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El Llanero Solitario -El comisario pusilánime.

May 16, 2024
god horse fast as light a cloud of dust and the cry Silver The lone ranger with all his faithful Indian companion The mysterious masked rider makes justice and order triumph by helping to need here he comes again to make us live another exciting Western Adventure The ranger lonely to find traces of those bandits who know nothing about these porogidos they are intelligent and dangerous I hope they have not seen the cattle that we passed this morning that cattle were guarded I should be sure Why be sure that the outlaws operate here because it is close to the train station or understand every time Los Rancheros send cattle to the train to ship them not getting there That's how it seems that they know when they pass and steal the cattle it seems that the cattle disappear into thin air safer in a Hidden Valley or very large ravine this area the hiding place could be anywhere a point we haven't investigated is that neighboring city the bandits could be there living like respectable people you want me to go to the city to find out What about it I think it's better if there have been riots you'll hear nothing about it or try to see the newspaper if something bad happens they will be able to publish it be careful bull Hello Indian what is offered I want to buy the newspaper I just printed this edition it is almost our anniversary the sentinel turns one month today it is for you no be for a friend Good morning Tom and good morning to you too sir good The answer is the same Mr.
el llanero solitario  el comisario pusil nime
Bradley we do not sell the newspaper do you really believe that your decision is correct I know that my offer is not high but I think that both of you will be able to live happy and healthy in another city it is a threat that says What are these threats, it is clear Mr. newspaper to prevent us from writing the truth about you and your friends Ah yes your editorials impetuous youth every word that is printed is the truth and Tony and I We will continue printing it I was trying to protect to both of you from annoyances annoyances What kind sir I don't know indefinite but I have been able to go to the city that certain people don't like what you have been writing also today that the same people could act on an impulse So don't reconsider my offer anymore He told you, there's no business, I'm really sorry.
el llanero solitario  el comisario pusil nime

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el llanero solitario el comisario pusil nime...

Well, I hope you both know what you're doing. See you later, Tom. What will we do? I think nothing will try to bother us because trying to bother them is afraid that Tom will get proof of his misdeeds and that the publish in the newspaper okay Bradley is not going to be able to do anything nobody moves what do you want we thought we would pay you a visit the door was open and we went in here to work I raised my hands Don't do that I will fix this beast That's how it's done now I'm kill the play you already know what the bull boss wants what happened to you Not even having a fight they hit you hard be a small blow kimossabi be nothing How the story happened be long some young people who have a newspaper need protection we go now you will tell me in the way we go with a mask or not If you friends of bull is our friend So be it come in thank you since this morning the doors are closing here he is in the bedroom healing Tom is back bull I'm glad he's back everything I thought mask is a friend of bull well You lost the newspaper and it was all we had, tell me, we used our savings to open the sentinel now that this is gone there's nothing left to work on there's no room for good people in this city Bradley takes care of it I don't understand you I would understand if you lived here Bradley is in everything and pretends to be an honest businessman but he is involved in everything that is illegal Well he well Mari Well I'm going to tell you Bradley got the job as a shipper for the railroad when the Ranchers come with the cattle he knows all the details how much cattle they carry And from what point and then he sends his men to take possession of it but you have no proof of this is not the case I'm afraid that where you think he concentrates on that cattle practically disappears and there will be and your people are surprised with the stolen cattle you can't prove anything against them Tom told the commissioner what the commissioner suspects it seems that he doesn't know you are not on his side he is scared and Bradley Make sure he keeps it up and his subordinates he doesn't have them.
el llanero solitario  el comisario pusil nime
If he has them, I would like to chat with him. I'll probably find him sleeping in his office. It's the only thing Bradley allows him. Listen to me. There's nothing to do here. No one can face men like Bradley. I wanted to try it and see what happened. I think I'll have to. sell the newspaper what's left of it take an honest newspaper is always needed and it is very important that the west has a free press Yes but what do we have to do do what we can whatever you count on me thank you tell me where you are now He must be in his office at the station Why me and the bull We saw a herd of cattle coming this way soon his owner will have to see Bradley preventing him from seeing him he could keep an eye on his office see who comes and goes from it yes I think so good everything will accompany you we will see each other after I see the commissioner we could work together listen to what I think commissioner's office anyway Hands up You don't need weapons commissioner I only came to make a deal with you it can be quite profitable Don't move he wants to bribe you maybe I I may not be the best commissioner but I never accepted money from outlaws and regarding Bradle he has never bribed me but he lets him govern the city at his whim and you do nothing Hey which side of the law are you on the question is what side you are on You are the one who holds the badge If I wear the badge but I no longer deserve it I don't think that you would have liked to hear my proposal And that proves that I am not exactly a Bandit and it also proves something else I see that you aspire to I would like nothing more to be a good commissioner But what can you do with men like Bradley I have a plan but it is risky I don't know what your plan is but if you are on the side of the law count on me well how we are going to work together You better load your revolver I'm sorry I had to do that but I couldn't risk you being a dishonest man.
el llanero solitario  el comisario pusil nime
I can have the cars on the east side ready to load tomorrow afternoon. Very well, sir, okay, my men have the cattle in Moon Valley and they will have plenty of time to get them to the station before 12 my piones came to the city with me they will love to stay a little and have fun even I would like to have a little fun he said 1200 heads Not true That's right 1200 heads with the best meat in the State I imagine I will find a good price in In the north there is always a demand for good meat Of course yes Well I thank you very much for your attention the pleasure is all mine Jason Goodbye sir for me guys Well you heard everything we heard it well until what Jason said that many of his laborers are in the city It's best to move, you already know what to do, of course, boss, the same as last time, take your wings to the Hidden Valley and keep them there until dark to cross the border.
Well, you'll have to get a good price. You've heard Jason say that everything was prime meat leave it on us here are three of platly's men the ones I destroyed the kimosavi newspaper office seem to be in a hurry someone has gone to talk to him who doesn't know the man we passed by the times he left shortly before When the three men came out, I was hoping that he would have spoken and to arrange the shipment of his cattle, so wait a moment, let's see what is being offered here. I no longer know what to do.
I was sleeping in my office. Why didn't he stay there? I woke up and there. There was a masked man looking at me, a masked man, and the masked man made me appoint him as a subordinate and give him a badge. I already told him that he forced me, why did I want a subordinate badge? I don't know, Mr. Bradley, he didn't tell me, but I'll tell him, it's better not to. move okay you Will Bradley is my name By what right do you come here so I am the commissioner's subordinate Yes he and I have made plans Tom Bradley claims that you ordered your men to destroy the newspaper office It's ridiculous you don't prove it in court you can sue him for false arrest commissioner arrest him I'm sorry sir commissioner What does it mean for a masked man to take his position the commissioner is obliged to comply with his illegal you can't do that yes sir the subaltern as much as the commissioner can arrest Mr.
Bradley jail awaits you Come on, you feel very proud displaying that tin plate, isn't it like that, that's how Bradley is, every officer should feel the same way about his job, here's the key, commissioner, come on. Oh yes, yes. By the way, I don't know what will happen to me now. Look, listen to me. You said. that he wanted to be a good commissioner and promised to help if he was given the chance to show that I know I know please sir let's forget about this I will leave the city it would be a disappointment We will continue our plan This is your chance to show the people to trust in You said that you would be a good commissioner If you had enough support it is not true yes it is very true well we trust you come on you have me this continue commissioner yes come here I want to talk to you Yes sir open the door no that no I can't until when do you think I'll do to keep you here a prisoner, what do you want me to do, Mr.
Bradley, people have to know that I am a moth-eaten old commissioner. If you had died of hunger, if I hadn't put you in this job, I'm not going to do it. It's better that you stay and listen, you know what's happening to them. to those who oppose me yes system yes Well then there will be I'm coming sir that's it Thank you That's better That's better That's better that you don't know the commissioner will come out at the exact time I hope that Brad will now call his men to finish me off I don't understand Do you still remember the rancher you saw leaving Bradley's office, the one who said everything we saw taking his cattle to the city?
Yes, and after him you saw three of Bradley's men and they came out, you think he sent to pick up the cattle. That's it, and that's it. They will have had enough time to take that cattle to where they hide it. Oh, leaving the cattle, it seems that the commissioner had not thought about that. He should have released Brady so that we could follow him. He should not have gone with him. You trust the commissioner. There are some doubts at the moment. But since we need proof, we have to take the risk, let's go bull, good luck, be careful, don't take the risk, be very careful, bull.
He hopes that they are far away. I am very afraid that it is possible that he will make us fall into the trap. I think he intends to help us, but I am not entirely sure. So why would they force him to go with Bradley? Maybe the commissioner has a gun. Why not use it? Then the plan would have failed. Come on, I had thought that the masked man and his Indian friend would follow us. Well, we will leave them a clue. That will make it somewhat difficult for them to follow us and they will find it difficult. we will prepare a good reception come on Avi they stop here for a bit the footprints are clear in the dust then leave quickly yes I think that's the case and they stopped to chat it could be that the commissioner tells him your plan it is possible but I don't want to believe that his is missing word be very risky and he thinks we are following him yes I know but we can't do anything about it Let's go before they get too far ahead of us hello guys boss take care of the horses it will be wise for him to be here no worries how did the guards do they fought at the beginning But after we knocked down a couple of them, they saw that it was not worth continuing and they left, leaving us the roots.
We talked there at the end of the Valley. Well, guys, do you remember that Indian with whom you fought in the newspaper office? Yes, well, he. I would be masked, they are following me. How is that nothing? They haven't realized that I already saw them and this place is perfect to finish off both of them at once. It seems that Bradley will take us to the entrance of the Hidden Valley. Now I understand why the stolen cattle didn't. They were never going to show them that they will continue to the valley and there will be many footsteps of cattle in that direction I do not hear the sound of Bradley's or Higgins' horses the men reach their destination now They are there we ask for help in the city We have known that there is no time for that.
Bradley's men would have the cattle very close to the border long before help arrived. We will have to try to capture Bradley and his men. Now everyone understands, when the masked man and the Indian enter the Valley, open Fire, we'll all make so many holes in them that it will look like those Swiss. Well, guys, get ready, you're going to arrive safely. I'm not really sure if he took me out of prison on purpose, and so that there is no danger, I'll keep his revolver for a while, but no one is going to leave now. Don't let them see us Hey no no Wait a little they must be smart guys and don't fail you dirty traitor come on throw down your weapons you too on the right watch the bulls I will try to catch up with you the commissioner is going to take you and your people to jail There is a lot of evidence against him, well, Bradley, this time the law didn't let him out.
Now he has enough evidence to keep you and your friends in the shadows for a long time, thanks to this man and his Indian friend, your help, commissioner, and your part were needed. You did it very well Now it is that kindness you proved yourself from now on You will be the commissioner that honest people ask for I will do the best you can be sure Yes of course yes Now commissioner your subordinate resigns no please no If I need a subordinate Dele the money to Tom you and he will work together That's a good idea we'll make Bradley pay for what he did in the newspaper office don't you think you'll take on a very good-looking junior Mrs.
Turner Yes but you shouldn't forget that you're in charge of a newspaper Yes, I want to write an extensive interview with the masked man. But where is he? How can I write a story about him if I don't even know his name? The name is not important, ma'am. It's The Lone Ranger.

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