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I Created Empires for US States in a Battle Royale... (

Apr 02, 2024
doing in Florida okay I have to attack you, you're at forty thousand, oh actually I have to attack you two guys, okay, okay, who are you? Okay, so I'm stronger than him. I'm stronger than this guy. At this moment I have a border with only three nations. I would love to attack. Oh wow, I just need a hug. In reality, he is much stronger than he looks. oh can I attack? oh, I don't even know I'm allied with this guy. I want to attack the viewer here, I'm probably going to. I'm sorry, let's see if someone was after my islands too, they'll probably hate me so much, I'm sorry buddy, it's just there, I have to do it, this guy is so small that no one can catch me. is going to help, probably no one is paying attention. this part of the map is fine, now they are fine, we have to watch the punk solar communes that seem weak to maybe eat this guy has two million, we have to watch that too, the emo is too strong to chase oh no, no, no no no. oh, I don't want to lose that, please squeeze there, please squeeze, go on, go on, go on, go on, let's get on with all of Florida, at least let's get all of Florida, there we go, there we go, okay, okay , that's pretty good, okay, look at those. beautiful magnificent borders someone is attacking me too i will get some islands maybe those beautiful dutch borders are emo emo calm emo what are you doing why are you attacking me don't be stupid uh he kicked me out I think I want to send a naval invasion just for that, of all modes is dead you idiot not a fan of Dutch New York I guess that's okay I guess I'll take these Bahamas islands anyway okay so bin tan is in a tough spot here iOS user is attacking it's a wi-fi signal i'm not growing up anymore i don't have anything like army which is not good maybe i have to take the l and get this little pp i already adopted it in real life anyway someone from the west coast is I'm probably going to take this oh no I just left so much open land there and one of you leaves please well I'm just weaving the border between two nations so it's probably unlikely I just need to stay so incredibly still that forget that i exist as portugal and switzerland throughout history their view is based on movement, we don't even want to put emojis on this right now.
i created empires for us states in a battle royale territorial io
I'll be honest, they'll probably kill me any minute now, but I think a lot of these guys are looking west, they really should kill me, I'm just barely 4 million, 3 million, I think all this chaos is keeping them distracted, okay, here wow, yeah, I'm surprised they didn't attack me before, well, at least a little pee. I liked it, I literally have a giant Wyoming flag on my background right now. I have to play the ultimate fantasy nation of North America at least once. Let's see if there really are so many of these people, especially if they are outside of you.
i created empires for us states in a battle royale territorial io

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like what the heck is a Wyoming. We will take our half a million people who live in this state, only about half a million, and we will conquer the world with them. Hopefully, they will be the strongest fighters of all time. Right in the middle here, but why do these look old like the old western borders? Wait, what has this robot been sitting here with 30,000? Just relax like no one is paying attention. This was a robot. It seemed too big, at least to me. and Bob were not paying attention, there are a lot of robots down here, we need to be careful, actually, when you are done, leave, please stop the expansion, we need to increase our interest, please stop, we just stop.
i created empires for us states in a battle royale territorial io
They're outflanking some pretty powerful people right now and it was freaking me out. Genetic error what name is probably Bob. It seems like something is happening. These two are working together. Can we get cologne to maybe help? I will help. No, no, don't do that, don't make that Russian name, of course, I have to skirt the number one nation here in Mexico. Genetic error, move on, uh-oh, jazz is getting him, though yeah, this guy is getting. surrounded on all sides who is attacking him now okay colony okay now you want to attack I see I'm stronger than this Russian guy I have to keep an eye on Keck Stan okay here we go the full envoy let's cut him off let's cut him genetic error he's probably going to die actually maybe I don't want to cut it whoa whoa whoa yes we have to attack this guy now I have five million I will take that six million I will try to start biting the Japanese man Here, America looks weak, they look very weak, but I don't want to be the first person to attack them.
i created empires for us states in a battle royale territorial io
These big Wyoming borders, oh more, another guy gone. Technically I'm number one. I don't like having the crown. I don't like. like having the crown oh you're dead we're dead hey well the crown is gone okay I actually missed the crown give me the crown back no I'm just kidding I don't want that now we have to take the jazz. I don't accept that you're not an aggressive group because I don't really want to be a jerk, so I'm in third place, but my army is someone else who has to play tech jazz. I don't want to be the first to do it I'm in the center I skirt you all please let me win conquered by jazz Serbia I will accept a non-aggression package with Serbia That sounds good I don't vote for a peace agreement I think there is room to work with anyone It's growing someone has to do something right I'll be the man and I'll attack this guy we have to kill this guy okay maybe Serbia can come to my aid no one was going to do it you were all weak and didn't do it I wanted to do it I had to doing it, of course, he supports me.
I'm in a solid fourth place right now. I don't look good anymore. I don't see why this guy just didn't do it. He was so strong. We need you to know what, let me send an alliance alliance with this guy, you stupid player 8 7 18. Could you, why am I always the one who has to do this? Why do I always have to orchestrate the massive coalition? That's why I never win because I'm the one who wants to do something and you never wanted to, you know what, here, there, I attacked him, we all have to attack. Serbia is going to stab me in the back, oh no player, 718, stab me in the back, okay, if the colony attacks me, I mean, obviously, it's me.
I'm provoking it. I like how this was probably the best game I ever made. It was with Wyoming right before he died. Hey, Serbia is trying. Hey, I give credit to Serbia's attempt. I'm going to give this guy every penny. You know, screw this guy here. just pure anger that's going to come out i hope this guy loses specifically thank you for that yeah look serbia did it too serbia did it too this guy is the worst guy that ever lived serbia knows this guy is the one who ruined the team whoa oh oh colony let him win or maybe it's like uh the internet just got fixed I'm never going to forgive player 718 as long as I live and thank you very much for saying this I agree to be a buccaneer Sussy Drew's crazy Argentinian from Luxembourg Alex Whitley is making angels bringing back poland xd jocko majestic unicorn max thank you

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