even Arab newspapers such as the Filisteo supported him.
Franco on communism many Spanish communists were also expected to have help from the Moroccans. Dolores iuchi called them hordes of bestial Moors, savages drunk with sensuality who raped our women and daughters, although it must be said that Moroccans throughout EuropeThey were often portrayed this way, as in Germany. Immediately after World War I, the French occupied the land of the Rhine and many of their troops came from the colonies there. Exaggerated and usually discredited stories began to appear in the press about savage Moroccan sagas and further attacks on countless women, who became known as the black one. horror of the r and became international news and the focus of the first Nazi party who sterilized many mixed-race children known as the bastards of Ryland, but who remained in Morocco in the 1930s, some as alal alasi and Ahmad BGE demanded their complete independence and founded groups. such as the Moroccan action committee, but the French quickly exiled them while in Tunisia abib BBA also began his rise joined the nationalist Doré party led by abdal aiz talibi joined protests against the French for holding Christian services in Carthage in 1930 and then when the French celebrated the 50th anniversary of the protectorate, he published scathing articles in his newspaper calling it a humiliation, but in 1932 the Tunisians were divided over the French granting them citizenship, although this may sound good in theory, the nationalists They argued that this was a In his strategy to end Tunisian culture, he also began to grow impatient with the methods of the party's older members, so Khabib broke away and founded the Neo Destor party.
The French, although they quickly arrested him and the other leaders, sparked protests across the country. for a couple of years until 1936, when Armand Gilon was brought in to try to make peace, he freed his bip from prison and sent him to talk in Paris with the new socialist government of France under Leon Gilon, incidentally, himself He was a socialist and attempted to alleviate some of the economic burdens of Tunisians suffering from droughts and the major depression. To do this he introduced many socialist laws such as the 8-hour work day, but again the construction of schools posed more problems since French was prioritized as a language.
So the strikes continued and Leon Bloom's government would collapse in France when it realized that no agreements could be made in Paris. Khabib returned and held a congress in 1937, focusing the party on a more revolutionary path. This policy gained even more support on April 9. 1938, the French fired on protesters, killing about 22 of them. This could be said to have marked the beginning of the Tunisian independence movement and Tunisians still honor the martyr's day. Khabib, although he was arrested very soon after, but the French could not really quell the nationalist movements in North Africa now, as in neighboring Algeria, where there was a new problem here, it should be said that the Germans at that time were not the only ones that exported anti-Semitism, since the French prefect of Iran argued that Algerian Jews are not French, their customs are oriental.
Foreign to the traditions of the French nation, Oran was also the base of a new fascist party known as the Latin Union. They argued that the settlers in Algeria, whether French, Spanish or Italian, were a superior race. Some speculate that they tried to instigate violence between them. the Muslims, the Jews, however, there is no real evidence of this, regardless of the fact that in Constantine in 1934 there was some kind of confrontation between a Jewish man and some Muslims, although what exactly happened is still disputed, but in the end, 25 Jews and three Muslims were killed, according to a report. a scene of utter desolation and horror of Jewish girls having their breasts cut off, of little boys with numerous knife wounds, and of entire families locked in their homes and burned alive, and this increase in anti-Semitic attacks would continue throughout the region for the following years. about a decade, although at the beginning of the 20th century Jews made up 20% of cities like Alers, today there are only around 100 left in the entire country, elsewhere rising fascist powers might have found allies on the Peninsula Arabic, for example, melini continued. trying to woo Yemen as Iban Saud moved away from Britain Yemen and Saudi Arabia, although they clashed a couple of times starting in 1931, when the Yemenis captured Njan Iban sa reacted and expelled them the following year pushing their rule towards the south, but very little else is known about the conflict, there was a larger conflict in 1934 over the Emirate of AA, the Emir here had accepted Saudi authority, but the treaty was uneasy and Yemen still claimed the territory, reportedly when Saudi Arabia sent delegates to meet Yemen's Yaya, he said.
Who is this Bedwin coming to challenge my family's 900-year rule in 1934? Granny eventually made peace with Britain and recognized his rule, allowing her to concentrate on claiming territories to the north. It was said that he eradicated all those who opposed him in the border towns. prompting the Iban sa to declare war in March, they once again recaptured Najan and Haara and quickly moved into Yemen itself in May, attacking Heda and seeking to move to the capital of S Yaya eventually had to surrender and renounce their rights. over all Saudi lands, but the Great Depression had affected Saudi Arabia quite a bit, for example the number of pilgrims to Mecca and Medina dropped by half, but they started to become a little more serious. about the search for oil, since many of his neighbors had already done so in nearby Bahrain.
The shakes had signed concessions back in the 1920s and in 1932 oil was found. 400 barrels per hour were produced and some of the first exports were sent to Japan or Qatar. they also found oil in 19 37 around Duan, they convinced iba sa to do the same and gave concessions to foreign companies, including American ones, in 1938 they also found oil at Dam and could now produce up to 1,600 barrels per day. This began a long history of ties between Saudi Arabia and the United States. And this relationship may well have kept the Saudis neutral during the war. After all, Saudi Arabia was a refuge for many Arab rebels and the occasional Nazi like Grober in 1939.
Saudi emissaries also met with Hitler, but they were still a quite impoverished nation with an army that fought on camels, so for now the ruler was dependent on subsidies from Western nations, but I must also say that the Japanese sent delegates to meet with the Saudis, although nothing really came of it . One of their visits was notable as they witnessed an attempted assassination of the king. However, the Assassins were killed before more information could be obtained, so their motives are unknown and this eventually brings us to 1939, when Hitler invaded Poland and World War II began.

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