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Amy Poehler on Blowing Her Chance with Prince, Learning a New Thing Every Month & Inside Out 2

May 25, 2024
You already know our first guest tonight for many fun


s, she is the voice of joy in the beloved Disney Pixar film Inside Out, the sequel Inside Out 2, opens in theaters June 14, please welcome her to Amy polar, hello, how are you? It's great to have you here, we just signed Slash to be part of the band, yeah you know I have a SL story, I have a story, oh well, I have a question to ask you oh well, uh, oh, it's not bad, okay, um. I was working on a movie with Billy Bob Thoron and they invited me to a party to listen to some music he was making and when I got there he said we're at Slash's house right now, yeah that's right, yeah that was my house that I sold.
amy poehler on blowing her chance with prince learning a new thing every month inside out 2
I gave it to Billy and it had a studio and



and he and Angelina bought it and were you upstairs at the time the party was going on or were you not at the party? He said no, but we assumed why you were there. in it was like a b there was like a recording basements in The yeah, okay, wow, what a Hollywood, what a Hollywood, Hollywood is something else, it really is something else, you know, by the way, I have something that one of ours brought staff. today this is exciting, the band Yola Tango, this is a great band from around the year 2000, wow, and this is none other than Amy polar on the cover of her CD, which is a relic, it is the first, the first and only time I've been. on the cover of a record it's called for those of you it's called a CD uhhuh oh look at it yeah it's shiny yeah they were really shiny and they could put their coffee cups on them and stuff why is this blood?
amy poehler on blowing her chance with prince learning a new thing every month inside out 2

More Interesting Facts About,

amy poehler on blowing her chance with prince learning a new thing every month inside out 2...

Is this a zombie thing? No, it's a sketch I did with UCB. My sketch group is called Spaghetti Jesus and I think the premise of the sketch was a woman. There Jesus' face was found in a plate of spaghetti and then someone ate it. and you looked around to see who it was and then that lady, so I guess the good people at Yellow Tango thought it would make a good C album. I'm so proud that you found that, they saw the sketch and then said yes, I'll tell you we want with the spaghetti-faced Jesus, you know it was a different time, yeah, well, you must know a lot of bands and stars and stuff, especially from Saturday Night Live.
amy poehler on blowing her chance with prince learning a new thing every month inside out 2
I mean, I'd like to think so. I mean, no, but. I'm a huge music fan and with SNL we got to meet a lot of people who are like the biggest people on SNL, other than Slash's basement. I had the


to meet Prince once, yes, that's important, yes. The biggest one was him being friendly, well I'll never know because I really blew my


because he came off stage during sound check and walked past me and I told him and he just made a little eye contact with me and said hello and I told him , How was your summer?
amy poehler on blowing her chance with prince learning a new thing every month inside out 2
That's what I asked Prince. How was your summer? That's what I said. He just floated away towards the elevator and in a lavender Haze he simply said: Yeah, it was like he was like me. No, we are not the same species, you and I are not going to do this, no, we are not going to do that, what's your plan for the summer? Oh my God, I'm going to continue this journey I'm in Jimmy, thank you for asking, yeah I'm trying to learn something new



, oh your life, Trip of a lifetime, Trip, yeah what do you mean something new every


, basically like a new skill, a new game or a new me ?
I'm trying to keep my mind sharp, you know, so this is kind of decided. I like it when people do that. I never, ever, ever think about doing something like that. Well, I'm only two months in, so that's how it will be. probably to, oh, what have you done? You have done two things. I have done two things. I learned Tai Chi. You did it in a month. Impressed. Well, I should say I'm studying it and by studying it I mean I've done it twice. You did it twice, will you continue or is it just that month?
I don't think that's what Jimmy is about. I think it's about the flow. Yes, flow is all I see people having in the pair. Have you ever done it really I really like it it's beautiful and I did it with a group of friends and it's very difficult because you have to be very patient and um precise and deliberate and those three words are not really mine, they are so so I really like it , it's like a meditation in motion. I see people in the park doing it and from what I understand, and you know more about this than I do, it's supposed to be some kind of self-defense, but it seems like the only way you can fight someone, Al, is if you also fight in slow motion, in slow motion or underwater, something like that, because there are many things that we have to start cultivating and that we can do when we are older. you know we have to go a little slower so I also learned maang oh that's fun the game and the game yeah you learned someone came and taught you how to play.
Yes, someone came and taught me and many of us. I'm


it again. I've only played once, uh-huh um, but it's something new I learned, so that's May this month. May is maang. You may have had April and what will we do in June. This is a great question. I am open to suggestions. Oh, you are. I was thinking about something that had a cool name like parkour or something, but then I realized that it's very tiring and seems dangerous, plus it is and I'm not going to be able to. to do it they are jumping from building to building running up the side of a wall yes, there is no parkour no, yes, you don't want to do parkour.
I don't know what hacky hacky sack there are people who still play hacky sack, probably I probably have a hacky sack in my car? No, no, I do, I really do. I just realized. I have it in my glove compartment just in case. Is this a way to make friends? Do you have a hacky sack in your glove compartment? I don't know, but now I'm visualizing that I have a hacky sack in my glove compartment and um, that's a great title for an album, yeah, that's Yola Tango's fourth album. sack in my glove compartment maybe uh I can Would you take suggestions because I think calligraphy might be something you might want to learn?
Oh, I'd love to do it. It sounds very easy. Frisbee golf is something that requires too much activity. I think it's okay, calligraphy sounds. It's okay because you can sit, balloon animals, have you ever tried that? F I don't like the sound of the squeaking, oh, balloon, it gives me chills, okay, anyone like you, like nails on a blackboard, no offense to all the balloon artists. We are approaching the holidays. Maybe something like making wreaths could be a skill that could be fun. I mean, surely not, you cook anything. I love cooking. Well, that's when you do it.
You love to cook. I love cooking. Alright. Come on. I ask you this, what is your food that you are working on right now? Because I know you cook a million things with ions. What is something you like right now? and you say I'm getting better. Oh, I don't get better. I just try, this is what I do, I'll make something up and then like last night I had my wife say, make me dinner, she said it like that too, I'm not kidding, she went to make me dinner, I got up and went to the kitchen and I looked around and I bought some garlic and some oil and some tomato paste and some cantalini beans and some chicken broth and I put some pasta in it and I made it and she said oh Oh my god, this is great and uh she says you have to give me the recipe I said I already forgot the recipe but that's a good cook a good cook can just that's the dream you find what you have and you add it well, I'm very excited my KL SLA right now oh really klaa I love the fermented pickled things you make I do the German thing from you I appreciate it I think um and um I'm really interested in getting the right version of klaa and I make mine without mayonnaise um okay but with high vinegar content. content really and I've been bringing it into my office and I realize it's become an HR violation now because I'm forcing the people I work with to eat my co, oh, eat your tail, yeah, and they eat the tail.
They don't, but um, when their sandwiches come out at lunch. You know, what would be really good with that is my four or five day KLA, but the saw gets better the longer it's in the refrigerator, yeah. until it gets soaked, I heard an adult, we have a guy who's been pulling Cheetos out of his belly button here in the audience, so there's a lot of weird stuff going on, well, let's take a break. Amy Polar is also here upside down, it's her movie and it premieres in June. 14. orange Who made the orange console? Do I look orange?
Do not touch it. Orange is not my color. I don't. Hello everyone. My God. I'm like this. I am a big fan of yours and now here I meet you face to face. How can I help you? I can take notes, have coffee, manage your calendar, walk your dog, carry your stuff, watch you sleep, wow you have a lot of energy, maybe you could stay in one place, anything, just say my name and I'll be here to you. Okay, I love that and What Was Your Name Again, that's inside out starring Amy po and hits theaters June 14.
The sequel, of course, to Inside Out, which won the Oscar for best animated film. I know I just watched the movie last night, it's so good. oh the new one that you already saw they told me it wasn't ready to be seen yet ah well they gave me a little privacy um I see because I have to start talking about it right now so um I have to know I have to know to to know what's in it, to know what's in it, um, but it's so good that my kids are dying to see it. The first one was 10 years ago, 10 years ago, uh, yeah, we started working on it or I started preparing. to talk about it in 2014 and I was looking back at 2014 and it was a very different time, you look back at the year 2014, it's okay because things are coming full circle, the movie will be released again.
A lot has happened and I looked at I think back to what was happening in 2014. Do you remember what was happening? all the time everywhere giant hats big hats big hats um Obama was president exciting um wait I'm going to cry I know it was a different time uh Seth Rogan almost put us in a war movie with North Korea 10 years ago It was 10 ago years that that story wasn't told, you know, it wasn't really told, it should be a Hulu limited series, it should be and then, um, there was a famous Oscar selfie with host Ellen degenerous and that was before and I didn't.
I don't know if you know this, but the Oscars existed before you hosted them. I don't believe it at all, yes, I mean, they existed, yes, in a hypothetical way, so they held the ceremony, they had them. I know it's not like that. That's weird, it's rude, that's what it is. Will you now go on tour around the world? We're heading to Australia in the UK later this week, so you're going to go to English-speaking countries because that would be silly. For someone who did voiceover to go to Mexico where someone who speaks Spanish is going to dub you, it is very good to know them.
I've had the pleasure of meeting some people who have dubbed in different countries and it's very, very good. If I came up to you and said or not, me or someone came up to you, let's say it's a guy who pulls Cheetos out of his belly button, I would come up to you and tell you that I live in uh and I or or it's a woman, I give it voice your character, you would automatically believe them right, why are you asking what? Because I'm the announcer. I'm excited to meet you because I play your voice.
I would do it if they approached me on the street, yes. I don't know, I'd be like I guess I'd probably say, try it, oh you would, but that's just my personality, but maybe take out some Tai Chi real slow, real slow. I just changed his energy very slowly. Pat Oswalt is here I know and we're talking today about Parks and Wreck you and Patton had this scene that's now been seen a million times on YouTube where Pat was talking about uh he was filibustering yeah I'm sure he will. he talks, he'll talk better about it if, when he's here, if he wants, but his character was a local character who had to stonewall during a meeting and just talk nonsense to waste time and Patton decided to talk about the Star series Wars. and franchise and what he thinks other films should address and he talked for 10 15 20 minutes um incredibly, specifically about the Star Wars Universe combined with the Marvel Universe and how those two could continue and I think you can consult with him.
I think everything he said came true. I think you're right. Many of the things came true. Well, we'll find out when it comes out here. Oh, it's so fun. It was a great moment because he just went and and. We were all looking at it all right, it's great to see you, congratulations on all your new skills, thank you, yeah, when he comes back I want to come like this. I don't want to come as an actress promoting a movie. I want to come as um uh just one person in the world, yeah, you know what I mean, if you come back in a year, it would be fun for you to do the 12 things you learn in a row.
Amy polar, all upside down, two open with roar. On June 14 we return with Paton Oswalt.

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